Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1599 Moon War (one hundred and eleven)

This is a lavish dinner to demonstrate political attitudes.

The Vladimir family ruled Latvinia for hundreds of years, using the wealth they continuously exploited and extracted to build this castle into a place that could be called a palace. All tableware in the restaurant comes from ancient European ceramic manufacturers such as the National Ceramic Manufacturing Bureau of Sèvres in France and the Meissen Porcelain Factory in Germany, as well as famous tableware manufacturers such as Christofle from Paris and Robbe \u0026 Berking from Germany.

Luxurious alone is not enough to describe this banquet, perhaps marvelous is more suitable - this certainly does not include the reception where the name on the nameplate at the door of the venue said Vladimir, and he rolled his eyes at all the officials (including the regent). Member - As if to show off the progress of the Yugoslav Federation in the field of applied science, the landscape plants placed around the venue were all covered by glass covers and placed on white marble columns, receiving dim light from below the flower pots. No landscape plants are the same. Guests can see white landscape trees that slowly expand and contract in the air like living corals, mimosa with golden shell leaves, and flowers as stable as a black rock.

The baroque-style power armor of the Emperor and the Praetorian Guards fully reflected luxury and elegance, but the military sobriety displayed by the Sisterhood combatants wearing golden lily-embossed jet black power armor was incompatible with the luxurious style of the venue. However, no one paid attention to With this in mind, Regent Victor von Doom stood up and changed seats. Diana and Dinah, who was wearing power armor and holding a giant chainsword, quickly moved the seats that fit the emperor's figure. Everyone put down their wine glasses and turned their attention to the center of the long table - everyone knew that the emperor would not appear in front of everyone for no reason. Even the opening of the Yugoslav Civil War Tribunal, a major event that bridged the national conflicts in the Balkan Peninsula, was only decided by the emperor. The regent Victor von Doom attended the opening ceremony on his behalf. He was supposed to be the absolute protagonist in the unification war of the Balkan Peninsula but was missing. He did not even appear in a televised speech.

"I think everyone here must understand that the terms signed by political entities to compromise and restrict each other have the limitations of the times. It is undeniable that many terms have fulfilled their historical missions to a certain extent, whether it is easing conflicts or preventing wars, which is in line with the times. Treaties based on the historical circumstances of the time can always achieve some achievements. But treaties with limitations of the times are not always in line with the current historical environment, such as the Outer Space Treaty."

Diplomats held their breath as the emperor dropped the bombshell.

The Star Wars program is the first term that comes to mind for almost all officials who have studied the history of the Cold War.

“The reason why I reject this treaty is not to deny the peaceful significance of the space constitution of the Outer Space Treaty. Placing nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction on the earth and in the orbit of celestial bodies is undoubtedly a major threat to today’s international security. . I am happy to see mankind peacefully develop outer space, and I am happy to see Article 5 protect the lives of astronauts, but we cannot turn a blind eye to the threats we are about to face."

The emperor raised his wine glass, and Amon, who was standing behind him holding a military flag, immediately understood.

A few seconds later, the door to the venue was opened again, and a glass coffin was pushed in by several sisterhood fighters. The diplomats gasped when they saw what was in the glass coffin, and then they immediately stood up regardless of etiquette, trying to let themselves see more - since the venue was prohibited from bringing any communication tools and photography tools, the diplomats could only Can use their own brains and eyes to remember what they saw - it was an alien, not the aliens that appeared in the New York or London incidents, but a human-like creature they had never seen before. Creatures that are large but deformed in appearance. Several iron-black pipes are connected to the alien alien's body, which seems to be maintaining its life. This inevitably makes diplomats suspect that this creature is still alive and breathing, or it should be that the lungs are still there. Slowly rising and falling, but no one knew how this creature with its fleshy flower-like body was going to eat.

