Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1594 Chapter 1590 Moon War (106)

If the armored convoy was initially traveling at a speed that was like driving on a city traffic line late at night, then it is now the evening rush hour. The bottom deck is covered with a layer of slippery material like seaweed, which looks like some kind of organic grease. If there is no assault tank in the front, this thick layer of material on the bottom deck will be cut and shoveled like an asphalt road. Starting, the tracks of the rear vehicle will most likely slip on the lower deck.

This kind of crawler track was designed with various usage environments in mind. Even the softest mud on the earth cannot trap an armored vehicle equipped with this kind of crawler track and matching engine. Even though the movement was slow, the armored convoy was moving steadily in the right direction. The emperor arranged the command vehicle behind the assault tank, guiding the direction like a navigator in the Age of Discovery. The spiritual radiance it exuded was at the two levels of the material universe and the etheric sea, possessing two different characteristics. Talented combatants exert guidance, and both genetically modified warriors and mystics can clearly see Him, which brings a great sense of security to the mortal soldiers of the First Secret Regiment.

Although they were elite soldiers recruited and trained by the Emperor and Regent from all over the world, they were still mortals, and it was impossible that the horrific scenes on the lower decks of the core of Attilan Star Citadel could not have weighed on their minds. Especially the slight tremor that spreads upward along the core support structure of Attilan Star Castle like an earthquake, and the terrifying and indescribable roar is even more chilling, as if a war is taking place in the lightless depths. The fear of the unknown is an almost unbearable pressure for mortals.

Two similar giant beasts collided together, and the steel bracket blocking them was as soft as dough.

Similar bat wings and similar recurved horns make them hideous. One of the giant beasts firmly grasps a silver giant sword with a demonic behemoth, and the huge leather throat pouch in the throat of the other giant beast shrinks rapidly. , opened his mouth and roared out a sound wave visible to the naked eye, and the hundred-meter-long channel was shattered into nanoscale powder, along with the big black horn on the head of another giant beast and part of his own mandible. The pain made the giant beast holding the silver giant sword roar, but it still pierced the enemy's curved spine covered with bone spurs with the sword, even if its enemy pierced its neck with a mouth full of sharp teeth and swallowed. Its blood is like a vampire swallowing its soul, and it is still stirring the silver giant sword vigorously. Corrosive black blood splashed out like a waterfall, and translucent little snakes grew out from behind the dark steel deck. The silver sword body reflected the shadow of another giant beast and their eyes filled with hatred.

The creatures once named Blackcard Burtgun and Maximus used their sharp teeth, long claws and talents to bite each other. With endless hatred in their eyes, they bit off each other's flesh and swallowed each other's blood. It seems like he wants to eat the other person completely into his stomach. It is an act of ritual, an act of sacrifice, an act of self-centeredness that originates from the same individual self-consciousness. The creatures once named Blackcade Burtagon and Maximus were unaware that they were acting solely on instinct. Everything in the past has become uncontrollable due to the incitement of extreme emotions. They no longer have the rationality they once had. Only emotions and hormones such as adrenaline that never fade dominate everything.

Illusory little snakes spit out letters and swim in the shadows, as if they are in the water. They use their mouths to spit out the venom of their thoughts, chasing small alien creatures that fail to escape in time, and swallowing them into their bellies - it's so cold here It was terrible, but there was boiling molten iron on the lower level. It was a spectacle caused by the meltdown of the heat dissipation pipe of the plasma reactor. The solid water molecules mined by the Inhumans from the lunar soil were gradually pulled into the lower layer by gravity through circulation. It took hundreds of years to come here and became part of the never-ending cycle of sublimation and solidification, becoming an eternal part of the bottom deck of this core area. The stagnant white rainstorm - anger, desire, shame, longing, the venom brewed by various emotions constitutes the poisonous snake itself, and also constitutes today's Black Card, Bertang and Maximus. Their bodies are no longer pure matter. The mass converted from ether energy provides a tough body. Blackcard Burt just grabbed the flesh on the back of his blood brother with sharp claws that can easily tear the iron wall of the water tank. Bat wings, but cannot penetrate a membrane thinner than an iron wall.

【traitor! Coward...kill! Blood! 】

[The same blood bleeds in our bodies, brother... idiot! 】

Even now, the thoughts of Blackcard Burt and Maximus are still colliding in the etheric plane, creating visible fire. The complete and rational thoughts originally possessed by intelligent creatures have been contaminated. There is no boundary between reality and dreams. The images reflected in each other's eyes have been distorted, amplified, and added more malice. The shadows around their eyes burned with fire, piled skulls. Every inch of the air is filled with violence, blood, and suggestive carnival. They are just roaring and venting their chaotic thoughts, using violent and disordered language to express their crazy opinions, laughing wildly to express smiles, and hurting each other to express intimacy.

Nothing is normal here, even the time arrow of the macrophysics of the material universe has been slightly affected. The broken body climbed up the steep slope with difficulty. After a few seconds, the cut wounds and blood vessels began to heal, and after a burst of rising black smoke, everything returned to its original state. The line between death and life was not clear, and the breeze in the air made its newly grown skin and muscles feel a pleasant tingle.

[We have never controlled our own destiny from beginning to end... You will die in my hands... even now! 】

Bright tears dripped from the pupils of Blackcard Burt's eyes that had just turned into beasts, as if they were the humanity squeezed out of its body, and then the tears dried up with anger, and chaos and madness took over again. A certain voice urged it to open its mouth and spit out deadly sound waves - the air compressed by the sound waves emitted violent sonic booms. As soon as Blackcard Burt turned his head, everything he looked at turned into powder - it attacked feelings. He reached a hostile position, but the silver giant sword and sharp claws thrust out from another direction. The movement was so fast that Blackcard Burtgun's enhanced dynamic vision could not see clearly.

