Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1615 Moon War (one hundred and twenty-seven)

"Alien? Is that what you call my kind?"

The giant beast's head still has a small amount of activity, and the eyeballs struggling out of the charred shell are staring at the leader of the first army. Aparisha always felt that the voice was trying to get into her brain, but an invisible barrier blocked the voice - in the knight's psychological indoctrination and teaching machine, this psychic barrier was called the "Emperor's Barrier". The psychic defense barrier was designed and constructed by the emperor himself to resist psychic interference at the spiritual level - Aparisha was unmoved, and he still wielded his ax to slash the neck of the giant beast to silence the giant beast's noise.

"Why not use the name you humans give to my species? Why are you afraid of that term?"

Aparisha grabbed the behemoth's forehead, lifted the huge hyena-like head, and placed it in front of the regent Victor von Doom who was wearing a dark green robe. The latter used a long staff to support his body, with cold sweat on his forehead. The giant beast wanted to say something else, but Victor von Doom didn't give it any chance - he pointed at the giant beast's head with a golden eagle staff burning with flames, and the head quickly shrank until it could be Lift with only one hand. Flames ignited under the skin, and bright tongues of fire emerged from the eye sockets. The supernatural organic matter was scorched black and fell off, revealing the incomplete fangs and sharp teeth. Victor von Doom took off an iron-black alloy chain from his waist and motioned to Aparisha to thread the horned skull through the chain.

"Devil, huh?"

Regent Victor von Doom took the thick iron chain, his skull swaying on the end of the chain. He could hear the demon cursing in the fire. The bright flames in the eye sockets of the skull gradually calmed down, and the interior was scorched black, as if the heaviest shadows in the universe had accumulated here. Only a few sparks were still slowly smoldering. The forehead of the skull The symbols extending along the cutting marks of the ax blade are still emitting a little firelight from within. A long, distant whisper, like grinding teeth, sounded in the flames, and then disappeared.

"I complied with my destiny, and I fulfilled my promise. You will see the heat death of the universe in the sea of ​​souls, but you will never be able to interfere with the material universe." Apalixia saw the regent hang the chain back on his waist, smoldering The skull is emitting immaterial smoke, like an incense burner used in a religious ceremony. Victor von Doom's tone was slightly sarcastic, "Your concept of existence is no longer complete, and even your master cannot put you back together again. You will forever turn into ether energy and float in the sea of ​​souls, and This will be your future destiny. I know you can hear me, and no matter what you want us to call you, you will eventually tell us enough valuable information."

"If you ask me to say... Although I know you didn't ask, even my grandma knows that this thing can only lie. Is it wise to ask this thing for information?" Apalixia moved her wrist, armor plate The server below whirred. It seemed that he was satisfied with cutting off the head of the initiator. He glanced at the corpses of other knights scattered on the ground, and silently returned his eyes to the regent. They would later return to the upper decks with these corpses and bury them in the catacombs of the Immortal City, where lay all the heroes who had dedicated their lives to the Emperor's cause. "Wouldn't it be better to throw it into the sewer or the reactor cooling channel so that it can't harm anyone?"

"When we can understand the enemy's intentions, we must seize the opportunity." Regent Victor von Doom said calmly, "The emperor will personally preside over its interrogation."

"I have no objection. I believe the emperor is capable of handling this kind of thing." Apalisia looked at Constantine again. He found that after the battle, the guards gathered together to talk. He was very disdainful of this secrecy. "According to the procedure, do I need to accept information blocking?" He no longer focused on the Guards, but said those extremely humiliating words in a calm tone, "Will there be no traces of this battle?" Any records?"

"The Praetorian Order will preserve all information about this battle." Regent Victor von Doom said. The people who can stand here are the emperor's confidants. They are the emperor's most efficient tools and sharpest blades. There is no need to hide some things from them. "You will also have a record, but only in your memory, Aparisha. The secret of the ethereal alien's appearance must be revised. We cannot let ordinary people know that their nightmares really exist. Their minds are too weak to Withstand the fact that even those selected mortal elite soldiers are like this. Our greatest enemy is not an entity that can be dealt with with weapons, but an invisible and intangible thought, a fear hidden deep in human genes. Those brains are waiting to be armed by the Emperor, now is not the time to tell them the truth.”

"This is not my job scope." Apalixia shrugged. The armor adhesive that automatically repaired the inner lining of the power armor made the movement of several deformed small armor plates not as smooth as before. "I am only responsible for killing and protecting what can be seen."

[Don’t pretend you don’t understand, Aparisha, I know what you think about “Unified Truth”. You used to be an American who became religious after suffering from PTSD, but now you no longer do so. Although some of this is a function of reconstructive surgery, I think it can also be called an improvement. 】

Constantine ended his conversation with the other Praetorian Guards, walked over and whispered a few words into the regent's ear, and then Victor von Doom issued the order. Apparently, the Praetorian Order had brought new news. "Later, the servitors and other knights of the First Army will come here to carry out the transportation work. We can stay here for a while. The battle situation above has eased, the Inhuman civilians no longer resist, and the Attilan Campaign can be declared over. . Next will be a long repair process. We will try to repair all the functions of this star fort and send garrison troops to this star fort." The regent winked at Apalixia, "It's time to improve the assault jump. Help the intensity and frequency of training, Lord of the First Army."

