Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1614 Chapter 1610 Moon War (One Hundred and Twenty Six)

"I don't want to discuss Kharma Taj's policies with you, I've given away too much information."

The emperor's tone changed from the gentle tone before and became unbearably serious. His gaze existed like frozen lightning, spanning the cabin, tingling everyone's nerves. If the aircraft turned off auto-flight and required sentient beings to pilot it, the nose of the aircraft would have hit the ground at this moment. Fortunately, the servitor knows nothing and cares nothing.

"You have crossed a line, Bayonetta. This is not a witch's job..."

The Praetorian Guards kept scanning Jeanne d'Arc and Bayonetta, their muscles tense and ready to attack at any time, creating opportunities for the Emperor to counterattack. But the witch did not attack as Amon feared, neither in words nor actions. Bayonetta just stared at the emperor for a few seconds, pretending that nothing happened, and continued to enjoy the champagne with her wine glass. As for Joan of Arc, she didn't bother to pay attention to such official duties. No matter what Kama Taj's situation is, as long as her normal life is not disturbed, all she cares about is sunshine, beaches, swimming pools, fine wine, and how to feed the little pets she raises in hell.

The relationship between the witch and the emperor is an important psychological subject for the Praetorian Order. No written, audio or video records will be left of the relevant discussions, and they can only be discussed in top-secret locations and will be forgotten after walking out of the room. Its content - the Praetorian Guards who understand psychoanalysis will infer the personality of witches through their behavioral patterns, such as the impact of Bayonetta's childhood experiences on her adult personality, and the influence of Joan of Arc's original family relationship during her minor years. The pressure she brings and so on - the emperor has issued a report, and their task is to modify their mental model, and then compare it with this report to find out the inaccuracies and make changes.

As a school with a special magical foundation that is not directly or secretly linked to the Emperor's own stigmata, the two remaining members of the Witch School are worthy of the Emperor and the Imperial Guard Order's considerable energy, time, and research. In such a scene, the witch did not launch an attack, which shows that the Praetorian Order's mental model of the witch still has errors and needs further correction and modification.

"I'm very sorry."

The emperor in Amon's eyes has not changed at all, but when the witch is serious, his changes are extremely drastic, just like the towering city walls that have stood since ancient times collapsed due to weathering. He sheds away the signs and symbols required for his function, which is the psychological value he must show to others - human beings will admire the tall and majestic individuals in the group who have the image of demigods in ancient Greek mythology - even if humans The degree of evolution is high enough, but they will still instinctively obey the taller individuals in the group. In an online survey conducted by the Internal Affairs Department created by the Praetorian Order and the Regent, a large number of young men serving in government departments and holding public positions expressed their opinions on the government. There has been a positive response to the physical training and combat skills training for civil servants, while many of the young women on the payroll have longed for the emperor himself, even as they witnessed firsthand the bloody policies enacted by the emperor as he imposed secularization and wiped out populist armed groups. It will not change the private admiration of many people for the emperor.

"Please allow me to think quietly for a while before arriving at Karma Taj. Dinah, please bring the dessert. The brain needs a lot of sugar to function."

The surface of the shield was covered with countless white cracks like explosion-proof glass that had been hit.

The black giant sword made of hell metal collided with the dense small ethereal alien entity on the shield. The white flames burned the blood-red runes, and a violent flash of light was enough to burn the retina. The giant beast didn't have time to swing its next sword. The dense cannon tracer bullets were lifted from the cluster of small ethereal alien entities below and pointed at the sword body. The powerful stopping ability forced the giant sword to tilt to one side.

The giant claws swung horizontally blocked the firing range of the heavy bomb cannon. Constantine and Hammurabi waved their weapons to block the knight holding a heavy individual weapon. With the increased power of kinetic energy and power armor, they would force the enemy to attack. The knight's moving sharp claws knocked it open and cut it off. Tita took advantage of the situation and activated her jetpack, hitting the giant beast's head like a meteor. Her long sword penetrated deeply into the giant beast's blood-red snake pupil, and then activated her jetpack again before the giant claw grabbed her, jumped away, and sprayed forward. The tail flame directly scorched the giant beast's eyes.

Aparisha emerged from behind the beast's scarred calf, the execution ax flashing with lightning, and the plasma pistol exuding steam. The white-hot plasma ball hit the giant beast's elbow, and then the execution battle ax roared into the charred flesh and bones. When the decomposition force field burned the bones, dazzling sparks exploded, deeply embedded in the bone joints of the giant beast's elbow. inside. In just three heartbeats, the sisterhood, knights, and Praetorian Guards, who worked closely together, made up for their mistakes and once again drove the beast away from the regent Victor von Doom. The scars of the giant beast healed again in the next second, and it regained its strength again.

Regent Victor von Doom had cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't watch the warriors fight against the etheric entity aliens at all. Every time he uttered a spell was a burden to him, because the task given to him by the emperor was to completely heal the scars of this material universe to ensure the next one. The mission will not be affected by this.

[Why do you deceive yourself, mortal? Don’t hide your fear with wordplay, don’t be afraid to admit that I exist, that I am the eternal nightmare of all intelligent species in your universe. Admit it, you cannot banish me, the waves of the sea of ​​souls can drown you at any time. You are just an insignificant character who puts yourself on a pedestal, pretends to be who you are and thinks you are powerful enough. You still can't face your life to this day, can't you, Victor von Doom? 】

The voice that penetrated his heart made Regent Vidocq von Doom's scalp tingle and his spine shiver.

