Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1603 Moon War (One Hundred and Fifteen)

The apparition is full of snowflake noise like an old TV.

While Constantine was talking to Tita and launching a fierce attack, he also noticed the figure wearing a dark green cloak with a golden ribbon on his chest from the corner of his eye. Other guards were also following Constantine. He noticed this situation under guidance, which proved that the phantom was not his hallucination. Most of the body that was shattered by the explosion fell, and the withered and yellow ribs were poked out. Then the remains of the body turned into black sand, and then into dust and air under Catherine's light, just as they were meant to be.

"This is very strange. It cannot be ruled out that it is another trick of the etheric spiritual entity, or the influence of etheric energy on the material universe." Constantine said in the encrypted communication of the Praetorian Order. As super soldiers who have undergone deep genetic modification, they can easily adapt to the abnormal and uncomfortable space here. Due to the influence of ether energy, the teachings of the buildings here seem to exceed the geometric laws of the material universe, and the downward slope It is also possible to go upwards. The right side in the somatosensory sense is likely to be the side and rear. Visual deceptions abound, and there is no pattern at all. Even the mortal soldiers trained by the Praetorian Order to be responsible for logistics work would stumble under such circumstances for no reason.

"Remain vigilant and don't feel relaxed because the other party is using the regent's appearance."

"That's the regent, don't have any doubts about it." Catherine suddenly spoke, which surprised the guards. Unless she was facing the emperor himself, even when facing the Imperial Guard, Catherine still cherished her words. Every word she said was important information, including the location of the portal. "The regent accepted the emperor's order and helped us close the portal."

The commander of the Praetorian Guard expressed doubts.

If he hadn't seen the emperor create/separate/drag Catherine out of the void with his own eyes, he would not have trusted the existence of Catherine at all, because the current Catherine is just the reflection of Catherine in the dream, as unreal as the moon in the water. . Constantine noticed that Sisterhood Commander Tita was walking towards here under the cover of an armored vehicle. The Praetorian Order crossed the peaks of genetically modified warriors and penetrated deep into the enemy formation. The front and left and right sides were filled with enemies. Even now, they were still fighting, non-stop, and their genetically modified muscles even felt a little sore.

Although the body of the Guards only needs a short time to hydrolyze lactic acid, they can't even spare this time, so they can only order the power armor to inject drugs to relieve the symptoms of lactic acid accumulation. The commander of the Guards has no doubt that the genetically modified soldiers who fought with the Guards also have the same symptoms. Their bodies were modified for long-term combat, and they have been fighting continuously for hundreds of hours in such a high-intensity combat environment. , except for a few supply times, neither the Imperial Guards nor the genetically modified soldiers had a moment to rest.

"Captain Apalixia." The guard commander switched the communication channel and filtered out the sound of Catherine's bolter firing beside him. On such a battlefield, if the noise reduction function is not turned on, even the eardrums of the Guardsmen will be injured. "I need a team for the mission."

"Push over! Cut off that thing's head. Keep up the shooting rhythm, there are still many enemies we have to face. Constantine, I didn't expect you to contact me." Aparisha said dryly, " Did you fall? The deck is a little slippery here."

"Now is not the time for humor, Lord of the First Army."

Constantine subconsciously glanced at the soles of his feet. The foul-smelling black-red slippery sludge is slowly turning into clear water.

"You have a sense of humor. There's something humorous about that, Constantine."

The commander of the imperial guard couldn't help but frown. He couldn't understand why Aparisha laughed coldly, and he didn't know why the leader of the first army thought it was humorous. Aparisha has long been known for her gloomy personality, which led Constantine to wonder if this was one of the Type 1 epigenetic traits, which now included a lack of concentration. Power such labels.

"You know where the Praetorian Guards are, Apalisia. Catherine will go with us to the area where the portal is located. The Praetorian Guards need an elite team to form a peripheral defense line. We have no time, no energy, and no resources. Wasteful. The creatures are nearly infinite, and we have limited ammo and energy."