"During this battle, I led the army to capture a large number of alien aliens. Fortunately, the alien star fortress was too old, and many knowledge about starting the engine had been forgotten, otherwise the star fort would have reached the earth's orbit. If we attack humans, the difficulty of the war will increase by several levels."

The emperor paused and called the diplomats' attention again.

“The federal government of Yugoslavia will not persuade the international community to abandon the Outer Space Treaty or urge the treaty to amend it. Objectively speaking, it will take a long time for countries capable of outer space exploration to make appropriate changes to the Outer Space Treaty. Modified. Although the human race will eventually erase the barriers and unite to face threats, we will definitely pay a price in blood in the meantime, because the alien aliens will not wait for us to be ready. We can only pay this bill with our lives, Only then will we understand that the human race is facing a ruthless universe where the jungle is strong and predatory. Some sentimental, backward and ignorant ideas are useless in this world. There are only three outcomes in the universe of the human race, survival, death or more. Hell, even death would be a mercy."

[Portal? 】

【Already closed. 】

Regent Victor von Doom nodded as he listened to the emperor's speech.

He was not surprised that the emperor moved the Inhuman captives into the conference hall. The emotions he could show in front of other diplomats were completely acting. No one knew that he participated in the entire battle of Attilan, but only used his spirit. way of projection. The main purpose of most diplomats coming here was because he claimed to be able to explain the spacecraft in the lunar orbit. Except for a few diplomats who had communicated with him in advance, most people did not know that the emperor had been in the lunar orbit before.

The subtext of announcing this news is to clarify to the diplomats present the military projection capabilities of the Yugoslav federal government and to use the most cost-effective way to carry out force deterrence. After all, in order to prepare for the Battle of Attilan, the resources accumulated by the Eternal City have been beyond its means, and there are not many resources that can be used to deal with wars on earth. Some smart people have begun to calculate the resources consumed by the Yugoslav federal government for the moon war, but they are curious about how this once war-torn country can devote so many resources.

These smart people concluded that unknown forces were secretly supporting the Yugoslav federal government. Thinking of this, these smart people looked at each other and began to figure out who was on their list. It is currently impossible to find an answer to this question, because Wakanda, which took the lead in establishing diplomatic relations with the Yugoslav Federation, is still a third world country in the eyes of the international community. It is completely unexpected that there is a high-tech city and a high-tech country in East Africa that are constantly supplying the emperor's army. Blood, manufacturing high-end chips, war engines and other equipment, to the outside world, it is just normal food trade behavior. But no one familiar with the matter believes that the secret of cooperation with Wakanda can be kept forever, whether it is the complete change of Wakanda's domestic political environment, the failure of the Yugoslav Federation's urgently launched frigates and accompanying soldiers to protect the freighter, or the betrayal of some officials that led to leaks , this secret will be made public sooner or later, sooner or later.

The emperor did not stay at the venue for too long. After all, what the Yugoslav Federation needs today is peaceful development rather than forceful deterrence. Without sufficient economy and well-trained organization, even the emperor cannot complete his cause. Surrounded by armed forces, He returned to the other side of the castle, passed through the heavy security of the Praetorian Guards, returned to the office, and sat on a marble throne that fit his size.

He was silent for a while and sighed.

The Praetorian Guards summoned their servants, and the Emperor stood up and walked into the rest room nearby. During the half-hour-long disassembly of several robotic arms, the emperor in Amon's eyes suddenly transformed into a young man wearing a gorgeous crimson robe. After the golden power armor faded away, the sheathed holy sword leaned on the emperor's thigh, being held by his hand. After another four minutes and twenty-nine seconds, the android maid Dinah rang the reception bell, and another Guardsman in power armor in the corridor disappeared silently into the shadows again, announcing that the security check for the visitors had passed.

"Countess, this visit is unscheduled. I hope you bring good news."

