Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1628 The Seventh Hub of Kama Taj

Chapter 1628 Kama Taj·The Seventh Hub

Mordo opened his eyes and gasped for air.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and when it fell on the thin snow, the blood was stained crimson.

Master Daniel has left and is nowhere to be found. The mystics assigned here before Master Daniel left did not participate in the secret ceremony. They immediately rushed forward and helped Mordo up, who was suffering from psychic backlash. The latter stretched out his spasmodic fingers covered with snow powder and squeezed his eyes hard. , blood and tears flowed from under his eyelids, as if he was going to crush his eyeballs. But fortunately, one mystic recited the Qing Xiu mantra in his ear, and other mystics controlled his limbs. After a few seconds, his spirit gradually stabilized. He was temporarily unable to open his eyes. Although his second vision was greatly damaged, the aura detected by the second vision still told him an unacceptable fact, so that he did not want to explore Master Daniel's current condition at all. whereabouts.

"How long has it been?" He tightened his grip on a mystic mage's wrist, "How many monks are still alive?"

"They are all still alive, Master Modu. Their souls are trapped in a mystery and cannot escape. No matter how we call, it is useless."

The mystic mage took a breath of cold air. Although he could not see it for the time being, Modu could still feel the nervous aura emanating from the mystic mage, but at this moment he no longer cared about politeness. The mystic mage cast his gaze on the square - the mystic mage participating in the secret ceremony was still shrouded in the aura of fear that could not be dispelled. They spent a lot of effort to prevent them from biting off their fingers out of fear, or being killed alive out of fear. Scared to death. They forced these mystics to sleep, using dreams to hide from fear - as for the ascetics, they still chanted incantations. But without the guidance of the Mystic Master and Mordo, their spiritual power was still intact in their bodies. They were so focused that they didn't even notice what was happening around them.

"You have been unconscious for about five minutes. The enemy has arrived at the seventh hub. We can all see their gunfire." Another mystic mage gently opened Modu's fingers, but the expression on his face told the truth. his true emotions. "What should we do, Master Modu? Why...why did he betray us?"

"I don't know...are there any secret rituals among the remaining people that can be used?"

A former elite soldier from the Brazilian Special Police Operations Battalion, code-named Caveira (meaning skull or skull in Portuguese), never thought that one day he would run forward on the plateau. As a gift from the headquarters after recruiting her, she had a silent pistol with the totem emblem of the werewolf Luison, who represents the god of death in Brazilian Indian mythology, firmly inserted in the holster of her thigh, while she herself held the laser carbine and Running madly towards the top of the stairs with the help of leg exoskeletons.

The battlefields where she is active are urban slums, cities hiding terrorists, and caves hiding enemies in deep mountains and forests. Although all-terrain training includes plateau areas, she never imagined that one day she would actually do high-speed training in plateau areas. Charge instead of engaging the enemy in corners, doorways, or small rooms.

She made a cross in her heart. Although she didn't believe in this thing, she had seen too much witchcraft today.

It is true that the headquarters of the First Secret Regiment has truthfully told the truth about the existence of psychic energy and has already launched anti-psychic combat planning, but hearing about it and seeing it are completely different things. She was born in a Brazilian slum, which is the territory of the Jesuits and has a strong Catholic atmosphere. Even though he does not believe in Catholicism, after years of influence, Caveira's subconscious is moving closer to the theories preached by Catholicism. Moreover, she did not accept the emperor's statement that "psychic energy can be explained scientifically" for a long time. She had to admit that she was greatly psychologically shocked. She wouldn't be surprised if she saw another alien today.

An instruction came from the earphones. The soldiers running fiercely in front suddenly turned to another direction and then stopped. They squatted down and pointed their guns at an ajar door in the courtyard. Caveira immediately rushed to the door, carefully pointing the muzzle of the gun hidden behind the door frame, locking the target in the direction she was responsible for in the assault formation, and waiting for other team members to arrive.

Within seconds, they began their assault.

Combat Sister Tatyana and her team used a recklessness that was unmatched by conventional indoor combat. Under Caveira's surprised eyes, they slammed into another unopened wooden door, and then the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment also launched an attack. . "When will we be assigned a set of power armor?" After the battle, Caveira would complain to his comrades. "Although the all-environment combat suit is quite good, and the power-assisted exoskeleton can save physical strength, power armor is on another level. If I put on power armor, maybe I can even take down Tony Stark!"

But she didn't have these thoughts at this time. She was just in awe of the power and sturdiness of the power armor, watching Tatiana and other girls in armor running rampant in a room filled with books and antiques. But neither the battle sisters nor the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment found anyone in this small room. There was only a huge copper furnace in the center of the room. The top of the exquisitely carved copper furnace had dozens of irregular holes. , pungent spice smoke emerges from the holes, condensing in the air a variety of strange animals that do not follow the laws of evolution.

As if sensing the intrusion, dozens of smoke-condensed monsters pounced on them.

A short laser flash lit up in the room, and then the chain saw weapon's motor began to roar. Caveira fired several shots, but each laser shot penetrated the smoke-condensed monster and was unable to cause any damage to it. The sharp claws and teeth made of smoke tore open the polymer alloy composite fiber and integrated fusion molded armor plate of the all-environment combat suit. Caveira pulled out a dagger and stabbed it into the body of smoke, but only soot flowed from the wound.