"These things don't deserve to live."

"Close the portal first. We still have a lot of time to eliminate these creatures."

"I will personally lead a team." Constantine listened to the cold roar of Aparisha, and at the same time chopped the heavy execution ax that required two adult men to barely lift into a sickly creature with four human legs. In the belly of the monster. This monster showed extraordinary tenacity, but this could not prevent Aparisha from smashing its mandible with the lower edge of the shield - provided it really had use for this bone - and tearing out its mutated , a long tongue covered with suckers. "Where the treasure is hidden, there must be a dragon!" Aparisha gasped. It took him ten seconds to deal with this monster. The bolt gun could not achieve the expected results on this monster. Its sickly and loose skin was tougher than imagined. "I would like to kill a dragon. What about you, Constantine? Do you also have such a desire?"

"The battlefield here needs your command."

"The commander of the first company can bear such a responsibility. I will leave the command team to him and only take the escort team."

Victor von Doom calmly grasped the head of a bouncing ether beast, orange-red flames spurting from his clenched fist, and killed it as the ether beast screamed with joy. His head was burned to ashes. Creatures in the material universe cannot completely detect his traces. Only etheric spiritual entities can trace some psychic ripples to find him. However, the regent Victor von Doom had no intention of hiding. He watched the Praetorian Guards and a team of The team of genetically modified warriors walked down the maintenance tunnel, then turned around and put on the iron masks again. The coin-sized silent servo of the power armor's joints made his actions silent. Except for the etheric spiritual entity, no genetically modified warrior's power armor captured his image and breathing sound, and even the residual heat did not exist.

As a vital sign maintainer, this power armor has almost become his prison. It wasn't until he met the emperor who left Karma Taj and received mysterious magic treatment that Victor von Doom was able to take off this power armor. Otherwise, while living in seclusion among the mountains of Latvinia, he Before going out for shopping, you need to cast a spell to hide the existence of the armor to prevent the power armor from scaring ignorant farmers at the market. Most of the power armor's life support systems are no longer needed, but psionic devices and functions such as psionic drive units, stabilization units, psionic focusers, and spell correction prompts can continue to be used. Victor von Doom followed across the battlefield, holding the emperor's standard high, fierce flames burning between the pure golden wings of the eagle, dispelling the invisible light of the material universe, which can only be seen in dreams. The world sees the fog and miasma.

Constantine's preparations were sufficient, and the regent Victor von Doom happily confirmed his psychic message to the emperor, which also included the vigilance of the Praetorian Commander when he discovered his traces. The performance of Constantine, the commander of the Praetorian Guard, proved to be in line with some of the emperor's expectations for him. The intelligence fed back by the small reconnaissance drones allowed a preliminary combat plan to be drawn up through rapid intelligence sharing and information communication between the Guards. Only after the combat objectives and tactical requirements were clarified, Constantine asked Aparisha for coordination. Take a fully equipped and supplied elite tactical squad.

The genetically modified warriors of this tactical team are all owners of marksman badges, silver laurels, gold laurels and other badges. The gorgeous reliefs and inlays on their power armor all indicate their achievements in the military field. This is a guard team full of honor. They carry heavy shields, warhammers, swords, bolt rifles, bolt cannons and plasma pistols. Their main task is to protect superior officials and organize an insurmountable war when necessary. Blocking a breakthrough battle, this requires every genetically modified warrior to have strong military capabilities as well as good strategic literacy, and judging from their resumes, they have done this more than once.

Zygris, the owner of the Marksman Badge.

He has carried out more than six hostage rescue operations and once held the record for the longest sniper distance in the First Army. This record was only refreshed by latecomers because he later joined the rapid reaction force. He didn't care about this, because all he pursued was to complete the mission. To this end, he deliberately completed many shooting targets under harsh conditions, and even achieved the goal of using a heavy bolt cannon to accurately shoot enemy supply convoys and vehicles 1.5 kilometers away. Achievements of the lightly armored reconnaissance convoy;

Cashel, holder of the Protector's Badge, holder of the Silver Laurel.

