Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1644 Chapter 1644 Kama Taj Dagger

Chapter 1644 Chapter 1640 Kama Taj Dagger

It was the wrath of a planet, an extinct intelligent race capable of interstellar navigation.

This amorphous anger is always wandering in the etheric plane looking for a target. Only when the last Faltin dies will this terrifying wave that gave birth to countless angry entities in the etheric plane be extinguished. This angry wave that once devoured planets, tore apart stars, and threw millions of degrees Celsius plasma in the galaxy was forcefully pulled into this space. The skeletal church was ignited by red burning clouds and burned into gray-white ashes in an instant. The scalding hot wind swept across this vertical mountain range made of concrete, glass curtain walls and steel bars. The gray-white particles were no longer completely affected by the gravitational vector below. They surged in all directions under the background of the hot wind, rolling in like an overwhelming sandstorm. , even the battlefield where the emperor is located is not immune. The scarlet storm curled downwards, and the relatively slender end extended into the gray-white ashes storm. The scarlet ghost emerged from the burning cloud, hunting the translucent black-purple smoke-like and glass-like ghosts flying around because of the Skeleton Church.

This was the first time Dormammu roared, and it was also the last time.

Amon finally got rid of the entanglement of the ghost. He followed the guidance of the miniature map of the tactical command system. Here, the gray-white storm and the wave of ashes stained with blood by the red burning cloud rushed straight towards the emperor's position without any trace. He was worried that he would miss the mark or hit an obstacle. Even at this moment, he could not see the scene more than one meter in front of him clearly. Even if he used the visual enhancement mode - the thermal imaging could only see the red burning clouds and flames in the sky. Tornado, the infrared mode can only see chaotic black and white, and the polarized mode shrouds the vision in pitch black - whenever there are faults, highlands and depressions in front of him, he can always predict and make decisions in advance as if he has divine help. The movements were smooth and decisive, as if someone was whispering in his ear, telling him what the road ahead looked like. When he broke through the smoke screen and rushed into an unpolluted space, the golden armor and blood-red shirt were covered with gray-white ashes, and even the gaps in the armor were filled with dust.

Magister Daniel no longer doubted Amphitryon's intuition. There is no need for the Guards to leave the defense area to hunt. Spiritual bodies are constantly coming towards Wanda Maximoff. Based on experience alone, Master Daniel can judge that the planetary defense system controlled by Wanda Maximov has appeared. Big problem. The ether wave carried a wave of anger and destruction, and the chain lightning cast by Master Daniel was dyed red and almost lost control, because the current outer dimension is constantly pouring psychic energy into the body and soul of every psyker.

"Wanda can't hold on any longer, Amphitryon!"

Master Daniel cast the spell while looking at Wanda out of the corner of his eye. Compared with the tranquility before, Wanda Maximoff now exudes a fiery scarlet soul. The antique back chair made of precious wood was torn to pieces by naturally formed psychic lightning, and Master Daniel had to retreat. Take a few steps to prevent your relatively fragile body from suffering the same fate.

The Praetorian Guards crushed a ghost and rushed in front of Master Daniel.

"We need a doctor!" Master Daniel shouted, "She's dying!"

"How much time do we have?"

"I suspect if this continued, she might not survive five minutes."

"That means my lord still has five minutes to complete the task?"

"Agamotto...has genetic modification polished off your humanity?" Master Daniel almost jumped up in anxiety, "She is about to die, she has epilepsy! Can you understand what I say? "

"Then we will remember her sacrifice." Amphitryon said seriously. "If she dies before our Lord completes his mission, then she will not be the only one to die. The location of the three major temples and even the entire earth All mankind will face destruction... At that time, death will be the gift that mankind desires most."

The Imperial Guard rushed over like a train that was accelerating to the extreme. The anger and anxiety he had never experienced in his life urged him to speed up his pace, jump off the hundred-meter-high cliff, and fall towards the curved valley. He seemed to be flying close to the ground, dragging a gray-white trajectory in the air. The mysterious blood modified by the genetic code was boiling in his veins. His strong heart roared like an engine, and the mechanical joint servo withstood the strong reaction force. He His spine and joints helped him jump forward like a spring as soon as he hit the ground, surging psychic lightning sliding across the surface of his armor, and the dense ionized gas in the air gave off a pungent smell.

Amon still maintained calmness and restraint, which was the consciousness given to him by the genetic secret device.

He saw the emperor thrust the holy sword into Dormammu's body, and the emerald green light wrapped around the wrists of the emperor and Dormammu, meshing tightly like gears, and even made a scream of metal friction. The Time Stone hangs high between the Emperor and Dormammu like a lantern - if there is a survivor of the Battle of New York here, he will definitely remember this unparalleled dazzling beam - the flaming golden energy erupts from the blade of the sword. It surged out, piercing through the layers of translucent glass shields exuding black and purple smoke and Dormammu's body, and then stabbed out from behind the latter. The blazing golden energy beam sank into the sky and collided in the gray-white storm. A cylindrical passage with no end in sight.

