Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1581 Moon War (93)

The key had been transferred to Aparisha's data pad, which was then distributed to the technicians accompanying the convoy. These technicians have extensive knowledge of reverse engineering and encoding of alien alien technology, especially Kree Empire technology. They will be responsible for verifying the authenticity of the keys and using these digital keys to open the laboratory door.

Even if Black Bolt doesn't give out this digital key, Aparisha's mission will still not change.

The order he received was to require the First Company to forcibly dismantle the security system of the genetic biology laboratory, enter the laboratory to take away the data, and send a team to stay behind to protect important genetic engineering experimental equipment, as well as the technicians who study those genetic engineering equipment - —Many of these scientists are top scholars from various Hydra scientific research institutions. Many of them have also participated in the research and development and improvement of power armor, the research and development of genetically modified warriors, etc. Many of these people’s students and friends are Participated in the construction of the Olympus Foundry on Mars - these scholars are one of the most valuable assets in the hands of the Emperor. In the six months before the Battle of Attilan, every scientist received relevant training, including Low-gravity walking, space first aid, the use of aerospace equipment, etc. ensure that they can complete scientific research tasks in extreme environments. Apalixia knows that her genetically modified warriors will sacrifice their lives to protect the safety of these scholars if necessary.

Groups of noisy creatures rolled out from the ruins of buildings on both sides. They played, noisily, and quarreled. They sang eardrum-piercing blasphemous songs while burrowing into the Inhuman civilians on the ground. Inside the corpse, he used his dirty claws to dig out the internal organs, waved his stinking limbs, and put the empty shell of his body on his head, like a hat. When they saw the armored convoy slowly driving into the ruins, they immediately cheered and rushed over. They jumped and stacked up in front of the tracked armored vehicles equipped with assault shovels. In an instant, they scattered again, like He climbed onto the armored vehicle as if playing a game. Even if the tracks ran over these little devils, which were only as tall as a mortal calf but had sharp claws, their extremely elastic bodies would quickly return to their original shape even if they were crushed. They laughed hideously and scratched at the steel with their sharp, dirty little claws, as if it were some kind of funny game.

The genetically modified warriors holding flamethrowers jumped out of the armored vehicles and poured scalding flames on the little devils. Even though the flame jets enveloped the armored vehicles and tanks, they still had no intention of stopping. The originally cheerful cries of the little devils suddenly turned into screams. When they tried to attack the genetically modified warriors using flamethrowers, the cannons on the armored vehicles were targeted at these creatures that should not exist in the material universe under the manual operation of the soldiers.

"Speed ​​up and don't be held back by these monsters!"

Aparisha gave instructions while picking up her pistol and shooting outwards. The scarlet-hot heat rays easily exploded and vaporized an imp, burning other targets as well. He felt as if the pistol was alive, spitting out death rays violently, and the air above the cooling fins was almost ignited. I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always feels that every time he kills a target, the charging speed and heat dissipation speed of the weapon seem to be a little faster.

"The Second Knight Squad, take over the mission of the First Knight Squad and cover the advance of the engineering armored vehicle!" He picked up the Executioner's battle ax and jumped out of the armored vehicle. The escorts wearing shields, chain swords and bolt rifles followed behind him. They gathered around him as soon as they got out of the car, using shields and precise shots to block the menacing imp.

"Filthy creature!"

Apalixia grasped the handle of the ax and took the execution ax from the Northern Song Dynasty's magnetic weapon.

The three teams, including the escort, swept through the convoy and the extradimensional creatures that appeared near the convoy with intensive firepower. Accurate shots also shot down the little devils who were staying above the ruins of the building and had not yet been able to jump into the battlefield. Every time they took a step forward, broken monster corpses would fall like raindrops. The fire support arrived as expected, and the sky covered the entire block with dust. The wind in the entire city was driven by the non-stop explosion shock waves. The flickering gunfire made their tall figures reflected in the clouds of dust, as if they were from the sky. A giant who emerged from myths of the distant past and whose face has been obscured by time.

Aparisha completely gave up her defense, and while pulling the trigger, she was also swinging her tomahawk, spraying the purest violence. This is a gift given to him by the emperor, and he will use this gift to complete his mission. He can feel the transplanted mind beating in his body, and the hot blood like fuel drives him to swing weapons at a speed that ordinary people cannot see.

The escorts on both sides used a hail of bullets to eliminate most of the monsters. The monsters that could withstand multiple bomb attacks were all particularly powerful monsters. These monsters seemed to regard the exposed Aparisha in the middle of the shield formation as a weakness and did whatever they could. The ground rushed towards him - Apalisha let out a contemptuous, cold laugh, and then slammed the ax down hard - he pulled the ax out of the skull of the monster in front of him, and then put the muzzle of the gun against its head Pull the trigger. In the blink of an eye, the monster's head was penetrated by heat rays, and the material universe body composed of extradimensional energy began to burn, and finally collapsed into a ball of black ashes and foul-smelling ichor.

"Your sorcery is of no use here!"

He tore a laughing imp from its scarred breastplate and held it tightly in his hand. It kept struggling, its claws and teeth stabbing at the armored fingers of the genetically modified warrior in vain. It was like an overripe fruit, and when Aparisha crushed it with her bare hands, foul-smelling bodily fluids splattered everywhere.

Even though his expression was still cold, Aparisha felt that an unquenchable fire had been ignited in his heart. This anger and desire urged him to wield the execution ax with more power to fulfill his ideal for the emperor. Hot blooded. There are more and more monsters, and the genetically modified warriors are already covered with a layer of monsters that are turning to ashes, but they are still laughing and coming, as if they are endless. Aparisha turned the execution ax in a circle in his hand, swung it horizontally, and split the bodies of several monsters. Aparisha looked at the feedback data flowing like a waterfall in the helmet's holographic projection chain of command. His superhuman dynamic vision and information processing capabilities allowed him to grasp the key information.

"Go on, I want more flames! More fire support!"

The loud noise of five steel melting machines crushed the building debris. These three-person-tall metal giants ran in groups at counter-intuitive speeds for their size. A large number of radar and imaging devices were installed inside the skulls modeled after primates. , the heavy phosphorized weapon cannon mounted on the red-painted shoulder armor quickly locked onto every attackable target under the calculation of the algorithm, burning the fire of death throughout the entire neighborhood. After a fifteen-minute attack, almost all nearby building debris and decks were distorted and distorted by the phosphorus weapons equipped by these five intelligently controlled war machines. When the sound of cannons gradually stopped, a man in red robes Martian technicians poked their heads from behind the thighs of a charge war machine.

"I received an order to assist."

The Martian technician reluctantly glanced at the tracked armored vehicle in the front row equipped with a melt barrier breaker, which was his mentor's project. If Aparisha had paid attention to the mission list in the Paititi rainforest in Peru, he would have discovered that the name displayed by his Identification Friend or Foe system was exactly the same as that of the Martian technicians who participated in the operation with Colonel Camilla of the Peruvian resistance. Doubtful, he was successfully promoted after experiencing such a difficult mission and verifying the reliability of the tracked armored vehicle variant.

"His Majesty asked me to help the First Company's convoy."

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