Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 171 The Disappearing Knight (First update!)

The private topic among mature women is often the unexpected sexiness of men, especially among acquaintances, as is the case with Vanessa. After confirming in every possible way that Salomon did not have some unspeakable relationship with Athena, she let go and talked about her own affairs, including her encounter with a prince wearing a white suit and wide tie at the art exhibition and the love affair afterwards. Hearing about the affair, Salomon was embarrassed. After telling her own story, Vanessa turned the conversation to Athena.

"Where's the man you usually come with?" she asked. "I haven't seen him for a long time. Arthur, is that right? If I remember the name correctly."

The mystic mage's eyes sharpened instantly, and he contacted what Athena said before, as well as the true identity and legend of the supreme mage. He understood, the Supreme Master played Camelot's traditional art again, put on men's clothes and came to the art exhibition with Athena - it seems that the Supreme Master has evolved into a dead house that grabs snacks with him only in the past few years. The former supreme mage was also a man of taste. No wonder Athena found him so quickly when he was in the British Museum. It turned out that she had known that Salomon would go to the British Museum to find the ring.

Possibly as soon as he set off, the His Holiness informed Athena that the High Magus had far more ties to these old gods than he had imagined.

After Athena noticed Salomon's eyes, she immediately knew that Salomon had sorted out the relationship. She quietly rolled her eyes, lightly diverted Vanessa's attention, and asked what happened after Vanessa. plan to come. It's just that Salomon was not interested in listening. He walked aside and looked for his favorite food on the buffet table.

Perhaps it was because of the courses Athena set for him, or the art courses of Eton College, for various reasons, Salomon was unable to appreciate most abstract oil paintings, or in other words, he would not appreciate such subjective works of art. He didn't like it, and it even made him lose interest in Vanessa.

The oil paintings he can appreciate are all classical, and his favorite oil painting is Lavinia Fontana's painting of Athena-although Athena herself always says that it doesn't look like her. , but she still bought the baroque oil painting at a high price and kept it in a collection, leaving only the fake one on display. And to say that Athena's favorite painting is "Athena the Goddess of War" drawn by Rembrandt. The portrait of a heroic woman in armor is deeply loved by Athena herself.

"You shouldn't stay here by yourself, let alone eat sandwiches with nothing to do. This is an art exchange exhibition." I don't know how long it took, when Salomon was about to eat the second piece of Spanish ham, his hand He was caught, and then, a force he couldn't resist pulled the distance between him and Spanish Ham further and further.

Athena had finished the conversation at this time, and she finally remembered that she did not come to the art exhibition alone. "I have already discussed with Vanessa." She said, "I will fund her to open a gallery in New York, but her paintings have not yet been shipped to New York, so it will take a while."

"Very well, you have become her patron now." Salomon glanced at the buffet with nostalgia, he sighed, and shrugged again, "What can I say? I can't appreciate abstract paintings, except three-dimensional ones. I think those who fund abstract painters are taken advantage of, and it is meaningless to fund abstract painters like Vanessa. Although the contrast between white paint and white canvas can reflect a sense of dynamism, it is meaningless. Such a painter is too unstable, you will lose money on your investment. Maybe I should stick a banana to the wall with a piece of duct tape next time, after all, what an artist does is art, isn't it?"

"This cannot be generalized, Salomon, I am not here to make money, but I will not make any long speeches here." Athena held Salomon's arm tightly and dragged him to the exhibition area. I found some interesting things to do in the years and months, and socializing is one of them. I like watching those stupid princes and nobles talk about it. What they said really makes people laugh. Although there are fewer nobles now, merchants There are more people, but the human race has not changed, and the stupid people still account for the majority."

"You are right, my dear single mother Minerva, idiots are the majority, otherwise populism would not be so prevalent in the land under our feet." Salomon put his arm around Athena's waist, watching boredly Noisy crowd talking. Immediately afterwards, he spotted a familiar figure. "Remember the story I told you about Salem three hundred years ago?" he asked Athena. "Those weird and scary stories."

