Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1639 Kama Taj Mirror Dimension

Chapter 1639 Kama Taj·Mirror Dimension

Stephen Strange, Sherlock Holmes and other mystics couldn't see Amon's movements clearly, as if the blade wrapped in blue plasma flames cut through the air in an arc with afterimages and cut into the smoke. . But the next moment, a slender, neat finger was pressed against the front of the blade. No matter how hard Amon tried, he could not move the garrison spear forward one millimeter - to be precise, there was still a tiny gap between the blade and the finger. The distance, but this distance makes the body made by genetic alchemy and the machinery made by advanced technology lose their intended function. Even the current that decomposes the force field and the blue plasma flame cannot penetrate this thin layer. Air - The emperor crossed over Amon, and the flaming holy sword struck straight at the palm. The owner of the palm smiled at the emperor in the light gray smoke, and the relatively short figure disappeared without a trace.

Amon's movements did not deform due to the instantaneous disappearance of resistance.

He immediately adjusted his posture and pulled the trigger. The explosive bomb specially made for the Praetorian Order passed through the position where the target was before disappearing. He took a step forward to block the emperor's side and crossed the halberd to prepare for any possible attack. However, there was no sound of the bomb hitting the flesh, not even the sound of the warhead exploding. The light gray aromatic mist seemed to swallow up all sounds. The flames of the holy sword burned through the smoke, and countless tiny twisted faces floated in the air, and were burned by the pure flames, turning into the emperor's psychic fuel.

"Danger, stay back!" Athena rushed up at this moment, "This is wrong, this is the mirror dimension!"

"Amon, come in with me!" The emperor did not look back. He looked serious, and the tip of the holy sword in his hand shook slightly. "Athena, I need you to make sure nothing comes out of it. Mystics, chant the apotropaic spells to the best of your ability. I'm sure you'll all get a passing grade on the basics. Not chanting the apotropaic spells against this courtyard. Spell, but to yourselves, don't be affected by the things in this courtyard."

"What the hell is going on!" Stephen Strange asked loudly, "Isn't the Supreme Mage inside?"

"Yes, but evil spirits have attacked the Supreme Mage, and we need to save him now."

[Don’t tell any facts. No matter what, the reputation of the Sorcerer Supreme cannot be tarnished. 】

The emperor glanced at Athena and issued a warning.

The spiritual communication between the Emperor and Athena was not concealed. Every mystic could clearly feel this spiritual energy fluctuation, but they could not hear a single word spoken by the Emperor. They could only know the relationship between the Emperor and Athena. A secret phone call was made. Only Sherlock Holmes nodded after thinking for a moment, without raising any objection or refutation, let alone asking why. When the two golden-armored giants rushed into the smoke that could not be penetrated by the naked eye and second vision, Athena still did not put away her spear. She remained ready for battle, and the powerful psychic energy was visible to the naked eye in her eyes. , burning beside her.

"Now, all of you retreat to the bottom of the stairs." She said to the mystics. "The situation here does not allow you to interfere. If you want to escape, do it as soon as possible. The army below will let you join the prisoners of war. "

"I don't understand, what is going on? What happened to the Supreme Mage?" Stephen Strange expressed the doubts in the minds of others, but he was the only one to ask. Compared to other mystics, his character is very reckless and has nothing to do with so-called caution. No one can figure out why the Supreme Mage would put this person on the candidate list. "We are the Kama Taj Mystics and we have the right to know the facts."

"What kind of idiot would still think that the rights of secular society can work here?"

Athena glared at him, and Stephen Strange wanted to refute, but remembering the psychic spell Athena had released with her spear not long ago, he wisely chose to shut up. He didn't think that the Seraphim Shield he used could reach this kind of attack. In fact, his intuition told him that even if he released a missile that could automatically track, it would not be able to hit the tall woman in front of him. The wiser choice is not to provoke things that you cannot solve. Stephen Strange also wants to heal his hand. It is best not to provoke something that obviously looks full of crisis.

"Now, get out of here and get as far away from here as possible. No one here will have to be responsible for your lives."

"Baron Mordo, I'm glad you made a wise choice. Now you'd better tell us what happened up there, and why can't we contact the Imperial Army?"

Baron Mordo lowered his head and said nothing, refusing to say a word no matter how Tatyana asked. Just when Tatiana was considering whether to carry out the interrogation process, the reconnaissance drone ahead reported that another group of mystics came down from the top of the mountain. According to the judgment of the friend-or-foe identification system, this group of mystics had been removed from the threat list. , indicating that someone with authority to do so has made a judgment and had contact with them. There were Stephen Strange, Sherlock Holmes and some members of the Mystic Family on the list. When the soldier read the names on the list to Tatiana, Baron Mordo, who had been silent, finally raised his head and looked like Something to say.

