Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1602 Moon War (one hundred and fourteen)

Salomon noticed that Athena's curvaceous back muscles tensed instantly.

[Are they trying to attack you directly? 】

Instead of speaking with her throat, she delivers her thoughts face to face. Although the apartment was equipped with a large number of anti-spying, anti-reconnaissance psychic equipment and technological equipment, she still tried her best to avoid any form of leakage. The Supreme Mage took action to block the attack from the being behind the curtain on Salomon. This was simply big news that shook the dimension. Countless dream fortune tellers, tarot fortune tellers, and seers would go crazy after seeing the aftermath of that attack. But at this moment, even Athena didn't see that the attack set off any waves in the etheric sea, as if that thing never happened.

[Why are they so impatient? Isn't Ragnarok enough to feed them? What do they want you to do? 】

[The greed behind the curtain is endless, but even they are just the will displayed by that dream-like dimension. They do not exist independently forever, and they have never had free will. They want to make humans, a race with infinite potential, just like themselves, a tool that can be manipulated by fate. 】

Salomon's calm response did not fully answer the question, so he received a vicious look from Athena.

[The Battle of Attilan is an opportunity for them. 】

[Ragnarok is better. That was a sign that the Asgardians were coming to an end. No one in this world had the ability to prevent the Asgard Empire from going to destruction. They could even tear apart the curtain between the material universe and the dream world, and extend their will into the material universe. There is no need for them to attack you in the Battle of Attilan. 】

[It was a demonstration, an invitation. They wanted to show me their power and make promises to me. 】

【I know your answer. 】

Athena visibly relaxed. Even though Salomon here is just a projection, the emperor has the ability to make the projection materialize. The principle of this psychic technology is the same as summoning Catherine into the physical universe and giving her a temporary body, only simpler. "Help me take a bath, magic can't clean my hair."

"We should recall our combat troops and return to Kamal Taj now."

"Not now, now we can't be sure whether Kama Taj's protective spell is to protect the outside world from harm, or to set up a trap for intruders. This will be related to my judgment on the mental condition of the Supreme Mage." The emperor shook his head and rejected it. accepted Amon's proposal. The Imperial Guard did not see too much worry on the emperor's face, even though he knew that the Supreme Mage had special meaning to the emperor. Amon thought that he saw the emperor's absolutely rational emotions as a decision-maker, which seemed very to outsiders. Indifference and even his tone seemed a bit cold, but in Amon's opinion, this was a necessary attitude to make the right decision. The reason why those mortals are weak, cowardly, and fearful is because they cannot give up their selfish desires.

"I'm waiting for Victor, he will bring me the most critical information."

"Where can I get it?" Amon had read the Psionics Society's predictions and reports on the ether wave. The ether wave that heralded the arrival of Ragnarok tore apart most of the threads of fate. The prophets could only make deductions and predictions based on the remaining fragments, but in those reports they never mentioned anything related to the Supreme Mage. "The Regent's psychic power is very powerful, but even he cannot dig out the information that was drowned in the etheric wave. In order to obtain the strategic prophecy of Attilan Star Castle, the Psychic Society has sacrificed ninety-nine rapid training A psyker."

"The portal. It is the energy diffracted from the dream world to the material universe. It is the gap in the dream curtain. Intelligent creatures in the material universe can glimpse the never-ending madness through that gap."

"I think Wanda Maximoff is up to the task as well, if her consistency passes the test."

"Don't underestimate Victor's psychic abilities. If there were no Latovinia, Victor would definitely take over as the Sorcerer Supreme. There is no doubt that, unlike Wanda Maximus, Victor is the One of the few naturally powerful psykers on the planet. His psychic powers did not make him lose control, but gave him wisdom and vision... Yes, he is still suffering for his humanity, which is proof that we are human "Don't underestimate him because of the pain he has suffered. I believe Victor will make the right choice."

