Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1598 Moon War (110)

Even though this was just an informal diplomatic dinner, there were still many secret conversations and whispers among the seats.

There is no media here, and all information is confidential. However, due to the loud mouths of politicians in certain countries with representative voting systems, no officials other than civil servants were invited to the banquet. All diplomats, diplomats’ wives, negotiation assistants and even embassy attachés are working hard to get a little more leverage at the negotiating table, because this country that just unified the Balkans not long ago has given a list of all countries. An offer that cannot be refused. Compared with the ancient castle, luxurious restaurants, delicious food and drinks, and advanced mechanical waiters, what is even more eye-catching is the image mapped by the high-resolution holographic projector in the center of the hall.

This image has been enhanced with light sources and algorithms to remove buildings blocked by no-light environments. At a rough glance, it is an unremarkable, even a little barren planet. However, as the lens zooms in and the resolution increases, some black man-made objects buried in the crater begin to show traces - many embassy attachés are Focus on holographic projections, especially those that look like vehicles and aircraft outside of the artificial objects in the crater mountains. Although they knew that Latovinia would not give out pictures with confidential information, those soldiers still saw some quite useful information, such as Latovinia's research results on void aircraft.

"In the Battle of New York and the Battle of London, the NATO government collected many alien warship wreckage and alien specimens through SHIELD. According to the agreement, the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council can allocate a certain proportion of samples, but according to us As far as I know, the research on extraterrestrial materials carried out by NASA and the Pentagon in conjunction with many research institutes and universities has not been made public." Regent Victor von Doom lowered his voice, but deliberately let others at the long table hear clearly. When he spoke, the diplomats and their wives pretended to be interested in the food on their plates. "If there is no progress in basic science, then reverse engineering is nonsense, but I can assure you that Latovinia has made long-term progress in technical science, including theoretical mathematics and theoretical physics. We will make these academic results public, However, the fairness of the scientific system is being challenged today, and we should set up fair enough awards to recognize those who have contributed to the advancement of human intelligence."

"We need the right to speak in the media... This is related to public confidence and cultural confidence."

"Without verified academic results, awards will have no credibility..."

"We have to think about economic benefits. People need confidence and we have to show success in the application of scientific research..."

"We need an alien colony, at least a lunar colony."

Regent Victor von Doom listened to the whispers on both sides of the long table with a smile, picked up the fruit brandy on the table and drank it slowly. This brandy is a local spirit from the Balkan Peninsula. It is said to be used as medical alcohol to disinfect wounds. It was a plum brandy specially brewed by a local winery for the emperor after the Unification War. Among the people, this kind of wine is synonymous with sap robbery. It’s expensive and bad for your brain. The officials from various countries present would definitely not choose this kind of wine that would confuse their brains. They were still more interested in the various types of wine in the emperor's wine cellar.

After a while, he raised the wine glass and tapped it lightly with a dessert spoon. The clear sound silenced the diplomats who were talking privately. The regent's eyes swept over the long table and the round table. Diana List nodded and immediately began to change the contents of the holographic projector. The most important image for some diplomats, showing the scientific and technological achievements of Latvinia, disappeared. Diana Lister looks very young. She wears a black women's suit and the handmade classic white lace scarf that matches it looks extremely elegant. Perhaps for such a formal occasion, a female official wears dark lipstick and Black nail polish can look a little out of place.

But the regent never cared about these minutiae that did not affect work efficiency. After all, there were still many untainted young officials in the entire system who truly implemented the emperor's ideals. After the reunification of the Yugoslav federation, trials of various corruption and traitorous acts by the previous government resulted in at least half of the politicians and civil servants in the entire Yugoslav federal provincial government being imprisoned, and many young civil servants had to study and govern at the same time.

"The moon is the springboard for us to jump into the solar system and colonize other planets. The moon should have a void dock, a supply station and an orbital defense system. That is a future in-depth cooperation project, let's not mention it here... Now we have confirmed the distance of the alien threat Humanity is not far away. As you all received before the dinner, the Yugoslav Federation is engaged in a battle to eliminate alien threats. This is a problem that all mankind should face together, but my Lord knows that the United Nations is here They do not have the leading authority on such issues.”

He paused deliberately, and his penetrating gaze made the diplomats feel as if they were naked in front of him, and no thoughts in their hearts could be hidden. Indeed, Regent Victor von Doom's mind-reading abilities made him unbeatable in negotiations.

"There are always politicians who exaggerate objective threats as a way for Latvinia to increase its international voice. This method may be able to deal with domestic public opinion, attack opponents, gain votes or political donations..."

The Regent smiled and waited for the tide of chuckles to subside.

Legal bribes such as political donations are an unwritten rule in a backward political system such as representative voting democracy. As for why this representative voting system is adopted, the regent has made his attitude clear to the world in a public speech on television, because He believes that governments and politicians controlled by money-driven plutocrats do not have a long-term strategic vision and the courage to take responsibility, which will cause certain problems that can be easily solved to be infinitely magnified, causing extremely serious internal friction and social division.

