Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1630 Kama Taj’s Wound

Chapter 1630 Kama Taj·Wound

Wanda Maximoff followed slowly, the snake bone staff in her hand becoming heavier and heavier.

The stairs of Karma Taj were a little too long for her. Compared with her previous experience of traveling with consciousness, she felt like she was carrying a set of heavy sandbags on her back. Even though she knew that this was just a short-lived illusion, After experiencing the freedom of the spirit, it is difficult to endure the heaviness of the body again. While wiping the sweat that rained down on her forehead, she silently recited the key points of knowledge she had learned in her heart.

She was very nervous because the emperor and the imperial guards had already rushed to the seventh courtyard hub and were about to witness the actual results of her independence. When it comes to instilling specific emotions into a mind, manipulating thoughts and dreams, creating hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, there are many things to be aware of. This type of arcana is a kind of wisdom that explores inwardly. Before learning this type of arcana, you often need to read a lot of psychology books, analyze the target's mental model, and explore its ideological motivations and internal driving forces.

The wisdom of inward exploration is as profound as the wisdom of outward exploration. Some seemingly simple techniques often require a lot of knowledge to prepare, and the results are also closely connected with the imagination and tactical thinking of the psyker himself. For example, when the sharp sword blade in the enemy's hand is about to pierce the caster's throat, the enemy will be inexplicably paranoid and want to walk through the gaps in the floor tiles; for example, certain (already existing) impulses and emotions in some people's hearts are suddenly awakened, and someone A specific target will transfer the feelings towards a certain person or thing to another person or thing that it does not want to care about, so as to perform certain actions according to the wishes of the caster.

Psychological cues such as these require extremely sophisticated and complex construction techniques.

The Emperor believed that Wanda Maximoff was talented in this area, even if the latter did not think so.

She thought that the things she sent into the collective subconscious of the mystics in the Seventh Nexus might be able to get high scores on the in-class exam, but they could not be used to compete with others in the real exam, so she was extremely worried. She was afraid that the test results would not satisfy her teacher.

"Don't move, Mordo."

The emperor stepped into the door of the seventh hub and was exposed to the illumination of several crimson full-length mirrors. He just glanced at the full-length mirrors and ignored them. However, Modu's back tensed because he knew that he failed to use illusions to disguise himself and would only let his former classmates recognize what these crimson full-length mirrors were. ——The files recording these magic items are very remote, but Modu never thought that this former classmate had not read those files. Instead of looking for the books he had read, it was better to look for the parchments he had not read. At least that way the statistical work would be easier - the emperor strode past the ascetics chanting incantations and strode towards the mystic mage. Modu was surrounded by them. The radiance radiated by the giant-like demigods made those masochistic believers who suffered from various diseases and suffered from limb deformities feel a sense of comfort, as if the pain had completely gone away and their souls had been soothed.

"Tell them the truth, tell them the truth you saw."

"I only see your ambition." Modu pointed the tip of the Dragon Tooth Sword at the emperor. Two imperial guards immediately rushed up to level the garrison spears, and pointed their sharp halberds at Modu and those who summoned Raghu. The mystic of the Ring of Gador. They have their fingers on the triggers, ready to fire bolts that will shatter the bodies of the hostile psykers. "You want to replace the Sorcerer Supreme, you want to control the appointment of the next Sorcerer Supreme, control the Karma Taj, don't you?"

"I have done it. No one can enter the library without my permission, and you can't even take out any grimoire that can fight against me." The emperor's sword pointed downwards, and the fiery spiritual energy burned the floor tiles. Got scorched black. "There is no need for me to compete with the Supreme Mage for power. Everything I do is for the Supreme Master, and you are wasting the precious opportunity to save the Supreme Master because of your stupidity and jealousy."


"This is an ultimatum. If you are unwilling to put down your weapons, then I will kill you here." As the order was given, Modu saw a blurry image. He unilaterally determined that it was the future, a fragment of destiny pushed to the beach by the etheric wave. He saw someone's chest being pierced by a golden sword, and this person was not wearing armor - he would be killed by the person in front of him, and the holy sword given by the Supreme Mage would cut off this dragon tooth sword - - This is an unacceptable ending, because it means that he cannot stop the betrayers here.

Although he couldn't see what happened next, he could use his own wisdom to deduce it.

"I saw it, I saw the atrocities you committed against everyone here. If you have no more lies to tell, now is the time to let you know my abilities. I used my own modified spell, and you A technique I’ve never seen before.”

The crimson full-length mirror rotated like a sunflower, shrouding the emperor and the imperial guards in red light. However, the crimson full-length mirror did not stop rotating and focus the light beam on the emperor and the imperial guards as Modu thought. Instead, it continued to rotate, covering all the ascetics in the blink of an eye. Faced with this scene, Modu was also a little surprised. He saw the ascetic monk in the courtyard disappear instantly, and the traces of spatial transfer were almost undetectable.

It can be judged that this is a short-distance fixed-point transmission.

