The three sky carriers are named Punishment, Cross Rose and Golden Lily. Punishment is often used by the Praetorian Guard to perform missions. The names of the other two can be heard from the emperor's preference for the sisterhood. The three sky aircraft carriers will only conduct joint operations under certain circumstances. Otherwise, they will remain in a regular state of one on duty, one in preparation, and one in maintenance. The sky aircraft carrier that sailed this time was the "Retribution" of the Adeptus Order. There were also several small guided missile destroyers produced by the Mars Shipyard in the battle group of this sky aircraft carrier.

The so-called small size is actually compared to the ocean ships on Earth. The scale of the modified sky carrier is far larger than the Ford-class aircraft carrier on earth. In comparison, the size of the guided missile destroyers and other ships that make up the battle group can only be called small. In the future planning of the space fleet, the only role of the sky aircraft carrier, which is less than one kilometer long and cannot conduct hyperspace navigation, is to conduct space battles between the earth and the moon, and to carry out unstoppable strikes against planetary targets in the solar system.

Now the Cross Rose is executing a voyage plan from Europe to the Middle East. The guided missile destroyers and guided missile cruisers carried by this battle group are the important forces for Regent Victor von Doom to implement nuclear deterrence. Countries with orbital detection capabilities in the world will see sky aircraft carriers and their battle groups. This is the regent's belief that after the emperor leaves the earth, the only force that can keep the Yugoslav Federation from being attacked. A drill not long ago also proved that the sky in orbit The bombers carried by the aircraft carrier and specially designed for space operations can completely carry out planetary-level strikes, which are completely unable to be detected and intercepted by military technology on the earth.

The only thing that regent Victor von Doom is worried about is that the country's military production capacity is too dependent on Mars, and the efficiency of the Tianjian Space Station as a material transfer center is too low, far less than the space elevator that will be built in the future. But what can be done? All production lines have to be rebuilt, all high-tech research institutes have to be built brick by brick, and even students have to be educated slowly, and there are not so many Martian madmen who are mechanizing themselves. Have the patience to teach non-Mars apprentices. Even the emperor has nothing to do with this school. After all, most of the technology geeks at the Mars Foundry don't know that Mars was selected as the foundry entirely because of the secrets hidden within it. The Emperor needs a strong military. Strength and the most loyal servant to guard this secret.

The Commander of the Sisterhood and the main strike force have followed the USS Retribution sky aircraft carrier - now this sky aircraft carrier has arrived near the Jupiter star ring driven by sub-light speed engines. The artificial gravity field that was previously closed to save energy has also been reopened. Those mortal crew members who were unable to adapt to sublight speed also woke up from their sleep cabins and began preparations - the Cross Rose, which had completed preparations and supplies, still followed the established plan and set off from the Tianjian Space Station after carrying a sufficient number of combat personnel, with small missiles A void battle group composed of destroyers and small missile cruisers performs navigation missions in low earth orbit. The voyage will first sail along an orbit over the equator until it reaches southern Europe and the Middle East, passing through the Suez Canal, the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar. Finally, it will change its trajectory and detour from the Atlantic Ocean until it reaches the scientific research station at the North Pole.

The Cross Rose is not on a combat mission this time. The main mission of this sky aircraft carrier after leaving its post is to contact the multinational scientific research station at the North Pole and escort a scientific research icebreaker belonging to the Yugoslav Federation to the mission area. Therefore, the sky The deterrence mission of the aircraft carrier battle group is equally important. This cruise lasts 14 days. When the ship reaches the North Pole, scholars from other countries will see this void combat group that will rescue the scientific research icebreaker.

In short, it is to use low-orbit precise particle beams to melt the ice and fish out the icebreaker trapped in the glacier (the only thing that is certain is that life on the scientific research ship is very pleasant, and it is not like the propaganda at all) (so difficult), then dispatch a shuttle to transfer the trapped and injured crew members to the Tianjian Space Station, and deliver supplies to the icebreaker.

