Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1593 Moon War (One Hundred and Five)

Constantine thought he knew all about the emperor's plans, and he was never surprised. Even after reading the experimental file named Zero, and knowing that Guards Zero might be him, Constantine never had any psychological activity, but the information revealed in his communication with Master Hamil made people who had always faced him The expressionless Constantine frowned.

"The planetary defense system includes the Earth-Moon system. As a satellite that affects tides, the moon has different symbols and myths in different cultures on the earth. Therefore, Kama Taj's planetary defense system firmly controls the moon, thus exerting different effects on the planets of the entire solar system. The extent of the impact. This is an exquisite system. Although the purpose is for defense, such a powerful spell still requires a large number of magic weapons and professional psykers to control it to prevent the simplest and most direct attack on the earth."

Constantine recalled what the emperor said when he showed him the Karma Taj planetary defense system. Now the emperor said that there should be no etheric entities on the moon, which meant that there was a problem with the people who controlled the planetary defense system. The tense look on Master Hamil's expression made Constantine suspicious, and his intuition told Constantine that this matter was likely to affect the emperor's safety. Others may think that the Praetorian Guards and even the Praetorian Guard Commanders are too silent, but after the Emperor created the Praetorian Guards, he gave them the curiosity to explore the universe. Driven by this curiosity, they learned all the dangerous knowledge that humans have ever set foot on, including Occultism.

Only in this way can the Praetorian Guards serve as the emperor's advisors and provide him with the most complete advice from the emperor's standpoint. After the Balkan Peninsula Unification War, the government affairs the Praetorian Guards came into contact with and the advice they provided were all helping the emperor and the regent unify the Balkan Peninsula. The politics, economy, culture and military of a land filled with battles. Although Constantine rarely gave advice, every advice he gave was important, and this time was no exception.

"There is a problem with the Supreme Mage. Black magic affects the physical health or mental health of the Supreme Mage. This will cause problems with the planetary defense system." Constantine interjected with the emperor's permission. His tone was very polite. This was the emperor's request and he must show respect for Master Hamil. "Mage Hamil, if you know why the Supreme Mage left Earth last time on a mission, you may be able to help us."

"His Holiness predicted that an energy storm in the hyperspace dimension was coming, so he tried to prevent the ether storm that blocked the earth." Master Hamil looked at the emperor, "I don't know more than you, but you know that storm The omen of the storm was so strong, and its subsequent impact was extremely far-reaching. In any case, His Holiness believed that it was necessary to disperse the storm and give the human race a chance to survive. The current ether wave inside Attilan Star Fortress is likely to be the aftermath of that storm , however, the tide of the Aether Sea is not as violent as imagined, otherwise the current situation may be countless times worse, and the entire Attilan Star Fortress may be corrupted, and you can only remove it from the plan."

"Then we should prepare ourselves for the worst, regardless of any personal feelings."

Constantine did not hesitate to point out that what the emperor was unwilling to say to the Hamil wizard was like a needle pricking a boil. The commander of the guards frowned slightly. He would not ask humans to abide by their duties at all times. Duties to the guards were like breathing, but humans were still affected by emotions to make irrational decisions. "Now the safety of my Lord's life is far more important than that of the Supreme Master. It is Kama Taj's guarantee to ensure the continuation of human nature. You know how to choose." Constantine said, "His Holiness also knows how to choose."

Master Hamil gritted his teeth. He has a high level of moral cultivation and is rarely angry or emotional, but Constantine's cold-bloodedness made him unable to control his anger.

"You are human too, Constantine, don't pretend you have no feelings!"

The emperor spoke at this moment to interrupt Master Hamil's accusation against Constantine. Master Hamil did not dabble in genetic alchemy, because genetic alchemy is not the great spell or psychic arcana collected by Kama Taj, but the fusion of countless cutting-edge technologies and wisdom. Master Hamil believes that genetic alchemy can preserve emotions, but the transformation and strengthening the Guards receive is not just genetic alchemy, which is just the most basic physical strengthening.

