Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 174 New Spells (Second Update!)

After waking up, Salomon sat up slowly from the bed. Although his eyes hadn't been opened yet, his brain was already awake. He didn't even need to open his eyes to know where he was and what the room was like.

The dormitory had warned him that it was absolutely forbidden to paste posters of Japanese girls' high schools in the room, and those posters had been replaced with a silver-green tapestry, which was the dormitory's personal collection. The vines woven of silver threads meandered and climbed on the wool dyed dark green, until they carefully touched the yellow piping, and then curled up shyly again.

Before he returned to school, he had already informed the Supreme Mage and Modu of the trap he had set. After the incident of trapping the incarnation of Mephisto, Casilios left for Canada to hunt down the cult group, while Mordo was left by the Venerable to recuperate - Mephisto injured his spine, and he needed a period of time. Time to recover. Although he can move freely, pain will always accompany him every time he lands. Now Modu can only be responsible for some clerical duties and trivial matters.

The Supreme Mage was not particularly satisfied with the trap set by Salomon, but no one knew whether SHIELD would scan the "Book of Eibon" into an electronic file. Kama Taj has no way of knowing whether the magic book has a copy unless he directly asks Agamotto of the Trinity Visandi, and Salomon's method is also helpless. The Venerable had no choice but to acquiesce in this method, and instead told the mystics of the three holy temples to pay attention to the magic fluctuations in the outer dimension and even the entire etheric plane.

The mystic rubbed the secretions from the corners of his eyes, and opened them with a sigh. Fortunately, the temperature in Windsor was not too low in the early morning, and it was still getting warmer day by day. Salomon could jump out of bed barefoot in pajamas and put on the clothes he handed over to the laundry room the day before. It was his fifth day back at Eton, and immediately after returning to London from New York he was plunged into a never-ending, utterly irritable study life—not science courses, but Theology courses, but Eaton has theology courses and his own chapel, which is the course that Salomon hates the most.

The damned Episcopal Church would not let him be pure for a moment, and every Saturday he would go to the chapel to pretend to sing hymns and pray, and it was still in Latin, and he didn't know what Martin Luther's spirit in heaven would think.

But not only is he busy, but everyone else in Karma Taj is too. The mystic who guards the planetary defense system has reported to the supreme mage more than once that there are always unformed teleportation spells unfolding in the desert of New Mexico in the United States. But when the mystics submitted applications and wanted to go there to find out, the Venerable always rejected their actions. The supreme mage asked them to stay in the three great halls, deal with the dimensional gaps caused by these space fluctuations, and wipe out those extra-dimensional creatures that might sneak in along these gaps.

Salomon had heard about this incident before returning to Eton College, and he calculated the time, and he could roughly guess what was going on. He didn't ask the reason for the Supreme Mage like other mystics, because the upcoming battle is a trial for humans, and it's time for arrogant humans to look up-as for those aliens who are fanatical Or, apocalypse lovers are not within his conjecture.

No wonder Nick Fury didn't come to him, this guy is busy as hell right now.

Salomon squinted his eyes and brushed his teeth while thinking wildly. It has been five days since he returned to the society of ordinary people, but Nick Fury acted as if he hadn't seen it. It wasn't just Nick Fury who didn't answer the phone, Coulson seemed to have disappeared, completely vanishing from the world, and no one else from S.H.I.E.L.D. informed him about Johnny Blazer and Roseanne.

Prior to this, Salomon sent a warning text message to Nick Fury out of humanitarian considerations, informing that the experiment conducted in New Mexico was extremely risky. It's just that the mystic master didn't receive a reply, nor did he send anyone to hand over to him, and even Victoria Hand, the eighth-level agent, never showed up, which is really strange.