The roar of the giant beast was mixed with unparalleled malice. He could hear the giant beast talking to him, and he couldn't even tell whether it was an illusion. The forces of the immaterial world oppressed him, and the storm roared in his soul. He is just a mortal, unable to pick stars from the void and play with them like the emperor, change the natural environment of the atmosphere, order mountains to move (although he has never done this, but Victor knows he can do it), and cannot resist the powerful Natural phenomenon - he understands that it is easy for the being behind the curtain to defeat him, because he understands the rules of the non-material universe and can use the power of the non-material universe. But the gods cannot break the contract and interfere directly with the material universe. This is a contract signed before the birth of the universe. If you tear up the contract, you will inevitably be counterattacked by the material universe. However, the gods will not sit still and wait for death.

The wars in the non-physical universe occupy most of my attention, and I must stay focused, otherwise they will kill me in the non-physical universe. I hope that Constantine, Aparisha, and Tita can complete their mission, otherwise the killer who comes to the physical universe will kill me as an extension of the will of the gods.

Victor von Doom thought.

I do not deny fear, I am afraid of the glimpsed ending. Even wise people cannot be at peace with that terrifying scene, and even think that they can give up the struggle and wait for fate to come. Perhaps this is the weakness of human beings, weakness, short-sightedness, and sensibility. I don't deny fear, nor do I deny the darkness in my psychology, but you don't understand me, and you can't understand everything I have dedicated. You cannot shake my devotion to this ideal, an idea you will never understand, for you are nothing more than a collection of thoughts in the sea of ​​souls, and you do not possess free will - Regent Victor von Doom Increase the speed of chanting the mantra. For him, the spell is not necessary, but a psychological aid to help him focus his will and make himself believe - even if I die at this moment, I will laugh at you, despise you, and drive you away from the bed of children's fear. We will pull you from the shadows, from the burning nebulae of the void, and wherever you are, if you dare to extend your will into the physical universe, we will fight you there.

[Your threats have no power. 】

"It is true that my threats are not enough to destroy you, but He can. I will help Him achieve this goal."

[We will reveal the secret to you. Victor von Doom is closer to us than you might think. He belongs to us, not the human species. Can anyone identify with their belonging because of a piece of clothing? 】

"He was human and had a will of his own, which is something you can never have."

Regent Victor von Doom slowly clenched his palms, and the air between his palms was compressed like a touchable entity, and then glowed. Phenomenons that require huge amounts of energy in physics can now be easily achieved, even if this is only a trivial by-product. The energized eyeballs sink into the portal, and the spell woven by the visual nerve fibers draws power from behind the curtain, stitching together the physical laws of the material universe bit by bit, from gravity, temperature, humidity, to molecules, atoms, and electrons.

"He knows that Kama Taj is a trap. Now, get out of this world. There is no place for you in the material universe."

[We always have a chance, Victor von Doom. You will see the decay of your ideals and cry in your dreams. We are always the victors. From the time the first intelligent races in the universe began to explore the world, we have been waiting in the shadows under their beds, hiding and manipulating every word they spoke and every thought they had. The entire species offers everything to us. The human race is no exception. We will come on the eve of your ascension, from the shadows in the corners, the shadows under the beds, the shadows in the palace corridors. Wherever we are, we will come to collect the spoils. 】

Victor von Doom gritted his teeth and endured the sound of violence drilling into his brain.

The portal shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the penetration and volume of the sound became smaller and smaller.

[He belongs to us, Victor von Doom. 】

[Tell him that the deal is still valid. 】

[There is no point in supporting agents in the Sea of ​​Souls. No existence can fight against us. Standing on the side of the winner is the right decision. 】

[You will be forced to step into a war full of blood and chaos, and witness his coronation ceremony with the blood of the entire species and all life in the entire galaxy. You are supporting a tyrant unlike any other in the galaxy, because he is of this world, not humanity. 】

As the portal closed with a bang, the last energy shock was released.

The whole world seemed to be quiet. The deck heated by the molten iron below began to melt the stubborn frost, and a large amount of steam emerged from below the deck. Then those small ethereal entity aliens stopped moving. The laws of the material universe returned again. The body without internal organs was completely unable to support the movement of the body in the material universe. Those small etheric entity aliens relied on kinetic energy to run forward for a few steps and then fell to the ground, turning into pus and ashes. The Praetorian Guards, Knights, and Battle Sisters were surprised to find that the bolt bombs could leave deep enough scars on the behemoth's body, just like the damage the bolt bombs were supposed to cause to organic creatures, and the wounds on the behemoth's body no longer looked like before. In that way, it can be healed in the blink of an eye, and the pain begins to accumulate. Even the monster from another dimension is a little panicked at this moment, because it feels the loss of power.

Its greatsword is no longer hard, its bones are no longer strong, and its body is no longer strong. It can't even flap its bat wings to fly, because witchcraft has been expelled from this space, and the non-aerodynamic muscle distribution and bat wings cannot allow it to fly like a bird. Its body is dying from the inside out, and it feels suffocated because its lungs have no actual function, they are just a large piece of meat that has been given a concept.

Constantine pierced its arm, pinning it to the ground.

The pain made it furious, and it bit the leader of the guards with its hyena-like snout, but it was immediately pulled outward by several other forces. Several other Praetorian Guards firmly controlled its body, using weapons to disintegrate its still active body with residual witchcraft energy. Until an ax was embedded in its forehead, and brass-colored combat boots stepped on its forehead.

Aparisha pulled out the ax with malice, "I told you, you will die in my hands, alien."

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