Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1616 Kama Taj Disaster

Amon's gaze sent shivers down the spines of the craftsmen of the Eternal City.

The latter took a deep breath of the pure air in the mask and returned his attention to the data on the single-molecule scrubber panel in front of him. The Praetorian Guard attaches great importance to their own armaments. These complex and advanced equipment are hand-made by the emperor's personal craftsmen. The output is extremely low but very powerful. It can even pierce the armor plate of the main battle tank. Therefore, every Praetorian Guard will be trained under the conditions. Maintain your own equipment when allowed. Amon watched closely as the craftsmen rewired the garrison spear, replaced parts, updated the software, and then reinstalled the disassembled and maintained electroshock bolter onto the garrison spear named "Truth." Turn on the power of the weapon on the spot for testing. After confirming that the connection with the power armor's aiming system is smooth, shoot at the target with the armor plate installed.

"I've replaced the barrel and the accuracy has improved."

The craftsmen were inevitably a little nervous when facing a three-meter-tall giant. This garrison spear requires three servitors equipped with engineering exoskeletons to lift it and place it on the machine bed. The overly heavy weapon can only be easily wielded by warriors wearing power armor. It shows elegance and lethality in the hands of the Praetorian Guards. specialty. The craftsman glanced at the target that was melted by the high temperature of the star released by the explosive warhead, and once again marveled at the craftsman lord's superb skills - as far as he knew, the current strength of human main battle tank barrels may not be able to withstand this kind of Praetorian Guards. The chamber pressure released by the special explosive bomb, as well as the complex structure and precision processing technology of the explosive warhead, are not at the technological level that most human countries can achieve at this stage.

"Thank you for your help, Master Pandion." Amon nodded. The emperor did not intend to use the military standard on this trip, otherwise he could once again demonstrate the skill of using the eagle on the military standard to behead the enemy during the Battle of Attilan. "I hope the Adeptus Adeptus Morning Star gunship equipment in the hangar has also been maintained. This operation must be carried out secretly, and the electronic warfare equipment must be tested before departure."

"It has been tested. Radars throughout the Indian subcontinent and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau will be interfered with. The shield system has also been repaired and tested. There is no need to worry about being detected when launching ground-attack missiles." The master craftsman said worriedly, "You know this Will trigger detection after the mission, right?"

"Thank you again, Master Pandion."

Amon opened his arms and accepted the routine cleaning work of the armor by the armament officer, keeping silent about the worries of the master craftsman. He certainly knows what it means to use electronic warfare equipment to paralyze air defense radars in the Indian subcontinent and the Tibetan Plateau. That is much better than being directly detected by assault transport boats and gunships firing. If the intelligence is leaked, it means a full-scale war with another country that is not part of the short-term plan. This is definitely not a situation that the emperor and regent want to see. They must now focus all their energy on expanding their power, accumulating resources, and uniting with other countries. Human nations fight against alien threats.

Another Praetorian Guard also performed equipment maintenance in this workshop. As the Praetorian Guard who stayed behind to guard Kamal Taj, he provided several reports to the archives of the Praetorian Order, and was composed of the material world of the Astronomical Tower and the non-physical world. The data provided by the material world observation system are used to support this. Amon studied and judged those reports before the routine equipment maintenance process. He discussed with the Guardsman Amphitryon and determined the tactics and equipment required for this operation, including plasma cluster bombs and melt drills. Ground bombs, air-dropped fire fortresses and prefabricated fortifications, low-altitude approach control key nodes, heavy mortar fire support, etc.

It was a quick assault, with Amon and Amphitryon charting the course of attack. After the emperor opens Kama Taj's psychic shield, the special operations teams of the First Secret Regiment will attack from different directions, and the Imperial Guards will accompany the emperor directly into Kama Taj.

"Anti-psionic weapons?"

"The neural stabilizers have been distributed to the First Secret Regiment, and they have all received implant modifications that can run the neural stabilization program. The full-environment combat suit and the neural stabilizer module work well together. After many extreme tests and flexibility, Ability noise test." Amphitryon said while compiling the report, "They and the First Army participated in the mission of encircling and suppressing wizards, and the psychological evaluation results were good. After the regent's education, these soldiers have the psychological quality to fight against wizards. And the human girls in the sisterhood will also participate in the offensive mission of the First Secret Regiment, so there is no need to worry about morale issues. Does He have any doubts about this operation?"

"It doesn't exist, otherwise we wouldn't be preparing thermonuclear warheads. If Kama Taj can't be used by Him, then Kama Taj has no purpose."

"I saw Wanda Maximoff's name on the task list." Amphitryon said, "Her recent psychological evaluation report has been uploaded to the archives, and the danger level and instability level are still dark red. "

"The shuttle she is taking will arrive within twenty minutes." Amon said. "She received the order before the end of the Battle of Attilan to prepare for departure. As long as the emperor issues instructions, she will stand by the emperor's side. We need to worry about her position. The emperor plans to meet her in person and explain the purpose of this mission to her. The witch may be an unstable factor by then and must be diverted away in advance. I hope he can give us the opportunity to comply with the security regulations."

"This needs advice."

"He will accept this suggestion. The relationship between the witch and Him cannot sway His mind."

