Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1668 Alliance

"He refused to disclose any information." Natasha Romanov put down the phone. "I don't understand why you still believe that he will disclose any information to us if you identify him as an enemy."

"If you regarded him as an enemy, you wouldn't stand under this camera and make this call in front of me." Nick Fury's words made Bruce Banner very nervous, but he still chose to believe it temporarily A mysterious king of secret agents, after all, his previous experience told him that Nick Fury is not the kind of person who would betray him. He told himself that he was safe here, that he would not be attacked, that Natasha Romanoff's presence made him feel safe. "His omniscience is a cloud hanging over our heads, and we cannot fight it at the information level. It amazes me why you would still work for him in the face of such a threat?"

"Because of where Tony Stark was found."

The female spy looked at the ward.

Outside the window of the corridor is the downtown area of ​​Houston. Now half of the city is plunged into darkness. Red and blue lights overflow from the edges of the buildings made of reinforced concrete and glass curtain walls. The news helicopter is still hovering over the city, and the flickering navigation lights seem to be floating Starlight in the air. Panic spread in the city, and the local police mobilized all forces to stop the riots. These heavily armed special police patrolled the city in wheeled explosion-proof vehicles, but the slums that really needed order were ignited. Sporadic gunshots were like tides, hovering over this sultry autumn night, like an invisible transparent beast that was constantly expanding and shrinking, and then came back again with murder and violence. Gray-red spotted mold is reflected between the concrete buildings.

The blood-colored night wind of corruption swept from the other side of the city, blowing her red hair to shine. Even tomorrow's local news headlines won't report how many poor people died on this night of rioting, pure violence that breeds in the city's sewers, but none of the urbanites in this city with a modicum of money in their pockets will react Weird because there are as many gangsters here as there are cockroaches, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, etc. feeding these lingering vermin that live in Sunny Side, MacGregor, Sharpstown, Greenspoint, North Houston, etc. Tourists at the Four Seasons They don't care, they only care about whether they can buy enough drugs here, even the white-collar workers in Houston only care about whether they can buy a small bag of cocaine when they drive to these communities.

"The location where Stark was found was not in the center of the explosion. It is not ruled out that the shock wave of the explosion pushed him to that position, but if he was buried in the center of the explosion, then only with the positioning system of the armor, Houston's engineering force He couldn't be dug out the fastest. We all read the medical certificate and we all know what it means to delay rescue."

"That man wants Tony Stark alive, so he won't hurt us?" Nick Fury, dressed in an indigo nurse uniform, glanced at the monitor, determined to go to the security department to destroy the surveillance video later . "The reasoning is a bit far-fetched, but I hope it's true, and I hope he knows I'm monitoring his behavior, which will make him restrain himself. It is said that he intends to attack Greece or even Turkey, and I think he will trigger a third attack. World War I or nuclear war, I will never allow hundreds of millions of innocent people to be dragged into the flames of war because of his ambition."

"You are no longer the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury. When you formed the Avengers, you never thought that anyone would be out of your control. To be precise, you never controlled him, but he was in Control you." Natasha Romanov took off her nurse hat and put on a mask. "In addition, I have already received your payment. It is the so-called person who was 'supervised' by you who used the Quinjet fighter that you should have paid me long ago, but kept delaying the payment and trying to get me to provide more help. Your wealth There is not much left, and the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D. are not as deep as you imagined, and you can’t deter him. You can’t stop him from launching a war at all, just like you couldn’t stop him from unifying the Balkans and suppressing it. conflict."

She left the corridor without looking back, the various sensors installed by the Department of Homeland Security turning a blind eye to her. If she hadn't led the way, it would have been impossible for Nick Fury and Bruce Banner to enter the door full of security equipment at the end of the corridor. Nick Fury didn't even know how those soldiers would agree to let them go. Big trouble has put spies in DHS or the Pentagon.

"Wake up Stark, we don't have much choice, we must get all the help."

Nick Fury took out an ampoule containing a light blue liquid and a syringe from his jacket pocket. Bruce Banner saw GH325-2 written on the ampoule, indicating that it was a drug variant called GH325. body. He was not frustrated by Natasha Romanov's performance, he had already guessed the behavior style of this unpredictable female spy. No one is her reliable ally, she will not be anyone's reliable ally, and Nick Fury believes that even Hawkeye cannot be completely trusted by her. "We need to tell him as soon as possible."

"I will not participate in your operation, Commissioner Fury."

The taciturn Bruce Banner finally spoke. He took the ampoule and syringe, ready to give Tony Stark an injection. He didn't ask what the off-label bottle of drug was, the only thing that was certain was that Nick Fury would not kill them or hand them over to any official agency. Even so, when he was told that he was being watched all the time, and now it was the same, the deep-rooted fear kept urging and awakening another soul in him.

That person once commented on him.

He called Bruce Banner Dr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll, and he showed that as long as the soul of Bruce Banner was alive, the Hulk would never die, and Bruce Banner would never have peace—and that man It is claimed that the existence of Hulk has nothing to do with gamma rays. Gamma rays are just a derivative phenomenon of a certain concept in the material universe, and Hulk's soul does not come entirely from Bruce Banner himself but from some kind of Possession phenomenon-Bruce Banner said that he couldn't understand it at all. He always believed that gamma rays created the Hulk. He even suspected that his ex-girlfriend Betty would also suffer from cancer because of gamma rays. However, someone suddenly told him that the so-called Hulk did not come from gamma rays, which made him quite overwhelmed.