"The one related to the beholder?" Athena blinked. "And the beautiful red-haired spy."

"Please don't mention the latter one. I guarantee that it has nothing to do with female spies. You still remember Natasha after such a long time." Salomon said, "What I want to talk about is the one who confronted the evil god and died. Excellent investigator who didn't go completely insane. Although the temporary insanity made him lose a little memory, I don't think it's a big deal. He even brought his girlfriend to the art exhibition. Hello, Coulson, I I didn't expect you to be on vacation after a few days, Nick Fury is really good enough to you."

"Hi!" Coulson's forehead lines were almost touching the hairline. He never thought that Salomon would appear in New York, at the art exhibition at the Four Seasons Hotel. In fact, if he was still working at this moment, he would know that Salomon had appeared in New York.

"You..." He glanced at the female companion beside him, acting like a cave dwelling creature who met an acquaintance outdoors, "Why are you here?"

"I'm a person with a very high level of aesthetics, Coulson." Salomon greeted Coulson's female companion, "Hello, ma'am, I'm Salomon Damonette. The first is my adoptive mother, Minerva."

"Audrey." Coulson's girlfriend glanced at him, smiled and shook hands with Salomon and Athena, "I just rushed over from Portland yesterday, you are... Phil, right? Are you friends with Coulson?"

"I'm not, he is." Athena held the arm of the mystic, "I heard that my son and Coulson had many adventures."

"Wow? Then I have to listen to the story of your agent, Phil is always mysterious." Audrey raised her eyebrows, "But I have to say, you look very young and take good care of yourself .”

"It seems that the gentlemen have something to say. Ms. Audrey, if you don't mind, I can introduce you to some talented artists." Athena let go of Salomon's arms, and she took a step forward to hold Hold Audrey's arm. As she passed the mystic, she stared at him sternly. "I'll settle the score with you later!" She lowered her voice and said to Salomon, "Including the matter of calling the female spy by her first name, and the witch, my memory is very good!"

"Really? Thank you very much!" Audrey was a little surprised, because neither Coulson nor she was very familiar with New York, and they came to the art exhibition just for a date in this suitable place.

"Come with me, you will feel that this trip is worthwhile." Athena turned her face away, as if all the anger just now had disappeared.

Coulson and Salomon watched as Athena and Audrey disappeared into the depths of the exhibition hall.

"I didn't know you had an adoptive mother, and she was so young and beautiful. Does she know your identity?" Coulson looked at Salomon, and he asked curiously, "What do you want from me? Don't tell me You just came to say hello."

"I'm here to ask you about Johnny Blazer," Salomon said, "don't worry about anything else."

"I'm just happy because you have a complete family. As for Ghost Rider, it's top secret and I can't reveal it at will."

"Stop messing around, I know a lot more than you guys. I want to know where he is now, I'm too lazy to use divination spells to divine his location." Salomon snorted contemptuously, "And his girlfriend Roxanne—it was only a day after we sent her back that she disappeared, so it must be you who did it?"

"She is very safe now, and we have special personnel to protect her safety." Coulson's expression was a little awkward, and anyone could hear the subtext behind the scene. Because Roseanne doesn't need the protection of others at all, and Johnny Blazer's enemies won't be ordinary humans, and S.H.I.E.L.D. can't stop them at all.

This behavior is not so much protection as an attempt to monitor and control Johnny Blazer through Roseanne.

"It's really cute." The mystic master figured out the joints all at once, and he even conspired, "Does Nick Fury think that the ghost knight can defeat the mystic mage?"

"The director absolutely didn't mean that. We have a friendly and cooperative relationship with you."

"What the hell. I need you to tell Nick Fury I'm going to talk to Johnny Blazer. It's really annoying that your chief has been down for the last few days and he wants to give me Send text messages and text messages, I want to call back but can't find him!"

"Director Ferry can't agree to this matter, because... because Ghost Rider is gone, even Roxanne can't contact him."

"What the fuck are you talking about?!"

Ask for a ticket~

Honey whiskey + mango magic claw is really delicious, the ratio is 1:2.

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