Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1582 Moon War (94)

The intelligent war machine possesses unparalleled firepower and mechanical power, and Apalixia is glad that Commander Malcolm Corps can think of the type of support he needs in such a short period of time. He and the soldiers of the first company were enough to deal with all the extradimensional spiritual entities in this residential area, but the ruins of the buildings blown up by the artillery support really wasted a lot of time. At the current speed and frequency of attacks, their ammunition reserves Minimum cardinality standards may not be met while performing final phase tasks.

"I hope you brought enough ammunition and batteries as promised."

"I promise to deliver materials according to the logistics route established by the command."

The Mars technician has this shyness on his face. His two eyes have been upgraded to more powerful electronic eyes, which can help him browse a large amount of information in a short time, but the two fluorescent green eyes make it impossible to guess his true thoughts.

"The safety level of the logistics route is only 43.7%, which is far from meeting the safe transportation standards. Even if I put the intelligent control robot squad into the patrol route, based on the current enemy-to-enemy ratio, 79.9% will encounter large groups of enemies and delay ammunition. Logistics delivery time, delivery error is within 5 standard minutes..."

Before he could speak, Apalisha boarded the tracked troop carrier without looking back. He was very satisfied with the answer of the Martian technicians. After all, they carried a large amount of ammunition before setting off. If the next road can be smooth all the way, then this heavy armored company is powerful enough to break through the key defensive positions of non-key targets, and a five-minute error is not particularly unacceptable.

"...Command has dispatched a detachment of Ranger Cavalry for me, and I am waiting for them to get into position."

Seeing Aparisha leaving, the Martian technicians raised their voices anxiously.

He quickly directed the intelligent control robot to the front of the convoy. A fortress-type intelligent control robot that had been unable to join the battle and was responsible for protecting him raised a Siege-2 with a caliber much larger than the heavy bomb cannon. Type bolt cannon automatic cannon, aimed at the crumbling buildings ahead. Some of those ruins are the work of this Siege-2 explosive automatic cannon. After all, the function of this automatic cannon is to destroy fortifications, and the double claws installed on this type of intelligent control robot can easily dismantle thick and heavy shells. The concrete was made of intelligent control robots specially assigned to him for his mission. As one of the emperor's scientific research bases, the Mars Mechanical Foundry must have wanted to gain enough benefits from this war, and the emperor was not stingy in asking for help. Mars shares the knowledge and technology of the Inhumans - in exchange, Mars will assume a portion of the war effort and leave full command to the Emperor. Although Mars had little communication with Earth during the time he was locked in the time bubble, the current rulers of Mars remain loyal to the Emperor and this relationship is maintained.

"When they come to the D-2 defense line, I can start working!" Chromium-606 shouted, "I guarantee that we Martians have the best sense of time!"

The Kimilian clan settlement was engulfed in flames, and the columnar black smoke rising from different fire points was sucked out by the overpressure caused by the gaps in the steel dome. Black Bolt, Black Bolt, just put on the oxygen mask exclusive to the royal family and covered with gorgeous embossed copper plates, and looked at the scene in front of him in silence. The air pressure here is gradually decreasing, and the automatic repair system of this part of the steel dome is failing. The partitions were once removed to expand the living area, resulting in the extremely poor air tightness of the upper floors of Attilan Star Castle.

Faced with the current situation, Black Bolt has no choice.

He could only watch as the human army built stronger defenses outside the Kimilian clan and attacked the city with more intense artillery fire. He saw that the witchcraft entities that had appeared in other clan settlements were emerging from all corners, especially the wizard spire in the center of the Kimilian clan, as if that tower was filled with monsters, and finally the gate could not bear the pressure. Only after squeezing them outside, those crazy and deformed vicious creatures, with their roaring ferocious beasts, wantonly hunted down the survivors of the Kimilian clan on the streets. They would be recruited immediately after being discovered by the reconnaissance drones of the mortal army. Mortar fire strikes. However, they don't care at all. They enjoy every part of the Kimilian clan survivors. They use knives, claws, pliers and all kinds of tools that normal people can't imagine to kill the most terrifying, ugliest, and disgusting things in the world. Their desires are vented on those survivors. They don't even care whether those survivors are complete or alive. They turn a deaf ear to those screams and pleas. It seems that the victims' screams can satisfy them more.

"The Identification Friend or Foe system saw an appearance that matches the description? Repeat the confirmation!"

"Commissar Sophia, the reconnaissance drone determined that the figure is probably Black Bolt. The identification code between friend and foe..."

"I understand." Sophia hung up the phone. She pressed her fingerprint and dialed the comm of another person up the chain of command. "Black Bolt Blackcat Burt has just been transferred to the Kimillian clan. The intelligence level is crimson, waiting for instructions from the command... Got it, the E-4 defense line will not attack Black Bolt for the time being. Got it, we will Keep monitoring him.”

"Shoot! Don't let them get close!"

Tita said as she fired back with her rifle, while the other combatants of the Sisterhood also enforced tactical regulations. Two armored vehicles originally used for terminal air defense parked near the fortifications, spraying cannon shells violently. This large-caliber machine gun shell that can lift off the armor on the top of a tank played the expected role when facing the influx of extradimensional spiritual entities. Even though these monsters did not receive much physical damage, a large number of them The impact of high-speed cannonballs can still cause their bodies to collapse, driving these not-too-powerful monsters back to their own dimensions.

An anti-personnel mine was triggered. The directional flying fragments and the explosive smoke raised by the steel balls made Tita couldn't help but squint her eyes, but her shooting was still extremely accurate. An extradimensional spiritual entity rushed out of the smoke. It was blown to pieces by her explosives. The monster that followed stepped on the corpses of its kind and rushed towards her, and was blown back by a burst of intense firepower before it could touch Tita's drawn sword. Aura, who was holding a heavy bolter cannon, walked out from behind her. Next to her were members of an assault team. Tita rolled her eyes at Aura, but she was too embarrassed to tell Aura that, in fact, she I want to use that sword.

For such a boring task as protecting the logistics base, only close hand-to-hand combat could make her happy.

"I don't think these reinforcements are enough to face the coming battle." Aura said worriedly, "This is already the fourth attack. These monsters will attack again before the mines are laid. How many are there? "

"Think about the Battle of Finbul, the enemies we face are endless." Tita said, "But it is not without good news. The mystics of Kama Taj are calculating the precise location of the portal. The Praetorian Order wants us to do Be prepared, as soon as the location of the portal is determined, we will launch a teleportation strike with His Majesty, regardless of whether the initiator who summoned these monsters has been killed."

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