Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1635 Kama Taj is a cold-blooded animal

Chapter 1635 Kama Taj·Cold-blooded Animal

The Eye of Agamotto, Wanda Maximoff has heard this name in countless discussions. Also familiar is the great founder of Kama Taj, the first to stand up against the unspeakable. Agamotto, the first supreme mage of all things, even though there is very little information about this mystic mage within Kama Taj. This stunningly talented first-generation supreme mage used his supreme wisdom to complete his preliminary discussion on understanding the incomprehensible. It was like describing the sky and the Milky Way to a blind man who had been blind since birth.

The research results of the first generation of the Supreme Mage laid the foundation for the countless research results of Karma Taj. Countless generations continued to extend the theory of Agamotto until the arrival of the emperor perfected the work and brought about another theoretical breakthrough, even though To him, that was just a tiny part of the countless discussions he had completed. Many people believe that the Emperor is the only psyker in the history of Karma Taj who can rival Agamotto in terms of theoretical knowledge and psychic talent. Wanda Maximoff was the first Emperor to create She is a beneficiary of the new psychic education system, but this also creates a generational difference between her and traditional psychics such as Master Daniel, so much so that Master Daniel has to think of what the emperor's boot on his ass implies, Try to use the language of the new system to describe it.

"Kama Taj is built on top of one of the most powerful energy nodes. In past descriptions, this planetary energy node has been called the Dragon Vein or something else, depending on different cultural concepts. This node can be either From natural formations, such as the Kunlun Mountains, or from man-made creations, such as the Celtic Druid ritual circles. In any case, the location of Kama Taj is one of the main energy nodes of this mountain range, Kama Taj Many connection points have been established around the world, connecting the energy nodes of the entire planet in another way to supply the operation of the planetary defense system." Master Daniel said with pride. In the occult concepts of many cultural systems, both the natural environment and the human body have similar energy circuits. In a physical sense, these energy circuits do not exist and cannot be measured, but to the mystic's eyes these circuits are as clear as wires. "This is the masterpiece of the Supreme Mage Agamotto. This system can also defend against attacks from the material universe, but I think this function may not be practical."

"Let's start as soon as possible." Amphitryon, the praetorian guard, lowered his head. His face was exposed to the air, his helmet held at his waist. Before Master Daniel could take out something that could be chewed and swallowed from his pocket, the beef jerky in his hand was patted out. "Concentrate, Master Daniel, what do you think my job is? It's enough that you also participate in this work, instead of throwing the work manual to Ms. Maximov."

"Did he also expect this?" Master Daniel rolled his eyes angrily.

He is indeed not good at prophetic magic. The ability that his family, or the Indian blood tribe he owned, once had to listen to oracles has gradually disappeared after crossing the Bering Strait. By his generation, the entire The talent of the bloodline has been transformed into alchemy. Although he is not good at prophecy, he does not have to munch on psychedelic mushrooms and then distribute the metabolized body fluids to the tribal chiefs like his ancestors did. Karma Taj has a more advanced and complete way to explore the future.

"This is a decision taken based on the basic action logic of the Praetorian Guards." The face of the Praetorian Guards Amphitryon, which was exactly the same as a human but enlarged to an equal scale, was filled with a serious look. "I can't risk it." The risk of losing Ms. Maximoff renders the planetary defense system inoperable, so you must participate. Master Daniel, you must ensure that everything goes smoothly."

Multiple "musts" made Wanda Maximoff nervous.

She tried to find something else to talk about to lighten the mood, or at least allow her to concentrate on reading the worn parchment known as the workbook. The long piece of parchment used obscure cuneiform writing to describe the original intention of establishing the planetary defense system and the contribution of the Supreme Mage Agamotto in a very traditional, poetry-like manner.

Obviously this is a long article written by Agamotto's former disciple to praise the first generation of Supreme Master. Agamotto did not directly entrust the planetary defense system to his students, the original ancestors of the mystic family. It was not until Agamotto left that those students began to learn, explore and imitate their teachers. However, this article is unusual and does not mention what happened after the first-generation Supreme Mage Agamotto established the planetary defense system. Instead, it elaborates on the exploration and discovery of this system by later generations. The mystics of that era had to face the bloodiest living environment and the most terrifying psychic disasters and plagues, so they had an extremely urgent desire for huge systems such as the planetary defense system.

"The code of conduct of the Praetorian Guards?"

"Use any means, under any circumstances, at any time, in any place, to ensure the emperor's survival."

