Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 173 A Companion Who Understands Each Other (First Update!)

Athena pulled Salomon around in this group of well-dressed men and women. She kept introducing Salomon to anyone she knew. Every time, the mystic would put on the perfect expression to deal with these social situations. boring people. Artists are the group of people who are most likely to attract wealthy businessmen and politicians. I don’t know if these rich people don’t need to work, but they will actually stay in this place all day.

Salomon was very envious of their ability to talk without words. It was almost dusk at this time, the buffet could not fill his stomach at all, and his legs were too tired to walk. But Athena was still in good spirits, as if a whole day of social life was nothing to her—it was said that Athena was also the queen of Hera’s social events held by the gods of Olympus. The only opponent in the game is Aphrodite. Whenever Athena talked about this past, she would always mention the god of love and beauty, but every time Athena would show disdain, calling her a big-breasted, brainless bitch and a sentimental wretch , Only the appearance is comparable to her, other places are not worth mentioning. Many times, Athena used the example of Aphrodite to educate Salomon, telling him not to be influenced by beauty and stay away from women with big breasts and no brains.

At the same time, Ares, the god of war, is also a bad example. Athena also uses him to teach Salomon to be diligent in thinking. A guy with only muscles in his head can't do anything, especially if you add another brainless guy. The time of the woman - the outcome of the Trojan War is proof.

It can be said that the social scene of ordinary people is nothing to Athena, she can use her wisdom and charm to perform with ease in every conversation. This is what Salomon can learn, and what Athena wants him to learn. These things (negotiation) are closely related to the basic attributes of magicians. Athena believes that since Salomon can do it in magic, Then you can do your best in the social field of ordinary people. In Athena's view, to become a hero, Salomon's name must first be known to many people.

"Actually, you behaved decently, but it's only decent." Athena said to Salomon who was sitting in the co-pilot with some dissatisfaction, "This dress is like a piece of armor on you, don't you Discomfort? If you can take your eyes off those ladies' collarbones, you're looking pretty good for a rookie tonight."

"I just want to make those boring conversations more interesting." The mystic shrugged, "You are the most beautiful one in this exhibition, but I can't keep looking at your face, can I? That would make me look like a lover." Mother’s and children’s! You can’t look at their legs even if you don’t look at their collarbones? They’re so far behind you—and my girlfriends are too far behind.”

"Sweet words can't save you." Athena was not fooled by Salomon's flattery. "The training plan cannot be changed. No matter how much you say, you can't escape. And...girlfriend? When will I agree to this?" Is it? That is a woman who is more than five hundred years older than you!"

"My dear Athena, you really act like a mother, the chattering kind."

"Stinky boy!" Athena's eyes widened. She lifted her long skirt, stepped over the handbrake with her slender thighs, and stepped on Salomon's thigh with her heel, "I said it, I don't agree! I don't believe it If so, you can ask Theseus, I know what kind of woman is suitable for you!"

"In a sense, you are my mother... We are not here to argue about this, Athena." Salomon grabbed Athena's shoes with a face full of resignation, "But the desire to control you showed is really Terribly strong. This is not the stubbornness of the rebellious period, but the result of careful consideration, Bayonetta is indeed suitable for me."

After hearing Salomon's explanation, Athena's anger did not dissipate immediately. She thought for a while, but did not withdraw her leg, but put the other leg on Salomon's thigh, doing a A relaxed look who wants to have a homely conversation. "You will do many unacceptable things for the earth in the future, because you are the heir of the supreme mage, and you have to bear these burdens." She said, "Do you think that witch will understand you by then? She Too kind, what you need is a cruel woman who can understand you, just like Jason's wife Medea."

"I am prepared for this, Athena." The mystic said, "I know you are thinking of me, but let me be self-willed for once. I don't like women who are too dependent on men. Beunita is an independent woman. She has her own ideas, just like you, you influenced my aesthetics, and I like her because of this - if you don't count the size factor, then these are all. Yours I have also thought about those concerns, and I think Medea and Bayonetta also have some similarities, and I believe Bayonetta will understand me.” (CV is both Tanaka Atsuko)

"I allow you to be a little rebellious in adolescence." Athena retracted her leg and stepped on the clutch of the sports car. She glanced at the mystic, raised her eyebrows, and looked confident, "But only once, when you suffer, you will understand why I am the Goddess of Wisdom."

"Then I might beat the Goddess of Wisdom once. This is an achievement worth bragging about. In the past, there should have been a poet who wrote poems for me."

"I bet I win, Salomon, don't underestimate me." Athena started the sports car, and after leaving the parking lot, she stepped on the accelerator and started to accelerate. "And the problem is not completely solved!" she said, "and the female spy!"

"Just forgive me!"


"So, that's your excuse!" Lorna frowned and stood in front of the orphanage's gate angrily. As the oldest child in the orphanage, she was presenting all the children to Salomon. He and Athena questioned, "You and sister Minerva left us all day, we can only eat bread! You actually said you were going to see your girlfriend?!"

"And there are two." Athena added fuel to the fire with a calm face. "Maybe there is only one, but when Salomon asked out his girlfriend, there were two women. It's really strange."

Salomon sighed, he asked out Beunita just to bring her to meet Athena, but he didn't expect Joan to appear with her. "There is only one." When he recalled that terrible dinner, he involuntarily covered his face, closed his eyes, and his expression was very painful-because the atmosphere at the table was extremely awkward, Athena and Beyoni The towers hated each other inexplicably, Joan happily started a dish elimination machine, and only Salomon was left trying to mediate the relationship between Athena and Bayonetta.

The result is obvious, Salomon failed, especially Athena's yin and yang at the dinner table, the satire using Aphrodite as a metaphor, and the witch's unyielding ridicule about control freaks and older women. The bad vibe just got worse. Salomon felt that the dinner had exhausted him far more than the art exhibition.

Proposing this dinner was the stupidest decision of his life.

"I promise, there is only one." Salomon felt physically and mentally exhausted, and his eyelids were almost glued together. "I can't stand any more."

"You never mentioned your girlfriend." Little Lorna seemed not satisfied with this explanation, her hair changed from black to dark green, and then back to black again. This is the result of unstable abilities. Although this power is not strong, it will affect her life. She can only use her abilities to the fullest in the orphanage.

"Tell me, what does she look like?"

Athena walked away quietly without looking back, she didn't want to join in the fun. Lorna is the girl she focuses on training. Whether it is painting or spears, Lorna performs very well, and her personality is exactly the same as Athena.

"Tall, with long legs, and a good figure, the ultimate figure that you can't achieve in a lifetime."

Lorna lowered her head and looked at her toes. She took a deep breath, took a half step back, moved her shoulders back, and raised her elbows...

Then he punched Salomon in the stomach.

Ask for tickets~~~

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