Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1638 Kama Taj returns to the material universe

Chapter 1638 Kama Taj·Return to the Material Universe

The shadows exuded the smell of feathers wetted by rain, and wet ravens were wandering in groups on the edge of the storm. He held the ball of thread tightly and walked step by step towards the palace standing on an isolated island in the sea. A flock of ravens chirped, and he raised his head to look at the leaden gray clouds that followed. Several broad pillars of light were faintly revealed from above the dark clouds, and then were drowned by thick, bulging clouds. The gloomy thoughts flapped their wings, sending the smell of the storm into his nose. The intense emotions were like thunder, spreading the smell of psychic ozone on the sea. He whispered the names of the two witches, believing that the raven would express his gratitude. Send it to their ears. The tight crimson thread vibrated, and the anxiety at the other end of the thread was firmly held in his palm along the thread.

"Don't be nervous, I just dived too deep. I know I'm right. If I don't do this, I won't find the Supreme Mage." A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, hit him near his heel, and exploded on the sea Turning into red and blue electric sparks, thunder crashed into his body along the non-existent air. It was like an impatient warning. Too many people, or non-human races, or even beings behind the curtain are watching here, because every move he makes may affect this galaxy in the future, and even the dullest prophet will be swept from the ether sea to the beach. Shell predicts this turbulent future.

"Okay, I understand, I'm sorry." He said somewhat optimistically, "They definitely don't want me to die now. I'm still safe. I have no doubt about it. You may ask, why would I Crossing the bottom line of Kama Taj and actively interfering with human society... I do owe you an answer, a reason to drag the perfect family of your dreams into the abyss... I do not regard myself as a higher or more perfect life individual. To assume the responsibility of a savior is not a paranoid mental illness. My humility is not disguised. There is no place for me in the future of this world. I will eventually become an ordinary person, and all human beings in the future will possess my wisdom and wisdom. Vision, reason and even life, and I will become an inconspicuous person and enjoy eternal peace."

Bayonetta slowly relayed every word of the letter sent by the silver carrier pigeon.

An alcoholic Roman priest claimed in a letter that many monks in the monastery had repeatedly dreamed a similar dream one night a few years ago. The Cardinal's analysis and interrogation finally pieced together the following words from the dreams of hundreds of monks. In the previous letter, the alcoholic priest stated that he suddenly had inspiration half a month ago and knew where to send this letter, but after writing the address, he could not remember the specific location here. He only knew A silver homing pigeon given by someone can carry letters to their destination.

"He wanted to die."

Joan of Arc gave her own judgment. There is no etiquette in her spacious office living room. Her feet in high-heeled boots are placed on the table. At the same time, she makes the poor Cheshire cat push a small trolley to get the snowy mountain edible ice cubes she needs. Send it to the living room.

"He seems quite rational, how could he have such a martyr's fanatical mentality?"

Bayonetta stretched out her fingers and extinguished the flames of three obsidian candles arranged in a triangle. The magic of witches is always related to elements such as night, moon, feminine, motherhood, reproduction, family, etc. Hecate is one of the many idols worshiped by shadow witches, and the ritual dedicated to the triple path goddess Hecate is also a required course for them. This ritual was one of the rituals they set out to arrange after the emperor left. The ritual that truly provided protection came from the underground of the Astronomy Tower, the blessing of protection provided by many psykers and guided by the witch.

"You have to think about translation issues between different languages? I'm pretty sure he won't give up his body. If he gives up his body, how will he taste delicious food, indulge in drinking and have sex? We all know that he is not an ascetic faction The monks, every night..."

"I've got a hold of the thread and I'm directing him back."

Wanda Maximoff's voice immediately interrupted Master Daniel's attempt to argue.

He is not ignorant of what Wanda Maximoff is doing now. Using the planetary defense system itself is sinking his mind into the sea of ​​ether, which requires extremely high concentration to use, and Wanda Maximoff Simov is gifted and able to dive extremely deep into the etheric sea. No matter from any angle, she is the best candidate to use the planetary defense system today. However, communicating with beings in the etheric sea is a very, very dangerous thing. Even the demon warlocks in stories and archives can only summon etheric spiritual entities into the material universe, and they can communicate only after being bound by the rules of the material universe. , and what Wanda Maximoff did was to summon the etheric spiritual entity to come to the material universe without any protective measures.

The planetary defense system is gradually opening up, and the core systems of the three major temples are operating slowly, and are slowly connecting to other religious sanctuaries on the earth. From Stonehenge, the Vatican, Hagia Sophia to the London Temple, from Qingcheng Mountain, Longhu Mountain, White Horse Temple to the Hong Kong Temple, from the Teokali Temple, Tulum, Palenque to the New York Temple, The huge spiritual vein system follows the prophetic link of the first-generation Supreme Mage Agamotto, and also provides Wanda Maximoff with the energy and vision to dive.