However, the regent's speech had nothing to do with political donations.

After the Balkan Peninsula Unification War, the international community came to different conclusions about every battle that took place in the war. Some people criticized the Balkan Peninsula Unification War as being too cruel, while others believed that the war deprived certain ethnic groups of their political, military, cultural, and economic , independence in religion, etc. Some people think that this war is too cruel, the emperor is too dictatorial, the current Yugoslav federal government is a military government, etc. - People who make these comments actively ignore the Balkan Peninsula, the European powder keg. The bloodshed of hundreds of years of mutual warfare, the betrayal of national interests by corrupt governments manipulated by international corporations and foreign intelligence services. They only saw that under the rule of the emperor, the Balkan Peninsula was forcibly eradicated of culture, religion, folk customs and other dividing factors. They did not see that this war to eradicate hatred could bring about permanent peace.

"But the enemies in the galaxy will not stop and put down their butcher knives because of human public opinion, and human currency is of no use to alien aliens. At least, the oil exploration rights sold by the former Albanian Prime Minister for 200,000 US dollars will not be lost. into his hands." Regent Victor von Doom once again stated the coldest facts, but not every diplomat agreed with him. But he didn't care. The emperor had proven to the world that there were military deterrence methods other than all-out nuclear war. With a strong military base, the weak Balkans could do many things that were once impossible. "Therefore, I will share with you the alien samples from this battle and our preliminary research results. To this end, I propose to establish a joint research facility to undertake the research of all alien samples. All data will be shared between member states. public."

The holographic projector changed the screen and displayed a magnificent three-dimensional model of the building in front of the diplomats.

"The emperor's ideal needs all mankind to realize it. The human race will inevitably unite as one in the future and move towards the stars and the sea from now on."

"We didn't see your leader today." A Norwegian diplomat suddenly said, "Why doesn't your leader give a televised speech on such an important matter? Is he still in good health?"

The regent glanced at him and immediately recalled the diplomat's background.

Diana List duly handed over the data pad, supplementing it with more detailed information. This diplomat has a background in the intelligence organization FVEY (Five Eyes Alliance) and the NATO Special Committee. Although Norway only plays a second-rate role in this intelligence system, the diplomat’s wife and her relatives run a non-governmental human rights protection organization. , responsible for the collection of information from network operators in Norway for the US National Security Agency and the UK Government Communications Headquarters.

The Norwegian diplomat's speech caused several other diplomats at the dinner to look at each other in unison.

Even though they attended an informal diplomatic dinner together, the regent did not let all diplomats know the relevant information. After all, the main task of this dinner was to explain the purpose of the man-made equipment seen on the moon by the astronomical observation facilities of various countries present - but Those materials did not explain all the information about the war, nor did they mention the fact that the emperor personally set off to the battlefield. As the current Yugoslav Federation’s force deterrence is more powerful than nuclear weapons, if others know that the emperor left the country, incident may trigger a series of political disputes and security incidents.

Even countries that cooperate with the Yugoslav Federation in scientific research and other fields are not willing to see another break-in of the United Nations Headquarters. Being able to break into the United Nations Headquarters can break into the government hub of any country, and then use extreme personal force to kill all political dignitaries and collapse the organization. This is something no one wants to see. After all, not every core government agency will arrange it. Secret passages and tanks, even if these things are arranged, whether they can stop the emperor is another matter.

"Thank you for your concern, sir. As an immortal, the emperor does not have the concept of disease, and aging is also unfamiliar to him." Regent Victor von Doom smiled and looked at the guests. He knew this question would come sooner or later, so he didn't appear impatient. "Don't think of the Immortal as a phenomenon that cannot be explained by science. It is just the end of human evolution and the final evolutionary form of human beings in the future. But now is obviously not the time to talk about his role in human history. I just I can tell you that He came to North America when it was still called Vinland. All of us were young people to Him."

"Don't say that, Victor. Human wisdom will not be bound by age. Short life span will help humans ignite the spark of civilization. This is the most precious spirit of the human race."

"My lord." Regent Victor von Doom deliberately bowed sharply. At this time, the diplomat, the diplomat's wife and the embassy attaché discovered that there was a giant with a noble face wearing gorgeous gold armor standing in the center of the hall. , a Praetorian Guard holding the Aquila flag stood beside him. The diplomats held their breath. The brightness of the entire hall suddenly increased a lot, and the air was filled with the warm smell of sunshine. "You have arrived at just the right time," said Regent Victor von Doom. "I am explaining to your guests what the Immortals are, and I thought dessert would go well with the old story."

"I trust that the gentlemen and ladies present will have little interest in the story of an ax cleaving a skull."

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