Master Hamil stood on the gray-white soil, with tall gray dust raised by the wheels of an all-terrain transport vehicle passing by. There was more than one vehicle coming and going, and almost all of the vehicles were loaded with cargo. Some were transported from the Attilan Star Fortress, and some were transported to the Dark Side Star Fortress. All the cargo was covered with a layer of gray armor. dust cloth to avoid contamination from floating lunar soil in low gravity environments. The lunar twilight line flowed smoothly in front of him, the earth in the distance was shrouded in a huge shadow, and radio noise sizzled in the headphones. Without the protection of the atmosphere, messy signals from cosmic radiation emit sounds at different rhythms. This is also the only sound that humans can find in a vacuum.

"This is the first time I've put on a space suit, and it's also the first time I've stood on the moon and looked at the earth." Master Hamil confessed to Wu Guiyue, "Now I really want to see what's going on with Kama Taj. If things are really like this If he says something that bad, then he and the human race are in a very dangerous situation."

"I believe he has the ability to solve the problem."

"He is no longer the person we know. When a person takes on the responsibility of the Supreme Mage, he can no longer be treated as an ordinary human being." Master Hamil reminded, "You can't take care of him because you once took care of him. , understand his human side and make a conclusion.”

"Similarly, you can't draw conclusions just because he has assumed the responsibility of the Supreme Mage." Master Wu Guiyue clutched the Staff of Ten Thousand Magics. This white jade-like staff flashed with an inconspicuous magical aura in the void. "None of us saw his decision," she said. "We can only be sure that he will live up to the principles of Karma Taj."

"I think he will take more radical measures. I just hope he doesn't go astray and look to the void for power to solve problems."

"You have been an educator for too long, Master Hamil. Like Modu, you always think you have the right answer. This is a common problem among educators." Master Wu Guiyue said, "He told me an idea, that There is no absolute truth in this world. He believes that every decision must be in line with the current history and future development trends in order to maximize benefits. He believes that the arrival of the interstellar era will inevitably bring more humans into contact with psychic powers and psychic alien races. , we all know how cruel this universe is, and the idea of ​​continuing human nature will inevitably be challenged by survival. Unless you think that the Inhumans in Attilan Star Castle who advocate the Kree cult can be forgiven, you cannot make any accusations against him, Because we all know what difficulties we are going to face next.”

"This is not an accusation, Master Wu Guiyue." Master Hamil sighed, "I am worried about whether he can pay this bill and whether the human race can pay this bill."

"You can only pay the bills if you are alive, or you can default on them." Master Wu Guiyue thought for a while, then said something that worried Master Hamil. "If the living environment is too harsh, then good and evil cannot be judged, and survival is the only purpose. Burning bones to cook food, exchanging children to eat each other, we cannot use morality and rationality to judge behavior in extreme environments. Can you say, Those servitors are all innocents, so can’t we treat those individuals who should have died like this?”

"That won't end well." Master Hamil closed his eyes, "Are our future destined to be painful?"

"Maybe. But I believe he can return reason to the world after everything is over. The last civil war in human history is about to break out. We have learned many lessons in history. Without a complete and unified political system and culture, we We will not be able to move toward the stars and the sea. Books share the same text, and cars share the same track. These are necessary prices, and they are also prices that short-lived humans cannot accept."

The radio channel continued to be silent and buzzing with noise.

The chess pieces fell again, and the gear pieces representing the machinery slowly rotated, making a clicking sound.

The comfortable armchair almost enveloped him, but his spirit remained alert.

"I'm not sure who I'm talking to now," the emperor said. "Can you still hold on, master?"

"Yes, the existence behind the curtain is not that easy to manipulate my thoughts and actions."

The Supreme Mage stretched out his hand and pointed to the darkness outside the light. Night swept over this space, and the starlight that originally adorned this endless darkness was also drowned. In this spiritual dimension, even breathing is a metaphor, and night represents human beings' fear of the night. This fear does not come from the Supreme Mage or the Emperor, because they are on the surface of the human collective subconscious. The flat ground under their feet is the basis for stabilizing their own consciousness. The obscure flowing black water below is the true location of the human collective subconscious. Fear comes from the collective subconscious of mankind. Even if the entire human race does not know what is waiting for them, the inspiration of the collective subconscious still feels that potential threats are quickly approaching.

"They are waiting for fresh flesh and soul. Can you resist them?"

"I can't do it," the emperor said. "This short-term disaster will inevitably lead to a significant increase in the number of psykers in all mankind. I can only cope with the collapse of the world after the increase in psykers. This is barely an opportunity, an integration An opportunity for all mankind. The second phase of the campaign has begun."

"So, you included my death in your deduction model from the beginning?"

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