Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1643 Kama Taj Falting

Chapter 1643 Kama Taj Faltin

Amphitryon frowned and scanned the empty hall warily.

The distant shouts of ghosts and the appearance of ashes out of thin air made him uneasy. According to Master Daniel, if the planetary defense system works properly, monsters from another dimension will never appear in this world - at least that's what the books say. Not many people in the history of Kama Taj were able to fully activate this function of the planetary defense system, because the designer and user of the planetary defense system was the first Supreme Master Agamotto, who never considered other disciples. The possibility of using the planetary defense system, so that this system can only be used by one psyker - however, apart from the few arcane mages who can assume the responsibility of the Supreme Mage, there are not many psykers who can fully activate and operate the planetary defense. System, Master Daniel has never seen the Supreme Mage use the function of defending against extradimensional spiritual entities in this system in the past hundred years.

"How is the situation now?"

"It's pretty good. Her body temperature has returned to normal. She can still survive." Master Daniel put down his frozen palms and held an ice bucket in his arms. The completely transparent ice cubes rolled in the ice-water mixture. "This job is still too difficult for her. She has just finished learning inner alchemy and is at the beginning of exploring the arcane arts. Even your master can only study in the library at this stage of learning. "

"I'm not talking about Wanda Maximoff's physiological condition, which I can detect through the power armor. I'm talking about the operating power of the subsystems of the planetary defense system."

Amphitryon clenched the garrison spear and looked warily in a certain direction in the hall. Wanda Maximov was sitting in a back chair with an ice towel on her forehead, slowly replenishing nutrients and medicine through intravenous injection. Even standing next to her, Master Daniel could feel the hot body temperature radiating from Wanda Maximoff's body. The supernatural body temperature almost boiled the air dry, and it even had a rising trend.

"I suspect that an enemy has infiltrated this space. Master Daniel, please ensure the safety of Wanda Maximoff. I will leave here temporarily to hunt down the enemy who infiltrated."

"No spirit will sneak in here, you are too nervous." Master Daniel said, "This is a defense system created by Agamotto. Even if Wanda Maximoff knows nothing about it, as long as she can provide spirit Yes, the system will run on its own. She only undertakes a little calculation and coupling work... I take on that small amount of work, but the priority of those tasks is not that high. Most of her tasks are to provide psychic energy. .Do you know who Agamotto is, big guy?"

As if to support his judgment, Master Daniel also pointed at the two-headed snake sleeping on a giant potted plant.

"If a spirit comes here, they will definitely start calling. You can't imagine how keen they are to chat. Even the dead can't escape. If a spirit comes here, they will be annoyed by them and run away. "

"An enemy has sneaked into this building." Amphitryon insisted on his own judgment and turned a blind eye to Master Daniel's sense of humor, which made the latter a little sad. He placed his thumb on the power switch of the Garrison Spear, and at the same time loaded the halberd's bolter to ensure that the long sword and pistol at his waist could be used smoothly. Compared with enemies in the material universe, enemies from the etheric world are more difficult to deal with. Weapons that can cause huge damage to organisms are only minor injuries to creatures in the etheric world. "In order to ensure Wanda Maximoff's mission, I must eliminate this risk. The Praetorian Guards are not bodyguards, Master Daniel, we are hunters, and no creature can escape our detection."

The movement of surrounding objects gradually slowed down, and even the corners of the emperor's robe slowly solidified in the air, shining with emerald light. Except for the Dragon Fang Sword blade that Dormammu wielded, which was wrapped in filthy flames, this object was the only object in this space that maintained a normal speed. However, when the Dragon Fang Sword was about to pierce the armor, the emerald halo lit up again, The emperor swung the holy sword at a speed that could not be seen by ordinary people, and the sword blade accurately pushed aside the brass-colored dragon tooth sword.

Immediately afterwards, the movement of all objects in the space returned to normal, and the people who were once frozen in time seemed not to know what happened. When the blades collided again, the body of the Supreme Mage controlled by Dormammu began to rapidly disintegrate, as if The weathered pottery shed ashes like that. Dormammu is not frustrated by a failure. Through repeated speculation and persecution, it believes that it is getting closer and closer to the truth, and the price it pays is the body walking in the material universe.

It believes that the emperor used esoteric time secrets to temporarily ingest his soul from the time stream and transfer future memories to his past self. This time secret method is like food for creatures in the material universe to the outer dimension where the concept of time does not exist. That's so ordinary, but for creatures who are trapped in the material universe and can only perceive the macroscopic linear time axis-including the ether entities that come to the material universe, even Dormammu whose consciousness is projected into the material universe must obey the rules of the material universe. Macroscopic linear time rules under the influence of different gravity - this method is almost prophetic and prophetic.

