Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1670 Pegasus Plan

When she first heard about Millia's life experience, Lara Croft could hardly believe that the cute girl in front of her flopping like a duck in the swimming pool was the so-called son of the devil. At the same time, she also understood this girl The strangeness, and why the woman she occasionally saw in the drawing room of the Oxfordshire manor who claimed to be a blood relative of Milia had such a complicated attitude towards everyone in the manor, including Milia.

After the fog cleared, Lara Croft saw that the shadows of Bayonetta and Joan of Arc were elegant women with butterfly and moth wings growing on their backs, while the shadow of Millia was a figure with goat horns and bat wings. Huge monster. The shadow dipped into the water under the night pool lights, one paw on Melia's shoulder, the other scratching wetly toward the shore. With a startled glance, she discovered that there was this circle of luminous marks on the neck of the dark figure as dignified as grease.

Before Lara Croft could recover from her fright, Bayonetta waved her hand, and the strange scene disappeared.

According to Joan of Arc, Millia's so-called mischievous tendencies are actually a kind of shallow, childish malice. It is the influence of the psychic power rushing in the blood vessels on the brain, prompting this extremely cute girl to try unconsciously. Some behaviors that are extremely dangerous for ordinary people hurt others and themselves. Without correct guidance, Milia's intelligence will gradually deteriorate due to the influence of psychic energy. She will no longer have empathy for any living creature. She will become cruel, cunning, wanton, and unscrupulous. Because of this, the girl needs to stay with him and the witches from time to time. Only he and the witches can tame the malice in the girl's soul.

The Cheshire Cat was lying on the lounge chair by the pool, staring at the girl with his round eyes.

The female archaeologist has long known that the Cheshire Cat is a summoned pet - the so-called magic, she has long given up on pursuing the logic and details - she did not have any doubts about the Cheshire Cat following the girl before, she just thought that Pet cats just like children. It was only now that she suddenly discovered that the owner of this island had actually been keeping an eye on Milia, and that seemingly cute cat was actually a magical fairy cat who could tell the truth. She wouldn't be surprised if she saw the cat flying in the sky one day. The strange thing is that compared to the bizarre magical brilliance, this phenomenon made her feel the real existence of supernatural power.

It's not that she doesn't know what kind of reputation the country established by the owner of the manor has in this world - as long as she sees the golden-armored demigod who once appeared on TV appearing in the manor, anyone with normal intelligence will think of it. Relationship - but it was too late to say anything now, she could only believe that it was all for a noble purpose. Before that, the Balkan Peninsula was a famous black market arms trading market and human trafficking center in Europe. Nowadays, many criminal organizations have been wiped out, and groups such as sewer children in Romania have also received assistance. The tense war atmosphere is closely related to ethnic, Religious conflicts have eased considerably, as all factions that once had armed forces died at the gunpoint of the Emperor's genetically modified warriors.

Today, there is no organization in the entire Balkans and Europe that dares to undermine the system established by the emperor, because those genetically modified warriors will shoot at the heads of armed rebels with twenty-millimeter guns, and the sky aircraft carriers in orbit also carry strategic bombers Cruising across Europe, the mortal auxiliary troops who had just finished their training were eager to test the results of their training, driving armored vehicles and gunships to capture religious terrorist organizations in the vast mountains.

At this time, the whole world is quiet, as if peace is just around the corner. The International Monetary Fund made no mention of Romania's now-provincial debt, which once amounted to 37% of its gross national product. Instead, it began to negotiate investment and production. Even smart people know that such peace will not last long, but no one has yet been able to break the emperor's hegemony in personal force - which has led to some very bad results - some people who paddled a raft across the Mediterranean Syrian and Libyan refugees began to choose their destination in the Balkans, where they had seen the emperor's army of genetically modified warriors, on television and even in their dreams (later investigation proved that they were spirits born during the Latvian Liberation War). (Can derive phenomena, basically harmless)) Seeing the emperor's figure, for those poor people living in war and hunger, this is no less than a divine revelation, inspiring them to take care of their families and risk a death rate that far exceeds that of war. Proceed across the Mediterranean Sea.

