Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1631 Kama Taj Chess Game

Chapter 1631 Kama Taj Chess Game

The drowsiness in Danielfa's eyes disappeared, and his eyes became firm and clear.

This mystic in white robes led a group of mystics also in white robes and stood in the small square in front of the highest courtyard. This is a residence only for the Supreme Mage to rest. After the Supreme Mage returned to Mars, only Modu entered it to listen to the Supreme Master's holy will.

The emperor walked straight towards Master Daniel. To the surprise of the Imperial Guard, the mystics did not use their magic weapons or cast spells to stop him. Amon saw the robe marks on the mystics behind Master Daniel, and immediately understood the reason why Master Daniel was standing here - the robes of the mystics behind Master Daniel were embroidered with inconspicuous family marks, as members of an organization with a long heritage. As an accessory, the mystic family has the time and energy to make their rituals look both luxurious and low-key - it is impossible for Master Mordu to summon all the Kama Taj mystics, because his position is only the chief instructor, even if he is extremely talented and Although he is valued by the Supreme Mage, he still does not hold the most powerful authority. Violence is a tool to control power. There are many careerists in the history of Kamal Taj. However, the subsequent power disputes were relatively peaceful, but the smell of blood still lingers.

"In accordance with the Holy Will, the affairs of Karma Taj are now in your charge. When the Supreme Mage is unable to perform his duties, the heir will take the position of Supreme Mage, King of Midgard, Lord of Humanity, and the Sanctuary of Karma Taj. The Lord, the King of Runes..."

Master Daniel read out the layers of titles in an extremely smooth voice, and saluted the emperor with the most complicated etiquette. As an organization that has been inherited for far longer than all human civilizations and has collected characteristics from various civilizations around the world, the formal etiquette of Kama Taj is quite complicated.

The emperor saw Stephen Strange and Sherlock Holmes staying behind Master Daniel. As the mystic apprentices who failed to go to the Attilan Star Castle on the dark side of the moon, they were obviously deliberately targeted by Master Daniel. Protected - because the Emperor only temporarily took over the position of Supreme Mage, his own power will not be limited to the title of Supreme Mage. In the future, the title of Supreme Mage will be handed over to someone who can replace the Emperor in controlling the psychic department. Stephen Strange and Sherlock Holmes are both candidates. No matter which one of them holds this position, they must also accept the jurisdiction and integration of Victor von Doom, because the latter has complex control over everything. Psychic Department - They obviously have not heard of all the titles of the Supreme Mage. Just reading them out took Daniel Mage more than one minute and twenty-six seconds, and the Emperor did not have the patience to stand here for one minute and twenty-six seconds. After only about ten seconds, the Praetorian Guards came over and asked all the mystics to retreat. The excuse used by the Praetorian Guards was "keep a safe distance".

In any case, Master Daniel's thoughts are finally over.

"Greetings, Mage Supreme." Mage Daniel whispered, "I am glad that you did not make this attack too bloody. The dark things are hungry for conflict, blood and misunderstandings, and your handling of it has reduced many unnecessary Casualties. I mean Master Mordo, I believe he was just deceived."

"I don't care about Mordu's offense. The Aether Sea just allows him to see a specific future." The emperor said, "In my opinion, he is still a usable asset."

"You don't know why he refused to see more, do you?" Master Daniel said with a smile and the same casual tone as before. "Even I can foresee your attack and see through the darkness hidden behind the ether storm. How could Modo, who controls the Cauldron of the Universe, not see it?" He turned his head and looked at the locked courtyard, "The dark storm is coming. Coming to this peaceful land, you must make a choice.”

"I have a lot of time to deal with Mordu's problem." The emperor said calmly, "Master Hamil, Master Wu Guiyue and Cassilios will handle most of the daily affairs for me."

Master Daniel raised his head and glanced at the imperial guards standing on both sides of the emperor, and nodded noncommittally.

"I understand, it's time for you to face His Holiness. If possible, please don't aim nuclear bombs here. I don't think this matter is worth using thermonuclear warheads to solve." He turned sideways to make way. At the same time, a golden laurel crown was summoned. This is the crown used for the official coronation after the emperor leaves the courtyard. It is a laurel crown that the Supreme Mage spent ten years making and completed before leaving for Mars. Like the Dragon Fang Sword, this was an incompetent weapon, a gift from the Supreme Mage to the Emperor, but the difference was that he was able to unleash the full power of this magical weapon. It's just that now is not the right time to wear this treasure. "Perhaps you plan to meet Ms. Calamity? But let me remind you in advance that her mental state has been very bad recently."

"I will order the Sisterhood to take over Ms. Calamity's custody."

The emperor stood in front of the courtyard door, taking a rare deep breath to collect his emotions.

This day will come. As he learned to sort out the cacophony in his head and sort out his foreseeable future, he foresaw this scene. Every detail and every battle was replayed in his mind, and he could feel the pain of psychic lightning penetrating armor and burning skin. He and the Supreme Mage have chosen a relatively perfect ending, and now it must be carried out no matter what. Someone must do something, and no one can do it except him.

