Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1671 Attack in groups

Nick Fury never denies that he received help on his way to promotion, nor does he deny that part of the reason why he rules S.H.I.E.L.D. is the recommendation of the traitor Alexander Pierce, but no one without any abilities will definitely be killed by Hydra. As a chess piece, his own abilities have never lived up to the title of "King of Agents". He has always believed that the investigative part of the agent's work has many similarities with the criminal psychology of the FBI. It also attaches great importance to profiling and the target's motivation. Without motivation, it is impossible to explain what the target does and to predict the target's trajectory. ——Nick Fury has always believed that when analyzing the most important goal, the "motivation" piece of the puzzle was always missing on the research map. Now that this piece of the puzzle is very likely to be filled in, even as calm as he is, his blood boils. He feels that his teeth have touched the prey's fur, and he feels that he can almost smell the sweet blood under the fur.

Ever since Agent Coulson arrived in the small town of Corinth many years ago, the tracking of Nick Fury's psychological trajectory has never stopped. S.H.I.E.L.D. hired the best profilers, criminal psychologists, and behavioral scientists and gave them limited knowledge to create files that filled an entire office. Even so, SHIELD still found nothing. The only thing it could know was the target's antisocial personality. Even this truth was wrapped in a golden coat and fascinated many people, including Natasha Romanoff. One of his most trusted agents, it's as if the target is born with an almost supernatural charisma that is convincing, adoring and even obsessive.

Nick Fury had to admit that even he was affected by this supernatural charm. Even during the Avengers, the target was at a distance from SHIELD, and even the target interfered with many SHIELD operations, but he was Still hesitant about disposing of targets. Until this time, the message from the mouth of the golden-armored demigod made Nick Fury feel that he had finally caught some inspiration floating in the air, like light smoke. This was an emotion that Bruce Banner couldn't understand. He had no idea why Nick Fury stepped on the accelerator desperately. It was as if if they were one step late, the clue would dissipate in the air, and he could only do the same as before, like The hound sniffed the air in vain.

"Pegasus Project, Cosmic Cube, New Territory."

This car, which was probably intended for scrapping by a middle-class family, turned around a dusty corner. Looking from afar, one could see a huge area isolated by barbed wire. A red triangle sign warning of danger stood on the roadside, and in that Inside the space, there is also a collapsed concrete building that is being cleaned up. Nick Fury is like an old lion, with a roar brewing in his throat. He was indeed old. Fatigue covered his bones and muscles. The sheets that were thrown away for cleaning in the coin-operated laundry room of cheap motels made his skin prickly and itchy. The lack of sleep made his only eyeball dry. He had tried not to think about the number of prostitutes, johns, junkies, or all of them that had lay in this bed the night before, for there was more than one identity in the slums.

He felt the heat for the first time in a long time.

The last time this feeling occurred was when Alexander Pierce's treachery was revealed.

That was his latest victory, and now he smelled the smell of victory again. This smell mixed with the smell of fine dry sand flying on the road broke into the nasal cavity, fell on the tip of his tongue, and once again ignited the thick, sticky feeling in his blood vessels. The slow blood drives the aggressive, young and ambitious heart like burning gasoline. He allowed himself to throw caution to the wind for a moment and savor the taste of youthful impulse in a limited way. Then he took a deep breath to metabolize the unstable mood as quickly as his liver metabolized vodka, whiskey, sherry, and brandy.

The only difference is that metabolizing this emotion doesn't require a trip to the bathroom.

"Hyperspace, Rainbow Bridge. Dr. Banner, we caught his tail, do you remember his portal?" The former SHIELD director was triumphant, shaking his head, and his unabashed black accent was as thick as Swallowing an entire lit cigarette, "He performed it to everyone in the Avengers, as you saw, and I asked you to try and parse that technology as well. Fancy magic, hyperspace, we caught him Tail."

That collapsed concrete building was once the place where SHIELD conducted research on the Cosmic Cube.

After several years of cleaning, the sophisticated equipment and data buried under the ruins have not yet been fully unearthed. This is simply because Nick Fury requested that the secrets be buried deep underground, and only a few personnel were responsible for cleaning the facility. This decision was inherited by the Pentagon, who dug carefully, trying to find out what secrets S.H.I.E.L.D. was hiding. Elsewhere in this space are the main research facilities of the Tianma Project, including an airport, a tower, two hangars and five small-scale processing plants with extremely high technical content, specializing in manufacturing and improving the Tianma Project. The radar, avionics, engine and other equipment used, these equipment and researchers have fed back to the technological research and development of the Military Industrial Complex Research Institute to a certain extent. During the Cold War, some technologies were provided to the famous Skunk Works to help the CIA build piloted U.S. aircraft. The secret air force of the -2 reconnaissance aircraft, as well as the F-117 stealth bomber that later appeared in the Desert Operation and shocked the world, and even many technologies in the space shuttle also came from scholars who had worked in the Pegasus Project.

Nick Fury's destination is not one of these research facilities worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

He parked his car not far from the base. In this plain, the sentry clearly saw the only car on the only road, a fact that made Bruce Banner very nervous. "You sit in the driver's seat." Nick Fury put down the driver's seat and climbed into the back seat. "Get your ID, you are my agent now."

"Do you think you're not famous enough?" Bruce Banner sat in the driver's seat angrily and held the steering wheel. "Those soldiers will shoot the moment they recognize you! They will shoot me too, Then the Hulk will smash everything here!"

"I can calm them down a little bit by sitting in the back seat." Nick Fury nodded and checked the holster under his arm and the pistol inside. Agent Coulson shared the tree frog pistol and bullets, but Nick Fury didn't think the situation he faced would require non-lethal measures. "I'm worth more alive than a dead body, so they're not going to shoot me, and no one with a brain is going to shoot you."