"Your Majesty." A beautiful young woman wearing a black slim-fitting evening gown and long dark green hair tied into a bun stood at the foot of the stairs, lowering her head to show respect to the person on the throne. "The mercenary group has completed the instructions issued by the regent, leaving no audio, video or written evidence. The target is still recovering, and the previous injuries have a great impact on the target's physical fitness, but the target is still a top-notch soldier. "She hesitated for a moment, then continued. "Will this matter affect your relationship with Wakanda? As far as I know, Wakanda's import of quantum chips to our country has dropped by 10.6% year-on-year, but I don't think this has anything to do with the supply of raw materials. Too many relationships.”

As the actual ruler of Sirkaria, after being deprived of power, Countess Karkov did not go to the gallows like the corrupt and traitorous rulers who were liquidated after the Unification War. Instead, she used her own ability to delay It takes time for the noose to be tightened. After all, as a usurper, her ability is far from being comparable to those politicians who rely on inciting public opinion, collecting political donations, and seeking refuge in foreign plutocrats and intelligence organizations. She has sufficient judgment and spirit. Strength, able to undertake very complex work and thinking.

At first she did not give up the idea of ​​trying to interfere in the domestic political situation. It was not until the regent Victor von Doom twisted her neck and kicked her out of the domestic political system that Countess Katarina Karkov stopped. Some. Now that her life is safe, she has returned to the political stage of the Yugoslav federal government, and even participated in the intelligence collection of some foreign espionage operations as a member of the diplomatic service. Diplomats are all spies, this is a basic principle of European society, and Countess Katarina Karkov, a gorgeous woman in all her glory, is a spider with bright colors and fangs.

"Thank you for your suggestion, Countess Karkov. The cabinet will study the possibility and ask you to make a detailed statement at that time." Regarding the political situation in Wakanda, there are two voices in the cabinet. One is the common so-called offshore balancing policy. This idea may be effective in a short period of time, but it will undoubtedly weaken the cooperative relationship with Wakanda. The other idea is proposed by the regent. By retaining control of Wakanda, The promotion of the Kanda throne changed the direction of cooperation between the Wakanda royal family.

Today's King of Wakanda still has a favorable opinion of European society, and it is very likely that the cooperative relationship will be severed because of the war initiated by the emperor. Another claimant to the throne has radical ideas and has his own views on European society rather than completely abandoning it. The pursuit of so-called civilization is very suitable for becoming a partner of the future Yugoslav Federation. In other words, the chess pieces left over from the Wakanda Civil War will be put to good use. However, this plan was too far-fetched, had a large number of pre-plans, and had a lower priority than other plans, so the emperor did not pay much attention to it.

"Thank you for your hard work, Countess. But now is my time to think..."

"I heard that there was a war on the moon, and the regent had informed the Wakanda embassy about it in advance. I originally intended to dissuade it, because many countries believe that we are ideologically incompatible with Europe, and even Wakanda's internal opinions on The views of the Yugoslav Federation are inconsistent. But it seems that the regent has its own decision. Fort Hahn, led by Princess Shuri of Wakanda, is the first organization and facility in Wakanda to receive news of the Moon War." Katarina Kalko The countess spoke quickly. She nervously looked up at the emperor and found that his expression did not change, and she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. "I found that the Wakandans did not seem to fully accept this statement. A few days ago, a shuttle plane equipped with a sky telescope took off from the Golden City Airport. This matter was not kept secret, but through the deep space exploration cooperation project. However, when I was searching for information, I found that the deep space telescope numbered in hieroglyphics was not registered in the cooperation planning document. I applied to investigate the records of all precision equipment manufacturing plants in the Eternal City, and there was no Relevant records were found, but it turns out that other components in the deep space exploration project are still being produced.”

"Your reminder is very meaningful, Countess Katarina Karkov. If you need anything recently, please tell the sisters. I believe that they, who are also women, will help you solve the problem. Now please return to Hall, enjoy the music and food. Please don't tell anyone about this yet, the Regent and I have other plans."

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