"I have contacted Athena. She will go to Karma Taj, and the Himalayan headquarters will give her access. Now let us focus on the portal of Attilan Star Castle." The Emperor ended the discussion. The Supreme Mage's conversation, because he did not have time to waste on such trivial matters - he was not communicating with Athena just now, but with the regent Victor von Doom. The war on the moon cannot be hidden from too many people, especially those countries or private facilities with observation capabilities. Part of the emperor's military operation can be directly observed.

Although the battlefield of Attilan Star Fortress is located on the dark side of the moon, so many spacecraft gathered near the moon and obviously fired weapons, which was enough to make many people vigilant. When Alexander Pierce launched three sky aircraft carriers equipped with electromagnetic artillery and high-precision artillery, it was enough to scare the plutocrats who controlled the military-industrial complex and the Federal Reserve and even retaliate crazily afterwards. Now a carrier has demonstrated its space strike power. The presence of an army in lunar orbit will naturally arouse vigilance and attention. Naturally, such news was completely blocked, and even NASA kept silent. Except for diplomats who accepted the invitation of Regent Victor von Doom to meet and sent the information back to the country, space observation facilities in many countries were Waiting for the answer.

There is no doubt that the final answer will be revealed and a new round of political storm will arise.

Negotiations, negotiations, political games, covert subversion, assassinations, bribes, investigations, arrests, trials, everything will follow. Regent Victor von Doom did not express optimism about the environment after the battle. He did not believe that the allies he had found and the contract he had signed could save all adverse situations. He always believed that the deal was very uneconomical. However, he also knew that this war must be fought. The Emperor had shown him a small part of the huge prophetic model. All circumstances indicated that the Battle of Attilan must be carried out, otherwise the human army would not be able to fight against the Black Order who had obtained supplies.

As the armored vehicles penetrated deeper into the Attilan Star Fortress, the surrounding ambient light became darker and darker. The armored convoy turned on all lighting equipment to prevent the vehicles from deviating from the planned route and falling into the collapsed deck. Although the genetically modified warriors initially attacked the upper deck from the lower deck of Attilan Star Fortress, previous wars had never involved the lower deck in the central area of ​​Attilan Star Fortress, which is far away from the airlock but is a transportation hub where people attack every day. A large amount of supplies passed through there, and the squalid and poor living quarters of the lower-class mutants and Alpha primitives responsible for the production work were in the irrelevant darkness below the transportation hub.

The emperor told Master Hamil that he would close the portal himself, but other mystics needed to seal the cracks in the closed portal. The relevant spells had already been written by the emperor in the textbooks of the Kama Taj Library, and their core principles It is explained in more than a dozen books including "Ether Veil", "Elemental Theory", "Improvement and Chain of Blocking Mechanism" - that spell was written and improved a few years ago, and even the mystics in the dimensional gap are also working on it. I had studied during the supply period. After all, although the emperor was young at that time, he was already a senior scholar with many books. Most of the psychic arcana that sealed the portal required a long ceremony. After all, it was based on the thoughts of psykers. Needles and threads from the etheric dimension stitch together the cracks in the physical universe. This is an extremely complex task. The emperor simplified the ritual process so that this psychic arcana could work in the shortest possible time, as an emergency measure, leaving time for subsequent refined reinforcement and stabilization work.

"You dispersed an etheric entity into two physical universe bodies, which will inevitably cause many uncontrollable events." Master Hamil said, "What if you have to face two enemies at once? This is possible. After all, there is no concept of time in the etheric dimension, and you cannot know whether the cat is alive or dead until you open the box. This decision is a bit reckless."

"It is true that the etheric entities can use the abilities of Black Bolt and Maximus, but don't forget that their talents come from different conceptual entities. We currently cannot fight those etheric conceptual entities, but they themselves can. Chaos and each other Hostility is their nature, they put the chess piece in my hand, how could I not move it?"

"You haven't considered that this is a trap!" Master Hamil couldn't help but raise his voice, "What if they just want you to do this! You can't deny this possibility, can you?"

