Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 168 The Magic World Has No User Experience (Second Update!)

"I thought you were standing here, Salomon." Mephisto stretched out his hand to Kattersley. He just said so, before Salomon fell into hell, Mephisto would not believe him—or, even if Salomon fell into hell, Mephisto would not trust him. This is the devil, and the devil will not trust others.

"It's a pity that my knight can't get away now, but it doesn't matter, give me the contract, Cartersley, and you can be free."

Modu and Casilios were very nervous.

Although the incarnation of Mephisto in front of him is weak, no one dares to underestimate the spells and strategies of the devil, and no one knows that the power from hell will descend on this incarnation in the next second. Therefore, there was only one answer from Karma Taj to Mephisto—Modu took a step forward, and the scepter of the Life Tribunal stretched and deformed, and smashed forward. But just when the head of the staff was about to hit Mephisto, the well-dressed old gentleman waved his hand in disdain, and the sudden huge force knocked Modu out.

He hit a tree planted in the cemetery, made a dull sound, and then fell to the ground again, apparently unable to get up for a while. Seeing that Modu was injured, Casilios immediately stood in front of Salomon, and orange-red sparks flickered on the long white knife in his hand. Their task was to delay the time, and Casilios wanted to delay it. time while keeping everyone safe.

This task was a bit difficult, and Cartersley was also aware of it. When he was about to take back the contract, Salomon grabbed the parchment. "Don't worry." He said confidently, "It's just a skin, it can't carry much of Mephisto's power, the more you use it, the faster you die."

Salomon's judgment was not wrong. With Mephisto's use of spells, the hair on this body gradually faded from the thin golden hair, and turned into a completely pale white. The cheekbones of this avatar gradually protruded, as if the facial bones It's like breaking through the thin skin. It can only be said that Mephisto is worthy of being the king of demons, even he treats his incarnation extremely harshly, and the incarnation can only keep creating value for hell without getting any benefits. When the old devil squeezed the surplus value, he didn't even let himself go. Salomon whispered a word to Casilios, Casilios nodded, and started casting spells with Salomon.

Six magic missiles dragged the blue tail flames, and flew straight from the hands of Casilios and Salomon to Mephisto-this is an attack that must hit, and in order to protect this weak incarnation, Mephisto Fisto had to cast spells to block the magic missiles.

But as the power of hell gradually manifested, the body of this incarnation also became thinner. At this time, Modu seized the opportunity. Seeing that Mephisto was resisting the attack and had no time to care about other things, Modu got up from the ground. He quickly cast a spell, and the magic flame whip hit the devil, binding him tightly. stand up.

Their purpose is not to kill this incarnation, but to make this incarnation more powerful. The more power here, the less Mephisto has in Hell.

Mephisto obediently gave up his resistance, and he seemed extremely relaxed. "It's a pity." The old devil didn't seem to care about the conflict just now. He said with a smile, "I just want to get my bill back. Why are you so excited? You know, I always hate doing things myself."

"What do you mean?" Mo Du frowned, he seemed a little dizzy, "Devil, answer me."

"I still have time." Mephisto seemed to have forgotten his situation, and he wanted to shrug his shoulders to express his attitude, "I have always had time. My soul will eventually fall into my hands. Be patient."

Immediately afterwards, the old devil who was tied up by Modu suddenly disappeared, like a frame-dropped image, disappeared from Modu's spell without warning. Mephisto escaped. Although this kind of thing was not in Modu's plan, it was in the Supreme Mage's plan. Therefore, the moment Mephisto disappeared, the ground near the chapel folded, and the sky showed cracks like glass—no one noticed when they entered the mirror dimension, and this spell seemed to be silent It unfolded without interest and filled everyone in.

And only the Supreme Sorcerer has this kind of magic attainment. In other words, before Mephisto disappeared, the Supreme Mage's spell had been completed, but in order not to alarm the overly sensitive Mephisto, the Venerable did not immediately cast the spell. The dimension of this mirror image is still expanding, until the high-rise buildings in Houston in the distance are folded into domes, and the shining lights are stretched into stars. This space is completely isolated from the outside world.

Cartersley stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him, this kind of scene had never appeared in his mind. "If I hadn't lived long enough," he said, "I would have thought I was hallucinating."

"In a sense, this is an illusion, these are not real." Salomon helped Mordo up, and Casilios was preparing the portal, "Follow us, Cartersley. Don't worry, Murphy Stowe can't escape here, but if the devil discovers the border of this mirror dimension, he will..."

"I will come to you."

Hearing this voice, Salomon didn't even think about it. He immediately turned around and swung his long knife over Modu. Crimson blood flowed out of the blade out of thin air, drawing a huge arc-shaped trace in the air, as if he had drawn a bleeding wound in this space. Immediately afterwards, the fiery flames of hell ignited the lawn, and Casilios hurriedly took a step forward, reaching out and pulling Modu and Salomon back, avoiding the rising flames.

Cartersley turned the shotgun on his back in front of him and fired cleanly, but the pellet missed nothing after passing through the flames. At this moment, Modu's spell was also completed. He cast a spell to prop up a shield, separating the mystic behind him from the raging flames of hell - but he was obviously not satisfied with this, the "Book of Emperor Weishan" lacked Offensive spells, using Magic Flame to bind Mephisto before was just a trick. Modu believed that if he was willing to pay the price and use the "Setorak's Scarlet Chain", Mephisto would not have run away so easily just now.

Now, he wants to make up for his mistakes.

However, before Modu could continue to cast spells, a portal opened under their feet, and the mystic and the old knight fell from the sky and landed on the training ground at Kama Taj's headquarters. When Salomon rubbed the place where he was hit and stood up, he saw the Supreme Mage casting a spell—presumably the portal was also opened by the Supreme Mage.


"You should know that there is no such thing as user experience in the wizarding world." Before Salomon finished speaking, the Venerable spoke first, as if making excuses for his own portal, "Don't worry, my teleportation The door was in time, and Mephisto's avatar didn't make it out."

Modu stood up and bowed his head in silence.

"You have done your best, Modu." As if aware of the poor mood of the disciple, the Venerable advised a few words, "No one can force you to use spells that you do not want to use. Casilios, with evil Spirit Knight go to rest, Roxanne is there too."

The venerable did not continue to enlighten his disciples, but quickly arranged the work, "Salomon, put the contract in the collection room, and you will be responsible for handing it over to Emperor Weishan later."

"As for you, Mordo, you need to rest. You are the only one injured in this operation."

"Yes, Your Honor." Modu's face was gloomy, and no one knew whether he had listened.

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