But there was no anger on the emperor's noble and resolute face, only sadness.

Amon thought that seeing this scene was like seeing a rock weeping.

He had always believed that the Emperor's behavior towards the Witch, Athena or the Supreme Sorcerer was just a disguise to maintain interpersonal relationships, but the scenes he witnessed overturned this theory. At some point, the red burning clouds and tornadoes were fading away, and the granular gray-white ashes were emitting smoke and then evaporating into nothingness. Amon slowed down because he saw the emperor pull out the holy sword and slowly sit on the ground holding the broken body.

The runes on the forehead of this body are slowly evaporating, and blood is slowly oozing from the blackened muscles eroded by extradimensional energy under the broken porcelain-like skin. To be precise, this body is not Dormammu, but the Supreme Mage. The consciousness attached to this body has been expelled from this plane - the spiritual energy from the Supreme Mage's soul is spontaneously expelling Dormammu's response to this sentence pollution caused by the body. However, the body of the Supreme Mage was still that of a mortal. The huge penetrating wound on the chest and abdomen was bleeding profusely. The emperor instinctively planned to use arcane magic to heal the wound, but the bright energy flickered in his palm and went out.

Because this is what the Supreme Mage wants.


"Here." The emperor stretched out his hand, and the imperial guard Amon walked up immediately. After the latter confirmed the order, he took out two daggers that could be called daggers for ordinary people from the magnetic knife box on his waist. The Witchblade, a weapon said to have been forged by goblins that ended the eternal life of the witch Morgan le Fay. The emperor took the dagger—somehow, the dagger's handle fit perfectly in his palm. Amon was very sure that when he held the tip of the dagger and handed it over, the dagger was only suitable for ordinary people to hold, as if a visual error like Penrose's Stairs suddenly occurred.

[Before my body loses the ability to maintain consciousness. As soon as possible, as we agreed]

It seems that due to excessive blood loss, even after being infiltrated by spiritual energy for thousands of years, the Supreme Mage's body is only tougher than ordinary people. The Sorcerer Supreme is not a true immortal. Psionics cannot change his genome and impart mysterious changes to his soul and body. The Sorcerer Supreme can still live. Although the corrupting influence brought by Dormammu is serious, as long as the emperor casts secret magic, he can survive. Do it. Not only is it able to keep the Sorcerer Supreme alive, it is also able to heal a large amount of tissue and organs corrupted by chaotic extradimensional energy. But he couldn't do it, because this was the last request of the Supreme Mage - it seemed that the body's gradual loss of function made his consciousness blurred, and the Supreme Mage's psychic communication also became chaotic. The Supreme Master looked around with wide eyes, It seems that he wants to hide the most valuable memories in his dying brain.

Without astral travel, the Sorcerer Supreme's soul remains in his body.

This is the last request, but he can't find any reason to convince himself, even though he knows that this is the inevitable of the times, which means that the last traces of the ancient gods have completely disappeared from the earth, and it means that he will lead the human race to the next step. stage. Promoting theories, educating apprentices, establishing organizations, launching wars, and achieving phased goals are the supreme mage and his mission.

He thrust the dagger into the Sorcerer Supreme's heart.

Amon felt that time passed extremely slowly in this space. Under the emerald brilliance of the time gem, it seemed that even the atomic clock in the power armor had lost its function. Time had changed in both the macro and micro worlds. After what seemed like a long time, the Emperor finally stood up with the Supreme Mage's increasingly cold body in his arms. He returned to his original expression, and the fiery spiritual energy burning in his eyes evaporated all evidence that the tears had ever existed.

The sky gradually became clearer.

Even without genetically modified eyes, Amon could see that the buildings in the distance were turning into glass fragments at an extremely fast speed, and geometric objects that did not exist in three-dimensional space were gradually being squeezed by the laws of the material universe. The skeletal churches and red burning clouds that once filled the space have all disappeared, and the translucent ghosts have completely disappeared without a trace. Not even ashes have been left behind.

[You must kill her] There seemed to be a voice ringing in the emperor's ears, [You must kill Morgan Le Fay]

"My Lord, do you hear..."

"I heard it." The emperor raised his head and looked around, hoping to see something, but there was nothing left in this collapsing space. He put away the time gem, and Amon placed the gem in a specific small crystal box, with a miniature force field constantly operating in the small box. This is a small evidence box for the imperial guards, but whatever it is used for is better than nothing. "Let's go, we don't have much time."

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