If it looked more carefully, it would find that the hilt of the giant sword in Maximus's hand had grown together with his arm and became a living organ. If it looked more carefully, it would find that it was not only the giant sword that penetrated its body, but also the blood vessels extending from Maximus's body. The form of the material universe is becoming less and less important to them, and they are using all means to absorb each other's soul and power. This is what the whispering thoughts in their souls urge them to do, which want to be restored to wholeness, to use them as a possession in the physical universe, and to use their bodies in the physical universe to protect themselves from expulsion.

"We are one."

Maximus struggled to say a word with his hyena-like mutated muzzle. They did not hear that, apart from the sound of sharp teeth tearing skin apart and metal cutting bones, there were also inexplicable and imperceptible frenzied drumming and blowing sounds that sounded from the curtain behind the material universe. Maximus saw two rows of dark-skinned slaves walking in neat steps, coming to a stop right in front of him and Blackcade Burt. They were not disturbed by their fight at all, as if time and space had stopped. . Maximus saw the naked bodies of these slaves covered with gold and gems, and their slender and inhuman faces were full of pride and indifference. He raised the trumpet to his thick lips and played chaotically and ecstatically. It sounded like a knife cutting through the listener's eardrums.

"I saw fate. We were supposed to be in the same body, but fate separated us before we were born. We should return to the dreamland together, my dear brother, where we traveled before we were born. You and I are the same One, where we once explored the mysteries of the universe, where we will live with the dream gods for eternity, where we will see the universe die and be reborn. That is our origin, my dear brother. We are They are the angels in the dream. Now our mission has been completed, and we have guided the Inhumans to the path of truth."

Blackcade Burt had seen nothing and heard nothing.

Anger burning his mind, Blackcard Burt just grabbed the horns of Maximus's head with his claws, opened his mouth and poured sound waves towards the latter's head. The skin was the first to turn into powder, and the bloody muscles were covered with glass half a second later, followed by the distorted cartilage composed of eyeballs and etheric energy. The black skull withstood the baptism of sound waves with extraordinary hardness, but even if it was distorted The bones also cracked under high-frequency vibration. Just when Blackcade Burt was about to crush Maximus's head, the latter slashed the silver giant sword at himself and cut off one of Blackcade Burt's arms. Maximus was finally freed from its restraints, but it couldn't see anything at this moment. It screamed in annoyance and waved its giant sword wildly, driving away everything that came close to it.

Blackcard Burt just roared and retreated.

The deck cracked due to their fight, and the originally pitch-black gap opened into a huge ravine that shone with orange-red light. Thick fog rose up and then condensed into ice in this space. A large number of ice shards followed the two giant beasts. The hurricane blown by the flapping wings of the bat falls. Maximus's regenerated hearing organ heard his brother's roar in the darkness. It rushed towards that position without hesitation, and used the giant sword with force - the trajectory of the sword gradually slowed down until it stopped. , even the blood vessels and black flames clinging to the sword no longer beat. Constantine walked across the battlefield with eternal calm steps, crushing the small snakes made of poisonous blood. Almost inaudible frantic whispers and screams sounded from under his boots, as if he was being crushed to death by the commander of the Praetorian Guards. Not just a little snake but a self-aware man who has fallen into madness. The commander of the guards didn't care about this. He continued to walk forward, passing through the frost-covered battlefield, and came to the crack in the deck, where he saw Maximus and the falling Black Card Burt.

"Is this the end of them?"

[No, far from it. 】

"This is not our destination."

[The portal is in the other direction. 】

"I didn't expect it was you." Constantine turned around and looked at the woman floating aside. "What on earth are you now, Catherine?"

[He asked you to come and see me. Isn’t this enough to explain the answer? 】Catherine wore the golden armor and a sword given to the sisterhood by the emperor, with white flames burning on the sword. This armor is extremely exquisite, with hidden patterns depicting vines and roses everywhere. [I was born from His soul, and I will naturally return to its kingdom after my death. Every powerful psyker casts his own light on the etheric sea, and the light of our Lord is brighter and more powerful than the stars, so I live beside Him now. You too, Constantine, each of you Praetorians will follow the same path as me, but my Lord has other plans for you. 】

Constantine looked at Blackcard Bertang and Maximus who seemed to be solidified in amber, and then looked at Catherine with suspicion, especially the one behind her that seemed to be made of steel, spurting out flames but like a real Wings as soft as feathers. "In my opinion, there is no difference between you and these things. You are also a creature made of etheric energy. I don't trust you, Catherine, if you are really Catherine."

[I am Catherine, but I am not Catherine either. I am the first artificial person to die on the battlefield. Catherine is just a name. The first artificial person to die, the first martyr sister, this is my meaning. 】Katherine raised her sword and dropped it to the ground. From the darkness stepped another Praetorian and another Battle Sister in the armor of the Sisterhood. [My Lord needs us to expel these two evil beasts and drive them out of Attilan Star Castle. 】

"This is just a dream"

[This is both reality and your dream. The boundary between reality and illusion is not as clear as you think. If you insist on pursuing it, you are actually still with my lord now, and the armored convoy has just entered the lower deck. It would be unwise for you to think about time in your dreams, because there is no linear time here. 】

It was as if the process of the bullet breaking the glass was stretched ten thousand times, and the ear-piercing scream swayed around Maximus' sword. Constantine held the halberd tightly, but he found that he was holding the spear in the emperor's hand. He looked warily at the soldier in Praetorian Guard armor, but the latter just saluted him and indicated his identity with the codeword gesture of the Praetorian Order.

[The success or failure of this battle depends on whether your will is strong enough, because this battle will take place in your dream. It may only be a short second in reality, but it is eternity here. We will try again and again until we get it done because He wants us to. 】

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