Soot fell on her shoulder wound and mixed with her blood.

Taina Pereira woke up from the hot and humid air. The sweat on her back and neck made the straw mat wet and hot. The hard bed board made her thin back very uncomfortable. But she is used to it, because she has lived here for many years, and she feels that even the smell on her body has become the same as here, full of domestic garbage, sewage, sweat and violence. The slums at night were not peaceful. She stared wide-eyed at the dark yellow spots moving on the ceiling. Amidst the tired breathing of her other siblings and her mother, she raised her ears without any sleepiness, trying to listen to the noisy and blurry radio outside the window. sound.

She knew that today's high temperature was 95 degrees (Fahrenheit) and the air was breathlessly humid.

She likes rain, but not because it makes her feel cooler.

On rainy days, pedestrians in big cities tend to be in a hurry and have no time or attention to pay attention to what is happening around them. It was not particularly difficult for her to use her dexterous fingers to take away things that were insignificant to the brightly dressed people in the city. Almost all the children in this slum had one or two hands like this, and her mother had always thought that she was a Good boy. This is not surprising, there are ten children in this family and she is the seventh. Her mother cannot support them with her dead father's pension, and she does not get much attention from her mother after working hard every day.

She didn't mind the lack of attention, the only thing she needed to be careful about was not to get caught by the police.

If she steals from land managed by a gang, she might be able to join that gang, as long as she gives a cut to some small boss; if she is caught by the police, they will squeeze the oil out of her bones and put her in a juvenile reformatory. Using police batons as a threat, they robbed their mother and siblings of the little money they earned. Even so, she may not be able to come back alive. There are enough examples around her. If she is caught by the police, her only weapon is a dagger smashed flat with a water pipe, welded and then sharpened. She must rely on that Use the dagger to escape from the situation.

Sporadic gunshots rang out in the distance.

The slums of Sao Paulo are not quiet at night. Even if most people fall asleep, crime will never stop. Either because of money, or because of power, or simply bloodthirsty, the São Paulo slums are home to the worst aspects of the city. Taina Pereira's eyes widened as she listened to sporadic gunfire, and then she found that the gunfire was getting closer and closer.

"Caveira!" she heard the name shouted in a fierce voice, "Caveira!"

This name frightened her, because the people who controlled the nearby slums were a gang whose symbol was a skull (Brazil is a multi-ethnic country, and the main language here is Portuguese). What frightened her even more was the sound of gunshots getting closer and closer. The walls made of wooden boards simply could not block the hot, humid air and bullets. Also woken up was her brother lying next to her. She felt that the smell of sweat immediately became stronger in this small room without glass windows.

She had a gut feeling that she wanted to open her eyes.

The figure of her former tormentor flashed in front of her eyes. Tatyana resisted the urge to smash everything, raised her hand and shot the aromatherapy copper stove to pieces. A mystic in black robes appeared out of thin air and sat cross-legged in front of the incense burner on the carpet that had been stepped on by Tatiana. He seemed not to have thought that he would be discovered. Immediately afterwards, the chain sword cut through the air and smashed down. The high-temperature single-molecule saw teeth bit the geometric shield composed of sparks, making sparks and noises like cutting steel. Another battle sister fired continuously, but the high-speed mass bomb seemed to be trapped in an invisible ballistic gel with great resistance. The flight speed slowed down visibly to the naked eye and finally stopped, with subtle cracks spreading on the projectile. lightning.

"In the name of the emperor, give up the filthy witchcraft! Accept the trial!"

The chainsword thrust out from Caveira's head, splitting the smoke beast in two. She saw the smoke body collapse inward, and finally turned into an amorphous ball of spice smoke. The Battle Sisters' audio grilles roared loudly, ringing Caveira's ears and jolting her from her past life. She could have sworn that she heard a sound she couldn't understand before the witchcraft monster died. The sound made her ears itch and she wanted to put her fingers in and scratch them.

Then she saw the person helping her.

It was a battle sister. She nodded towards Caveira, pointed to the first-aid medical kit on the latter's waist, and then without looking back, she rushed towards the mystic who was going to fight Tatyana. That handsome look The energy is fascinating. Caveira later thought that maybe this was one of the reasons why he wanted to wear power armor, not just because of its powerful bulletproof and explosion-proof properties.

Caveira was mercilessly dragged out of the crossfire by his teammates.

The accompanying military doctor sprayed disinfectant and the sting of synthetic skin on the wound, causing Caveira to return her attention to the battlefield. In addition to the regular debridement process, the military doctor also injected a burst of antidote into her wound. This was Special medical supplies allocated to the 1st Secret Regiment from warehouses by the Guards before this operation. "The wound tore one of your tendons. Don't worry, our medical technology can easily heal this wound. But you are not suitable to participate in the next battle." The military doctor received a protest as soon as he finished speaking, but the military doctor thought she was just Worried about the impact of this injury, he hurriedly said, "The intensity will be much higher next, and we can only participate in the second-line battle, so you haven't missed anything."

"I can still raise my arms." Caveira argued unconvincingly, but was quickly interrupted by the clicking sound of the leather stitching machine, "Okay, I agree."

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