Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1589 Moon War (One Hundred and One)

Bolt rounds are designed to penetrate armor and are devastating to ordinary humans. The blasphemous creations of the Inhuman Genetic Laboratory have skeletal armor that grows out of the body through the skin and is attached to the body surface. According to rapid tests conducted by senior researcher Sofron and other scholars, this deformed exoskeleton contains a large amount of components. Metal, even so, still cannot stop the bloodthirsty killings of genetically modified warriors. Often, it only takes one blast from the barrel, and the head and chest of the Alpha primitive will disappear, turning into bloody mist and finger-sized objects. fragments.

The legionary sergeant raised his shield high. He could almost smell the stench from the mouth of the humanoid beast. Anger piled up in his heart. Sergeant Watzman stabbed the chain sword from the top of the shield, and orange-red sparks cascaded like a waterfall. Sputtering out, it flew over the upper edge of the shield and landed on Senior Researcher Sofron's space suit. In less than a second, the sparks were replaced by blood with a burnt smell. Sergeant Watzman skillfully used a high-temperature chain saw to cut open the Alpha primitive's chest, using a buzzing, red-hot The blade minced the entrails and spine of this creature that desecrated the human form.

Sergeant Watzman skillfully flipped his wrist and swung the bloody chainsword in an arc.

Senior researcher Sofren, who was opening the encrypted door of the research room, raised his head and glanced at the genetically modified warrior beside him, and sighed inconspicuously. It's not that he hasn't seen the battlefield before, but every battle between genetically modified warriors is far more bloody than the small-arms battles between humans on Earth. It's as if someone has cleaned this place with heavy artillery. Even the originally clean and cold passage floor is now It has also become a wetland flowing with blood.

"You should be thankful that our suit boots are non-slip."

He muttered to open the next door, and then was grabbed by the shoulders by the genetically modified warriors of the Sixth Knight Squadron, and shoved roughly behind the thick shield. Senior Researcher Sofren had long been accustomed to the rude behavior of the genetically modified warriors, and he obeyed the instructions after swearing as usual. Under the stern warning of the genetically modified warrior, no scholar will be stupid enough to forget to check the airtightness of his space suit again, and at the same time, he will not forget to hide his head behind the shield of the genetically modified warrior - Black Bolt's high-level secret. The key can open all the doors of the genetic laboratory, but it takes time for the old system to verify. Even if the battle is close at hand, even the spacesuit will be splattered with blood and bone fragments. All the scholars of the Immortal City who come to the moon None of them had any worries - electromechanical experts believed in the capabilities of the power armor they had witnessed, virologists and bacteriologists believed in the physical abilities displayed by the genetically modified warriors, and their understanding of the emperor's genetic engineering and mechanical knowledge allowed them to The sense of security brought by genetically modified warriors is unparalleled.

"Back off, I know." Senior researcher Sofren said helplessly. Fortunately, the communication system of the space suit has a noise reduction function, which can prevent them, as ordinary humans, from being deafened by the blast gunfire of the genetically modified warriors. However, the vibration in the air caused by each shot made the scholars feel Someone punched him hard, and even the pool of blood on the ground continued to tremble. "It's not the Alpha Hominids this time."

He raised his eyebrows in admiration of the Inhuman researcher's imagination.

Although it is also a humanoid creature, this humanoid creature is much smaller than the previous creature that was improved on the basis of Alpha Primitive. This is a humanoid creature with a big head and the height of an ordinary person, and its limbs are slender due to the gravity of different planets. Senior researcher Sofron turned to his young assistant and said, "Prepare to collect samples. Maybe this There is relevant information in the computer in the laboratory. We must take away all the data here without leaving anything behind." As soon as he finished speaking, roaring lightning struck the shield of the genetically modified warrior, and the genetically modified warrior was forced to take a step back. I almost stepped on those fragile scholars.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to get the data this time." Senior researcher Sofren added expressionlessly. Although it was just a glimpse, scholars including him had observed the details of this creature's appearance through the hover drone assigned to them. The head is huge, and the skull is presumed to be thin. The limbs are slender but very powerful. It is presumed that the bone composition is similar to that of Alpha Homo. These creatures did not rush forward like the previous version of Alpha Homo, but stood indifferently behind the passage of the institute. "The Emperor will not allow you young researchers to be involved in the study of psychic creatures, at least not yet."

"Psychic mutants! Shield!" The sergeant of the Sixth Knight Squadron yelled angrily, causing the noise reduction system of the spacesuit to make noise. Two genetically modified warriors holding shields blocked the passage. They walked forward against the dazzling lightning, and the bottom of the magnetic boots kept making a harsh noise of metal friction, as if something with a strong thrust was trying to throw them out. The collision between the psychic lightning and the plasma force field emitted a shining fire, and the high-temperature lightning even began to melt the alloy plates on the walls of the institute's passage and burn the electronic components inside the deflection force field shield. Other genetically modified warriors of the Sixth Knights shot at the creatures that released psychic lightning, but both the explosive bombs and the plasma groups lost their kinetic energy less than ten centimeters away from these creatures, and even the plasma groups were also The distance lost its restraint and turned into a pool of warm air and flowers.

The scholars had already hid aside, with no intention of causing any trouble.

"These creatures are under control." Senior Researcher Sofren sent a picture taken by a drone in Sergeant Wattsman's communication channel. "These creatures have mechanical implants in the back of their brains. They are definitely not Alpha Hominids." The kind of crude implants used. These psionic beings are manipulated, they have absolutely no self-awareness, they are just a psionic array!"

Sergeant Watzman's response was so cold that it wasn't even a response.

"Get close to them! Close combat, melt! Burn this blasphemous thing!" Sergeant Watzman ordered, then turned to look at the scholars. His gaze was as cold as that of all genetically modified warriors, but at this moment the scholars experienced for the first time how terrifying the willpower and gaze that penetrated the eyepieces were. They were frozen in place, motionless, as if facing a rapidly approaching vehicle. "Check the air tightness protocol and the mental interference protocol immediately! All non-combatants are not allowed to come within 20 meters of psychic creatures! Heavy weapons hand, bring Mars-Omega over here!"

The so-called Mars-Omega is a rifle used to fire heat rays. However, due to production difficulties, scarcity of materials and other factors, such a heat ray rifle is intelligently assigned to a knight squad. Only senior officers can have their own heat ray rifle. ——For example, in addition to the plasma pistol, Captain Apalisha also has a heat ray deflagration pistol as a backup. This rifle has a devastating blow to organisms and has an extremely powerful penetrating effect on armor, so it is often used. Used as a tactical weapon against armored targets.

The red heat ray passed through the psychic lightning and hit the strange creature standing at the end of the passage. The heat ray could not be blocked by psychic energy and reduced a row of five psychic mutants to ashes. The floating ashes even ignited other psychic mutants until Sergeant Watzman lowered the heat-dissipating Mars-Omega. The emaciated bodies of those psychic mutants were still burning when they fired their rifles.

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