Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1587 Moon War (Ninety-nine)

Predators tend to move at night, using shadows to hide their presence and their scent downwind. Anyone who has ever experienced wilderness survival knows about building a fire at night. Not only because wild animals are afraid of fire, but also because fire can dispel darkness and reveal the whereabouts of wild animals. Blackcard Burt just lay on the ground, a steel bar pierced his abdomen, blood dripped down and then disappeared down the slope into irrelevant shadows.

He inhaled hard, tilted his head, and used the corner of his eye to stare at the dark corners beyond the range of the emergency lights - it seemed that his breathing and the smell of blood attracted some creatures that had never seen light, and the shadows Pairs of eyes that reflect the light like cats keep popping up. The eyes of these predators approach, like a pack of hyenas closing in on a wounded animal in the savannah. These creatures may have once been the Inhumans, or they may have been aliens captured by the Inhumans, but over the course of thousands of years and the industrial pollution at the bottom, they have completely lost their culture and original form - Black Bolt Blackcat Burt Gang's vision gradually blurred, coldness spread on his skin, his breathing was extremely harsh, and pink blood foam continued to emerge from the wound on his chest.

Blackcard Burt just barely roared a spitting sound with blood foam, and the sound wave brought white mist overflowing from his mouth and nose, barely driving away the timid and strange creatures nearby. His vitality is very tenacious, and ordinary people would not be able to survive such an injury. He still struggled a few times but could not break free from the steel bar that pierced him. He was like a prey caught in a trap. He could only bleed continuously and wait for death to approach. Even the blood that was initially warm now became cold and slippery. . He did not forget the blood relative he wanted to kill. The moment he woke up after the fall, Maximus was nowhere to be seen.

"I heard footsteps."

He half-closed his eyes, and the warmth slowly overflowed from underneath his body and spread upwards, finally covering his mouth and nose, as if he was soaking in warm water instead of facing death, which made him feel comfortable. The breath with the smell of blood was squeezed out from his lungs, and the blood overflowing from his mouth and nose blocked his breathing, but his damaged lungs could not collect air. Only the natural reaction of the respiratory muscles caused the wounds in the chest to keep popping up. Pink foam. Excessive blood loss made him confused. Black Bolt, Black Bolt, just felt that his past memories were covered with a lingering fog. He realized that his brain was unable to think, but then he couldn't even think about it. He also forgot the fact that the coldness of death had climbed onto his eyelids, kissing his pupils, leaving a frenzied flash of pink blue and pink under his eyes.

Something spoke to him.

It was a warm voice, very much like the voice of his mother, Queen Linda. Blackcard Burt was unable to respond at all. He did not realize that the voice was speaking to him, but his subconscious just thought that the voice was very... familiar. His thoughts moved toward that voice without resistance, and he felt comfortable.

"Death came to me."

"Death is just a cycle," the voice said. "Everything will eventually end in heat death."


Maximus stumbled along the dirty lower deck, dragging his silver sword with him.

The upper deck and production deck have accumulated domestic garbage, industrial waste and other filth here for thousands of years. It is close to the Star Castle engine, and the engine cooling channels that are still running today provide shelter from the cold of the dark side of the moon, but the smell of fermented sludge makes the air here nauseating.

But he had no time to care about this.

Even in the dim surroundings, his eyes mutated by etheric energy could still clearly see the herpes-like runes that kept popping up on his skin. The profound runes were like scars left on the skin and muscles, stitching his crushed skin, muscles and bones together bit by bit.

On his back that he couldn't see, the runes originally drawn with blood were burning at the moment. Every slowly appearing symbol made him feel real pain, but he was unable to resist at all, as if someone was burning some kind of fiery symbol. Something huge, chaotic, and crazy was firmly bound in his soul. He could almost smell the burnt smell emanating from his brain—he could taste the ionized taste of etheric energy in the air with his tongue. The brain can read forbidden knowledge, which is the spells and secrets dreamed of by countless spellcasters in the universe, and is the secret that reveals the truth of another world.

Hot, huge, chaotic, crazy things kept squeezing his soul.

This knowledge was replaced by pain that penetrated into his bones, as if someone was tugging at every nerve in him and tearing at his consciousness. Maximus's soul was unable to resist that powerful thing. A certain consciousness, a certain thought pattern, and a certain power penetrated into his soul and gradually took control of his muscle electrical signals and neurochemical transmitters. An iron chain composed of runes appeared out of thin air, tightly binding his neck, seeming to want to strangle him to death. His twisted and spasming palms in extreme pain tightly grasped the silver giant sword, and black flames jumped up along his skin. Finally swallowed him whole.

Maximus collapsed in pain into the mud.

The black flames caused the surrounding sludge to gradually boil and bubble. The scavenging insects and fungi that came from alien planets and had thrived on the bottom of Attilan Star Castle for thousands of years died in such high temperatures. The pipe system and deck coverings that had been operating for thousands of years were High-temperature melting that does not belong to the material universe. In the blink of an eye, this naturally formed ecosystem became a restricted area for life. His skull began to elongate unnaturally, two curved horns pierced the skin and grew out, the bone spurs on the spine gradually bulged, the blood flowing from the damaged skin was greedily sucked, and then the surrounding temperature began to decrease unnaturally. , the boiling sludge condensed into frozen soil in an instant, and a strange figure that was far taller and stronger than before stood up from the ice shell.

After losing their leader, the Inhumans of Attilan known as the Rebirth Cult did not fall into chaos.

The structure of this organization had been running smoothly for thousands of years before the arrival of Maximus. Although it was just a branch of the sect that was suppressed and strangled within the Kree Empire, the Attilan alien race that inherited the culture of the Kree Empire still retained its A relatively complete organizational structure, and those etheric creatures who walked out of the portal did not care about the so-called sect organization. They came to the material universe only to satisfy their most primitive desires, and the Rebirth Sect only used these so-called "angels" To achieve the goal, Maximus's disappearance did not have much impact. Led by the priestess, many core believers, including priests, walked down the ancient star castle stairs.

They don't care what those bewitched low-level mutants and "angels" can do, that was just one of the sect's former goals. Today, the goal of the rebirth sect is only to explore the truth - each organization has many different ideas, even the rebirth sect - the former rebirth sect aimed at summoning angels and creating the kingdom of God on earth, but advocated going deep into the ether to explore the truth , the faction that abandoned the sufferings of this world gradually gained the upper hand among the low-level mutants. The priestess Fei Lier was the leader of this faction after dominating the sect. It can even be said that she herself was a genetically engineered product born for this goal. Because of this, her bloodline was able to maintain specific mutations in the polluted bottom deck, and the ether energy affinity genes gradually accumulated until a priest who could communicate with the etheric plane appeared.

"We are about to step onto the road to ascension." Priestess Fei Lier announced loudly, "We are about to step into the Kingdom of God!"

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