Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1626 Kama Taj Future Algorithm

Chapter 1626 Kama Taj·Future Algorithm

Wanda Maximov stepped onto the last step. Surrounded by several laser rifles and bolt guns whose muzzles exuded the smell of hot metal, she followed the Guardsman Amon into what the frontline staff had become. The courtyard of "The Fifth Hub Anima". The sight before her made her gasp and cover her mouth to prevent the scream from escaping her throat.

Many mystics lay aside with bleeding from their mouths and noses, receiving treatment from the military doctors of the First Secret Regiment.

Military doctors used the rapid surgical drill on the rapid diagnosis and treatment gauntlet to drill into the skulls of unconscious mystics, release excessive intracranial pressure, and remove part of the temporal lobe to avoid epilepsy to save their lives. However, several others were declared to have completely lost their vital signs. The corpse was placed next to the emperor's boots. In the smoke that smelled of burnt flesh and blood as the drill drilled through the skull, Wanda Maximoff caught a glimpse of a rare angry look flashing across the emperor's face.

Only no more than six corpses were hit by laser weapons and explosive weapons. Their chests and foreheads were penetrated and scorched. The eye sockets of the remaining corpses were completely scorched into empty holes. This shows that many arcane mages died before long-range rockets destroyed the barrier and the First Secret Regiment and the Battle Sisters quickly broke in to suppress the attack.

A military doctor had already used an electric cutting saw to open the skulls of these corpses for a quick autopsy. The brain tissue of these mystics had been burned to ashes. With the acquiescence of the Praetorian Guards, Wanda Maximov suppressed her nausea and fear, half-opened her eyes, stretched her arms as much as she could, and picked up a handful of ashes from the cut skull.

Wanda Maximoff quickly came to a conclusion.

After so many years of study, she could be considered a psyker who was barely able to stand alone, but she was still bothered by the questions the emperor asked her when she climbed the stairs. She didn't know why the emperor invited her to Karma Taj, whether it was for teaching like the Battle of Attilan, or an unknown experiment and observation. She glanced at the location with bloodstains and ashes in the courtyard, and judged that the joint spell-casting ritual performed by these mystics before should be one of the classic Tianyan pole defense or the Zodiac cycle secret chant. She was familiar with these secret rituals. Knowing everything like the back of your hand is the wisdom gained in exchange for more than two hundred test papers and twenty books.

"Their brains were burned due to the backlash of psychic energy. They cannot control these energies, just like those unlucky ones undergoing craniotomy. But this situation only occurs in extreme cases. Other mystics have not encountered this. This situation, and because their souls are still intact. I did not observe the predators rushing here in the etheric sea, and they are temporarily unable to come to this world, nor can they be given such powerful spiritual energy. Their souls have gone Where?"

"Military doctors have calculated that the mass of these ashes, plus the moisture and smoke evaporated from the brain tissue, is still far more than the weight of the brain tissue." Amon whispered in the witch's ear, "The organic matter that produces these ashes comes from Another dimension.”

Wanda Maximoff suddenly remembered the scene the emperor showed her.

Among the ascetics in the photo who participated in the ceremony in Kathmandu, Nepal, in 1995, there is one whose name is quite difficult to pronounce. She had an intuition that the ascetic monk was still alive, and she had also witnessed his poor childhood, hungry youth and ignorant childhood in a quick glance. That feeling has always been firmly hooked in her heart, and her intuition Pointing to the courtyard on top of the mountain. Wanda Maximoff thought of some of the more cruel psychic skills she had learned that could be classified as black magic. Although she had only roughly learned them, she knew the principles of this psychic skill and how to extract others. It is possible to achieve technology that can psionicly enhance specific goals.

She tilted her head and took the data pad from the guard Amon.

She was unable to identify the identities of these mystics because of the distorted faces due to death and craniotomy. However, under the instructions of the emperor, the Praetorian Guards established files on all the mystics of Kama Taj, including fingerprints, irises and A complete set of files including genetic coding - Wanda was surprised to find that these mystics seemed to have had a relationship with her, and she even communicated with them during the short time she was studying at Kama Taj - It is said that the emperor lived in Kama Taj for several years, and his time with these people could only be longer. He must have known these mystics. However, the emperor quickly calmed down his emotions. Except for the diffracted spiritual radiance which was also slightly red, no one could tell how angry he had been.

There were continuous explosions in the distance, and rockets cut through the blizzard and hit the shrinking barrier.

Thick smoke and dust outlined the rough outline of this barrier. Shrapnel flying everywhere and smoldering projectile debris either fell into the deep valley or sputtered on the stone walls and mountains that had not changed for thousands of years. After a brief exchange between the Praetorian Guardsman Amphitryon and Amon, he stood on both sides of the emperor again, waiting for the battle sister Tatiana to complete the communication with the frontline commander of the operation of the First Secret Regiment. It seems that in order to take care of mortals, the emperor deliberately restrained the psychic radiance, but judging from the expressions on the faces of Tatiana and the mortal soldier, the psychic radiance still had a considerable impact on them.

The mortal soldier never dared to raise his head, his gaze always focused on the emperor's breastplate.

