Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1640 Kama Taj Time Gem

Chapter 1640 Kama Taj Time Gem

The architecture folds, rotates, and bends beyond the mathematical laws of the material universe, showing disgusting angles that are impossible to exist in the material universe. This chaotic mirror image is constantly flickering and changing, splicing, compressing and stretching like a kaleidoscope. The narrow elevator car climbs up and then falls like a roller coaster. The elevator doors made of steel and brass are disassembled and copied one by one. Under the action of the rising steel cables, they gain potential energy that seems to come from outside the atmosphere, wrapping The plasma generated by friction with the air roared and stabbed at the two golden figures at the lowest point.

threaten. threaten. threaten!

The holographic projection of the tactical system in the helmet constantly flashes symbols representing the highest threat. Amon has never encountered this situation. Even when Attilan faced the monster from another dimension, the highest level of threat never appeared. Flashing. Amon heard the harsh noise that cut through the air before the needle arrived, and then the noise turned into a dull roar, and the power armor detected abnormal changes in wind speed and air pressure. The Praetorian Guard did not understand what was happening, but he still held the halberd with one hand and pulled the trigger miraculously, shooting towards the location where the noise first came from. Several explosive bombs destroyed several burning steel needles two kilometers away. However, these had no effect on the millions of burning steel needles covering the entire sky, just like a few pebbles thrown into the waves.

The emperor stretched out his hand, and there was nothing different except for the spiritual radiance radiating from his eyes and the back of his head. Amon rarely witnessed the emperor showing pure anger. Now he once again witnessed the spiritual radiance around the emperor burning in anger, making the air boil. , deflagration. Immediately, the relative position of the sky and the courtyard square where they were located tilted. The scene even deeply shocked the minds of the Imperial Guards after training and transformation. It felt like witnessing an extremely majestic mountain range spanning the entire planet folding and bending in front of you, and then colliding together with a force beyond human imagination. The expected explosion or fall did not happen. Instead, billions of mirror fragments circled in the sky, combined with each other and then shattered again. The unbounded light was reflected by the messy mirror sky, and the entire space was filled with dizzying chaos. Filled with colored light.

The chaos and disorder in the mirror dimension have shown that the controller of this space no longer has complete sanity. As the supreme secret method of Kama Taj, the mirror dimension usually requires multiple mystics to jointly open and perform it. To perform this secret method, one must possess quite profound knowledge of geometry and mathematics.

"Cover me, I need to seize control of this space."

Amon nodded and waved the garrison spear again to smash the translucent humanoid mirror entities coming from all directions. Under the chaotic passive light, even if the raster mode was turned on, the enemy's shape could not be clearly identified, and the thermal imaging mode could not. To capture any heat, the infrared mode can only capture various types of long-wave light reflected by passive light, like a disco ball dancing wildly in the night. Amon can only rely on his modified naked eyes to judge and identify targets. He was like a steel hurricane surrounding the emperor. The garrison spear, which was so heavy that it took several adult men to lift it, swung at a speed that even the genetically modified soldiers could not see clearly. A large number of glass mirror fragments fell on the emperor and the imperial guards like a torrential rain. At feet.

Time passed little by little, and Amon found that the courtyard where he and the emperor were standing was slowly expanding. High-speed rotating and bending buildings were being compressed into bricks and filled in at the edge of the courtyard. In the eyes of the Praetorian Guards, this seemed to mean that the emperor was gradually seizing control of this space, and chaos was being replaced by order and stability. However, such residents did not last long. When the emperor stretched out his hand to signal Amon to stop, the glass fragments around them had piled up like a mountain.

"There will be no other enemies. The existence behind the curtain wants to achieve its goal as soon as possible. It has no patience to continue." The emperor held the holy sword tightly. The building in the distance opened like a door, and a figure in an earth-yellow robe slowly walked over. He shouted in a voice that could be heard from across the world, "Leave the body of the Sorcerer Supreme or I will banish you. Not only will I banish you, I will go to your dimension and kill you. Your dimension is not Always safe, Dormammu!"

"It's a pity that we had a very pleasant conversation in the past. This conversation should not involve outsiders, especially your genetically modified pet." The existence with the appearance and body of the Supreme Mage slowly moved towards the emperor. Although the tactical command system did not indicate its danger, Guardsman Amon was still facing a formidable enemy because this was the only creature he had ever seen that could move freely in this space. This creature with the appearance of the Supreme Mage has a rune similar to the mathematical symbol π on its forehead. "You know the glory I show you. The human race is just a small insect in a glass jar to you." It is true that the insect in the glass jar has its own social system, but does this have anything to do with you? Are you human? No, you are just like me. You should come to me and get your due in this cruel universe. Your place.”

"You are just a puppet without self-awareness. You think the dark dimension belongs to you, but you are just a proxy dog ​​lying at your master's feet, obeying orders to take the ball back. This is what you do, Dormammu, you think that power is gained by giving up your soul, and I spurn your self-righteous glory."