"Yes, Lord Regent." Aparisha said dryly, "You must have read my mind to know that I like to sleep in places full of alien corpses."

"Don't worry, we have very high battlefield hygiene standards." Constantine continued, "You will stand in front of the gate of Constantinople, and glory will not pass you by."

"Are you really kidding me, Constantine?"

In response, Apalisha received a confused look from the commander of the guards.

When you are on the snowy peaks of the Northern Hemisphere in summer, you don't just see white snow and black rocks reflecting the sun.

The winter blizzards and lead-colored cumulonimbus clouds have gone away, and the sun penetrates the bright blue sky and shines unbridled on the snow-covered slopes, illuminating large areas of dazzling reflections. The observatory above the mountain is still covered with a small amount of snow, but the road from the small landing airport to the hidden base has been cleared. The assault transport boats circled and separated from the escort fighters, and the reverse thrust engines emitted heat to evaporate the fine snowflakes in the air—— The air tightness protocol was released, the constant temperature protocol was released, the artificial gravity protocol was released, and the cargo hold locking protocol was released - the hydraulic device slowly lowered the ramp plate, and Amon walked out first, holding the military flag, and faced another Guardsman who had been waiting for a long time. The emperor and the two witches got on the anti-gravity armored personnel carrier that the Imperial Guard had prepared. Since this is a military vehicle rather than the emperor's private business jet, the interior decoration is not as luxurious as that of a Pegasus command assault transport craft. It is filled with simple military equipment and there is nothing unusual about it. Necessary decoration.

Through telepathic communication, the two witches already knew their destination.

They will not go directly to Kama Taj's headquarters, but to an astronomy tower that has been transformed into a stronghold of the Eternal City. It was once the base used by Kama Taj to observe the stars. It was built on a mountain that has not been climbed yet, hidden on the cliffs, and camouflaged with snow and rocks. As soon as they entered the door, the witches saw air defense radars on both sides of the nearby mountains, as well as anti-aircraft missiles that were always ready to be launched.

After the emperor took control of this stronghold, he immediately repaired the astronomical tower that had been abandoned for many years, using military technology and psychic technology to improve it, making it a stronghold and logistics reserve base that could withstand radar detection, missile attacks, and psychic attacks. .

At the same time, this astronomical tower was also the location where the emperor established the Psychic Academy.

All magic schools on Earth must come together and receive unified supervision and training to avoid dangerous psychic events that endanger human safety. In order to achieve this goal, the emperor's army massacred all members of the magic school who attempted to resist in the Temple of Vatum, and subsequently sent the Kamathaj mystic and the knights to perform the tasks of invitation, collection, and imprisonment. Since the straight-line distance from Karma Taj is no more than two hundred kilometers, this yet-to-be-established Psychic Academy shares a dungeon with Karma Taj, and it is also convenient for Karma Taj to supervise the Psychic Academy.

Before going to Kama Taj, it was necessary for them to come here to rest and recuperate. The emperor suggested that the witch stay here to wait and see how the situation develops. If he cannot solve the problem of Kamal Taj, then all personnel in this stronghold must be evacuated. Now all the people within Kamal Taj that the emperor can command have arrived at the Moon Attilan Star Fortress. If things develop in the worst direction, then the emperor's army can take action without fear of hurting the opponent. Execute tasks critical to the plan. Even Master Hamil, Master Wu Guiyue, Casilios and Modo didn't know that when the emperor claimed that he was just repairing the Astronomy Tower and using it as a base for the Psychic Academy, he quietly transported a few pieces to this stronghold. Thermonuclear warhead.

Another Praetorian has installed the fusion warhead on the rocket, ready for launch.

"Replenish ammunition and fuel, we will set off for Kama Taj together with the escort fighters." Amon said to the base's logistics director and combat readiness director, "Order the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment to make final combat preparations and equip them with anti-gravity parachutes , ready to board the plane at any time. We must directly carry out airborne operations and reach the tactical target as quickly as possible. I will send the tactical target to the command terminal, which requires at least five Hammerfall airdrop fortresses and fifty V-2 automatic lasers. Sentry guns, 20,000 explosive bombs..."

While the Imperial Guard Amon was giving instructions to the officials of the Ministry of Military Affairs, the emperor invited the two witches to take the elevator to the upper floors of the Astronomy Tower. Two heavily armed battle sisters waited in front of the largest door in the circular passage. After seeing the emperor, they used the security key on their power armor to open the door. "I have arranged a library here. These books come from the magic schools on the earth." He said, "According to the laws promulgated by the Supreme Master, all magic schools on the earth must hand over at least one copy of their inheritance to Kama Taj. , however, this law was often deliberately ignored, until the Psychic Academy was established and the inheritance of those magic schools was forcibly confiscated by the knights, the will of the Supreme Mage and me was not fully implemented."

"When we were taking the elevator, the old guy dressed like a western cowboy who kept staring at us was the wizard named Monaco?" Joan of Arc asked, "He is in the magical underground black market and the gap between dimensions. He is very famous and I heard that he is very good at using magic based on Hindu mythology.”

"Old guy, he has a very clear understanding of the bills that need to be paid for using etheric power. Although he has temporarily expressed his surrender, I know that he has always planned to leave here."

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