Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1641 Kama Taj Dormammu

Chapter 1641 Kama Taj Dormammu

The emerald green halo runes wrapped around his wrist were destroyed and produced one after another, almost turning into emerald green flames so fast. The burning holy sword once again followed its original path and sank into the blackened wound. The high-speed brain and the surging pure spiritual energy meant that the emperor gradually gained the upper hand in this struggle. However, there was no joy at all on the emperor's face. He fell into Dormammu, who was downwind, did not show any anger or impatience. Amon's muscles tightened, and the nerve electrical signals of his limbs were transmitted to the action assistance system of the power armor through artificial synapses, and then converted into actions of the servo to which the corresponding limb belonged.

Some receivers failed to receive corresponding electrical signals, and the emergency auxiliary force feedback power system and servers also lost response. The power armor was firmly solidified in this space and became a prison for the Guards. He felt the roar building up in his throat, and with unprecedented impatience flowing through his veins, he felt the exoskeleton of the power armor begin to loosen, and he began to move millimeter by millimeter, just like the Emperor and Dormammu who cast the arcana of time. , every tiny movement must require a huge amount of effort.

"You still have the most difficult question to solve." Dormammu imitated the tone commonly used by the Supreme Mage, trying to anger the emperor in this way. However, the emperor's calm expression and steady psychic fluctuations masked all emotions, except for the initial display of anger, which was no more than a stone. Dormammu didn't take it seriously and continued, "The shackles on your genetically modified pet still exist. If you can't solve this problem, then even this genetically modified immortal species will die. Or, besides you, You don’t care about anyone, except yourself, everyone can sacrifice for your ideals?”

The emperor turned the holy sword, and the wound on the Supreme Mage's chest continued to expand, and a large amount of blood was pulled downwards by gravity.

Thick smoke of putrid smell billowed from the wound, and then burned under the light of the emperor's psychic power, Dormammu still maintained a smile of victory. Dormammu smiles in the shadow of a building that twists beyond the laws of mathematics. "Now we both hold each other's vital points in our hands, and I believe you know enough about human game theory. You have the time stone and the planetary defense system, which cannot allow me to project my power into the material universe, but your time is limited and you must make a decision Choice; I own the life of your genetically modified pet, without the time stone but with the soul of the Sorcerer Supreme. So how about we try again?"

The emperor nodded, acquiescing to Dormammu's statement.

The emerald green light on the wrists of the Supreme Mage and the Emperor spun faster, and then stopped on the same symbol at the same time. This time, the symbol was not deciphered, but began to burn, and then the entire space began to move backward along the timeline. The architectural components that formed the square began to decompose, stretch, and recover, returning to their original positions. The three people in the space began to retreat, the wounds that had been caused began to heal, and the blood dripping on the ground rose up and penetrated into the blood vessels. The warhead fragments began to bond with each other to form a complete warhead shell. The complex deformation and explosion fuze was restored out of thin air in the air. The fired explosive warhead returned to the muzzle along the path. The burned propellant condensed from the air and was loaded into the gun. of bullet casings. A bright emerald green fluorescence penetrated the emperor's palm and penetrated into the body in earth-yellow robes. When everything stopped, Dormammu finally smiled.

"Welcome to the mirror dimension!"

It deliberately shouted in the voice of the Supreme Mage towards the emperor and the imperial guards in the distance. Dormammu was surprised that the emperor valued the lives of the imperial guards so much, but it was also glad that the emperor valued the lives of the imperial guards so much, otherwise this game would continue indefinitely until the emperor lost patience and completely overturned the chessboard. The emperor lowered his head and glanced at the emerald green halo wrapped around his wrist. The cryptic writings inherited from ancient humans' study of hyperspace, transcribed and copied from dreams and sounds do not belong to any civilization in this galaxy. Psykers of many intelligent races, including human psykers (shamans, wizards, warlocks) etc.) all believe that this cryptic text has the power to create the world.

"Your kindness and stupidity amaze me."

Amon leveled the garrison's spear and was ready to fire at any time.

"What is that creature saying that desecrated the body of the Sorcerer Supreme, my lord?"

"Time goes back here, more than once. From the moment we step into this space, the cycle never stops."