Amon took a deep breath, and his honed muscle memory made him ready to attack the target at any time.

"We have had this conversation many times." Dormammu shook his head slightly as he stared at the appearance of the Supreme Mage. "Every time you will give me the same answer. Next, you will ask me to leave the Supreme Mage's body and liberate the Supreme Mage. soul, even though you know I can't possibly do it. Go on, I have unlimited time and you don't."

"You can't use the Time Stone, right? In other words, you can't find the Time Stone because the Lord hid it." The emperor walked forward with the holy sword in hand. He motioned for Amon to walk behind him in this formation. As a supplement to melee attacks. "Every word you say is full of lies, Dormammu, you are not as relaxed as you seem. The power of the Supreme Mage makes you feel very troublesome." He stretched out his hand, and a bit of dark green, emerald-like fluorescence penetrated the Supreme The mage's body fell into his hands at a speed that no one could match - Dormammu tried to intercept it, but the spell taught to the emperor by the Supreme Mage was of extraordinary complexity and confidentiality, and even Dormammu could not immediately Unlock the spell that will reveal the Time Stone hidden in the Sorcerer Supreme's soul. This gem floated quietly above the palm wrapped in gold armor. Dormammu, wearing the skin of the Supreme Mage, had a distorted expression that far exceeded the limit of what human facial muscles could achieve.

Dormammu licked his teeth.

The slight refraction of light reflected from its hands made Amon alert. The Imperial Guard informed the emperor of the situation through the communication system of the power armor. The latter just nodded, indicating that he knew that Dormammu was casting a spell. "She once tried to suppress the initiative of consciousness control that belonged to me in her body, but when she couldn't get rid of me, this was the bill she owed when she drew energy from another dimension." It opened its eyes and stared at the emperor, "Yes, The Supreme Mage is still alive, and she lives in this body, enduring torture. I don’t care about the energy nodes of this material universe, and all the mysteries of time are just basic knowledge to me.”

"Amon." The emperor clenched his palm and wrapped the time stone with his fingers.

"Yes, my lord." Amon took a deep breath, bent his back, and the next moment, he rushed out like an arrow from a string. The bottomless ravine between Dormammu and the Emperor stretched out. Every time the Praetorian Guard took a step, there would be flat stone bricks that were once made of glass, statues or building exteriors paved under his feet. Amon did not notice the dark green flash wrapped around his body, because in this space, the device built into the power armor for measuring the angle of the star and the time of the planet could not function, but he still found that his movements inevitably became faster. Correspondingly, his potential energy also increased. The three-meter-tall golden-armored giant hit the invisible layer of glass with the strong wind. The Imperial Guard smashed the witchcraft-made glass with one punch, and thin black smoke came out from the stubble of the glass.

Immediately afterwards, the emperor's figure crashed towards Dormammu at a speed that even the Imperial Guards could not match.

The burning holy sword was raised high and then slashed down. The blazing sword edge and the expanding hot air were only one finger away from Dormammu's forehead but could not move forward. Before Dormammu could smile, he punched his chest with an angry punch. Dormammu, who was wearing the body of the Supreme Mage, was immediately knocked out. From Dormammu's perspective, these two things happened at the same time. In no particular order. But from the emperor's point of view, there is still a distinction between swinging the sword and punching. This is the art of manipulating time. With the dull sound of two bolters, the glass-like shields on Dormammu's body connected one after another. Broken, the Imperial Guards lowered their smoking garrison spears and immediately followed the emperor's footsteps. A dark green, emerald-like halo enveloped Dormammu. Like rewinding a tape, the Supreme Mage's body returned along the parabola that was knocked away. The Emperor thrust out the flaming holy sword, penetrated the shield that could not be formed due to interference, and sank into the Supreme Mage's chest.

Dormammu smiled at the emperor.

"You don't think this is victory, do you?"

The body hanging on the sword said, as if the damage in the physical form could not have any effect on it. Surprisingly, Dormammu's wrists were also burning with an emerald halo. To the guards, Dormammu was screaming at high speed. Only the emperor was close enough to hear the malice emanating from every word of Dormammu. The emperor looked at the latter calmly, and only the emerald green halo wrapped around his wrist burst into unprecedented brilliance.

"Even if the Supreme Mage is helping you, even if the body of the material universe cannot exert my power, you will not win so easily."

Dormammu grabbed the burning sword with his bare hands, and the pure flames immediately burned that hand until it was shriveled and black, but Dormammu pulled out the holy sword without any care, and his body floated in the air. The Praetorian Guards watched helplessly as Dormammu escaped, anxiously trying to rush forward to help but unable to move. The emperor resisted Dormammu's powerful power bit by bit. His movements were as slow as an insect trapped in amber. The struggle with Dormammu was not only a physical competition of strength, but also an understanding and cracking of the arcana of time. . Every second, hundreds of formed time secrets are established and then dismantled. Each establishment and dismantling of the time secrets means that one of the emperor and Dormammu has the ability to act.

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