"Since you are willing to officially become this girl's tutor, you should also know these facts. At least you can teach the child something useful other than whistling, imitating saxophone playing with your mouth, and feeding raccoons. You can guess these Who taught you everything? Ever since Milia learned these things, there has not been a minute of silence at our dining table until Ceresa gave her a good lesson."

An astonishing smile broke out on Jeanne's face, as if a heavy burden had been thrown away. While she was in a happy mood, she was also very enthusiastic about pouring high-purity distilled liquor down her throat. She can be regarded as an education expert, but Milia's problem gives her a headache.

"So now..." Lara Croft asked cautiously, "He is going on a long trip. Is it dangerous?"

"Milia is a good child, at least for now. Her power is very weak compared to ours, so you don't have to worry about her hurting others, and you don't have to worry about it being like Carrie [Stephen King's horror film] Novel). The premise is that you don't take off the collar around her neck." Joan blinked and exhaled alcohol-scented breath, "Oh, it turns out you were asking about him. No, there will be no danger, I Got used to him being prepared for anything. He wouldn't risk his life unless he had to... Now you know why he has that whack-a-mole game in the garage, he has to take that thing out at least once a month .”

"So do you plan to let Milia receive a normal education?" Lara Croft, who once again put on her swimsuit, asked tentatively. "Without contact with peers, I'm worried that her mental health will have problems. She needs You know how to get along with humans, don’t you?”

"Her contact with her peers is irresponsible to other children."

Bayonetta stretched out a finger and poked the Cheshire Cat's round head.

"The current common sense of human society cannot be applied here. She is a young animal, and you cannot use the rules of human society to restrain her hunting desire. When faced with young human individuals, no one can guarantee that she will not harm them. You You will know what this means later, now let us discuss your salary." Bayonetta lowered her glasses and stared at the female archaeologist from above her eyes, "I can promise to pay your tuition fees at University of London, except Then there are the cars in the garage, a room in the manor, all the couture and luxury ready-to-wear you could want, swimsuits you can wear or not, an endless supply of wine, a stable and more All the expenses needed to maintain the respectability of the upper class, and you will still have enough money to repair Crawford Manor. This is a generous reward, and I also want to invite you to participate in the equestrian competition."

"This is too much, Bayonetta."

The female archaeologist blushed because the reward was so generous. She earned her tuition fees at the University of London through her own work-study program. Even if she didn't accept the job, she would no longer have to work hard at restaurants to earn tuition fees with the support of her archaeological career. Before receiving funding, her first archaeological operation could be described as frugal or even poor. High-quality outdoor equipment was not that cheap. At that time, she was almost on the verge of malnutrition.

"The wealth accumulated by the Witch Clan for thousands of years is richer than you imagine, and this does not include those immeasurable spiritual assets. We have recovered the property belonging to the Witch Clan through various channels, but now the Witch Clan only has me and Joan of Arc. People, we can dispose of all property at will without the permission of others. As for Joan of Arc...she has the right to dispose of all the assets of the Sun Island and the church to which she belongs from the beginning to the end. Everyone knows that religion is the most profitable way to make money. Means." Bayonetta said, "Accept my reward. Your assets are 1.3 billion U.S. dollars, but those are assets in the trust fund, assets of the Crawford family. You also have many annoying relatives. , as far as I know, you are not qualified to control all the family assets now, so accept this reward, and we will continue to support your archaeological operations."

Jeanne nodded, "So, do you accept it?"