"You wait outside the door." He said to the guards, then opened the door and walked into the courtyard alone.

Then darkness enveloped him, and like a planet-sized beast, it opened its mouth and swallowed up all his spiritual brilliance.

Wanda Maximoff lowered her head and panted as she hurried on.

Sweat dripped from her forehead and shattered into pieces on the dust-free white marble steps, stinging her eyes. She felt that she had reached the limit of her physical strength. Searing pain spread from the back of her neck to her back. Her skin was hot and red, and her consciousness was blurred. With every step she took, she could feel the needle-like psychic pressure stinging her nerves. However, The thought of following the emperor still kept her going, even though the stairs in front of her had disappeared into the clouds and the end was far away. This is an unprecedented test of will. Wanda Maximoff knows that she is just a girl who longs for family warmth, but standing on the wave of this era, whether as an Avenger , or as a psyker, the future she chooses is unlikely to have much peace.

Suddenly she felt a hand holding her arm from the side.

The Praetorian Guard's hands were wrapped in armor, and even through his clothes he could feel the flow of the power armor's core power and the hot metal. However, this hand is no different from ordinary people, it can even be called gentle. This hand is clean and white, with slender and strong fingers. She felt the golden psychic glow dissipate her fatigue.

"You will reach the end, Wanda Maximoff." Athena held her arm. This female war goddess wears ancient Greek-style armor and holds an extremely sharp spear. Her shield had been given to the emperor, so she carried a short sword at her waist instead. "You will be there to witness the coronation of the Lord of Mankind."

"why me?"

"Because he chose you, you occupy a lot of key positions in his plan." With the support of Athena, after another ten minutes, Wanda Maximov finally reached the end of the stairs. Here, the mystic in white robes and two guards faced the courtyard gate. Athena lowered her head and said to Wanda, "He will come out, don't worry. When he comes out, you will see him differently."

Their arrival did not attract the attention of others.

Except for the Praetorian Guards and Master Daniel, who already knew about Athena's existence, others thought that the woman in classical armor, like Wanda Maximoff, was a foreign aid brought in by the emperor. Even if they check the aura through second vision, those mystics who are unaware of Athena's existence can only see how powerful she is, and they can only wonder whether the woman in front of them is also one of the legacies left to the emperor by the Supreme Mage.

"Why on earth..."

"The soul of the Supreme Mage does not belong to you." Athena said, "Don't you understand? Even the Supreme Mage cannot get rid of the principle of equivalent exchange and cannot arbitrarily absorb the energy of the Sea of ​​Souls. You don't think you use it. Psionics are free, right, Wanda Maximoff? Have you seen those ascetics? The only role of those ascetics is to bear the debt for the Supreme Mage and bear the risk of mutation of etheric energy. Except for the first Supreme Mage, Gomotto, and those who come later to become Supreme Mage means that their souls no longer belong to themselves, and all Supreme Mage are exchanging their souls for eternal lifespan to fulfill their eternal duties."

Darkness enveloped him, with only a small dim light flickering not far away.

He felt that the soles of his shoes felt like rough sand and rocks, and the smell of the desolate next door carried in the breeze. There was only darkness wherever he could see, and only the dim light could barely see clearly. He walked towards the small lamp without hesitation. As the distance got closer, two comfortable armchairs and a low table appeared under the lamp. A vague figure sat on the chair opposite, silent. He lowered his head and faced the chessboard on the low table.

The emperor pulled out his chair and sat down.

The chair was just the right size, perfectly fitting the curve of his spine and body. He was not wearing a battle armor, but just a black suit. His raven-wing-like long hair was draped over his shoulders and bound with a golden laurel crown. The warm yellow light made his laurel crown shine. He moves a piece and then watches the player on the other side respond. The chess pieces on the chess table are exquisitely carved and completely different from the chess pieces in international chess. Each piece has a representative meaning. For example, there are swords carved into armor and cloaks, fortresses made of stones, and busts of ancient Roman consuls wearing laurel wreaths.

"Slavic defensive opening. Ancient, classic." The person facing the table easily saw through his plan, "Don't you plan to change the opening? The chess game has not been decided yet, and you still have many opportunities."

"You taught me this, Master. Only death is the end of duty."

"If you're implying my life, then that's a good joke." The Sorcerer Supreme laughed, but then the smile disappeared. In this world, the Sorcerer Supreme's emotions are far richer than in the physical universe. The warm yellow light flickered for a moment, then turned on again. "Let's end this chess game as soon as possible. I can't hold on for too long. Darkness is coming. I have tried my best on Mars. Now I can't help you anymore. The only thing I can give you is These are just prophecies.”

"He wants to free the Supreme Mage..." Athena lowered her voice, "From now on, the Supreme Mage will only be a title, and Kamathaj will be truly independent, free from any interference from the Sea of ​​Souls."

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