"Do you want to discuss fate with me, Master Hamil? No one can be sure of all the plans. We are just using the only chips on hand to play more tricks." In the ears of Master Hamil, the emperor's tone was as relaxed as ever. He was cheerful and even a little frivolous, as if there was nothing he could care about. "If we don't place a bet, we will definitely lose. The etheric entity will come to the material universe through Maximus. Now that the power of the etheric entity has been actively weakened and dispersed, it can no longer leave the body of the material universe. You see I threw the coin into my right hand, but it was always in my left hand. They saw the coin in my left hand, but they didn’t know I had another coin. This is the oldest trick, but ancient doesn’t mean hard to use."

Through the footage transmitted from the reconnaissance drone to the mobile signal base station, everyone can clearly see the degree of corruption in the lower deck of the core area of ​​Attilan Star Castle. Sometimes Master Hamil is not sure what he is seeing. The impact of ether energy on the inorganic matter of the material universe is still due to the fact that this place is so dirty in the first place.

Slippery filth and thick humus that looked like flesh and blood spread from the floor to the ceiling. The rows of pipes erected upstream of the passage became the nests of some small scavenging alien creatures and insects, as if this was an independent An ecosystem that is not affected by the outside world. The armored convoy seemed to have entered the intestines of a huge creature. The dull sound of wind came faintly from the depths of the passage. The thick flesh and blood walls reacted to the stimulation of the armored convoy's high beam lights like living creatures.

If someone measures the lighting of the surrounding environment, they will find that the deeper into the passage, the darker the surrounding environment becomes. This is a supernatural lightless environment, even the light from the armored vehicle will be swallowed up. What’s even more surprising is that the alien creatures in the ecosystem on the bottom deck were not afraid of the convoy at all, and rushed straight towards the armored convoy. They were not afraid at all even in the face of the fire jets from the armored personnel carriers. , until they were completely wiped out by armored convoys and genetically modified warriors who were always vigilant.

"We have entered the place where the ether energy is most abundant, which will inevitably have an impact on the material universe." Constantine said unhurriedly when he saw the emperor standing up calmly. The Emperor opened the crew compartment of the armored vehicle. This armored vehicle is very special, not only to resist the impact of the material universe, but the spell from behind the veil will also dissipate in front of the armor of this vehicle and turn into a breeze. From the appearance, there is a layer of static electricity on the armor that is constantly flashing. Under the emperor's instruction, the assault tank at the front fired one shot each in the 10 o'clock direction, the 12 o'clock summary direction and the 1 o'clock direction, but no explosion was observed in the returned data.

"The route planning map has lost most of its usefulness. Ordinary people's subconscious minds will be deceived, and the electronic signals of the observation devices will also be ignored." Constantine seemed to communicate with other Praetorian Guards of the Praetorian Order, "I Lord. I suggest that all armored vehicles behind be informed to follow the ruts of the vehicles in front.”

"Keep moving forward and let the command vehicle go in front of the convoy."

The emperor looked at the wall next to the armored car. The passage in front of the convoy was full of scorch marks left by flamethrowers. The old ventilation system barely keeps running, and the huge exhaust fan screams at the throat behind the grid that has long been rusted on the wall. Everything seems to come from sleep, and the waking world is being eroded step by step. The activated power armor of the genetically modified warriors hummed slightly, and the mechanical joints roared along with their movements. They were warriors from the waking world. The golden armored guards stood in front of them, waiting for the emperor to step out of the armored vehicle - golden The flames ignited on his fingers and disappeared out of thin air. The flesh, flesh and filth on the wall were burned away, leaving only a faint puff of smoke. The dull sound continued to come from the deeper lower decks, like a heavy hammer striking a red-hot iron ingot - the psychic aura lit up again, igniting from the emperor's golden laurel crown and then spreading outward, like a fire in the mist. The fire, the unfeelable heat, dispelled the miasma in the blink of an eye.

"Light up the fire!" He said, "I will show the way for the caravan."

Refreshed at 12 noon

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