Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1634 Chapter 1630 The Eye of Kama Taj Agamotto

Chapter 1634 Chapter 1630 Kama Taj Eye of Agamotto

"You are no match for my father's guards."

This is what Athena said about Amon.

As part of the preparatory plan, she had read Amon's archive records when he followed the emperor on secret missions to extraterrestrial places, including the true identity and secrets of Constantine, the commander of the imperial guards. She was also well aware of it. Amon is an outstanding warrior, an ever-focused protector, a master of group warfare, and a watcher who secretly observes the social system created by the regent. These are all genetic gifts created for him by the emperor based on his talents. . In fact, Athena very much hopes that the Praetorian Guards can compete with the warriors of Zeus, even though she knows that the Olympus Praetorian Guards who only know how to enjoy themselves cannot compete with the forbidden emperor who always maintains concentration, calmness and precision. Compared with the Guards, the only result is that the Olympian Guards will be slaughtered like livestock. Thinking of this scene, Athena couldn't help but feel a little excited. The era of Zeus had lasted for too long, and it was time for the pocket dimension called Olympus to enter the next era.

The Greek pantheon claims to be orthodox on earth. It has gone through Mesopotamia, Crete, ancient Egypt, and ancient Greek civilizations to create social concepts and the spiritual nature of the ancient god bloodline. Athena believes that the emperor comes from ancient times. The Imperial Guards were of the divine bloodline, and they came from the hands of the emperor. Therefore, the Imperial Guards were also members of the ancient divine bloodline, and should be usable pawns in the war she planned. At least that's what she thought, for she thought her plan was just a minor sideshow in the Emperor's grand plan, and the Emperor would be happy to see her walk up Mount Olympus anyway. Olympus has been at peace for too long, and it's time for a change, just like this galaxy.

The ancient gods are a purely philosophical concept. Even Zeus cannot be called an ancient god. But now the ancient gods have completely disappeared. The new gods with the physical universe and moral principles have extended from the philosophical concept of dialectical unity to natural phenomena and society. The cultural "spiritual material cosmic entity - this is a rough summary of the Olympian gods in the emperor's book, and Athena did not mind borrowing this more accurate concept" is the future master of this universe. However, this plan has not yet been approved by the emperor, and Athena also knows that the emperor is incorporating her plan into the overall plan. Even she found it difficult to understand every step of the emperor's reasoning, but she believed that the being who created the emperor would not hesitate to give him the most powerful spiritual power in the material universe.

Amon did not respond to the praise from the Goddess of Wisdom. He completely ignored Athena's thoughts, let alone the footnotes and changes in the huge plan of the Goddess of Wisdom in a few seconds. He only cared about when the courtyard door would open. Even a mystic who knows nothing about creatures like the Guards can feel the absolute coldness and concentration from Amon, but Athena can detect the anxiety that can ignite the air from Amon's surface calmness. disturbed. If possible, a Praetorian Guard would never leave the Emperor's side, putting his master in a high-risk area.

"You are his loyal servant, and you should know that his orders are absolute. No one can walk in before he walks out of this courtyard." Athena asked meaningfully, "Or can you Disobeying his orders? Isn't it a rule written at the genetic level to obey orders?"

Amon's expression was calm and he still didn't respond.

"The lighthouse, I saw the lighthouse," said Sherlock Holmes suddenly.

His gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the thick clouds and dense thunder, and see the beam of light that pierced the clouds of ether energy. In fact, this is not an atmospheric phenomenon that actually occurs on the earth, but an etheric phenomenon that occurs above the planet. But for ordinary humans, this is an electromagnetic wave that interferes with astronomical telescopes. It may be traces left by solar wind or gamma ray high-speed radiation particles in the vacuum, but for psykers with second vision, this ethereal wave is The storm is presented in the most intuitive way. However, after a while he had to close his eyes, and the pain filled his entire eyeball. When he reluctantly opened his eyes and his tear glands secreted a large amount of body fluid, a purple-red light flashed across his eyes and then disappeared.

"Don't keep staring at that thing. Your intuition is stronger than all of us. Looking at that thing without protective measures will only hurt yourself." A middle-aged mystic mage patted him on the shoulder. Judging from the corners of the mystic mage's robe, he is a member of the mystic mage family. Sherlock Holmes didn't respond. He just kept rubbing his eyes, as if he wanted to squeeze them out alive. "Recite the meditation mantra silently, which can make you feel more relaxed. Stay focused and don't be disturbed by your own distracting thoughts and emotions."

Tatyana rushed towards the mystic, her arm holding the bolter was bitten by the smoke beast, and the armor above her bicep revealed a row of bleeding tooth marks. The blood poured into the smoke hound's canine teeth and mouth, and Tatiana could even vaguely see her own blood pouring into the smoke hound's belly. Adrenaline prevented her from feeling the pain, and she attacked the mystic in front of her like crazy, as if cutting through the wall, and the muzzle attack head of the bolter in her hand pierced the shield discharge layer in the air. The unique loud noise of the bolt gun exploded in the mystic mage's ears, the bolts whizzed past, and the tail flame ejected from the rocket propulsion part scorched the skin around the mystic mage's ears.

