Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1553 Moon War (Sixty-five)

Master Hamil came to Attilan, but did not say hello to Master Xiao Wang and Master Wu Guiyue.

He was transported directly to Attilan's war headquarters through the portal, rather than taking a ship from Earth orbit. The reason is that as the agent of the Emperor and the Supreme Mage, Master Hamil spent a lot of time dealing with the internal affairs of Kama Taj and had no time to waste on traveling. The Emperor believed that the mana he paid for this was quite worth it. .

If Master Xiao Wang knew his father's treatment, he would definitely complain loudly.

In order to save valuable space, there are no freshly cooked dishes available on the sky aircraft carrier, and all food is prepared. In short, it is an industrially prepared instant meal package, which can be eaten after being heated. Now this kind of meal is also used in logistics support. Even the emperor has not escaped the fate of eating industrially prepared instant package. In addition to the caviar, Iberian ham, champagne and bread that Dinah specially brought from Earth, as the emperor's personal servant, she had an independent warehouse dedicated to storing anything the emperor needed.

"Sorry, Master Hamil, there is nothing to entertain our guests right now."

The Emperor extended his hand and invited Master Hamil to enter the command vehicle's crew cabin. While Master Hamil was holding the champagne, the emperor had already used the holographic projection command table to start issuing tasks. If Malcolm were here, he would see a very different map than the Battle of Attilan. To be precise, it is not a map, but a spiritual dimension guide composed of geometric figures, cryptographic symbols, and prayer rituals, which is used to guide the caster to perform arcane spells.

"This is a temporary ritual I designed based on Attilan's situation. I need a group of dimensional gap veterans to help me capture and contain a specific spiritual entity in the etheric sea. I know they do not have time to manage the physical universe matter, Master Hamil, but now I have the right to call them." The emperor did not pretend to want to negotiate, "If that doesn't work, I will go to the Wangeda Mountains to bring the Merlin school wizards from En-Galai Fortress. Come here, I want to break the prophecy no matter what.”

"This is very dangerous." Master Hamil frowned and said, "The Cauldron of the Universe has captured the thought fragments of that spiritual entity, but an ascetic was burned to coke while pursuing the thought fragments. The dark power is awakening, and the fate remains. Untraceable, I think that horrible entity is just a stone and a bait thrown by the dark gods, just to make ripples and startle the swimming fish. You are the swimming fish, they want you, this Attilan has great Maybe it’s a ritual we can’t understand.”

"If destiny claims that an entity can exist until the heat death of the universe, then destroying it now is equivalent to denying those beings' control over destiny?" The emperor said calmly, "Chaos, evil gods, no matter what they are, I We all know their true purpose. I rejected them, Master Hamil. The human race will never be their toys. Humans, including me, have the freedom to reject them. Just as we have always done That way, we protect them from Chaos, aliens, and humanity itself, and protect humanity's free will."

"This will cost a lot." Master Hamil did not object. The ancient Greek-style self-fulfillment of prophecies has long been a required course. If the emperor wants to do this, he can only obey. "The density of psykers here is very high. Every killing you do here is strengthening their power. If you want to fight against that spiritual entity, it means you are going to fight against yourself. The gods have calculated all possibilities , it seems to me that you are struggling in a trap now, no matter whether you can win the final victory, you always have to give something that you should not lose."

"I have paid the price, Master Hamil."

The emperor took off his left arm armor and let Master Hamil see the iron-gray ring on the little finger of his left hand. The ring has been oxidized, but the oxidation layer shows a smooth color like brass. He used a warm smile to calm Master Hamil's worries - since he began to act independently, the Supreme Master had rarely provided advice. Master Hamil became his agent and objected to every dangerous action he took. Opinion - He appreciates such concern, yet there are some things only He can accomplish.

"I paid the bill for this many years ago. Equivalent exchange, but the two parties have different concepts of equivalents." The emperor said, "The whole Attilan is like a train full of dangerous chemicals, accelerating crazily and finally derailing. Train, these Inhumans will kill all humans sooner or later, even poor little Jimmy."

"Who's little Jimmy?"

The emperor rolled his eyes in a most humane manner.

"Okay, it's not like I don't have a sense of humor."

When Black Bolt saw the crystal again, it was already several hours later.

The human army slowed down its attack and built a defense network of mines, barbed wire, fortresses, machine gun towers and missile towers to lock the Inhumans firmly in the settlement. After Black Bolt arranged all the work, he finally saw Crystal lying on the hospital bed accompanied by the genetic council guards and the royal medical department. Black Bolt noticed that Crystal's hands, feet, and even fingers were all flexibly restrained. The latter was drowsy and delirious under the influence of sedatives. "This is to protect her spirit, and others." Richard said, "None of us know what kind of psychological suggestions Maximus exerted on her, and we can't even explore her mind because her Completely confused. She keeps saying she wants to see you, Your Majesty, but I think..."

Black Bolt shook his head, saying there was no need for such soft restraints.

Under Dr. Richard's disapproving gaze, Black Bolt ordered the medical staff to inject Crystal with medicine to wake her up again. It took almost twenty minutes for Crystal's body to wake up from the chemically induced sleep of the sedative. At first she was unaware of her situation, and it wasn't until Black Bolt walked to the bedside and looked at her with concern that those horrific memories began to emerge.

She started crying again.

Black Bolt didn't rush her.

When the genetic council soldiers went to the prison for daily work handover, they found the crystal in the deepest cell, and the cell that held Maximus, the notorious rebel and once glorious prince, was empty. things. There was no living thing in the entire prison except for crystals - the jailers were all dead, half of them died in Maximus' cell, and the other half died in front of the other prisoners' cages. It seemed like the former had activated started a large-scale prison riot, killing all the guards and taking away all the prisoners - this possibility cannot be ignored. After all, the prison was built several decks below and was hidden, like a road unwilling to open to people. The ugly scars on display. Crystal told intermittently what she could still remember seeing and hearing, but she didn't know where the other prisoners in the prison had gone, or whether the prisoners were acting together with Maximus.

The only thing that is certain is that Maximus freed all the prisoners.

"What could be worse than now?" Black Bolt couldn't help but think. Now the human army is planning to kill every Inhuman slowly and methodically. Inside, there are assassins who killed Medusa, Maximus who escaped from the prison and may even lead a large number of dangerous prisoners, commanding the chaotic army, because of desperation. And with the constant crimes and riots... Black Bolt closed his eyes and took a deep breath... He didn't want to be crushed by such pressure. However, the fact is that he has no one who can share the pressure, and only a few members of the extremely clan alliance have returned to the royal family. Some of them lost confidence after facing the human army, and some of them were killed by human artillery without even seeing the battlefield.

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