This scene made Wanda feel a little funny, but then she was overwhelmed by worry.

The emperor invited her here because of some factors unknown to others, but she knew nothing about it. The only thing she could be sure of was that the emperor would not hurt herself. She was worried that this was a test that she had never prepared for, and that this test had huge implications. If this is a test, then it is definitely not a simple task like hunting vampires in Salem Town and collecting books from cults in the countryside (although the result is to trigger a major earthquake on the east coast of North America), but one that will affect the future of the entire human race. Task.

This made her feel quite stressed.

Mordo stared at the high-temperature subatomic flowers blooming on the telekinetic barrier.

The ether energy that can only be seen with the second vision rises from the head of the ascetic who is chanting the mantra, and then merges into the high-altitude telekinesis barrier like smoke. Several mystics are sitting around the courtyard, and the four-dimensional sky is composed of orange-red sparks. Geometric runic structures swirled before them, manipulating their own and the dervish's spiritual energy to strengthen the barrier. This is a compulsive extraction of spiritual energy. Those ascetics with bleeding mouths and noses endured the pain to complete the mission given by the mystics, the "masters", "higher castes" and "god's chosen people".

"The ether is gathering in a direction we can't see, and our gaze into the ether wave is ruthlessly blocked. If this continues, the most basic protective magic on this land will be destroyed, and we will also be observed by satellites launched by mortals. ." Although he was very reluctant and Master Daniel always sang the opposite, the temple guardians were the decision-makers of Karma Taj anyway. Mordo believed that as a rule-abiding mystic, he should communicate with Master Daniel. "I think he's using Kamal Taj's exposure as leverage to force us to evacuate the barrier."

Master Daniel has been looking worriedly at the courtyard where the Supreme Mage is. Now no one can enter that courtyard except Master Modu. Anyone else who takes a step will be violently ejected by invisible magic.

"The mystics you summoned who are proficient in protection will naturally not be able to stop him, but the power of fire and thunder has been strengthened. This is a natural law caused by countless events in the universe. There are always schools rising and falling. This has nothing to do with him. ." Master Daniel said, "But no matter which method you choose to stop him, you still have no explanation for why you ordered the ascetics to come here. They voluntarily sacrificed everything, and this is not the reason for you to oppress them."

"Repeat again, this is the order of the Supreme Master, and the Supreme Master must have a reasonable reason. Do not question the order of the Supreme Mage, Master Daniel, now is not the time to have differences." Modu frowned, "I have ordered other secretaries to The mage begins to prepare the secret ritual. If he insists on stepping into this courtyard, then he will understand that the other mystics are not necessarily weaker than him."

"I will join the secret ceremony. This is not the order of the Lord, but my wish. I cannot tolerate his betrayal of the Lord." When Master Daniel turned his eyes to him, Modu also admitted the last fact . He pulled out a thick stack of parchment. "This is what I found in his room." He said, "We never noticed the dark ambition growing under our noses, and we should not have agreed to his idea of ​​going out to develop. You can look at these sheepskins Paper, look at his vision for Kama Taj...limit psychic powers, merge Kama Taj, eliminate the influence of extra dimensions, and make Kama Taj a department under his control...He actually calls it leading mankind The eternal path to eternal peace, prosperity and reason, but I only see his ambition sitting on the throne!”

Master Daniel remained silent.

He could not defend the manuscript. Even from the perspective of a mystic who is good at prophecy, the so-called actuarial prediction model in this manuscript can be called absurd. However, he cannot deny that the precise calculation algorithm of the chaos model compiled by the emperor in this manuscript is quite impressive. The saving grace is that its ability to calculate the motion of every atom within a closed system could almost be called a Laplace's Demon.

"Has he ever defended this manuscript?" Master Daniel asked, "After all, he is the compiler of this manuscript."

"I didn't ask, and there was no need to ask."

"Then when did you get this manuscript, Modu?" Master Daniel pressed forward step by step, "It's impossible for you to read the contents of this manuscript in such a short period of time. At least from the beginning of the attack to now, in a short time In just half an hour, it is impossible for you to see the following content, unless you have not seen that charming algorithm. Anyone who sees this algorithm will be attracted by its mathematical beauty and rigor. I don’t think you will be interested in it. I’m curious about this.”

"Do you know how long it has been since he returned to live at Karma Taj?"

The officer of the artillery unit reported that there were very few guided gliding extended-range ammunition carried by the short-range artillery. The Guardsman Amon immediately ordered the rear artillery position to stop shelling, and then ordered two units to move towards the artillery position and Kamatai respectively. Ji's logistics transport convoy sped up to transport artillery ammunition and mortars to where they were needed.

"But the psychic barrier..." the officer asked, "without artillery, how are we going to destroy the barrier?"

"It's not necessary now. Next we need precise artillery fire." Amon's voice was blocked by his helmet. Except for the officers of the First Secret Regiment and the Battle Sisters, others could only hear "Beep-Beep—" even if they were standing next to Amon. -"Voice. Amon believed that the bombardment was not necessary now, because every time the emperor took a step forward, the telekinetic barrier shrank backwards. "Start linking to reconnaissance drones, and I will direct artillery strikes and precision-guided bombs."

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