Nick Fury is not the only smart person in this world.

Surrounded by Colonel Rhodes, a group of agents, and the media, Tony Stark got into the car with a stitched wound on his forehead, a pair of sunglasses to cover the bruises, and a thick plaster on his arm. inside. Colonel Rhodes was sitting in the passenger seat, while Pepper Potts had already been sitting in the back seat, staring intently at Tony Stark. She did not say anything reproachful to the latter who looked tired. After closing the window and driving a certain distance, the air in the entire car was as quiet as a pool of stagnant water. Tony Stark closed his eyes and continued to immerse himself in his own thoughts, instead of taking out a stick as Colonel Rhodes thought. An angry Pepper Potts doodle with a marker.

He can indeed do this to fill the air of joy around him.

"I agree with this proposal." Just as he was about to arrive at the airport, Tony Stark suddenly repeated what he said in the hospital. "The premise is that I must obtain all the information about Project Pegasus. I mean the information that was kept by the Pentagon before SHIELD took over Project Pegasus. Sorry, Pepper, this is the only way I can protect you."


"You, and our future daughter. Remember the prophecy that man once gave us? I believe in his prophecies because his prophecies are never wrong, so I have to do something that 'Iron Man' and Stark Industries can't do What can I do to protect you?"

Pepper Potts felt the heat radiating from her eyes behind her sunglasses unbearable. She suppressed her anger and did not interrupt Tony Stark's emotions, because she knew that these words were spoken from the heart at this time. The psychiatrist persuaded her that a genius like Tony Stark could easily be immersed in his own world. He thought very quickly. Without listening and understanding, their relationship would eventually break up.

"Only in this way, no three-meter-tall genetically modified soldiers will burst into our homes and threaten us."

"What?" Colonel Rhodes turned his head in disbelief, "Is that what I thought?"

"Didn't Homeland Security tell you that all the agents responsible for protecting us were killed? The reason why I came to Houston was because of the coercion of those genetically modified warriors. They asked me to join the command of the Rogue rescue mission, and those agents seemed Found them." Tony Stark looked serious. He had no intention of revealing that he had been asked to steal the information, which he did, and in any event stealing secrets would be a crime of treason. He does not intend to let Colonel Rhodes know about this, otherwise the latter will struggle painfully between loyalty and friendship. "I'm sure they killed those innocent people just to keep it secret. I have to make them pay. This is a personal grudge now. Pepper, you know..."

"I will handle the Stark Group's affairs." Pepper Potts said expressionlessly. She turned her head to look out the window, and Tony Stark clearly noticed that her mood was not right. "You don't have to worry about the group's profitability."

"Hey, Pepper. I know what he wants to do, so I have to stop him. Except for me, no one in this world can stop him. No one can defeat him in this field of physics that humans rarely set foot on. Unless Ein Stan came back to life and reassembled his brain, otherwise no one would be able to crack the secret of the Cube." Stark said, "Think about it, if there was someone as powerful and ambitious as Thor, there would be no obstacle to the secret of the Cube. He was in and out of the White House threatening the president... No one in the world could stop him but me."

"We've talked about it, Tony, there's never anything you have to do!" Pepper Potts' tone made Colonel Rhodes swallow his words again. He looked out the window, afraid that Pepper would think that he was the one making the suggestion to Tony Stark on behalf of the Pentagon. She still felt angry because Tony Stark's plan was contrary to their previous agreement. "The Pentagon lures you with honor and wants you to help them eliminate their enemies. Those are their enemies, not yours."

"That's my enemy, Pepper." Tony Stark said, "I know his ambition, he will be the biggest disaster in the world. In his eyes, there is no country, only the human race, such a naive ideal ists will commit the most inhumane evil deeds in the name of justice. He also wrote a book to explain his ideas. Isn't this scary enough? His followers are increasing, and more and more people agree with his ideas. The more. When that time comes, it will cost the entire world to correct his mistakes, and someone has to act now, or our children will be living in World War III or a nuclear wasteland."

"Someone will do it, and that person is not you. The premise is that he is really a villain." Pepper Potts said, "I remember that young man, he seemed pretty good. I know his prophecy, and I also I believe he is telling the truth, such a cute young man cannot be a villain."

"Maybe, he is a good man, but he is also a madman." Tony Stark's only movable shoulder shrugged, "The only problem is that he has the ability to change the world. No one can guarantee whether he will change the world tomorrow. Cut off the head of the President of the United States."

Pepper Potts got out of the car angrily and was the first to board the private plane with his bodyguard Happy.

Colonel Rhodes shook his head from Tony Stark, "Are you sure she will support what you are doing?"

"She has always supported me, but now she is a little angry." Stark said, "Send the information about the Pegasus Project and the New Domain to my terminal as soon as possible. I must crack the hyperspace engine technology as soon as possible."

"You have to think about safety."

"The information will not be leaked."

"I'm talking about you and Pepper." Colonel Rhodes frowned, his dark face full of grief and anger, "That man has already attacked you, and no one can guarantee that he will not directly hurt you."

"Are we afraid to mention his name now?" Tony Stark stared at his friend through his sunglasses, "We stand on the side of justice, Roddy."

"Can you remember his name, Tony? That man is more powerful than Thor. He directly manipulated our minds. Now none of us can remember his name, not even his appearance, not even the paper The files and data on the hard drive will become invalid in a short period of time. Saul can't do this, right?" Colonel Rhodes was also anxious, "Now the Secret Service doesn't even dare to arrange it in the Oval Office (the workplace of the President of the United States). Secret service agents who use lethal weapons are afraid that agents will be controlled to shoot the president. Even the CIA has gone crazy and plans to restart the mind control program from the Cold War. The current situation is serious, Tony, and many people feel unsafe."

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