In the sea of ​​nothingness, there is only a golden burning sword shadow as a beacon.

"No, it's not the devil, it's him. I'm pretty sure, I know it's him." Wanda Maximoff said bluntly, "He went deep into the ether sea to find the soul of the Supreme Master. I must guide him back to this world. .Predators are waiting for him below the surface and he is now in danger."

"This is a big risk. How do you make sure you are guiding him and not something else!"

"We have no choice, Master Daniel," said Praetorian Amphitryon. "We cannot lose him."

"Why did he dive so deep! The human mind simply cannot withstand such pressure!"

"Because the Sorcerer Supreme is there, Master Daniel."

"Chess pieces." Wanda Maximoff stared into the void like a medium and described what she saw. It's just that she doesn't need to make sounds with her toes to deceive the audience. She does see many things that mortals can't see. However, even Master Daniel cannot fully understand what she said because of the metaphor and reality of deep consciousness. There is no one-to-one correspondence. "He has taken the chess piece and is coming here." She stretched out her hand in front of her. Under the gaze of the Praetorian Guard Amphitryon, Master Daniel reluctantly put away his attacking posture, but the Praetorian Guard still allowed him to take the most basic defensive measures. Master Daniel saw Wanda Maximoff's fingers disappearing as if they were submerged in the water. She was groping for something in the air until she pulled out a crimson thread. "Amphitryon! Hurry!"

The Imperial Guards immediately rushed forward, grabbed the spinning thread and pulled it back desperately.

The seemingly slender linen threads have far greater toughness than polymers. The relatively slender threads dug into Amphitryon's gauntlet, leaving a deep dent in the solid alloy. A low roar came from Amphitryon's throat, his power armor legs were locked, his body tilted back, and his spine curved like a bow to accumulate strength. The most powerful body in the material universe, combined with the power given by machinery, could barely pull out the crimson thread by a few centimeters. Wanda Maximoff is still holding the thread, and the palm cut by the spinning thread is dripping with blood. The blood sinks into the void along the spinning thread, and then smudges like ink falling into clear water. The Praetorian Guards Amphitryon discovers that the more blood Wanda Maximoff bleeds, the less power there is at the other end of the spinning thread.

"I know! I can hear what you're thinking, Amphitryon, and I'm doing it!"

Amphitryon pulled hard, and Wanda Maximoff tightened her grip on the spinning thread regardless of the pain. Master Daniel was hesitant, but still placed a circle of protective spells around Wanda and the Guards to ensure that the beings who came out from behind the curtain would not harm them. After a while, a hand wrapped in golden armor was pulled out of thin air. The golden hand armor had the shape of the material universe, and then more bodies were pulled out.

Master Daniel couldn't help but close his tearful eyes. The surging heat made him feel like he was facing a strong wind. He only heard what the person walking out of the void said, and then the heat disappeared out of thin air, which was completely inconsistent with the heat transfer laws of the material universe. When he opened his red eyes, he only saw that the crimson thread in Wanda Maximoff's hand was slowly evaporating, and finally disappeared.

"What did he say?"

"I want me to go to the highest place as soon as possible to help fight against the Supreme Mage."

Athena saw a ray of golden light rising from behind, then rising all the way and then swooping down into the courtyard in front of her. Immediately afterwards, the courtyard door seemed to be violently knocked open by an invisible force. The emperor, who was wearing golden power armor, stumbled out of the courtyard. Steam and ash billowed from the surface of the armor, carrying with it the crimson fragrance that filled the courtyard. The smell of clouds is dizzying. Amon immediately rushed forward and stood beside the emperor. The garrison spear slashed forward to force the invisible thing back. Athena did not hesitate to raise the spear, and the dazzling white-hot light shot out from the tip of the spear and disappeared into the open courtyard. At the door, a vague shape was hit by white-hot spiritual light, and let out a chaotic scream that ordinary people could not hear.

The emperor immediately pulled out a golden bolt gun from his waist and pulled the trigger one after another towards the invisible object. The unique loud roar of the bolt gun caused echoes in the valley. The nerve-blocking warhead burned and shattered under the trigger of the fuse. Several large holes were immediately blasted out of the body of the invisible thing that shone with spiritual energy, and then a deep purple vortex Appearing out of thin air, it completely swallowed up the invisible thing, and fragments of flesh and blood were squeezed out and fell to the ground. Even so, the terrifying screams seemed to be frozen in the transparent wall formed by the air, torturing the listener's nerves all the time.

The extremely low visibility aromatherapy smoke gradually became thinner, and a relatively short figure walked out of the courtyard.

Athena gasped, but the pungent smell of the incense made her cough.

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