The tip of the holy sword in the emperor's hand was pointed down, with a thoughtful expression on his face. He saw something in this space that absolutely could not exist. It was a mosquito trying to bite his exposed skin. It was a symbol that the emperor allowed the insect to suck his blood. Except for the creator of the mirror dimension, there will definitely be no life in this temporary pocket dimension, but the appearance of this annoying insect has another omen - he foresaw Dormammu controlling the body of the Supreme Mage, but did not foresee it. The tiny details in this grand space are like an unknown quantity missing when building the equation for victory - he sees more and more life. The white figure flying past the corner of the eye seems to be an egret. In South American mythology, this water bird can cross boundaries; the distorted sky barely remains intact, and Jupiter, symbolizing the king, shines in the sky.

The wind in the mirror dimension began to become violent, and the clouds that were originally high in the sky were repeatedly folding, deforming and sinking to them, even making the air around them full of electric charge. The surface of the power armor even began to discharge. This discharge phenomenon called St. Elmo's Fire passed away in a flash, and the charges in the air were decomposed and evaporated by the energy released by the holy sword. This time, Dormammu took the initiative to walk towards the emperor and the Imperial Guards. The strangely refracted light blurred its shape, and even the powerful identification friend-or-foe system of the powered armor could not accurately capture its shape.

"Neither you nor I have any previous memory. The only thing that is certain is that we must have mastered its key, otherwise it and I will not allow the timeline of this space to move in the opposite direction. It does not have all the power of this space. This The mirror dimension belongs to the Supreme Mage, and it also belongs to me. I also have the advantage."

The emperor inserted the holy sword into the stone bricks at his feet, and the emerald green halo on his wrist rotated rapidly.

Orange-red sparks were generated out of thin air and swirled around his fingertips, like crazy bees trying to suck up the honey stained on his fingertips. There was no need to recite profound arcane incantations, the emerald green halo exploded, and all the symbols began to burn violently. At this time, Dormammu has approached within a hundred meters, and even Amon can feel the dirty energy emanating from it. This is not a shortening of the distance in the physical sense, but a sudden approach through the folding of space. Time, speed The formula with distance loses its meaning.

Thick bloody tears dripped from Wanda Maximoff's eyes, and blood came out of her nose. The pressure from the planetary defense system caused her to involuntarily release scarlet psychic energy. The giant snake skull inlaid on the heavy iron-black snake bone staff bloomed with brilliance. She actively absorbed the energy stored in the staff, which made her feel a little relieved. Controlling the planetary defense system is no less than diving into the deep sea without any protective equipment. In that sea area that is cut off from the sun, a mortal body will be under tremendous pressure. At this moment, Wanda Maximoff dived into the deep sea of ​​an outer dimension, and she did not know where to start. He Lai's attack put great pressure on the planetary defense system she maintained - countless deformed claws and limbs were densely stacked together, swarming towards her like ants, separated only by an invisible layer of thickness. Glass. She couldn't hear the howling of the things, but she could hear the screeching noise as they scraped against the thick glass with whatever sharp object they had.

They danced wildly and screamed, mocking Wanda Maximoff behind the glass; they mocked her cowardice, and invited her to step out of the barrier and come to them; they rode winding giant snakes and descended from the sky, holding hands The gleaming swords, the armor inlaid with precious stones, resemble the mythical angels and the stars falling from heaven; they spit out sweet secrets with their countless mouths, and ghosts linger around them, chanting in languages ​​that have never been born. a name.


The sound scratched at her brain and stirred blood from her nasal passages. She lowered her head in a daze, watching the blood dripping with blurred vision. Her remaining consciousness made her suspect that the blood contained her brain tissue. She barely controlled her emotions and prevented her sore nasal cavity from stimulating her tear glands and causing her to cry. However, this was very difficult. Her remaining conscious consciousness kept telling herself that this was just a dream that she could not leave temporarily.

"No." Wanda Maximoff rejected them with her remaining sense. The Inanimate screamed in annoyance, revealing its hideous form, slashing at the barrier with swords burning with foul fire.

"Help her, Master Daniel!"

"I can't do it. Two people are not allowed to use the Eye of Agamotto!" Although being roared by a three-meter-tall giant is enough to frighten most people, Master Daniel is not in this category. His frivolous attitude makes him uncomfortable. No longer afraid of anything. "Hold her, Praetorian. I'll get some ice so she doesn't cook her brain."

"anything else?"

"There is nothing I can do, Amphitryon. The planetary defense system can only be activated through the Eye of Agamotto, and as the current Lord of Karma Taj, no one but him can take over Wanda Maxi Moff's duty. Poor girl, she still needs time to grow, but who among us is not forced to take responsibility?"

"Now is not the time to listen to your thoughts on life, Master Daniel." Amphitryon put one hand on Wanda's back, letting her barely stay standing, "Bring some ice cubes, I know you can do it with magic. arrive."

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