Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1588 Moon War (100)

"This is a very vivid example of idealism."

"My lord?"

Constantine looked at the emperor's face, but one position behind him he could only see long black hair bound by a golden laurel leaf crown. Immediately afterwards, he saw every battle that took place on the battlefield of Attilan Star Fortress. He saw Inhuman civilians holding their families and crying under the flames falling from the sky. He saw mortal soldiers wearing black void combat uniforms biting and biting. Teeth, cursing under his breath while changing the magazine of the laser rifle. He saw the Emperor put his hands on the shoulders of the Inhuman civilians, calming their fears, and saw the Emperor reach out and pick up the laser batteries dropped by the mortal soldiers and stuff them into the latter's hands.

The guards commander has become accustomed to the emperor's approach. Sometimes verbal communication is an inefficient way of communication.

This is a state similar to sleepwalking, in which the flow of external time and the time of the physical universe are not consistent.

The sight Constantine saw extended all the way down. He saw black flames burning on the deck. Following the emperor's footsteps, those malicious entities from the etheric plane turned into steam and disappeared without realizing it. He saw a priestess wearing a blood-red robe with mysterious symbols engraved on her beautiful face, holding up a miniature spark plug of Star Castle's secondary energy (actually a nuclear fuel rod), and delivering a speech to a group of poor people at the bottom with extremely severe genetic mutations.

The commander of the guards listened expressionlessly to Priestess Fei Lier's declaration to the mutants, without any thoughts in his heart, because these cultists were just secondary targets on the extermination list - but he still discovered an anomaly - —On the dim bottom deck, in addition to the nuclear fuel rod in the hand of the priestess as a light source, there are other passive lights illuminating the pilgrim team. The commander of the guards knew that they were now between the dimensions of reality and illusion, and looked at every corner of the Attilan Star Fortress from a perspective that transcended time and space. The emperor pulled starlight as illumination, but this did not explain his Why can I hear another language spoken under the tongue of the priestess. That was the language that existed in the legendary Tower of Babel. The incomprehensible language whispered in the ears of the guard commander in a threatening tone, but Constantine only found the voice annoying.

"These cultists want to pass through the portal and enter the etheric plane." Constantine made a judgment based on his own knowledge. He realized that if he followed this group of cultists, they would be able to find the specific location of the portal. “Will this have an impact on strategic objectives?”

"Maybe, or maybe not." The emperor replied, "In any case, the influence that this group of cultists may have has been far away for thousands of years. They are not important, what is important is the operating logic of this organization. You should read Ke From the development history of various sects within the empire, one can recognize the original philosophy of this sect."

Constantine was not surprised that the emperor could see things thousands of years into the future.

"It's different now."

"Yes." The emperor sighed thoughtfully, "You can see the development history of the idealist sect, which is no different from the earth. These cultists used their own life experiences to rewrite the myths. They worshiped nuclear fuel rods and worshiped nuclear fuel rods. Genetic engineering, worshiping the Kree. They don’t know what is behind the portal. In their mythology, the Kree Empire is the kingdom of God behind the portal.”

He went before him, and Constantine continued to follow in his footsteps.

He did not let the guard commander see the location of the portal, but instead guided him to see other things. Constantine saw a pair of black wings spread out in the narrow passage, and two similar inhuman faces laughing horribly under the layers of steel ruins - that was Black Bolt King Black Card Burt Gang. And Maximus, to be precise, it was what was once Black Bolt, Black Card Burt and Maximus - Constantine discovered that the etheric energy was reshaping their bodies and healing their wounds. , enhance their strength.

"Devil host." When Constantine opened his eyes again, he heard the emperor say, "They may still preserve their souls, but the results of this spirit-binding ritual require detailed investigation to know. I have no doubts about them." There’s a pessimistic attitude towards the question of whether we still have self-awareness.”

Constantine is acutely aware of the similarities between Black Bolt's Black Card Burtgun and Maximus's appearance mutations under the influence of etheric energy. They have completely shed the human form, which is of great occult significance - ethereal beings, extradimensional spiritual entities, demons, angels, whatever you call this spiritual entity cannot change the fact that they are just a This concept does not have a real life - the imitation of appearance can be classified as idol magic. Constantine also studied related content under the guidance of the emperor, and has a deep understanding of how dangerous the so-called idol magic is.

"Have you dispersed the energy projected from the etheric plane to the material universe?" the commander of the guards made a judgment. He glanced at Jiaying, who was still in the command car, and wondered whether this Inhuman with a low level of genetic mutation was also part of the plan. "Is it the same concept to change Black Card Burt and Maximus' etheric creature?"

"They are too greedy. In this chess game, they can't wait to get more pieces. Chaos and self-division are the normal conditions after the wave of the etheric plane. They cannot control themselves because they themselves It's the concept of chaos. If we look far enough, we can see that the human race is part of this cosmic entropy game, and we have only one chance to escape the game and become the chess players. Let them consume themselves, our time Not much, you need to spend it on more important things." The emperor did not continue, but after more than ten seconds, the responses from Master Hamil and Adjutant Nelson came from the communication channel.

"The rapid strike force is ready, Your Majesty. We are now waiting for the report from Commander Apalixia." Adjutant Nelson said, "I sent two transport planes to enter from the steel dome. About fifteen minutes later, Apalixia The leader will join us."

"Don't try to take away our research results!"


"Back off!"

The legion sergeant looked at the smashed black iron training cabin with a gloomy expression.

The initiator who unleashed these monsters had his upper body shattered by a bomb, but the awakening process could not be terminated by the death of the Inhuman researcher. The fifth knight team held jumping shields, using thick metal and deflected stances to try their best to resist the attacks of those deformed creatures. Compared with the etheric entities outside the institute, every shot of the genetically modified warriors can hit the bodies of these creatures. Create the expected wound. However, just as Sofron, a senior researcher at the Genetic Biology Laboratory in the Immortal City, imagined, with a large number of genetic samples and genetic engineering technology, the Inhumans have created creatures beyond human imagination.

Some kind of huge asexual humanoid creature is even taller and stronger than the genetically modified warriors, but the almost non-existent intelligence and the deliberate anger caused by mechanical implants make it increasingly difficult for this group of creatures to guard the laboratory. entangled. Even if a genetically modified warrior can kill one in a few seconds, no one knows how many kinds of monsters these Inhuman biological researchers who wantonly conduct bottom-line research have created.

"This is Alpha Hominid." Senior researcher Sofren wiped the blood splattered from the outside of the spacesuit into the rapid detection instrument. As a researcher who participated in the entire battle of Attilan, he provided a lot of help to the command, such as identifying the strange aberrations in the bottom deck of Attilan. "To be precise, they are some kind of upgraded version of Alpha primitives. They also have human race genes."

His words made the genetically modified warriors even more angry.

"What a blasphemy!"

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