Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1627 Kama Taj’s Fear

Chapter 1627 Kama Taj Fear

As the team advanced further, the psychic shield seemed to begin to change.

In just a short moment, the building behind the psychic shield seemed to disappear, and then plants and landscapes that did not belong to this plateau began to appear. According to the data fed back by many observation methods such as reconnaissance drones, even though they were standing in front of the gate of the sixth courtyard, the coordinates of the emperor's attack team and the target location were constantly changing, as if the space was being It looked like a piece was cut off and then glued back together.

The emperor's approach caused the barrier to bear more pressure visibly to the naked eye. The psychic static electricity lit up on the originally completely transparent barrier, and the deep purple ether energy flashed away, almost igniting the air. Even so, this barrier is still incredibly strong, far exceeding the protection that the walls of the material universe can provide.

New supplies of ammunition have been delivered and have been communicated in the chain of command. The Guards are ready to conduct bombardment guidance. Precision bombardment and precision-guided bombs can accurately guide the bombing to the coverage area while the shooting elements are constantly changing. On the increasingly smaller psychic shield. At the same time, Wanda Maximoff finally received permission to cast spells - her mission was simple, that is, to use non-lethal means to cause the mystic who maintained the psychic barrier to become non-irreversibly incapacitated.

It can also be done with an electric shock riot suppressing staff, but those mystics are still some distance away from their location, and the seemingly thin barrier is also an insurmountable obstacle. Moreover, as the mystics had their brains burnt as a warning, the emperor was not willing to break the barrier personally, because those mystics who did not die immediately also suffered from intracranial hematoma symptoms many times, and the survival chance of battlefield craniotomy was very small, so the emperor did not want to do it again. Causing more arcane casualties is what the Praetorian calls "a waste of high-value usable assets," so he is only willing to apply pressure slowly to avoid the worst consequences of psychic overload.

And the emperor seems to have some deeper reason why he is unwilling to use his psychic power, but Wanda Maximoff currently knows nothing about it - although her spiritual intuition tells her that this has nothing to do with the emperor. It has something to do with bringing her to Karma Taj, but at this moment she is not willing to think about these complex factors hidden behind the scenes - she only knows that this is an exam, and she needs to choose herself to study in a few seconds. Select one of the hundreds of spells that suits the situation, and then modify it according to the actual situation to better achieve tactical goals. This time, no one would whisper in her ear to point out to her which book the spell and psychic skills were recorded in. She would also need to cooperate with the Praetorian Guards to cast the spell during the next brief gap when the psychic barrier contracted. , allowing your sorcery to cross the barrier and reach the target.

The roar of supersonic gunships was heard in the distance, and Guardsman Amon raised his finger as a countdown.

She chanted the incantation hurriedly, absorbing the scarlet spiritual energy stored in the snake bone staff.

The moment the countdown ended, Wanda Maximoff's mind plunged towards the psychic barrier burning with deep purple flames. Then time slowed down, and the world seemed to have stopped in her eyes. Although she understood that this was a subjective image constructed by her own mental power and only projected in her own brain, it made the whole world stand still. It feels quite mesmerizing.

She blinked quickly, remembering her mission.

The overload explosion of the plasma warhead covered the psychic barrier with red and blue plasma. The thick smoke generated by the burning propellant filled the air between the barriers with countless electric currents, as if there were thunder clouds on a rainy day. Small shrapnel burned into ashes on the barrier, and the entire sky above seemed to be filled with red stars.

Freed from the restraints of her body, she was very fast.

She no longer relies on food supply and the energy transformed by cells to supply energy for her muscles, and is no longer restrained by a relatively weak body. She was free at this moment, as if the furthest boundary that consciousness could reach could be reached directly with one step. She felt that as long as she took one step, she could directly reach the edge of the Milky Way and watch countless stars burn and collapse over hundreds of millions of years, and finally turned into gravitational black holes. Few people can endure this inner temptation, which causes psychics to draw the energy of the etheric sea without restraint, because this temptation is the instinctive yearning of freedom for creatures. This temptation troubles every psyker all the time. Wanda Maximoff silently recited the meditation spell. She recalled her mission and kept her sanity away from the etheric wind blowing from behind the curtain. Lost in.

The etheric predators failed to reach her, eager to hook their deformed tentacles, claws, and claws into her skin and muscles, tear out her eyeballs, and cut her bloody. The emperor's psychic radiance warmed her, and countless terrifying invisible predators did not even notice her existence, and were burned into ashes by the psychic stars that followed, completely erased from the conceptual level and never obtained. The collection of emotions that live the concept of life can never be reborn in the sea of ​​ether. Different from the violent heat shining on the etheric entity, Wanda Maximoff felt warm, grand, and somewhat cold love from this pure radiance, which allowed her spirit to float in the etheric wind. Condensate and maintain shape.

