Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1629 Kama Taj Mortal Damage

Chapter 1629 Kama Taj Mortal Damage

In the turbulent waves exuding dirty light, the blazing stars move at an unimaginable speed, but in this dimension that does not have vectors and gravity, the so-called movement is just a subjective feeling. There is no gravity well of the physical universe around this psychic star, but the etheric spirit body that does not have a physical body still involuntarily approaches this psychic star, and then is burned into fly ash and restored to the most original and pure form. Etheric energy.

The raging ether tide fills every inch of the air in Kama Taj. Even the simplest prophetic spells that explore destiny require far more concentration and energy to cast than before, and are filled with disordered flames. And Thunder is so powerful that it almost loses control. The mystics originally wanted to explore the cause of this situation, but the second vision that penetrated into the etheric sea only briefly touched the edge of the halo of the psychic star, and the brain may suffer physiological trauma.

This is a natural psychic phenomenon. There are very few people in history who can trigger this natural phenomenon. In the history of Kama Taj, only Agamotto, Merlin and the current Supreme Mage can trigger this psychic tide. That means This individual with spiritual talent does not need a physical body to maintain life. The so-called physical body is just a carrier that binds spiritual energy. For such a person, it is just a matter of effort to move wind and rain, move mountains and reclaim seas - but this makes Mo Du even more... What made his spine shiver was that he couldn't use his sixth sense to find any trace of the existence of the Supreme Mage in the sea of ​​ether. This is not non-existence in the general sense, or an empty set in the mathematical sense, but complete non-existence, as if it was swallowed up by the ether wave and swept into the abyss of the sea without a trace, completely disappearing from the concept.

"Should we ask His Holiness to come out? It seems that no one can resist him now."

A young mystic mage whispered, but Modu pretended not to hear and wiped the blood from his eyes. With the help of other mystics, he managed to overcome his nausea and swallowed the elixir, which restored his damaged sixth sense. Since there are many powerful but extremely dangerous consumables stored in the dungeon, and the dungeon is guarded by one of the Emperor's Praetorian Guards and the clan that has guarded the dungeon for generations, Mordo cannot let these young mystics go there alone. Take the essentials. Fortunately, the Karma Taj is always at the ready, and nearly all mystics are trained in the use of magical artifacts.

"Take the elixir of Igesar and join the secret ceremony."

He pulled out the Dragon Tooth Sword on his back. This sword, forged by the Supreme Mage, emitted tremendous heat as soon as it was unsheathed, making people's hair curl. He did not tell these mystics that one of the ingredients in the so-called Igesar elixir was actually made by the ghoul tribe using human brains. The Supreme Mage made the confiscated trophies into elixirs to avoid waste. Kama Taj has many secrets, and Modu doesn't think he knows them all, but he can understand what the Supreme Mage does. This kind of behavior cannot be considered a violation of taboos, but can only be called academic research.

As the chief instructor of Kama Taj, Baron Mordo will not only rely on two secret rituals to stop the emperor's steps. His knowledge is not limited to this. He knew that the power of his fellow disciple was beyond the scope of ordinary people's imagination. No matter how powerful the spiritual barrier was, it would always fall. Most of Kama Taj's active forces were transferred to the dark side of the moon and stationed there. The mystic in the gap between dimensions is on the emperor's side again, and Mordo must use all available means.

But he would never use filthy arcane magic to attack his traitorous comrades.

In his opinion, Wanda Maximoff's use of black magic to attack the mystic who maintains the secret ceremony completely shows that the emperor has entered into the taboo of Kama Taj, and it is certain that she used it under the instructions of some people. Such witchcraft, and the reason why she was able to learn such witchcraft must be because of the personal teachings of the person who taught her the arcane secrets. Whatever the emperor's reasons, using such filthy power would be considered a crime. Mordo had already decided to put aside all distracting thoughts and friendships, and vowed to kill the traitors who were involved in dirty magic. However, seeing his former sect involved in dark magic still made him extremely heartbroken.

"If he breaks in, we'll attack him."

He stood up unsteadily and ordered his apprentice to place several crimson oval full-length mirrors at specific angles near the courtyard gate. He swore that he would never use filthy arcane magic to attack the enemy, but he knew that he was absolutely incapable of confronting his former sect, so he must keep the latter away from this battlefield and find the soul of the Supreme Mage for him. To gain time. He took a deep breath and traced a rune-covered shield in the air with one hand.

The ascetics were still chanting mantras. They had no idea what was happening here, and Modu had no intention of explaining it to them.

"Be prepared, we could die here today."

If you want to ask what is the most annoying thing for a veteran and agile commander, it must be when a superior commander takes over his command, especially when the superior is standing next to him and flattening his normal operations. When managing. But the senior sergeant of the First Secret Regiment breathed a sigh of relief, because even though the highest military commander of the Federation of Yugoslavia and the Eternal City stood beside him in name (and in fact), the emperor did not dictate to him the details of arranging indoor special operations. This made The sergeant was very happy (even if he only stared at the emperor's breastplate, he had to adjust the tactical eyepiece to diffraction mode, otherwise his retinas would be burned). But it is really a pleasure to meet an expert superior, and the actions of the First Secret Regiment will not be affected by any political factors, and he can freely use his own tactical planning.

But now he regrets it.

