Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1637 Kama Taj Thread Ball

Chapter 1637 Kama Taj·Thread Ball

"Do the best you can, doctor, but I ask that this warrior's vital signs be strictly monitored after the first aid is completed, and that he be listed as a high-risk target for observation and pending review by the interrogator. I know what you want to say, doctor, and he is also me Brothers, but we must be more vigilant in the face of witchcraft, even if it is cold-blooded. Even if the emperor personally helps us, we must be mentally prepared for this."

Wanda Maximoff obviously didn't know that the small help she provided made the sergeants of the First Secret Regiment very uneasy. To her, this was just a fleeting episode, as similar situations played out in front of her eyes. At first, she was interested in providing some help, such as filling water bags for travelers in the desert, and bringing peace to farmers struggling in hardship and poverty. Compared with the glamor of the middle class or the hereditary rich in big cities, She cares more about the lives of ordinary people who are struggling to make ends meet.

Her own experience and the compassion given by the emperor's education made her always focus on the suffering in the world. However, when more and more suffering and sorrow appeared in front of her, even her mind felt exhausted. Compared with the joy and beauty, these pains were too much and made her breathless. She began to wonder what her teacher was going to do to enable these people to live a life where they no longer had to worry about food, warmth and family. Is that great ideal just a colorful layer of ideals floating in this painful world? The oil film is incompatible with the water surface called reality.

Imagine. she thought, imagining that familiar, calm voice.

Imagine an endless sea that is sometimes calm and sometimes wild, with endlessly changing islands and reefs rising and falling on the sea, symbolizing the mind of everyone in the vast sea of ​​collective subconscious. Countless deadly predators lurked beneath the surface, wandering in the waves, trying to bite her ankles and drag her into the dark trench. Imagine, she thought, in that familiar, calm voice. She caught a glimpse of a grand palace on the largest island, and she imagined herself stepping onto solid rocks, letting the lush, soft, dewy grass reach her ankles, and the gray-white cliff walls bearing the impact of the waves.

A sense of security is born from order.

"The most important function of the planetary defense system is not to resist attacks on the physical level. The first generation of Supreme Mage has long known that the real horror of the outer dimension is not the attacks visible to the naked eye, but the pollution of the human heart. Even ordinary people without talents can It will be contaminated by that filthy energy, causing the mind to become distorted and fall into madness.”

Master Daniel recited a spell, and the orange-red sparks bursting out from his fingertips drew an extremely complex geometric figure in front of him. A ring also made of orange-red sparks slowly rotated on his wrist, and text symbols from the ancient civilizations of the earth flashed frequently. extinguished, leaving behind the ozone smell of psychic static electricity.

"If you want to control this system, you must face the creatures protected by the planetary defense system. Kama Taj will not ask for thanks from humans, because what we do is not focused on blocking, but on a future that ordinary people cannot understand. I believe you must have heard a saying. When we become mystics, we are destined not to see everything from the perspective of ordinary people who are shaped by a specific historical stage. Skin color, race, cultural identity, wealth class, all of these should be Abandoned, the only thing that should remain is the objective fact of being a human being and dedicating everything to the continuation of the human race. This is also the only ideology of Karma Taj. It is also the Supreme Master who first taught him, taught us, and taught countless Kamar over the thousands of years. The only truth of the Mystics of Martaj, for this is the unbreakable, undeniable truth.”

Master Daniel didn't know whether Wanda Maximoff could hear his words. He could only see the tiny distance between the latter's fingertips and the Eye of Agamotto, scarlet lightning piercing the air. .

"No, don't attack them. They surrendered," Wanda Maximoff said.

Tatyana frowned and never lowered her raised palm. There was an intuition that told her that it would be a mistake to directly order the attack on the psykers who came down the stairs, but she could not tell the source of this intuition. The conflict between bellicose psychology and reason made her frown.

"Lock them and stay alert." Tatiana blinked. The tactical data pad clearly showed that among the psykers coming down the stairs there was a dangerous target, Baron Mordo. The battlefield feedback briefing showed that the dangerous target Baron Mordo did not exert much power, but Tatiana knew that was because the emperor and the Imperial Guard were the spearhead of the attack, and many psychic battles were not something ordinary people like them could see. What's more, Baron Mordo has not expressed his surrender now, so this goal is still dangerous. She felt that the battle sisters behind her were casting doubtful eyes on her, but Tatyana decided to trust her inexplicable intuition. Even if this decision was wrong, she would tell her intuition to the other sisters and accept the punishment.

"Prepare shackles and psychic suppressors. If Baron Mordo resists law enforcement, we have the right to kill them."

