Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 167 The Devil's Entrapment Plan (First update! Please recommend!)

"Contract? What contract?" Luo Shan looked at the people around her in surprise, and asked with a puzzled face. But no one paid her any attention, and no one seemed to have any intention of explaining, even if this was the reason for her kidnapping.

Cartersley stared at the mystics and remained silent. The spell has already predicted the location of the St. Van Gonzale's contract, but he doesn't know where he hides it. Salomon asked Kattersley to hand over the contract now, also in order to achieve the purpose of the supreme mage. Only Mordo, Mage Hamil and Casilios knew this purpose, so when Salomon said this, they began to look left and right, ready to attack.

"Why should I believe you?" Cartersley's voice was buzzing, with a continuous nasal tone unique to southerners, "How do I know that you are not another group sent by Mephisto? If the Demon King takes Once you reach that contract with a thousand souls, the world will turn into hell on earth!"

"First of all, our suzerain is not Mephisto, but Weissandi. Second, a thousand souls are not enough to fill Mephisto's stomach. This is just a small dessert, only for witches For such an idiot, the power of a thousand souls will be extremely powerful." Salomon's height is close to that of an adult now, but there is still a gap compared with the old cowboy, so he can only raise his head slightly So that Cartersley could see the expression on his face clearly, including the sarcasm he just put Cartersley and the Witch Heart Demon in the same class. It's just that the last sentence is a bit cryptic, not everyone can hear it, only Luo Shan, who is a journalist, can understand it.

She stared at everyone's expressions. It's a pity that no one realizes this—this woman with a little nerve is no longer surprised by the appearance of a group of magicians. She has experienced the most incredible things in her life these days—some What's weirder than having your boyfriend catch fire at night?

"Finally, for someone like you who has very little knowledge of the plane, it's quite normal to not be able to tell the difference between magic. In fact, you can't even tell the difference between a demon and a devil. The fact that you became a ghost rider is in the card Ma Taj is recorded, but we have not disturbed your life—save your last strength, old knight, the flames of hell can keep you alive for at least half a century."

"My father..." Seemingly having heard the conversation of the mystics, the heart witch who was nailed to the ground coughed violently and then began to laugh loudly, "That old guy is a coward! If he had listened to me earlier If it weren't for that old guy who never gave me the throne that should be given to me, this place is hell now! Ha, but he is also a miser, he will not let go of any soul that belongs to him, and you will be punished His hounds hunted down! Forever! Cartersley, you are just my father's dog! Ahem!"

"Okay, we can skip this poor thing's speech, he will be escorted back to Kama Taj, and melted into the glory of Visandi." Salomon made a jumping gesture with his fingers, " Hand over the contract to us, and then you will be free. Some girls nowadays quite like your style, the old cowboy with white hair and beard, believe me, some people will like it."

Cartersley narrowed his eyes and looked at all the mystics walking around the town. The reason why he wanted to follow Master Hamil to San Van Gonza was to see what these people were doing. He was not particularly satisfied with the current result-he didn't know this group of people, and he doubted that Johnny ·The reason why Blazer couldn't come was because of these people. But even if he guessed right, it wouldn't help, because he had no choice, the group of unknown people in front of him made up his mind to solve this matter today. Either he voluntarily handed over the contract, or he was robbed of the contract, and his remaining strength could not resist these people.

The crucified witch heart demon is the best proof.

But he still has some doubts.

"Why?" His voice rubbed hard in his throat, "Why didn't you stop the transaction?"

"Everyone has the freedom to dispose of their own soul." Master Hamil answered Cartersley's question, "Whether they want to go to heaven or hell, this is the freedom of human beings. Bear the consequences of your own choices. Heaven is not as beautiful as imagined, and falling into hell is not irreversible. In any case, the soul of the entire universe will return to the place of eternal silence and become the nourishment for the next cosmic reincarnation. As for why there is no stop The devil came to San Van Gonza... All we can say is, we couldn't find him, he was hiding too well, like a normal person."

"I accept your explanation." Cartersley said so, but he didn't seem to fully accept this statement, but even so, he turned around and strode out of the town, "Now, I want to Go back to the church, the deed is there."

Modu called a mystic and whispered some instructions to him. Afterwards, the mystic led the other deacons to open the portal and brought the Witch Heart Demon back to the Kama Taj headquarters. Master Hamil also took Roseanne back to the headquarters, and the temple deacon would take her back to Houston. Only Modu, Casilios and Salomon stayed here.

Then there is another task. Master Hamil is not the age suitable for high-intensity sports.

Mordo opened the portal, and Kattersley, Salomon, and Casilios entered one after another.

This is a small church full of tombstones, and a few trees are planted between the standing tombstones. This place is located on the outskirts of the city, but it is not a place with electricity. There is only one old man here. Seeing that the power company can't make much money, it has no plans to lay wires. When the mystics came here with the old knights, it was pitch black, only the stained window painting of Michael defeating Satan was painted on the back of the chapel, reflecting the colorful lights under the faint moonlight and the distant lights of the distant city. brilliance.

"It's a bit cliche." Casilios watched Cartersley pick up a shovel, raised his eyebrows, and made his own comment, "Don't you worry about others guessing what important items are buried in the cemetery?"

"Not in the cemetery, I'm not that stupid." The old ghost rider didn't even look back, but walked straight to a tree with a shovel in his hand. from the tree, and from the broken handle took a roll of yellowed parchment. This roll of parchment has a metal lintel, in the style commonly used for scrolls.

"This is the contract of St. Van Gonzal." He bent down with some difficulty, picked up the scroll, and said to the mystics, "This is what you want. Now, tell me, how will you fulfill your promise?"

"This is not what you should care about." The life court scepter in Modu's hand deformed again, sparks flickered in the night, "Keep the contract until we solve this goal."

"I'm a little disappointed." A well-dressed old man with white hair turned out from the shadow behind a tombstone holding a cane, his hair combed back obediently. When he appeared, Cartersley couldn't even hold the contract firmly. Wisps of smoke came out of his body, accompanied by a burning smell.

He's ready to transform into a Ghost Rider.

But Salomon patted his arm to calm him down, because Mordo and Casilios had drawn their weapons and cast their spells. Salomon also aimed the double knife Luoyang at Mephisto.

This is another task, and for Karma Taj, this is the real purpose of the San Van Gonza contract.

Trap Mephisto.

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