Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1642 Kama Taj Dragon Tooth Sword

Chapter 1642 Kama Taj Dragon Tooth Sword

The sky split open, and the top of the bone-white church, thousands of feet high, pointed straight to the ground. Its millions of spectacular columns and cloisters weaved into a complex honeycomb-shaped appearance. If you get closer, you will find that this church is not built with stone bricks and rocks, but is composed of pure bones. Those twisted and deformed human skeletons are closely combined, and millions of empty skulls are embedded in the white bone. On the exterior wall of the church. Immediately afterwards, the scenery on the ground began to recede rapidly, and the naked eye of mortals could only capture vague afterimages. If you look down from the sky, you will find that the way the buildings on the ground fold with each other follows fascinating mathematical laws.

Amon raised his head worriedly and looked at the bone-white church in the sky. The church was hidden in the clouds and mist, with countless translucent ghosts walking through the arches and cloisters. The outer dimension is the reflection of the physical universe. Ancient psychics observe another world through mirrors, water surfaces, etc., which reflect the plane, because these false reflections are the refraction of the physical universe. Because of this, a mirror dimension can also reflect another dimension. The power of another world is seeping into this world, and Dormammu, wearing the skin of the Supreme Mage, ignites deep purple filthy fire, rushing towards the emperor against the retreating world.

The orange-red sparks collided with the dirty deep purple flames, erupting in an astonishing shock wave. The buildings in the mirror world collapsed, and the emperor's carefully constructed world that ran according to beautiful and precise mathematical formulas was also hindered, like gears without lubricant. Suddenly it freezes and runs jerky. The shock wave spread outwards with the impact point as the center. In the blink of an eye, giant shields made of orange-red sparks filled the sky and the ground. On the high-speed Seraphim Shield loaded by Dormammu, the Bone Church that fell from the sky was also forcibly dragged. Still, the slime oozing from the twisted bone-white spiers sizzled on the Seraphim Shield, evaporating a foul-smelling smoke.

Under the cloisters and arches of the Bone Church, countless twisted and deformed ghosts screamed and were completely destroyed. Amon subconsciously swung his halberd at the charred arm that suddenly appeared in front of him, but it only hit a piece of glass. The sharp blade collided with the witchcraft crystal, and the decomposition force field sizzled on the surface of the psychic material. Immediately afterwards, the emperor swung his holy sword horizontally and cut off a sharp claw that appeared out of thin air and tried to swing at the head of the Imperial Guard. At the same time, he punched in the direction of Amon, and dazzling spiritual energy erupted from the impact point. , the ghost hidden in the air turned into ashes.

Before the last ghost could turn into ashes, Dormammu, wearing the body of the Supreme Mage, rushed to the emperor.

It jumped up high and waved its fists, hitting the emperor's shoulder armor with two consecutive punches. The instantaneous burst of power caused the air to quickly compress, emitting sonic booms and high temperatures. Its instantaneous temperature was even close to the temperature of the surface of the sun. Even the emperor could I had to take two steps back because of the impact. Amon changed his pace and thrust his guard spear diagonally upward, trying to block Dormammu's attack on the emperor. At the same time, he pulled out the spare pistol from his waist and pulled the trigger towards the target.

A ball of white-hot subatomic heat expanded next to the emperor's golden laurel crown. A huge amount of hot air lifted up the emperor's raven-like long black hair like a storm. The powerful airburst subatomic heat also blasted Dormammu out - Domammu. Mumu was hit hard by the heat. Although the subatomic heat flow that could instantly burn through the armor failed to burn the body, the skin of the body quickly shriveled, turned yellow and turned gray, as if it had been baked in the desert. As if - then the burning holy sword stabbed the Supreme Mage's body accurately, but it only hit a piece of witchcraft glass crystal shaped into a human form, and Dormammu disappeared into the air again.

Pure white lightning burst out from the emperor's hand, penetrating the entire space and piercing a specific location in the mirror dimension. However, a mountain range that was once the spiers of a skyscraper suddenly rose from the ground, blocking the emperor and the imperial guards from continuing their pursuit. With his footsteps, the psychic lightning that can penetrate the mountain blasts a huge valley out of the mountain made of concrete, steel and glass. The emperor began to run forward, followed by the Praetorian Guards. They ran on the outer walls of the high-rise buildings, and the changing gravity firmly fixed them on the glass curtain walls that reflected the sunlight.

The attack followed.

"There is a dragon tooth sword on the list." Tatyana asked, "Where is this dangerous item now?"

Modu glanced at her and refused to make any response.

At this time, he has been put on a suppressor, and all he needs to do is press the switch, and his mind will be forcibly frozen. The suppressor was shaped like a collar. This humiliation made Mordo extremely angry and tried to fight back, but the low-power operation of the suppressor weakened his emotions and psychic abilities, making him much gentler. Even so, he did not intend to answer Tatyana's question. People other than Kamal Taj could never have access to the secrets of Kamal Taj. This was the creed he adhered to.