The guards waved the garrison spears in their hands like a storm, and the deformed flesh in front of them fell instantly like trees ravaged by giant beasts. Catherine also waved her long sword, using the most direct way to destroy the emperor's power. Spray on the enemy. Due to the increasing number of flesh and blood attached to the front of the passage and the monsters spitting out of the flesh and blood, the soldiers who were originally riding in the armored vehicles had to get out of the car and cooperate with the armored vehicles to start clearing fire. The core area of ​​the star fort is obviously much wider than the passage. Due to terrain restrictions, the number of genetically modified warriors who came here is very small. At this moment, each of them has to face enemies several times their size. This is the purpose for which they were created, to undertake more difficult war tasks. No genetically modified warrior will be timid, because the concept of fear has been removed from their brains by surgical operations and chemical treatments.

The heart of the war revolves around the giant columnar fusion reactor in the center of Attilan's star fortress.

The once smooth alloy shell was clinging to pieces of flesh and blood like barnacles, and the metal shell bordering the maintenance deck was densely covered with abscesses of various sizes that exuded a strange smell, making people's scalp numb. The red-black hot sludge exudes heat and covers the uppers of the soldiers' combat boots. It flows down the shell of the giant fusion reactor like a waterfall. Catherine's power seems to be restricted in some way. The sludge and mud within a range of more than ten meters are Flesh and blood cannot become flowing sweet water. More distinctive monsters are bred from those abscesses. The vicious and putrid miasma makes even mortal soldiers wearing void combat uniforms suffer from diseases, while the sludge corrodes the metal bit by bit, slowly and firmly, except for the forbidden Rust appeared on the surface of the power armor of the Guardsmen and Catherine, and even the power armor of the genetically modified warriors.

Commander Tita of the Sisterhood led a group of artificial humans to participate in the mission. She was not as excited as the human girls because they saw Catherine. She calmly assessed the battlefield situation. "Ola, ask your cannon operator to provide cover for me. I need a forward passage." Tita said. The path here is neither up nor down. When the dizziness hit, she switched the helmet's sight glass to the tactical thermal imaging mode in accordance with the notice issued by the Praetorian Order. Then she saw that the blood flowing in some areas of the flesh wall was close to human body temperature, and some were due to the explosion. Wounds caused by bullets, lasers or heat melt become edematous and the temperature of inflammation is also higher. "Change the order and shoot in an area similar to human body temperature. Don't let those monsters be born! Aura, let your flamethrower and melt operator participate in this task."

"Copy that. Where are you taking the escort?"

"We are in a difficult battle, and even Catherine cannot use the emperor's brilliance to get us out of the predicament." Tita saw red flames spurting out from the flesh wall close to human body temperature under the thermal imaging mode. The sense of spatial confusion still exists, from the beginning of the mission until now, as the journey progresses and becomes more and more serious, those mortal soldiers have to establish outposts and stay there, and set up fuel supply stations - even for a few elite and determined mortal soldiers It is impossible to overcome this sense of spatial dislocation, which is like walking into a rotating tunnel roller painted with black and white stripes in an amusement park, and then magnifying this feeling a hundred times - in this case, being able to aim at the target and pull the trigger. It has been quite difficult. "Go to Constantine. I want to know how he wants to waste the lives of soldiers."

"I wouldn't advise you to do that."

Aura raised the heavy bolter cannon and pulled the trigger again, and dense heavy bolters poured out from behind her.

The laser cannon from behind instantly locked onto the location marked by the tracer bullets she fired, and then the laser cannon fired simultaneously with the main guns of several main battle tanks, blasting the creatures that had just emerged from the abscesses to pieces. The precise shooting did not damage the outer shell of the giant fusion reactor. In the circular freight rail station that had already stalled, another group of monsters that had been lurking for a long time rushed diagonally into the formation of genetically modified warriors. However, what they had to face was But it was the intensive firepower from the armored troop carriers and the Sisters - Aura released the trigger and pointed at the brightest spot on the battlefield - the formation of the Golden Armored Guards swept away the obstacles blocking the convoy like a storm sweeping the battlefield. , they fight tirelessly. Due to years of genetic contamination, some of the mutants who have been living in the underground slums of Attilan have already exceeded the limits of human genetic variation. Even such mutants cannot be called enemies. , those creatures that are worshiped by them are.