He killed more than ten high-value targets on the battlefield and performed a hostage rescue operation with Zygris, but at that time Zygris was sniping from a small boat floating on the sea at night. Guns, bolt pistols, a tactical dagger and a jetpack were airborne directly from the transport plane to carry out a violent breakthrough - it was not so much a combat knife as a short knife as long as an ordinary human arm, Kassel held it backwards With that knife, he forcibly split the pirates who hijacked the cargo ship from top to bottom, from muscles to bones, and the sticky, smelly internal organs were scattered all over the floor - he killed the pirate ship within fifteen minutes with his own strength. All enemy agents and mercenaries on the freighter, as well as the foreign hostages who witnessed his combat form, must undergo psychological intervention to return to normal and sleep peacefully, because the combat missions achieved by Cashel using a combat knife were so bloody and violent that he was recuperating. I was awakened repeatedly in the center.

Chris, Shield of Honor holder.

His resume is not as full of personal heroism as his previous colleagues, but he has repeatedly made valuable tactical suggestions at the First Army's combat meetings. Not only that, his swordsmanship is extremely superb, and the organ transplant surgery of the genetically modified warrior seems to have a very positive impact on him. He is 10 centimeters taller than other genetically modified warriors, and his power armor must be modified. Dress. At the same time, his extremely strong sense of responsibility and desire for protection also allowed him to play a great role in the responsibility of the Honor Guard. He once protected engineering teams responsible for exploring natural resources and assaults between the mountains of Afghanistan and the Balkan Peninsula. The killings came from attacks by local armed forces, religious armed forces, and rebel armed forces.

He was a warrior full of honor. Every time he set foot on the battlefield, he followed Aparisha to the place where the artillery fire was the densest. He even used his shield to withstand a howitzer bombing. He has defended Aparisha from deadly attacks from enemies on the battlefield more than once. For this reason, one of his palms was replaced with a mechanical bionic hand specially made for him by a top mechanical craftsman. Chris's outstanding achievements earned him a small shield engraved with his personal coat of arms. This small shield was embedded in the lower edge of his shoulder armor and placed at the position of his heart.

Regent Victor von Doom followed the group down the pit tunnel.

As the path openers, the Praetorian Order smashed the aberrant creatures with horns, tails, scales, feathers and claws that were crowded in the maintenance channel. The sisterhood following them did not move for the time being, but they tightly surrounded Catherine. In the middle, even Catherine's steel wings could not be extended; Apalisha did not join the escort formation. He arranged for the escort to come to the rear and then walked to the Praetorian Order with a battle ax in hand, walking side by side with Constantine. Compared to the scalpel-like precision of the Praetorian Order, Aparisha, who has never received relevant training, seems a bit jerky. He cannot chop the ax just right every time, but he makes up for it with extreme violence. these shortcomings. This made Constantine frown. The Praetorian Guards are not purely violent machines like Aparisha. The exercise of violence is a kind of power and means, and it is one of the necessary conditions for them to achieve their goals.

"Please do not interfere with the battle, Aparisha."

"Do you think the Praetorian Guard is stronger than me, Constantine?"

“We exist to respond to different situations.”

The tactful reply of the Guard Commander was not understood. "I think it's my mission to kill my enemies, what about you?"

"If you say the word toy tin soldier, I'll knock your teeth out one by one."

"I thought you had no temper, robot." Aparisha said coldly, "The duel between us has been delayed for a long time. Aren't you going to accept the challenge?"

"I don't have time. If you have nowhere to vent your energy, then the duel cage within the legion is enough for your entertainment."

Aparisha quickly reached out and patted away the chunks of meat that flew up from below. He was certain that Constantine did this on purpose.

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