She blinked, her metaphorical palm parted the fog, and entered the mind of a mystic.

Wanda Maximoff was facing an imaginary piano at this moment. The number of white keys and black keys far exceeded the two numbers of fifty-two and thirty-six, and the number of keys was still increasing. This is her own way of interpreting the spiritual intentions she sees, just like a psychiatrist performing a Rorschach test on patients, and she will see what she wants to see. She understood that each key represented a memory in the mystic's mind that could trigger a specific emotion, and her fingers brushed over the keys, searching for the emotion she wanted.

Fear is a necessary emotion on the path of biological evolution. Even the lowest single-celled organisms will have the survival instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. It is the advanced emotion of fear that allows intelligent organisms to follow the most basic survival logic and obtain enough opportunity to pass on their own genetic material and continue their own ethnic group.

She played several similar keys, triggering corresponding scales and emotions.

Then she recited the spell she had prepared for a long time.

Modu saw a mystic who maintained the core of the barrier suddenly stand up. His face was pale, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his face was full of horror, as if he had seen the most terrifying and terrifying thing in the world. The orange-red sparks broke in the palm of the mystic, like a string stretched to the limit. The wave of psychic backlash sent a slight, imperceptible crisp echo in the etheric sea, followed by the breath of fear like a domino. Spreading to all mystics who maintain the basic arcane rituals of the core psychic barrier is as inevitable as an acute contagion.

The spiritual energy that should be directed to multiple secret rituals rushed around without restraint. The eyes, mouth and nose of the mystic were filled with dazzling spiritual energy. The stable spiritual energy in the air turned into dark blue static electricity, because the other parts had not yet been absorbed. The mystics who were affected also felt fear from the aura blending with the air.

Almost immediately, he closed his eyes and his astral body pounced on the mystic who had caused the commotion in the first place.

In the consciousness of the mystic who had almost fallen into madness, Mordo saw a vague thing that was shining with scarlet light and beating like a heart. A blood-red, terrifying phantom with a festering face accompanied every beat. Well out, at this moment he understood the cause and effect. The weapon summoned using contracts and secret rituals and growing with his own spiritual energy was summoned into his hands. Then he took a symbolic deep breath and plunged into the scarlet spiritual ocean. Just like the pressure he faces when diving into the deep sea, the deeper Mordo dives, the greater the psychic pressure he faces, and the fewer things he can see with his eyes - his ears feel The pain was severe, as if he was really conducting an unprotected deep dive - he couldn't breathe, think, or even change his posture. Any distraction would cause him to be expelled from this scarlet sea. All he could do was stretch his arms and hope the weapon would penetrate that heart.

The precision-guided bomb was like a safety hammer swinging at the explosion-proof glass, and the seemingly indestructible barrier was instantly covered with dense burning cracks. Tatyana received that honor. She impatiently fired a shot at the nearby barrier. The bomb exploded on the barrier, and a chain reaction occurred instantly. The psychic barrier shattered into finger-sized pieces, and then slowly fell from the air like burning parchment. Falling slowly, like a gray snow that leaves no trace.

Wanda Maximoff was overwhelmed by dizziness. Pink and pink-blue electric sparks flashed erratically under her closed eyelids. Her diaphragm contracted violently, and the nausea that surged up from her stomach made her retch. Her legs weakened and she almost fell to the ground, but a hand wrapped in metal armor firmly grasped her arm and pulled her tightly to prevent her from falling to her knees in the thin snow. She felt the psychic suppressor in her neck screaming with a subtle buzzing sound inaudible to normal humans. The dizziness gradually faded away, and she finally opened her eyes, exhaling a breath of hot breath that smelled of stomach acid from her lungs, which felt like she hadn't breathed in hundreds of years.


She turned her head, but was disappointed to find that the person supporting her was Amphitryon, the praetorian guard.

"My lord is in front." Amphitryon, the praetorian guard, released his grip on her arm.

Wanda Maximov saw that her teacher had already remembered to take a few steps forward, and at the same time he also drew out the holy sword from his waist. Golden psychic light spots burned like flames on the sword, making the rubies on the Emperor's power armor shine brightly. This ruby ​​was collected from the Cygnus HAT-P-7b planet, which is a planet more than a thousand light-years away from the Earth. It is one of the faintest planets discovered so far by the Kepler space telescope, with a reflectivity of less than 0.03 . The planet's clouds are made of corundum, a.k.a. rubies and sapphires, but Wanda knows it's not that simple. This gem is a link in the celestial psychic arcana constructed by the Emperor on the armor. Under the influence of his own psychic powers, most bullets approaching him will inexplicably deflect, weaken or even lose kinetic energy.

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