This is a political mission, and the reason for the sky carrier battle group to set out is very good. Anyone who understands the administrative system established by the emperor can smell the regent's handiwork in this mission. Those who know the regent Victor von Doom better will suspect that this voyage is nothing more than a bait or a cover-up, used to cover up things he does not want people to know or to lure certain forces and lead them to make wrong judgments. Some countries cooperated with the federation established by the emperor, but others also competed. For example, Regent Victor von Doom insisted on establishing a Black Sea Fleet to deal with future wars. However, not everyone is willing to see an unconfrontable aircraft carrier battle group appear in their sphere of influence, and this fleet will inevitably be It will cross the Gibraltar tsunami or enter the Red Sea, which will have an impact on local fuel production relations and production efficiency, thus reducing the availability of fuel from other sources.

This means a significant reduction in energy trading profits and political influence.

When he returned to his Oxfordshire estate from the sunny island of South America, the famous British news channel BBC was broadcasting the news. This is the world's first opportunity to observe, recognize and understand the void aircraft carrier battle group "up close". For this reason, many experts and scholars have been invited to interview, guessing and talking about the actual military effectiveness of the void aircraft carrier battle group based on known information. And whether this transcendent weapon will have an impact on the international situation. This is not a difficult task. Everyone knows that the emperor is not easy to mess with, nor are the forces that can build factories on Mars. However, scholars cannot say this. When they are sure that their skulls will not be shattered by a 9mm bullet produced in Yugoslavia tomorrow morning, they do not mind speaking in accordance with established political positions that ignore objective facts.

If this is not done, the 9mm pistol bullet may have to be replaced by one produced by a NATO country.

He stood in front of the TV in the living room, amused by the scholar's tone. The scholars interviewed by the news media are all leaders in many fields. These people have sufficient knowledge to answer relevant questions. Many of them have been visited by him before (only for consulting fees). Obviously, someone is now paying more consulting fees to let these scholars lie. These people have not even figured out the way the sky carrier battle group re-enters the atmosphere.

"Should we unsubscribe from the comedy channel?" Bayonetta took a comb to comb the Cheshire cat's hair. The pistol decorated with enamel blue, gold thread and various gemstones was placed on the table for maintenance. Even Milia has a gun maintenance toolbox, but she can only perform some simple plot work now. "I don't understand why you can laugh while watching the news."

"This has something to do with the fact that you have been sleeping in a coffin for five hundred years and missed a lot of scientific progress."

"I know what the Star Wars plan is, my dear. Next time you are so mean, I will beat you with a caliber of 9 mm or more." The black-haired witch turned to look at Lara Crow who was teaching Millia to clean firearms. Fragrant. The latter protested more than once. She thought it was extremely irresponsible to let such a young child touch firearms, but fortunately Joan of Arc convinced her and showed her the firearms storage equipment here. Even if Miria took it The enchanted steel plates on the outside of the firearms and ammunition storage closets cannot be opened with a heat-melt gun. Weapons such as firearms are one of the safest equipment in this manor.

"Thank you very much for your help, Laura. Without you I would have been kept awake by this little sparrow."

Miria yawned boredly. Compared to shooting at a shooting range, girls her age are very uninterested in boring courses such as maintaining firearms, even if the teacher of this course is Lara Croft, who is very good at using live ammunition and small arms. Under Joan's arrangement, Millia will also receive wilderness survival training in the future, and the instructor will still be Lara Croft herself. It’s hard to find a tutor who comes from a noble family and has good education and knowledge - especially when there is almost no normal family atmosphere in this family. Even the single-parent family atmosphere of the Shadow Witch is not as weird as here. After all, there is no one and A man who is as noisy as a child, Joan of Arc suspects that such misguidance will make Milia a girl who loves pranks - even if the lessons that Lara Croft can teach do not meet Joan of Arc's definition of a witch. But at Salomon's insistence, Joan had no choice but to agree to let Milia learn less "ladylike" courses such as wilderness survival and rock climbing adventures.