Aparisha held up a shield and led the genetically modified warriors to form a sharp front, destroying those filthy creatures with extreme violence. If the Guards team is a sharp blade, then the genetically modified warriors led by Aparisha are a heavy hammer. Although they move slowly, they can crush the enemy's offensive every time.

Aura pulled the trigger again, and the volley of heavy explosive shells shattered the monsters piled in front of the shield into pieces. Aparisha put down his shield, which was stained with minced flesh, and blood dripped from his helmet onto the collar seal. He nodded inconspicuously towards the sisterhood on the other side of the battlefield, expressing his gratitude indifferently.

This fire channel crushed the monsters' attacks and directly connected the two ends of the battlefield.

Following Tita's order, the armored vehicles belonging to the Sisterhood rushed into the enemy group together with the escorts holding shields. The elite Sisters in mechas used the giant bionic mechanical arms of the mecha to wield heavy war hammers filled with diseased flesh and blood. His body was like an explosion, dirty and stinky blood rushed up to the high ceiling, and the side flamethrower turrets of armored vehicles specially equipped to kill enemies at close range spewed out viscous fuel and flames - when human civilization was just toddlers, primitive Through the blood sacrifice and burning of humans and animals, humans expressed their worship of the sky, wind, ocean, rocks, mountains, thunder and other natural phenomena that were not yet understood and irresistible at the time, and then personified them into the original natural god-flame. The flame and the blade are the tools used by primitive shamans to communicate with both sides of the curtain. The flame and the blade are the starting point of all civilizations and sacrificial tools. For the etheric entity, the flame and the blade have special sacrificial significance. It is the ceremony of their birth.

They live for this, and they will die for this.

Constantine tasted the memory on his tongue.

It was once called the invisible elf, Kufleooh, summoned and bound by ancient psychics, driving it to poison the wine glasses of political opponents attending palace banquets, and to pursue treasures and secrets in the wilderness and mountains; it once accepted the great The order of the gods, fighting on the never-ending battlefield; it was worshiped by people, and kings satisfied its greed with the blood and souls of slaves. It still existed even after the dynasty fell, until the temple dedicated to it was forgotten. He was also bound forever by the clay statue of the god, until a greedy thief sneaked into the tomb and accidentally broke the statue. It promised the thief three wishes. The innocent and foolish mortal confidently made his request, but it twisted the wish with malice and took away the thief's soul full of pain.

This was just a moment for the Imperial Guard. There was no lag in his movements. The heavy explosive bomb blasted the monster's upper body into pieces, and the greasy black blood splashed nearly ten meters away. Then the next one followed. Mortal soldiers wearing void combat uniforms, armed with carbine laser guns and melt launchers, closely followed the Praetorian Guards, never leaving Catherine's blooming brilliance - only when advancing the position, these auxiliaries trained by the Praetorian Order Troops would come to the Guards - whenever a Guardsman emptied his magazine, these mortal soldiers would immediately take the garrison spear, reload it, and then hand it back to the Guardsmen who were fighting fiercely with their spare weapons. Guards. This is a combat system as sophisticated as gears. The extraordinary reaction speed and strength give the Guards the ability to implement this tactic.

"Commander Tita!"

Constantine swung the spear downwards and took the opportunity to wipe the blood on the helmet's sight glass with his fingers. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure in a dark green cloak passing by the battlefield, and then disappeared again. Although this is not eye-catching on the chaotic battlefield, the commanders of the Imperial Guards still remain fully vigilant, because the Imperial Guards never have hallucinations due to bloody battlefields. They do not think that such a battlefield is unacceptable. The only thing that was difficult to accept was that the Emperor did not return to Earth with more Praetorian Guards to carry out that dangerous mission.

"Please take over Catherine's escort mission and I will open the way for you!"

"Where to go?" Tita nodded towards Catherine.

"All the way down." Constantine pointed at the giant fusion reactor, "Go to the bottom."

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