Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1604 Chapter 1600 Moon War (One Hundred and Sixteen)

Aparisha found this interesting, because even he didn't know why he was interested in Constantine's proposal. He followed with great interest, and spoke his request slowly amidst the splatters of blood and minced meat. He didn't care whether Constantine and the other guards listened. He made it to Constantine more than once. Dueling applications were made, but these applications were all rejected without exception.

Chemical psychological intervention and brain implants have transformed the psychology of genetically modified warriors to an almost subhuman level to some extent. Conventional psychoanalytic theory cannot be applied to these superhuman beings. For this reason, the Immortal City has established a Develop a new psychological model to analyze the behavior of genetically modified warriors. The core of this set of doctrines is the concept proposed by the emperor. Every genetically modified warrior is a violent and brutal war machine. However, in order to allow the genetically modified warriors to focus on their tasks and avoid being affected by other perceptual factors, chemically treated The brain will lose many of the emotions humans display in response to the outside world. .

In the eyes of other ordinary humans, these superhuman beings who are as cold as steel do not have the emotions of normal people. They are just tools for the emperor to exercise extreme violence on his enemies. They will not have any consequences for their violence in war. Emotional fluctuations, and they will not make any expression because of witnessing the anti-human behavior of certain armed factions - to them, it makes no difference whether those religious armed forces stuff people into meat grinders or eat human flesh. Genetically modified warriors Its function is to get rid of superstition and superstitious people - when the genetically modified warriors quietly escorted the exploration team into Iraq, they easily wiped out a guerrilla group of religious militants that happened to run into them. The militants piston into the meat grinder, just like the latter did to the civilians, except that the genetically modified warriors will not cheer about it. Their expressions were as if they were facing a boring food industry assembly line and just wanted to get the job done as quickly as possible.

"We need to cooperate, Constantine." The battle ax in Apalixia's hand was swung until there was only an afterimage. He could barely see Constantine's movements clearly. The monsters blocking the path of the Praetorian Commander died in the blink of an eye. The Praetorian Guards formed a formation and plunged straight into the crowded alien sea composed of etheric spiritual entities, allowing the Sisterhood to Use a melta gun to spray high temperatures on the aetherial aliens that try to get in. "The prerequisite for cooperation is honesty. If I don't know the limits of the Guards, how can we cooperate?"

Aparisha caught a glimpse of the meat grinder-like battlefield of genetically modified warriors at the end of the line.

These elite genetically modified warriors are not idlers, and they can still cope with the current situation. The scales rubbed against the shield, making a piercing scream. Countless claws of different sizes clawed at the upper edge of the shield frantically. The ethereal alien entities like a tide were completely unable to break through their defense line from behind. The genetically modified warriors retreated while fighting, leaving a trail of corpses and various bodily fluids between the ethereal alien entities, ensuring that the Sisterhood armed personnel in the middle had enough space to use their melta guns.

"My warriors bleed, Constantine."

Constantine couldn't help but frown. He still didn't understand why Aparisha stood beside him and interfered with the battle. "I accept your invitation to participate in this mission. You must tell me the mission information." Apalixia pointed at her helmet, "Don't think that I can't see the passage of the document with the mark of the Adeptus Order. Modified many times. I know there is a portal below, but what else did the reconnaissance drone see beyond the portal?"

The steel storm gradually subsided, and the front was covered with corpses of ethereal aliens. Constantine took out the magazine to replace the ammunition for his long gun. The idle bolt gun of the empty warehouse reloaded with a snap. The guard commander raised his long gun and fired two bursts, killing the ethereal alien that was trying to destroy the steel staircase a hundred meters away. The latter exploded like a bag filled with juice, and all the corrosive blood fell on the wall behind him, corroding a large hole full of black cables.

"I need genetically modified warriors to resist the attack of the ether entity aliens for us and buy time for Catherine." Constantine's answer made Aparisha want to swing an ax at him, but the commander of the guards seemed to be indifferent to this. Nothing is known. He took a half-step to the right very naturally, and a garrison spear thrust out against him, hitting the etheric entity that emerged as he passed the corner. There wasn't much light here, and only the flames of the bolters when they fired could provide fleeting brilliance. The guard commander was not affected by the flames that flashed around him. He steadily picked up the spear again and pulled the trigger. Without looking, Aparisha picked up her plasma pistol and fired a ball of white-hot plasma, delivering the final blow to Constantine's target.

"That's all you need to know, Aparisha."

"What a fool I am for choosing a lighter topic for you. Since you won't talk about the gladiatorial arena, you'd better think this mission is worth the lives of my soldiers. Don't think that only the Praetorian Guards have access to secrets Task, you are just bodyguards and we are soldiers, we shed more blood. You are not the emperor’s only armed force, and you have no right to handle all tasks on behalf of the emperor. He will trust us more on the battlefield.”

Neither Constantine nor the other Praetorian Guards answered. They killed silently, as always, and even Aparisha's attack did not change the established rhythm of the battle.

"I will not give up the mission because of such a thing, Constantine, we fight according to the emperor's ideals rather than power." Apalisha tried hard to hide her anger. He swung his battle ax horizontally, and the upper body of the ethereal alien entity disappeared like an explosion. The Praetorian Guards stared at Aparisha from the corner of their eyes, their muscles tense, ready to deal with the possible attack of the Lord of the First Army at any time. "We will meet again at the court, Constantine." To the surprise of the Praetorian Commander, Apalisha did not attack. He lowered his ax and stared at the commander of the guards, "I hope you have a good explanation by then."

Regent Victor von Doom couldn't help but sigh.