Amon clicked a few times on the data pad, and then a servitor took down a thick document from the towering bookshelf of the archives. Adjacent to this document is research and testing data for the Sisterhood's power armor. "We need an assault transport craft. If the problem of Kama Taj cannot be solved, we must evacuate it and then blow up the entire mountain range. We must apply to open the forbidden weapons depot and send an engineering team to place thermonuclear explosives in advance." He unrolled the parchment scroll and spread it across the broad conference table. All the equipment in this office is prepared for demigods who are much taller and larger than ordinary people, but the guards still have no habit of sitting down because it is meeting time. "This is the data He once arranged for the engineering team and satellite reconnaissance to scan and analyze the terrain around Kama Taj. By calculating the weak points of the mountain, we were able to bury the Kama Taj headquarters at the minimum cost. This is the final resort. , but I recommend starting to implement it now.”

"Agreed, tribune."

"Then, we need to get permission from the commander or him to open the forbidden weapons arsenal." Amon said with a gloomy face, "I hope the witch didn't waste too much of his time."

"That old guy used witchcraft to make his heart beat, but his cirrhosis of the liver has not been completely solved. I doubt that any etheric spirit is willing to trade his liver. Monaco realizes his life tragically It's worthless, that's the painful truth, so I'm not going to be harsh on him and ask him to stay here."

"That's a little mean."

"But it is precisely because Monaco has a clear understanding of the cost and understands that blindly escaping from the limitations of human thinking ability requires walking into deep waters, so he has never dabbled in witchcraft that is too dangerous. This is the case for many Kama Taj mystics. Not even under the guidance of the Supreme Master, otherwise there wouldn't be so many traitors in Karma Taj. I hope he can stay, at least become a dean of students, and I hope he has learned how to wield a whip. Joan of Arc, If you can, please don't browse through my hidden cabinet... Couldn't the chocolate and red wine jelly made by the professional chefs in the stronghold satisfy your appetite?"

"I've had dessert on the plane, even if it was processed semi-prepared industrial food." Joan glanced down at the pencil drawing in the file, and put it back after thinking about it. She didn't want to tell Bayonetta directly here that the sisterhood's power armor and standard clothing actually had another version, and there was very little protection, with no armor covering the shoulders, arms, and legs. "Why don't you just tell that old guy that you plan to let him stay. Are you embarrassed to speak? After all, you started a massacre in front of all the schools of thought on the earth. It's too late to pretend to be a wise king now."

"This is a military base. Alcoholic beverages will not be served during non-essential periods. Violators will be punished with imprisonment. I think this will help him stop drinking. After all, I don't need a teaching director who is drunk every day."

He reached out and pressed the bell on the table.

The imperial guard who pushed the door into the office saw that the emperor seemed to have been waiting for his arrival. He pressed the electronic seal that had been placed on the table on the parchment. The encryption key composed of microscopic particles was etched on the paper. superior. At the same time, a psychic emblem is also attached to the electronic seal, forming an authentication mark that cannot be counterfeited. Amon frowned and stared closely at the two witches sitting on the sofa. He didn't understand why the two witches were still here instead of accepting the observation mission and returning to the South American island to prepare fortifications.

[Agree to use mountain tactics]

[Agree to use of thermonuclear warheads]

The Imperial Guard was not surprised to see his master approve the tactical research report without even a second of hesitation. It seemed that his master did not even want to waste such a short time. "Wanda will go to Karma Taj with me." The emperor announced the news to the witches. "I have given her special training. If the Mystic Mage of Karma Taj intends to attack her, then she will know how to do it." Do. Amon, please be prepared to meet Wanda Maximoff, and prepare the equipment she needs."

This time, the Imperial Guard Amon saw that neither of the two witches expressed any objections due to superficial desires.

"After the Guards and I leave this base, you will be granted temporary launch authority for thermonuclear weapons in this base." The emperor handed a data tablet to Bayonetta. "When necessary, you can decide for yourself whether Launch missiles at Kamal Taj.”

"Are you going to pass the moral responsibility on to me?"

"I have to plan for losing contact with the base. I know you can trust me, Theresa, Jeanne."

Bayonetta curled her lips, but in the end she couldn't say anything. She took the data tablet with a visibly difficult posture, no longer as neat as before. She really didn't want to admit that she would be happy because of such trust, and then her worries about the difficulty of this mission and the current situation of Kama Taj once again drowned out the small happiness. Even in the face of the Battle of Attilan, he did not prepare thermonuclear weapons - this was the information revealed in the chat between the Emperor and the Witch before the arrival of the Praetorian Guards - and now faced with the most familiar Kama, which is located in a politically sensitive area. Taj, he did not hesitate to use thermonuclear warheads as one of the last resorts. You can imagine how pessimistic his attitude towards this mission was.

"Can't the two daggers given to you by the Supreme Mage solve the problem?"

"If things develop as I imagine, then Kamal Taj will face a major purge. The idea that only two short knives can solve the problem is too optimistic. Among the three temple guardians, except for the outgoing Master Daniel , the other two led the trusted mystics of the three major temples to stay on the moon, responsible for the cleansing and corruption of Attilan Star Fortress. All books, magical artifacts and equipment are strictly protected by witchcraft, and thermonuclear warheads will not cause Too much irreparable damage.”

As the order was given, Dinah led several servitors pushing the armor installation mechanism here. Bayonetta discovered that Dinah had changed into a suit of power armor. The blood red and black power armor had a weapon carrying module installed on the back. The chain sword she gave to Dinah was now being firmly attracted by the magnetic weapon carrying module. lived in and clearly cared for. This psychic weapon has far more power than a conventional chain saw weapon. The multiple teeth made of scales can grow on their own even if damaged, and the engine built with the heart of an etheric creature can run forever. This weapon is now Dinah's main weapon. After all, if the user of this heavy weapon does not wear power armor, it will be difficult for him to exert his close combat capabilities.

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