"They were not transferred to Saturn, but to the square in Kathmandu. This is different from the goal you originally set, right?" The emperor stepped forward and handed over a photo that Wanda Maximov had seen in a dream. Throw it on the ground. He walked into the attack range of the Dragon Fang Sword and stared at Modu with his glowing eyes. "I don't mind explaining everything to you, Mordo. If I don't do this, you will only regard the knowledge that you cannot understand as a taboo-breaking technology. It is possible that you will not be able to understand these whole bodies that have been transferred to the courtyard. Who made the mirror?"

The emperor waved his hand, and the mystics who were affected by Wanda Maximoff's witchcraft also disappeared, and Mordo didn't even have time to stop them. He originally wanted to question the emperor about the whereabouts of the mystics, but thinking of those ascetics, he swallowed the last question.

"On that night in 1995, they held a celebration there to celebrate my obtaining a physical body in the material world. I foresaw this scene, so many years ago, I bought a photo taken by a tourist at that time. Reconnect the ascetics, the courtyard, and Wanda. It is a composite arcana. Wanda's magic not only allows you to exchange the meanings contained in six different runes, but also marks them from the collective subconscious. Those ascetics.”

Mordo gasped and pointed the sword blade at the emperor. The arteries in his brain were pounding, squeezing the brain tissue and nerves. His heartbeat was beating drums in his ears. The stinging feeling inside his skull almost made him collapse.

"You have no way of noticing all this because you refused to let others check your spells, and you refused to let others check the tasks you performed. You told me not to let the recipients know that they are being manipulated, and I will also This sentence was told to Wanda." The emperor pushed aside the blade of Modu's dragon tooth sword. He saw Modu's cheeks turning red due to humiliation, and also noticed the latter's breathing getting heavier and heavier. The other mystics surrounding Modu glanced back and forth between the emperor and Modu - they didn't know whose order they should obey. After all, the Supreme Mage had handed over most of the power of Kama Taj to the emperor. Now The emperor is the one in charge of Kama Taj, and almost all resources are under the control of the emperor. For many people, especially the mystics from the mystic family, this is an internal coup. They only need It's enough to be on the winning side. The mystic family has never had a choice, this is the price they pay for their privileges.

"You always know that you are right. You are never willing to admit that other people are far more capable than you, and you are not willing to admit that you have been fooled. The future you witness is limited to the fragments of destiny shown to you by the etheric sea, even if you You know that the so-called prophecy is just one of the lies, but you never admit that you have been fooled, are unwilling to think independently, and believe in the prophecies you have seen. Modu, this is not loyalty, this is ignorance, arrogance and Stubborn. You are not even loyal. You just need a creed to always believe in, a goal that is always great and always possible. You are a fanatical believer, Modu, you are not even worthy of believing in the creed of His Holiness."

"What about you? How are you going to prove that you are right?"

"I can't guarantee it, Mordo. All I know is that I was born for a specific mission, and I see farther than anyone else. I know I'm right, Mordo, even if my actions are controversial, even if I My ideals would cost me everything, and I still know I’m right.”

As a gifted mystic who was discovered by the London Temple, born in the upper class, Mordo had never been subjected to such insults. He forgot the prophecy he had witnessed, and the golden sword that might pierce his chest, and rushed towards the emperor brandishing the Dragon Tooth Sword. However, before the blade of the Dragon Tooth Sword touched the emperor, another hard metal stabbed out from the side and slapped the side of his Dragon Tooth Sword. Before Mordu could react, Guardsman Amon rushed in front of him. The distance between the two sides could not even allow an adult to stretch his arms.

The Imperial Guard squeezed his throat tightly with the palms wrapped in armor. Only at this moment did Modu realize how tall the Imperial Guard's demigod-like figure was. He didn't even have time to recite the incantation. The Imperial Guard The fight ended with a punch. Amon has controlled the power, otherwise the hardness of an adult male's skull would not be able to withstand the attack of the angry Praetorian Guards.

The emperor strode through the surviving mystics. Amon put the collected dragon tooth sword in the scabbard at his waist and followed the emperor through the crowd. When Wanda Maximov finally arrived, she only saw Mordo, who was surrounded by the crowd and lying unconscious on the ground. All the mystics and ascetics who could witness her achievements disappeared. Those mystics all used He stared at her with inexplicable eyes.

Just when she was at a loss and about to launch an attack with her eyes closed, the crowd automatically made way for her. She just walked through the crowd in a panic and cautiously, her fingers and neck so tense that they almost spasmed. When she walked up the stairs, she looked back from time to time, for fear that someone might not be able to help but attack her, because she was afraid that someone He found that he had implanted an idea into Modo's consciousness. Planting an idea is much harder than stealing information, even after repeated training - from asking customers who go to buy ice cream on the street to change the items they buy, to asking an official on the other side of the world to make clerical and oral mistakes, Wanda ·Maximov’s training is not always successful. The training she has experienced is much more difficult than what was shown in “Inception”, not to mention that she is facing a master of arcana and conventional psychological methods. It just didn't work - surprisingly, no one planned to attack her. This was the idea she read from the minds of those mystics, which surprised her a little. After all, they had launched a frontal attack on Kama Taj and could be regarded as intruders.

She was also a little curious as to why Kama Taj's performance was so weak during this invasion.

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