Although not everyone in the Praetorian Order thinks highly of themselves, their secrecy can easily lead to misunderstandings. He believed that it was necessary to inform the emperor of the conflict between the Praetorian Order and Apalixia. After all, the genetically modified warriors possessed violent and bloodthirsty genetic characteristics that the Praetorian Guards did not possess. If the two sides clashed, it would be an unacceptable loss— -This team went all the way down, and the armored convoy formed a defensive line, blocking all ethereal alien entities that tried to enter the maintenance channel to intercept the mixed team. The powerful firepower prevented this special operations group from focusing all its attention on the task of blocking the enemy forces in the rear. The outstanding performance of the genetically modified warriors resulted in fewer and fewer monsters tracking them. Later, Aparisha even After ordering the genetically modified soldiers to place the automatic turrets, they formed another advancing front alone.

This decision allowed the special operations team to move nearly twice as fast.

Different from the quiet and precise fighting style of the Praetorian Guards, the battlefield of genetically modified warriors is filled with roars and violence. Each genetically modified warrior pours out the power that his body and power armor can exert into the etheric alien entity, and the electronic muscle beams emit Overwhelmed metal screams. The brutal, savage and even efficient combat stimulated everyone's nerves, so much so that Catherine and the Sisters also added their own firepower to this bloody ensemble.

The genetically modified warriors exerted unparalleled physical violence on the unorganized ethereal alien entities. It was not until the flesh and blood bodies of these ethereal aliens completely collapsed that the shield wall and firepower network they formed took an extremely solid step - the Imperial Guard Xiu Will immediately penetrate the enemy formation and start a new round of strangulation. The garrison spear river rolled up a black and red flesh and blood storm, and the bursting gun flames flashed like thunder in the darkness - in the eyes of the genetically modified warriors, the guards led by His approach was tantamount to falling into a trap, but his bloodthirsty violent impulse made him applaud this behavior. No matter what the differences between the genetically modified warriors and the Imperial Guards were on the mission, this wonderful battle was worthy of anyone. The warriors with honor cheer.

The sudden high-level communication request was not intended to be a violent process.

"Lord Regent, the First Army will complete its mission!"

Hearing Aparisha's voice on the communication channel, Constantine finally couldn't help curling his lips and gripping the handle of his spear. If he could, he would add the word childish to Aparisha's profile label. This is obviously not a psychological characteristic that a genetically modified warrior should have, but Aparisha's behavior makes Constantine think that he can match this label. "The commander of the guards just shook his head coldly, making it difficult to tell what he was thinking. The other guards standing next to Constantine did not respond either. They were like machines with cold bodies all over their bodies. Mechanical but precise killing. "I will now take over command of this mixed team. "The leader of the First Army said loudly, "I will lead this team to the coordinates sent by the regent as quickly as possible, and the priority of the portal coordinates will be reduced to crimson. "

Constantine stood in front of the last door.

"Except for the Praetorian Order, all other armed personnel have joined the First Army and the chain of command. The Praetorian Order will return to continue the original mission. The First Army and the Sisters please arrive at the portal coordinates on time after the mission is completed."

The commander of the imperial guard spoke faster. Catherine nodded and quickly stood with Tita, beginning to fill in the fire gaps of the genetically modified warriors until the gunfire began to subside and the deck was covered with shell casings. Although it is unknown why Victor von Doom chose a location far away from the portal, the Emperor asked Catherine to listen to the Regent's command throughout the process, and Catherine believed that the Emperor must have his own secret mission to complete. As for the location of the portal, she actually didn't know it before the reconnaissance drone arrived. She only knew that she and Constantine completed the mission in the dream. However, when she got here, she understood everything. .

Now was not the time for her to move forward.

Constantine looked at this giant airlock door that was twenty meters high. The rusted alloy and steel walls dyed the entire deck red. The detection system of the power armor constantly indicated that there was high temperature behind the door. After taking out the key given by the emperor, the rusty gears made a labored sound, and the airlock door opened with an annoying slowness. Constantine caught a glimpse of a golden light flashing behind the door, and a flame-breathing steel wing flew through the air and then fell rapidly. It was not until the genetically modified warriors and the Sisters left one after another that the Praetorian Order began to communicate on the channel. "This is a very special mission." The guard commander seemed to understand something. "This is a prophecy and a prayer. He has sealed victory for us. Now we just need to follow the route He set."

"What does this mean, Commander?" Hannibal asked.

"Maximus and Black Bolt are still alive at this moment." Constantine said, "There is no linear time in another dimension, and subjective consciousness can affect objective facts. Now behind is the portal. He guides me to see the path to victory. Now I will complete the order while you wait here."

[When primitive humans painted hunting scenes on rock walls, it was a prophetic ritual. This ritual prays for smooth hunting and the ability to bring back enough meat to feed the tribe. The primitive humans draw a future scene and lock in a suitable future. Constantine's dream is a ritual that locks in the future scene and achieves it in reality. The battle in the dream will be repeated in reality until we move towards the future I choose. 】

Everything in front of Constantine felt familiar.

The huge mutated bodies of Maximus and Black Bolt, the air heated by molten iron, the phantom Praetorian Guards and Catherine - yes, there is a Catherine here. It's just that compared to the Catherine who was created out of thin air by the emperor, this Catherine's body struggled between illusion and reality - she saw Constantine at a glance, and then glanced at another forbidden figure with the same vague figure. The guards understood everything in the blink of an eye.

"How many times is this?"

"The one hundred and twenty-ninth time," Constantine replied. He raised his spear, "And for the last time."

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