"I agree, your opinion may be on target, Bruce Banner." Nick Fury adjusted the edge of the woolen hat and took out a long chip from the middle of the folded fabric. He skillfully clamped the chip in the middle of his wallet and placed it behind the false identification. Although the Quinjet was not comfortable, it was enough for him and Bruce Banner to rest for a few hours. "Pierce's rebellion did not stop the project. It is still jointly managed by the U.S. Air Force and NASA. Since Thor arrived in New Mexico, the Security Council requested that the Pegasus project be restarted until Loki arrived and destroyed the facility. However, the related projects are still there It is being carried out in secret. Although there is no Cosmic Rubik's Cube, we still have other technologies that we cannot fully control yet and need to analyze."

"Do you think you can walk in with arrogance?" Bruce Banner looked at him in disbelief, "You are still wanted by the whole world! The members of the Security Council have not resolved their hostility towards you!"

"I know they want me to hand over all of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is unacceptable." Nick Fury changed gears calmly. The night is fading, and the sun is passing over from the other end of the desert. The dark green shrubs now look like black ghosts, densely covering the hillside. "But I have friends, friends who are loyal enough. I am an agent, Dr. Banner, and if I can't do anything without SHIELD, how can I be made the King of Agents?"

"You couldn't even deal with the patrol officer who checked you for drunk driving." Bruce Banner angrily raised the small bottle in the storage box, "You almost let people find out that our car is stolen!"

"That was an accident!" Nick Fury waved the black wallet and pass impatiently, "This matter has been resolved. We are now agents of the Pentagon's Defense Finance and Accounting Service. The mission of this trip is to help Congress is investigating the possible irregularities and corruption issues of the Pegasus Project during SHIELD, and then secretly to make the Pegasus Project's accounts consistent with the Treasury Department's accounts. This is an unspoken rule that everyone knows. You are my auditor. Officer, Dr. Banner, I think your mathematical talent is enough to find some small errors in the ledger. Even if you can't see it, I can point it out for you."

"I never knew you could get high marks in math classes," Bruce Banner said. "The last time I saw you making change in a store, you miscounted the gas money."

"Those financial loopholes were caused by me, but it was mainly Agent Hill who executed them. She can always find the best accountant." Nick Fury shrugged. "There is no way I would let that money lie in the account and give birth to babies." , they have to build safe houses and secret bases, launch some dangerous items into the sun, and the Pentagon has more than $500 billion in assets that cannot be traced, and it will not notice the billions of dollars in the Pegasus Project. You don’t know about the Pegasus Project. There are as many jet engine technology reserves as there are, and part of the technology used in the engines used on the F-35 comes from here."

"Your plan will lead to a meeting with the person in charge of this base!"

Bruce Banner sat limply in the passenger seat. He tried to stabilize his emotions, but it turned out that anger could not solve the problem. He strongly suspected that the reason why he appeared here was entirely because Nick Fury wanted to use his existence to threaten everyone in the Pegasus Project base. . If the Hulk were here, Nick Fury would be able to get what he wants than if the base director would choose a more peaceful solution.

Nick Fury kept asking him for information about the man, but he really didn't know anything.

The only information he could remember was that the red giant General Ross transformed into was ruthlessly dismembered by a chain saw.

"You're still a wanted criminal, Fury."

"I have reliable friends, very reliable." He repeated again, "We have to get here, and I suspect that he sent the Praetorian Guards to meet Tony Stark just for the New Domain ship. My thoughts and yours Likewise, there must be something he wants on that spaceship, and I suspect that thing is the hyperspace engine. But I don’t think his purpose of obtaining the hyperspace engine is to monopolize technology. I suspect he knows my movements, so he must There was information we didn't know that motivated him to risk exposing himself to Tony Stark."

Nick Fury raised the car window to block out the wind from the desert and canyon.

He wanted to talk about secrets, and even the wind spirits that the Indians believed in could not hear him.

"A few months ago, NASA's probe on the moon captured a picture: a large number of landing vehicles and traces of activity appeared on the back of the moon. After that, the probe was destroyed. I am sure the culprit who destroyed the probe, but the problem is ,Why?"

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