The Bone Church fell from the sky, and then the civilians where the Emperor and the Praetorian Guards were located began to spin, and finally became vertical to the ground. The bone-white skeletal walls fell rapidly from above their heads into the bottomless abyss. The outer walls of the buildings built with human skeletons rubbed hot plasma in the air. The huge air pressure squeezed downwards, and countless ghosts rushed out of the magnificent corridor. And the arches flung themselves against the wall, riding down on fire and storm, making the cloaks of the Praetorian Guards rustle. These semi-material ghosts made of smoke clung to the wall like geckos. A steel storm blew around Amon, and all ghosts that tried to get close to the emperor were cut into pieces. However, there were too many ghosts coming. Every inch of space around Amon was filled with translucent filthy smoke, and the Praetorian Guards could almost hear the harsh noise of the ghost's claws rubbing against the armor from the tactical audio capture system.

In the center of the battlefield, storms and psychic lightning were entangled and colliding with each other. Even the modified eyes of genetically modified warriors could not see directly when the electronic light grid mode was turned off. Amon saw the Holy Sword and the Dragon Tooth Sword collide with each other, and thunder and lightning collided between the sword blades. The ozone smell of psychic energy and lightning floated in the air, and the collision between armor and flesh whipped up strong winds. Even the ghosts made of smoke were swaying in the strong winds. Psychic lightning and strong winds tore apart the ever-changing terrain of the mirror dimension, and the ever-changing gravitational vector was given to each building fragment. From time to time, Amon could see the huge terrain torn apart by psionic lightning falling upwards, and smaller ones falling upwards. The glass curtain wall fragments flew forward for a certain distance and then were pulled back by gravity.

Be it gravity or terrain, everything is shattered in the Emperor's battle with Dormammu, as if the world were a landscape ball made of glass. After a while. A body crashed through the area shrouded in thick smoke around Amon, and another golden figure shot out like a cannonball, chasing closely behind that figure. Amon swung his halberd horizontally, and the heavy long handle of the garrison spear smashed these ghosts into pieces like breaking glass, separating a two-meter-diameter space from the tide of ghosts. Just as he was about to rush forward to help, the emperor's body hit the ground and the radiance of his soul evaporated a large number of ghosts in the glass valley, and the weird sound like a Geiger counter in the Praetorian Guards communication channel disappeared. , only the inexplicable radio residue lingers in the air.

Amon rushed over and knocked away the body that once belonged to the Supreme Mage.

The dragon tooth sword burning with filthy flames pierced through the armor and machinery, and stabbed directly into Amon's side. The Imperial Guard's expression was cold. He endured the pain and gripped the blade of the Dragon Tooth Sword, which was like a dagger compared to the genetically modified warriors. Filthy flames burned his palms. Then the Dragon Tooth Sword fell to the ground, and the filthy flames faded away, leaving only the still pure white sword body. Before Amon could react, the dragon tooth sword disappeared out of thin air. Even the high-speed camera in the tactical helmet could not capture the trajectory of the dragon tooth sword. It was as if someone had cut off a piece of time. When the emperor stood up, the dragon tooth sword appeared in Dormammu's hand, black and purple ash drifted from its dry skin, and necrotic black muscles moved under the broken porcelain skin.

Amon took a deep breath. The pain in his side and abdomen kept affecting his standing posture. Even the painkillers injected by the power armor could not get rid of the burning sensation. It wasn't until the emperor stood up that the flames on the wound gradually faded away, the pain slowly subsided, and the demigod's body healed naturally under the guidance of the genetic secret. When he was able to fight again, the Emperor had already fought with Dormammu again, wrapped in flames. This time, even the Imperial Guards could not get close, because the ground where the Emperor and Dormammu were was rapidly deforming, and the towers were rising. It rose from the ground and crashed into the still falling Skeleton Church. The Skeleton Church stopped as if it suddenly lost kinetic energy. Passages connected to the inverted Skeleton Church, and endless ghosts poured out from the arches. The humiliation of the near-defeat made Amon's almost always calm heart begin to feel a little impatient. He no longer saved ammunition, and while retreating in the direction of the emperor, he pulled the trigger on all the ghosts that were aiming in this direction, shattering the glass. Slag and ashes drifted away in front of the white subatomic cluster that expanded instantly.

Dormammu roared, because the emperor summoned a moving flame, and the temperature of the entire space quickly rose to an unbearable level for ordinary people. This spiritual power is called the Fire of Faltin, which originated from the wizard of the alien race Faltin. Before Dormammu became Dormammu in the dark dimension, the Fire of Faltin was the most powerful spiritual power it had ever mastered. Amount of ability. Dormammu couldn't believe that the Emperor could actually absorb power from the planet Faltin, half a galaxy away. This is something it is completely unable to do now. This also means that the planet it once lived on once belonged to race's hatred of it.

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