He spat on the ground.

"A bunch of traitors."

"Is this what you want to say, Baron Mordo?" Tatyana waved to the mystic who was loyal to the Order of the Praetorian Guards and the emperor, "Briefly describe the current situation."

"There is a large amount of psychic energy gathered in the courtyard where the Sorcerer Supreme resides, and the psychic tide is extremely chaotic and dangerous."

"Now you know why we are doing this, Baron Mordo. The Supreme Mage is not omniscient and omnipotent, and it is not the Supreme Mage who gives you instructions, but the etheric spiritual entity disguised as the Supreme Mage." Tatyana said, "You'd better Come to our aid, only my Lord has the power to solve this problem."

"Why do you suddenly know so much?" Another battle sister asked on the communication channel, "You are not usually that interested in cultural courses. I thought you were more interested in firearms than books!"

"I don't know either, sister. This is a feeling. I think I should know this." Tatyana said, "In the era of Catholic heresy, shepherdess could obtain the knowledge of leading the army. I can know this knowledge. Doesn't it mean that The path we practice is correct, is that why my Lord enlightens me?”

As the planetary defense system was gradually deployed, people all over the world, especially those near the three major temples and the Kama Taj headquarters, immediately felt the change in emotions. It is as if all happiness has been drained away, whether it is joy, ecstasy or passion, wiped away by invisible hands, and loneliness surges in the sea of ​​subconsciousness, rushing up the streets of consciousness like sewer water. In the area closest to the fulcrum of the planetary defense system, even souls that have been drained of all joy cannot escape. The system created by the first generation Agamotto cast a layer of ice in the ocean of collective subconsciousness, stripping away the human race's With some emotional feedback, the first thing many people feel is a sense of mental suffocation, and then they no longer remember what happened. Except for the most basic neurofeedback, they will no longer respond to any external stimulation. react.

"I assure you, this is temporary. We rarely turn on all functions of the planetary defense system, so it is normal to miss some details, really." Master Daniel's expression was serious, "The scale is 162 points, continue. When you continue When you are immersed in this machine, you will find that you are able to know a lot of knowledge inexplicably... Forget them, you must forget them, don't be confused by that knowledge, and don't be contaminated by the emotions of the collective subconscious... Imagine yourself as an icebreaker , sailing on the ice of the collective subconscious.”

"I don't think the process of using the planetary defense system is anything like hypnosis by a psychiatrist."

"You should read more books, Amphitryon. I really don't know why he created you praetorians. Why can't he put a little brain into such a big body."

"I'm talking about the way you conduct your instruction, Master Daniel." Amphitryon maintained his usual calmness, even though Master Daniel's performance made people want to seal his mouth. This old guy is usually quite annoying. "According to feedback provided by the outside world, the power of the planetary defense system seems to be too high, and it has affected the surrounding people, including the mystic prisoners of war outside the walls of Kama Taj. We need to know whether this effect is irreversible?"


"You don't know, do you?"

"Okay, I admit it." Master Daniel waved his hand helplessly, "The level of protection he required was too high. Even if the ether entities summoned by the witch were fighting in the solar system a few years ago, we did not fully activate the planetary defense system. .Everyone who had ever seen all the functions of the planetary defense system, except the Supreme Mage, were all dead, because no one could survive that long, and the same was true for the half-zombies of the Mystic family. We can only be sure that since he asked to turn on the planetary defense system, it means that this system can help him.”

"Where are we, my lord. This is not an ordinary mirror dimension. As far as I know, there are no such things in the mirror dimension." Amon looked around, holding the garrison spear in both hands and holding it diagonally in front of the breastplate. This is a defensive posture that requires the user to tighten his back, take a half-step forward with his right leg, and point his toes so that he can change posture at any time. Compared to other genetically modified warriors, the Praetorian Guard's fighting style is not that rough and they only ask for offense blindly. The martial arts skills mastered by the Praetorian Guard far exceed that of other genetically modified warriors. As soon as he finished speaking, Amon immediately slashed downwards and took a step forward, kicking the second dangerous target - it was something similar to a human being, to be precise, something with a human-like form - only this form After many transformations, even the most familiar sentient creatures cannot recognize it. His attack could only harvest a large piece of glass shards flying everywhere, as if everything here was made of glass. Whether it was terrain or buildings, everything was constructing a world beyond the material universe with irregular geometric movements. angle.

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