The mystic closed his eyes, and the shield dissipated into static in the air.

The weightless smoke beast bit her arm, and the chain sword slashing downward was forcibly changed in direction, and then the crisp sound of glass collision was heard in the air. The mystic turned into a cloud of smoke in the blink of an eye, and at that moment, another chainsword roared into the smoke. The smoke turned into form and rushed out of the door of the retreat hall. The soldiers stationed at the door were knocked to the ground by the fog. The battle sisters did not hesitate to shoot at the group of weapons that tried to jump to the roof, and several of them were enough to pierce. The light armor's lasers penetrated the smoke together, creating several huge holes.

"That thing flew into the sky!"

Tatiana heard the soldier shout.

She immediately rushed out of the retreat hall, took out her plasma pistol and pulled the trigger three times in succession towards the cloud of smoke flying into the sky. A huge amount of waste heat was released from the exhaust hole, and the smoke hound hanging on her arm was also instantly consumed. The twisted air burned her away - luckily the seal on her hand armor was still intact, the insulation was still functioning, and she was wearing a helmet, otherwise the superheated air in the exhaust valve would have been enough to burn her. The skin - the smoke passed through by the plasma was completely defeated. Several scattered, irregular pieces of flesh and blood fell from the smoke and fell on the square. The remaining smoke disappeared, completely disappearing into the air. After the death of the mystic, the carefully constructed temporary spirit body also lost the ability to maintain its shape. The soldiers who were relying on automatic turrets, laser rifles and plasma rifles to fight against the smoke spirit body also breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the worst loss they had ever suffered since their attack on Kamal Taj.

Even though the combat manual states that there are huge differences between psykers, those mystic apprentices still made the warriors relax their vigilance. Even the battle sisters misjudged the upper limits of the enemy's abilities because they rarely faced human psykers. . Some psykers are so powerful that they can move mountains and reclaim seas. Some psykers have weak talents and spend their entire lives studying books in the apprenticeship stage of Kama Taj. The weaker ones can only live among the people and occasionally find people around them in life. Incredible things - such as prophetic dreams, intuition, high IQ, devout beliefs, etc., many of the certified exorcists of the Roman Church have potential psychic talents. Although it is not powerful, it can expel possessed spirits - even the highest institutions of learning like Karma Taj cannot make the vast majority of psykers stronger than their natural talents through conventional means. Fortunately, most of the former have been transferred to the moon by the emperor to participate in the purification phase of the Battle of Attilan. All the mystics with truly powerful power have been dropped to the moon.

Wanda Maximoff raised her arms, the scorching sun was shining down from above her head, and she was sweating profusely in the hot air filled with orange-red dust that made it almost unbreathable. The scarlet energy shield continued to vibrate, and a large number of bullets were deflected in front of her. She had no idea why she came to this place. The last thing she could think of was that she did not walk on the carpet exactly as Master Daniel said. Just as she was worried for a few seconds, the bullets fired at her gradually became sparse, and then she heard the roar of the truck engine, followed by a few words of panic that she could not understand. More bullets were fired at her, but a large number flew past her, posing no threat at all other than adding to the metal content of the ground.

An old hand grabbed her back, and the cool and clean air of the inner temple made her breathe a sigh of relief. She lowered her head and found that she was on the carpet in the semi-circular hall. In just a few seconds, the dust that had fallen on her clothes was now falling down and disappeared into the fiber gaps of the carpet.

"You should listen to me instead of soiling the carpet." Master Daniel said angrily, "That is a random teleportation trap. Even if you are teleported to the civil war battlefield of African warlords, you should be grateful that you are still standing on the ground. Not underground or in space. I'm sure you know about teleportation, don't you?"

"Ms. Maximov failed her classes in directional teleportation and single-body teleportation."

Praetorian Amphitryon said mercilessly, earning an indignant eye roll from Wanda Maximoff.

"Let us get to work quickly." Master Daniel shook his head disdainfully, making Wanda Maximoff even more dissatisfied. He first raised his hand and knocked a small bronze bell. Wanda Maximoff felt that the magical aura in the entire hall began to change. The items that were originally filled with magical aura began to lose their brilliance and became dull. Immediately after Master Daniel struck the small bell according to a specific rhythm, the stone platform in front of the brass globe began to rotate and deform. A shelf rose from the inside of the stone platform, and a brass-colored eyeball-like magical instrument was located on the shelf.

"This is the Eye of Agamotto, the most important magical weapon of Karma Taj, and it is also the key to the planetary defense system." Master Daniel shook his head helplessly, "However, the most important component is not here. Even so, Ah The Eye of Gomotto can still operate the planetary defense system, and its power will not be affected in any way."

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