"Is this your parting gift to me, Ceresa?" He picked up the cat hair dumplings on the table and said, "Shouldn't you make me a meal that is portable and easy to preserve?"

"There is bread baked by Joan of Arc in the oven. It is a French tradition. It is something she prepared specially for you." Bayonetta pinched the cat hair on the comb and patted the Cheshire Cat's butt. "The portal is still open and I'm going to sunbathe in South America with Joan of Arc. Don't forget to clean my gun. Dear Laura, I suggest continuing our sunbathing session rather than running away with this family who is about to leave behind. Men who go to the outer reaches of the solar system.”


"Dear Milia, I think you'll like the pool there."

"I agree." Tony Stark rubbed his head and repeated, "I agree."

"We don't have much time, you must think about it as soon as possible... You mean, you agree to form this alliance?" Nick Fury raised his eyebrows, a little surprised by Tony Stark's answer. He was confident that Tony Stark would join his plan, but he didn't expect that the latter would agree so quickly. He glanced covertly at Bruce Banner sitting next to him with his peripheral vision, wondering whether Tony Stark's thoughts were related to this person. "We don't have much time, but I need to know why."

"He threatened my family." Tony Stark opened his eyes. The concussion was tormenting him, and the severe pain in his arm made him irritable. "His soldiers showed up directly at my door and told me that they had killed all the agents who were protecting me. He just showed up in other countries' territories without anyone noticing, killed the agents and threatened me, using Pepper and My future children as leverage.”

Nick Fury is quickly sorting out some relationships.

"What does he want you to do at the Houston command center?"

"He asked me to prevent the Houston command center from communicating with the Knight ship."

"That's all?" Nick Fury narrowed his eyes, a certain uncertainty appeared on his face, "What else did he do?"

"As far as I know, there's also voiceprint hacking," Tony Stark said. "If you saw the device I brought in, you know what they did. I just hope my device wasn't used as evidence. Things were taken away.”

"I will get that device." Nick Fury glanced out the window, "I will take Dr. Banner out of Houston first, your artificial intelligence Friday... I will contact it, as long as you can ensure the loyalty of that artificial intelligence ."

"What are you going to do?" Bruce Banner lowered his voice for fear of disturbing the ward nurses in the corridor. Although there was no flaw in his identity, he still felt guilty, but Nick Fury walking in front of him seemed quite natural. "You said you wouldn't hide it from me."

"The Rogue spacecraft is going to the edge of the solar system to carry out a secret mission." Nick Fury's tone was as urgent as his steps, "Many years ago, I participated in a project between SHIELD and the US military... Project Pegasus, maybe you have heard of such a name... At that time, we were exploring the secrets of hyperspace navigation, and the research object was the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Project Pegasus created a prototype of a hyperspace engine, and the military established a somewhat crude The spacecraft will conduct a verification voyage of the hyperspace engine."

"You mean, he wants the hyperdrive?"

"No, I don't know." Nick Fury pushed through the back of the hospital, took off the nurse's clothes and threw them into the trash can. He walked straight to the parking lot, took out his clothes from the trunk of the stolen car and put them on. They didn't get into the car until Bruce Banner also changed his clothes. "He never does anything meaningless. Remember the ability he showed at the United Nations Headquarters? That teleportation ability... I guess he has mastered the manufacturing technology and principles of the hyperspace engine."

"Technology monopoly, I suspect he doesn't want other countries to master this technology." Feeling the roar of the engine, Bruce Banner quickly put on his seat belt, "Where are we going next?"

"You are a physicist, Dr. Banner." Nick Fury stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out of the parking lot without even paying the parking fee. Bruce Banner quickly opened the car window, apologized loudly, and threw out a bill. "I'm going to take you to see part of the Pegasus Project, and we'll make speculations then."

"What speculation?"

"The answer I always wanted to find, I wanted to know what he wanted."

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