Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 170 Art Exchange (Second Update!)

The "lady's tea party" that Salomon said was actually an art exhibition, which also included a buffet buffet, but because the venue was set at the Four Seasons Hotel in Manhattan, it seemed a bit high-end.

"I don't know what is so advanced." Salomon turned his neck, trying to loosen the black tie. The black dress that Athena chose for him really made him uncomfortable. He looked at the map on his phone and asked, "There is a crematorium and a porn store next to it, are you sure you booked the right place?"

"It's the Four Seasons Hotel, not the Four Seasons parking lot. Don't tell me you can't read. Well, stop playing with your phone, and you'll have to choose a car later." Touching around, trying to show the most perfect side of the mystic, for this reason, she kept adjusting the hairstyle and clothing of the mystic. This exchange meeting was organized by Athena's group of artist friends, and in order for Salomon to participate in this art exhibition and exchange meeting, she also specially asked for leave for him-Eaton quickly agreed to this matter, because this Participating in high art, not going to a ball game.

Athena was wearing an off-the-shoulder black slim-fitting evening dress. One side of the long skirt was open to the waist, and the other side was just dragged to the ground, revealing her strong and slender thighs and black shiny red-soled high-heeled shoes with slender heels. In addition, Athena also matched diamond earrings and platinum arm rings, and her hair was tied tightly, looking very elegant. After the Greek goddess finished fiddling with her, she took the arms of Salomon, who was now about the same height as her, with a satisfied expression.

"Perfect." She said with a smile, "I will make them envious. My child, you are so perfect. You look like a qualified gentleman."

"Very well, my dear single mother Minerva." Salomon raised his eyebrows and said pretendingly, "Let's make a big killing in social situations. You know, I hate this kind of thing. I don't have the patience to deal with some idiot if I come across one. I've got a lot of tricks to make social death easy."

"My dear child, that is a high-level social occasion, and there will be no idiots." Athena laughed, and she pinched the mystic's face, "You are not as cute as you were when you were a child, I still like you better." The time is round."

"This is growth, Minerva, the past is just nourishment for today's growth." Salomon sighed, "I have started to lose weight passively since puberty, and I am still very satisfied with the results. "

"You look more and more like an adult. I mean the appearance, not the heart. You have been very calm since you were a child." Athena leaned on Salomon's shoulder, and she said, "I put on lipstick today, you You should be thankful that you are not old enough to leave lipstick marks on your face now."


"Shut up, you stupid owl!"

In order to compare herself to those social guys when she appeared on the stage, Athena also specially chose a red Ferrari sports car. Just like what Athena said, when she got out of the car, her group of artist friends immediately surrounded her. Even after Salomon handed over the car keys to the doorman, her group of friends still chattered. Talking around her non-stop, as if she is the master of this art exhibition - this is nothing to Athena, she has been a leader in the New York social circle all year round, what Kardashian family, it is just being Just a full socket.

"I want to introduce someone to you." Athena interrupted their inquiries in a showy tone, "This is my son, Salomon. He is currently studying at Eton College, and he still has the Emperor's Scholarship Woolen cloth."

Unlike the affectation of the British middle class that ordinary Americans look down on, for the ladies of Manhattan, the sophistication in British culture is what they admire, whether it is the posture of drinking tea or the white cotton handkerchief when coughing. , this kind of high-class atmosphere is exactly what they want to learn and imitate.

But Salomon said they were just too busy.

Unfortunately, the strict school rules of Eton made Salomon perfect in this regard, because if he drank tea, he would definitely be disgusted by the teachers. Therefore, when the mystic spoke with a standard London accent, these ladies welcomed him even more. "Let Lorna come next time." Salomon finally got rid of the group of women and followed Athena into the exhibition hall, but the handkerchief with his initials embroidered on it had long since disappeared. In the hands of a congressman's wife or entrepreneur's wife, "I really don't like such occasions."

"Little Lorna is not suitable for such an occasion." Athena nodded and smiled at the people passing by, and said to Salomon, "I'm worried that she will accidentally pull off those women's necklaces. Let me tell you a little secret , in fact, there are several exhibitions that I participated in with the Supreme Master. Come on, it's time for you to meet some real artists."

Before Salomon asked what happened to the Supreme Mage to participate in the art exhibition, Athena took Salomon to the depths of the exhibition hall, and finally stopped in front of a painting. Salomon was unable to make any comments on this painting, not only because he had no understanding of modern abstraction, but also because he really couldn't see what a pile of pale and bright white paintings could express. He preferred Baroque style of painting.

Athena stepped forward and generously embraced a black-haired woman standing in front of the painting. "I should introduce you." Athena said, "Vanessa, this is my son Salomon. Salomon, this is Vanessa, and she is the author of this extraordinary painting."

"Hello, ma'am." The etiquette of the mystic was impeccable.

"Oh, Minerva, I didn't know you had a son." Vanessa looked at Salomon suspiciously, "And it's so big."

"There are so many things you don't know." Athena responded with a smile, not caring about Vanessa treating her like a rich woman with a pretty face. Athena turned her head and said to the mystic, "Vanessa just came to New York, and she came here to find a discerning sponsor."

"I have part of Italian blood." Vanessa held out her hand to Salomon, "If you don't mind, I can tell you about Italy."

"Believe me, I have listened to "La Traviata" no less than ten times." Salomon held Vanessa's hand, and then quietly gave Athena a look. He couldn't understand why Athena would introduce this to him. woman.

"Vanessa was away from New York for a while," Athena said, "and we were good friends back then. You can't imagine how much her talent was wasted in Italy, where no one could find the paintings." beautiful."

"You are exaggerating, Minerva." Vanessa said with a smile, "I still like Italy very much."

"Do you like to make potato balls?" Athena pulled Salomon to the painting, "The reason why Vanessa returned to Italy was to bring these paintings back. Just admit it, those Italians always want to I want you to stay in the kitchen."

"Actually, I like fried potato balls, and Jack potatoes." Salomon said very disappointingly, "And for the perfect body you mentioned, I tried my best to keep my stomach in. I Hungry, Minerva, let's skip to the buffet, I think those little sandwiches are delicious."

Athena smiled awkwardly, and then twisted Salomon's waist with one hand. It has to be said that this move seems to be engraved in the DNA of women, no matter what country, race, or age, as long as they are women, they are all familiar with this move, and Athena is the same.

"I don't mind," Vanessa said, "there aren't many people who understand art here, except for the artists who just want to wave their money and buy a painting to decorate the living room. Come on, Minerva, let's not Stand here stupidly."

Ask for tickets~~~~

I'm such a fucking genius, I felt sleepy while typing yesterday, so I opened a bottle of Claw. But I was worried that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep after drinking the magic claw, so I poured honey whiskey into the mango flavored magic claw and drank it... I'm a fucking genius, that's why I lost consciousness in front of the keyboard.

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