"He stood up to the Emperor."

"Sister Thalia, carry out your orders, or give me your ammunition."

Wanda Maximov pushed open the palace door and walked into the hall.

She was surprised to find that the interior decoration of this palace was almost identical to the hall where the planetary defense system was located, whether it was the reliefs engraved on the walls praising the achievements of Agamotto and his disciples, or the gems inlaid above the head imitating the sun, moon and stars. When she began to suspect that this was just a memory projection, she denied this possibility herself. Her subconscious noticed that there was a huge difference in the volume of the interior space and the exterior space of the hall, but she had no time to pay attention to it. Details - She subconsciously walked forward along the carpet. There was a hemispherical hall at the end of the cross palace hall, and the golden Eye of Agamotto was placed on the raised pulpit in the center of the hall. Wanda Maximoff blinked and saw several blurry, pencil-doodle figures flashing in the air near the Eye of Agamotto, and making constant sounds. She was pushed forward by her subconscious, Overlapping a vague red figure and touching the magic weapon, lightning burst out between the golden shell of the Eye of Agamotto and her fingertips.

It seemed like an eternity before Praetorian Amphitryon heard Wanda Maximov exhale.

"I will see, I have seen."

Wanda Maximoff is out of focus, staring into space. Guardsman Amphitryon clenched his halberd, and Master Daniel also placed a vigilant eye outside the rotunda. Even creatures without psychic talents like the Praetorian Guards can still feel the noisy screams coming from behind the curtain of reality at the moment Wanda is connected to the Eye of Agamotto and the planetary defense system, even though they are very close. But I couldn't find the source of the sound no matter what. The feeling was like the changes in air pressure felt by the eardrums, as if there were countless pairs of invisible little claws scratching wantonly on the cerebral cortex.

"I see him," said Wanda Maximoff, "Come to me!"

"Don't be distracted, don't talk to any voice behind the curtain!" Master Daniel rushed over anxiously, "There are only lies behind the curtain!"

"Back off, Master Daniel!"

The sharp edge of the garrison spear struck straight down, almost touching Master Daniel's forehead and nose, and then fell to the latter's neck. Guardsman Amphitryon's precise control of the fighting distance is shocking, but Master Daniel has no heart to praise such peak skills because Wanda Maximoff made the biggest mistake. Wizard Daniel didn't even bother to maintain the protective spell to protect Wanda Maximoff's mind.

"Please back off, Wanda Maximoff knows what she's doing."

"She's talking to the being behind the curtain."

"I believe she knows what she is doing. This is her mission." The guard Amphitryon remained motionless, but put away his blade. Just now, it was just to prevent Master Daniel from making drastic actions. Now that the latter has calmed down, there is no need to threaten him with force. "Thank you for your help, Master Daniel. No matter what position you stood on to provide help before, this matter has exceeded your expectations from the beginning, and the impact has been far beyond your imagination. Master Daniel, Now I will issue an order to you on behalf of my Lord to meet the next stage of the dilemma we will face - you need to disclose the existence of the "Dark God Book" to all the mystics of Kama Taj, and then tell them the existence of a witch The name, Morgan Le Fay, will be Karma Taj's future enemy, and every mystic must know how to deal with her."

"Morgan Le Fay is just a legend. She did collect the scrolls and compile the "Dark Book of Darkness", but this witch has been completely trapped in another dimension by the Supreme Mage and will never be able to set foot in the material universe. Unless-"

"——A space rift appears that is large enough for her to leave. Yes, my lord believes that the emergence of a space rift is inevitable. Morgan Le Fay, the mortal enemy of the Supreme Mage, may also take this opportunity to escape from the cage and set foot in the material universe again. Our Lord has written the impact of this incident into the model, and the person assigned to Karma Taj to solve the problem is Morgan Le Fay, an immortal."

The emperor stood on the vast sea, with the line of dawn and dusk crossing the coastline, and shadows approaching step by step.

In his hand, he held a crimson ball of thread that appeared at an unknown time. This thread disappeared far into the sky. No matter how far he walked, this thread guided him in the direction, as if he was Ariah in the myth. The ball of thread that Dene gave to Theseus prevented him from getting lost on the sea without any reference. He didn't know how long he had been walking. The coastline in the distance also collapsed due to seawater erosion. The reefs formed by the eruption of submarine volcanoes gradually eroded and then collapsed in the seawater. He finally saw the position guided by the thread. The further we go, the rougher the waves become, and the ever-changing rocks and islands rise and fall on the dark sea surface. It was a palace erected on an isolated island in the sea, with crimson threads submerging into the palace gate.

"I heard you, Wanda."

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