"Tell me where the Dragon Teeth Sword is." Tatyana lost her patience. She punched Modu directly in the face. "You don't have much chance." She shook off the blood and saliva on her gauntlets, squatted down and said to Mordo, who was breathing heavily and with red eyes, "I will temporarily take over Kama Taj, whatever happens here Everything you do and save must comply with the emperor's orders. You are no exception, Modu. If the emperor wants you to die, then I will shoot you now. Cherish your life, if you bring negative assets Exceed the good available assets - I really don't want to imitate those officials speaking, but this is the most accurate description - then your death sentence will be handed down directly, because the emperor has shown mercy to you, and you do not cherish this opportunity. "

She paused.

"Where is the Dragon Tooth Sword, Modu, this is your last chance to answer me."

The glass facade shimmers like the sea in the summer sun and separates like the real sea.

The cathedral of bones sank downwards, and the ghostly screams of terror and ecstasy came closer and closer.

A shriveled figure emerged from the air, the red sword blade pierced the golden armor, the holy sword and the dragon's teeth collided with each other, the flames splashed into the air, and a dazzling spark burst out. Invisible ghosts fell from the high skeletal church, carrying pus and broken wings, riding on venomous snakes and maggots towards the emperor and the Praetorian Guards. Amon wielded the garrison spear, mechanically and repeatedly blocking the ghosts that were rushing towards the emperor. He stabbed a ghost that looked like a combination of snake and bird, and then stretched out his hand to forcefully cut off the ghost's head and spine. Pull it off. There were more and more ghosts, and the space he could use was getting smaller and smaller, so that he had to pull out the melta pistol from his waist. The white-hot subatomic clouds evaporated the low-hanging face of the Virgin statue on the building's exterior wall. These ghosts, shining with filthy light, cheered and grew into dirty, broken wings, making noises that humans could not understand.

No matter how Amon conserved ammunition, he now had an empty magazine.

There's no time to swap out new ones, no time to aim at a specific target when you can kill swarms of ghosts just by shooting. Amon knew that these so-called ghosts were exactly the same as the strange creatures that appeared on Attilan. The only difference was that these ghosts did not really come to this world, even though this was just a mirror dimension, a transitional dimension between the material universe and the outer dimension. Their figures that are as blurry as steam and pencil drawings do not have supernatural flesh and blood - they instinctively try to put on the human beings in the mirror, like wearing a piece of clothing, but in the end they are just shadows that cannot be captured, and they can only rely on mirror images. Obtain a blurry, shining body - the decomposition force field erases them from the world like an eraser, but the ashes will eventually leave traces. Small scratches appear out of thin air on Amon's armor, and the identification friend or foe system keeps reporting strange things. , a life signal that constantly flashes and changes position.

Swords collided with each other, and terrible infrasound waves and fire storms swept through the valley blasted by psychic lightning.

"You use the trophies of the Supreme Mage to deal with the heirs of the Supreme Mage." Dormammu saw anger in the emperor's eyes, because the spiritual energy overflowing from his eyes was far more powerful and difficult to control than before. "I will kill you, Faltine, I will kill everyone associated with you, and your soul will scream in the hell I create."

"That's it, anger." Dormammu laughed loudly, and endless power burst out from his thin limbs. "Don't think that I don't know your arrangements for the dimensions. Hell? I am already in hell. Hell belongs to you. , and then betrayed you, this is a secret known to the entire universe!”

The emperor silently swung his sword, and the speed that exceeded the ability of human dynamic vision to capture made him seem to be surrounded by flames. The body of the Sorcerer Supreme that Dormammu wore was haggard, and every ounce of spiritual energy was squeezed out of the flesh to fight against the Emperor, because it could not draw energy from another dimension.

"You asked the Scarlet Agent to stop me?" Dormammu laughed wildly, saliva dripping from his sharpened teeth. The blood-red symbol on his forehead gradually deepened, and the skin around the symbol began to slowly carbonize. The eyes that once belonged to the Supreme Mage became dark, and the dark malice was as sticky as oil floating on the sea. Dormammu put his head in the face of the Supreme Mage and said in the Supreme Mage's voice, "It's a good plan, but do you think this can lead to a war between me and the God of Madness? No, the war has been going on, and the great war transcends the universe. The concept of time that any intelligent race can recognize, even if the universe collapses, is just a part of this game. You can join this game, you can enjoy eternal killing, as long as you can, you can use an entire intelligent race to To entertain yourself, unless you give up such power with your own hands.”


The moment the blade of the Dragon Fang Sword was about to touch the armor, the hidden barrier flashed away. The Emperor punched out, his fingers piercing the chest of the Supreme Mage's body and touching the heart. For Dormammu, this kind of damage was nothing. It immediately summoned an invisible sharp blade to slash the emperor's arm. However, the small explosion in the chest made it stagger and stagger a few steps. . An emerald green spell spread over the wound.

"Oh." Dormammu lowered his head and glanced at the broken rib bones that pierced the dry leather-like skin, "So that's it."

"Whether the time gem can be affected by time spells is a subject I have studied for decades," the emperor said. The skeleton church was pulled downwards by gravity, and the smelly wind swept through the weird valley composed of concrete, steel bars and glass walls. "Now we know the answer."

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