Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1590 Moon War (102)

"You are absolutely not allowed to enter this place before it is completely cleaned. The Sixth Knight Team, leave a tactical team to guard them." Sergeant Watzman was surrounded by the ionized stench released by psychic energy and the ashes produced by the full combustion of organic matter. , pointing at the group of scholars wearing orange-red spacesuits, and said unceremoniously. He didn't even use the word "protection" to cover up the act of custody, because he simply didn't bother to use such a cheap lie to euphemize the truth.

"Unrelated personnel are prohibited from contacting all psychic-related items and collecting organic psychic samples. The emperor's law gives me the right to execute offenders on the spot." After Sergeant Watzman finished speaking, he immediately opened the communication channel to inform the regiment commander of the situation. . The emergence of psychic mutants in large numbers means that the situation has escalated, and the Fifth and Sixth Knights need reinforcements. "Now, the irrelevant personnel will step back, and the researchers whose names are read will come forward. Senior genetic researcher Sofren, senior mechanical researcher Charlotte... you have access to psychic genes and psychic machinery, and you can proceed to the next step."

Psionic gene samples are very rare. Only Maya Hansen and a research branch called "Sola Redwood Druid Order" have access to many psionic gene samples. Psionic machines are also rare and have the same high level of confidentiality. Researchers including Senior Genetic Researcher Sophron and Senior Mechanical Researcher Charlotte have only come into contact with a small number of samples, and they are still teaching tools given to them by the emperor for allowing them to study.

Senior Mechanical Researcher Charlotte recalled that when her authority was elevated and she was allowed to learn some advanced knowledge, a tall black craftsman from the Silver Lion Forge in the Eternal City handed her an iron box that spit out flower petals and bubble gum. dismantling. The cost of making the iron box work is not power, but one hundred milliliters of human blood per day. The Eternal City was built on a miracle of modern human science and engineering, with cutting-edge projects such as Z furnaces, plasma reactors, and undersea trains. However, the exquisite-looking iron box still shocked her because it violated the most basic science. principle, conservation of mass. She could swear that she used the equipment in the laboratory to accurately weigh the iron box. The iron box was made of the most common high-carbon steel. During the change, the mass of the iron box did not even change at all, not even the iron element. Oxidation and chemical changes that increase the mass of oxygen atoms have not occurred, but they can still spit out those colorful petals.

"What's wrong?"

Sofren, a senior researcher who was nearly fifty years old, followed Sergeant Watzman. He didn't take the danger to his heart at all. If there weren't someone watching, he might have jumped with excitement. He was not sure if this was the result of the rejuvenation surgery. Sofron only felt that he had been in a state of excitement and working sleeplessly since arriving on the moon, as if the rejuvenation surgery had made his mentality younger. Although the conditions for the first time in space were not ideal, none of the researchers, including Sophron, cared about it. After all, before these scholars joined the Eternal City, their biggest ideal was almost to go into space. This is something that belongs to an entire generation. It is a dream experimental site for scholars who are drifting away on the road of science.

"I do have access to psychic genes, but I don't think my papers allow me to have access to these things." Senior researcher Sofron was uncharacteristically modest, "I have only carried out the most basic psychic gene insertion now. Combined experiments, not even to the level of human experiments. I haven’t even been exposed to the creative arts of your kind.”

"This is not the only genetic research institute in Attilan."

"You mean, there is a colleague who I don't know about who has also come to Attilan?"

Sergeant Watzman still cherished words like gold.

The danger in this laboratory has not been eliminated. No one knows how many artificially cultivated psychic mutants there are, and the person who controls the psychic mutants has not yet been found, but what is certain is that it is definitely a possessor. Inhumans with psychic powers. Although Watzman's military rank is sergeant, due to the emperor's trust in genetically modified warriors and the high priority of genetically modified warriors in the combat order, Sergeant Watzman's authority is much higher than that of ordinary human officers of the same rank. .

Among the confidential information he has access to, there is a certain kind of technology called the "Human Brain Array", which is made up of an alien technology called Migo that has been to the earth. It is very similar to the method used to control psychic mutants here. place. Sergeant Watzman could not rule out that the Attilan Inhumans had come into contact with that terrifying alien race when they were war slaves in the past, but in any case he could not directly tell these researchers about the alien technology and how confidential it was. If it is too high, relevant research can only be conducted with permission to avoid irreparable disasters.

"Senior Mechanical Researcher Charlotte. We are going to take away all the data storage equipment here, and you will be responsible for this work. Senior Genetic Researcher Sofren, we are going to take away all the samples here, and you will be responsible for this work... "After Sergeant Watzman arranged the work, he announced to all the scholars in front of him, "After this laboratory is cleaned up by the Fifth Knight Team, everything inside will be completely burned without leaving any traces."

"We don't have enough manpower." Someone protested, "Do you expect us to move things?"

"The Rangers will provide support, and the Martian technicians will be responsible for the engineering work." Sergeant Watzman pushed Senior Researcher Sofron back, who only felt a dull pain in his shoulder blades, "Now you belong to the Sixth Knight Team management until I declare the danger level of this laboratory to be downgraded."

"Order the Martian technician to drive the Intelligent Control Corps over. We already have enough ammunition to build a defense line." The Apalixia Chapter Commander said to the First Company Commander. The etheric creatures rushed towards the bunkers built by the genetically modified warriors with prefabricated fortifications like a tide. The ammunition transported by Martian technicians was splashed out by the armored vehicles and main battle tanks used as firepower bases. A large number of lasers and explosives were fired every second. Bullets, plasma, and fire were hurled at the profane etheric entities, a density of firepower that Aparisha called, along with his battle ax, the "Emperor's Wrath."

"I need you to bring two teams to reinforce Sergeant Sergeant Watzman. There are large-scale psychic mutant creatures in the laboratory."

"I saw Sergeant Watzman's combat record." The first company commander held the long sword firmly in his hand and pierced a jumping ether creature. The so-called demon did not feel pain or fear after being hurt. It seemed to think it was a game. Its multiple fleshy tentacles tail kept wagging, and it made a happy whimpering sound in its throat, like a clingy canine. The first company commander drew out the long sword with a relaxed tone, and chopped the monster into pieces with the sword body burning with blue electric current and at a speed that ordinary people couldn't see. Aparisha obviously admires the swordsmanship of the Captain, even though he himself does not use this weapon that combines violence and sophistication, but chooses a battle ax that is more capable of expressing violence. "I will bring reinforcements from the 3rd and 4th Knight Squads. I think Sergeant Watzman needs a heavy weapons strike team."

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