"You don't have to lie to me, I won't tell you what I went through in that mysterious dungeon, and I won't let Hulk help you. I can't remember anything, it's Hulk's memory, It's not my memory. I can tell you with certainty that Hulk is not that person's opponent, the whole world saw the battle at the airport, and it was just a soldier under his command."

Bruce Banner looked bitter. He could recall the mixed feelings he felt seeing the Hulk defeated by sheer physical violence by a genetically modified warrior in black power armor and holding a warhammer. On the other hand, he is worried that someone has this kind of violent machine that can be widely disseminated and mass-produced. After all, he is a scholar rather than a fighter. Joining the Avengers to participate in the operation is the most outrageous thing he has ever done. Those who participated in actions based on their own inner justice and disregarded any rules and regulations and international influences, those who could choose their own research topics without worrying about hurting others, those days that could be called good days are completely irreversible.

"I have a helper, a helper far stronger than him." Nick Fury pressed his shoulder and comforted him softly, "You know, I always have a plan. I will not let you reappear in public view , you are no longer that mad giant, you are Dr. Banner. You are a good man, Dr. Banner, you know I have to do this. Someone has to stop him, and his ambition must not swallow the world."

Before entering the ward, Nick Fury deliberately looked back at the camera in the corridor.

Shrugging her shoulders, Victoria Hand stretched out her finger and scanned the data board with her electronic seal, and sealed the overheard conversation in a high-secret archive. She felt a little emotional that the surveillance level of her former boss is actually one level lower than that of Natasha Romanov. Although the surveillance level is not equal to the danger level, and there is an intelligence team and an action team in charge, but Nick Fury's recruitment of Bruce Banner and his conversation with a waking Tony Stark didn't raise his danger level any further.

The strategy of attacking Greece and capturing Constantinople is the information that the emperor generously told Nick Fury. This is to build the Mediterranean and Black Sea navies after regaining the Balkan Peninsula, to contain the US Navy’s Sixth Fleet and control the Iberian Peninsula in the future. and even the Arabian Peninsula. Only by obtaining the resources and population of the Arabian Peninsula, can the emperor form an army that will completely destroy the administrative centers and defense systems of the entire NATO Western European countries. Therefore, there is nothing to hide in this strategy, and anyone can see it, and Greece becomes the emperor. The doomed default of Greece's debt will lead to the complete failure of all efforts by the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank to build the euro zone after the territory of the country, and the emperor will then be able to peacefully occupy a large number of high-end industrial assets and natural resources in Europe.

Even if doing so will benefit the United States, the emperor believes that at that time, the joint engulfment of European industrial assets will be a tacit agreement between the Yugoslav Federation and those Wall Street giants who only care about their own gains and losses. The only thing that needs to be discussed is the distribution ratio and resources. . The emperor also believed that the father and daughter of Stephanie and Gideon of the Malik family could accomplish his goal of becoming the leader of the Blackstone Group (the Blackstone Group). There will be his share, and he has never profited from the administrative system he created, so this part of the income will only be used by the regent Victor von Doom for secret military expenses.

"Where's Maria Hill, Nick Fury. Where did you hide the dagger?"

Victoria Hand shook her head and began to process the intelligence files on her desk.

The emperor will leave the earth temporarily, and only a few people know this secret.

Intelligence must cooperate with Regent Victor von Doom in all efforts to ensure stability in both the Balkans and the world while the Emperor is away from Earth. Even though the Yugoslav Federation today has established many advanced weapon production lines and foundries with the technology and production capacity of the Immortal City and Mars, it takes time for the army to refit, train and educate—such as the most basic OM (Olympus Mons) The new assault rifle gun family and supporting modifications, etc., require active servicemen who have used ASH-82, M4A1A, Zastava M92 and other AK and AR modified weapons and equipment to learn how to use brand-new weapons, not to mention the new-caliber general-purpose machine guns and heavy-duty weapons. Machine guns, brand new vehicles and transport vehicles and other equipment that mortal soldiers need to learn to use, and the soldiers responsible for teaching these knowledge are cyborg soldiers transferred from Mars. In addition, there are war engines, power armors, the products of the emperor who squeezed out fifty years of production capacity of the Martian foundry-all are prepared for war, but the current situation means that the usable assets of the Yugoslav Federation are few and far between. few. Originally, Victoria Hand planned to complete this task in more than ten years, but the emperor told her that the enemies of mankind would not wait so long, and they were coming.

He was going to stall them.

As for when to return to the earth, the emperor thinks that he cannot predict it, because the threat is not a threat from the tangible world, nor is it a threat that ordinary human beings can understand. No one will know what kind of suffering he has endured, and no one will know that in order to resist these threats, he once climbed the Himalayas when he was a child, and copied volumes of manuscripts with frozen fingers on the Wannian Glacier, and used all the relevant knowledge he had learned Record the knowledge of another dimension, and even put your spirit into another dimension to explore the mystery of the birth of the universe-every 175 years, all the planets in the solar system will line up, Voyager 2 is taking this opportunity With Jupiter’s gravitational slingshot ejecting itself, it took several years to pass by Uranus, and it took a few hours to collect a lot of data, so that humans can better understand those distant planets—the emperor’s destination is even more distant Neptune, The time it takes to get there is measured in years.

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