It is not that the First Secret Regiment has not participated in the mission of hunting down psykers, but most of the conquering operations were completed by Kama Taj mystics and genetically modified warriors, and the overall level of those psykers is not as good as Kama Taj these professional wizards. Therefore, even though the headquarters informed them of the risks of this operation, the senior sergeant still believed that the barrier he saw that could resist long-range rockets and precision-guided bombs was already the most powerful psychic spell.

Even though Tatyana and the other Battle Sisters rushed towards the mystic with a violent attack, the latter still counterattacked the soldiers and Battle Sisters of the First Secret Regiment with ease - the senior sergeant had never seen anyone who could remove the power from their lungs. He coughed up so much seawater, not to mention that this was a plateau. This was the first time he had seen someone suffocated to death on land - he had no time or energy to mourn the sudden death of the soldier, because something more terrifying was still there. later. Due to the Mystic's ability to block physical ammunition, the Battle Sisters chose to use fanatical hand-to-hand combat to solve the problem. The precision shooters in the team could only take the time to fire a few shots at the Mystic while sniping the smoke monsters.

The blazing laser grazed the mystic's arm, and the shield that originally surrounded the mystic and blocked Tatyana's sword suddenly turned into scattered sparks. The mystic looked angrily at the open door and at the precision shooter behind the bunker in the courtyard. Before the sharpshooter could show off the accuracy of his shot, the senior sergeant witnessed the end of the precision shooter in his team.

The laser that was supposed to hit a smoke monster deviated from its original trajectory and hit the rafters. The precise shooter's limbs wrapped in the all-environment combat uniform began to twist at angles that ordinary people could not do, and a crisp clicking sound came from all over his body. In the blink of an eye, the precision shooter's entire body curled back, his arms and legs pulled in the opposite direction, and his entire body was forcibly squeezed into a tight ball by invisible force. Caveira, who was being treated by a military doctor, didn't even know what was happening when he saw the precision shooter standing behind the bunker die. This horror was far more terrifying than the flames falling from the sky, the high-voltage thunder that appeared out of thin air, or even the ghostly smoke monster. People feel fear.

Even military doctors who have experienced many wars cannot accept the sight before them.

He quickly finished bandaging Caveira's wound, and even before changing the rubber gloves as required, he rushed to the precision shooter with the senior sergeant, quickly manually peeled off the bulletproof and explosion-proof armor of the all-environment combat suit, and used the micro-monophone on the arm armor to Molecular saws cut through combat suits and exoskeleton braces, dragging out the precision shooter's limbs. As if a soft package was being unwrapped, flexible material similar to the pressure suits of astronauts and pilots squeezed the wound to prevent excessive bleeding. When the combat uniform was cut open, a large amount of blood poured out from the incision. The broken bones pierced the skin and muscles and were completely exposed to the air. The blood vessels that had been squeezed began to spurt out blood, which was so ugly that the military doctor was covered in it.

"He's in shock!" the military doctor shouted anxiously.

Caveira also came to help. Although she was injured, she was still able to help tie the tourniquet under the influence of painkillers. A needle popped out of the military doctor's armband. He carefully groped for the wounded man's broken ribs, and then, under the guidance of a rapid scan from the medical drone, he slowly inserted the long needle into the central venous catheter to remove the noradrenaline gland. The hormone was injected into it. Fortunately, the medical technology in the Eternal City is extremely powerful. As a military doctor, he was able to access and learn the use of many advanced equipment.

"The emergency plasma is still in the medical armored vehicle behind. We have to move him over quickly and let the automatic surgical machine perform first aid. Be careful, his spine has been broken." The military doctor turned off the servo of the automatic tourniquet on the proximal end. There wasn't much he could do. The most he could do was use an acupuncture electric knife to cauterize a few bleeding points in the lungs and spleen with the assistance of a medical drone. But this has no effect, because the reason why these bleeding points appear is entirely due to scratches from violently broken rib fragments. All the military doctors can do is to stop the bleeding urgently and support the wounded until they receive treatment. "I'll have an AED ready, but I'm not sure he'll survive. I can only hope his internal bleeding isn't that severe."

The demigod-like giant rushed towards the sparkling shield, and the Praetorian Guard Amon raised his halberd above his head, creating a storm of steel. The Seraphim shield blocking the passage was split open by the blade, and the fist wrapped in the armor blasted open the inner ring of Raggador, knocking out a mystic who tried to rush up to attack the emperor. At the same time, At the same time, a bolt of thunder slid away from his armor without any threat and fell to the ground, scorching a tile. The Imperial Guards showed no mercy to these mystics who were still hostile. The mystic who was knocked away by Amon was falling to the ground howling in pain, with his arms and spine broken. As soft as mud.

The attack spearhead composed of the emperor and the imperial guards was like the front of a high-speed train. The mystics found that they could not draw more spiritual energy to strengthen their shields or attack. There was no need for the emperor to swing his sword. The blazing sword was enough to force them back. A mystic with hostile intent. They rushed up the stairs of the Seventh Nexus without even looking at the injured mystics. The emperor's voice blasted open the door of the seventh hub like thunder, and the crimson full-length mirror reflected the glow, covering him and the two imperial guards. However, the emperor's eyes were firmly fixed on those ascetics.

"Modo! What did you do!"

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