Wait, didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. really spy on him when he entered the world? The mystic spit out foam and carefully looked at his white and even teeth in the mirror, but his thoughts had already gone to the atmosphere. Salomon wouldn't believe that S.H.I.E.L.D. would take it lightly. I'm afraid it wasn't an accident that he met Coulson at that art exhibition. You must know that it is a social occasion for rich businessmen and politicians, not some technology practitioners exhibition. This kind of occasion has a strict requirement for the participants' clothing. Although the requirements are not as high as those of the Royal Opera House, there are requirements—— At least sneakers are not allowed, unless you are Tony Stark or Musk, Coulson and his girlfriend are obviously not included.

Even without mentioning how Coulson got the tickets, the price of the dress alone is enough to make an ordinary agent bleed. Unless S.H.I.E.L.D. bought Audrey and Coulson's clothes and Coulson suggested the show, how could a cellist who came to New York from Portland know there was an art show at the Four Seasons Hotel in Manhattan Woolen cloth?

Therefore, Coulson's surprised face when he met him was completely acted out. According to Coulson himself, he joined S.H.I.E.L.D. after graduating from high school, but it seems that the talent of this agent is not so good. He didn't even go to S.H.I.E.L.D. The training of agents almost concealed Salomon.

It's just that Salomon doesn't have time to take care of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s affairs now. The Supreme Mage will take over the matter of the Rubik's Cube. He only needs to care about the copy of "The Book of Eibon". For this reason, he had to go back and forth between the temple every night to check the daily records of the planetary defense system.

The mystic master pulled the chain around his neck and pulled the silver key out from the place where it was attached to the flesh of his chest. Due to his body temperature, the originally cold key was warmed up. Salomon looked at this key. This is what he does every day. The patterns on this key fascinated him. Although the patterns analyzed from the key could not form any spells, he was copying the patterns of these patterns. At that time, I also got a glimpse of the endless truth of the chaotic universe-this is a relatively safe method of analysis, just like the countless wild mages in another crystal wall system, without a magic book, go to nature to find all magic traces, to analyze, to learn.

Although the silver key failed to provide him with spells, Salomon understood Randolph Carter's method of recreating Salem in 1692-it was a spell called "Time Trap", which could only Pulling a creature through time to within five miles of the caster, the spell cast by Randolph Carter pulls almost everyone in Salem three hundred years ago and puts them back when it's done , and even without them realizing what happened, it's no wonder he said he didn't have the strength to go through the cycle again.

According to Randolph Carter, the spell called "Time and Space Gate" will be the focus of his next study. This spell can open paths between different eras, dimensions, and even worlds. Through this spell it is possible to travel in the true sense of time, that is, jumping along a timeline, rather than jumping back and forth in the possibility of time through the quantum realm.

The supreme mage has seen this spell, but he strictly forbids Salomon to use it in this time and space, not for anything else, just to prevent Salomon from disrupting the process of history. Regarding the result of time travel, Salomon has already seen it once in Beunita and Celesa. The Supreme Master also used Beunita as an example. His Holiness believes that Salomon does not exist in the past. Human beings do not exist in the closed time loop of the past, and Salomon is a foreign object that has little connection with the past history.

Hearing these words, Salomon was at a loss, but he always took the warning of the venerable into his heart. Before he figured out what was going on, he didn't dare to cast the spell "Time and Space Gate" at will—— The Flash has already explained what happens when he travels through time and space, and Salomon doesn't want to let himself be caught in a time loop.

Salomon wiped his face, put on his clothes, put on the hanging ring, and stepped into the mirror dimension before the class time came. Magic, like martial arts, needs to be practiced every day. Whether it is muscle memory or spell speed, it has been practiced for many years. Spellcasters who have just learned magic may even forget the spell in a panic. Kama Taj naturally cannot let this happen to his own mystic. So he also followed Karma Taj's training methods, and he didn't relax even at Eton.

What he needs today is a new magic. This magic is a brand new attempt after he has learned the three-ring spell that he can learn. This magic will help him a lot in the future, especially, this magic phase Safer than other magic.

That's the point, unsafe spells Salomon cannot practice without the supervision of His Holiness.

Since there is no spell slot, Salomon can't be sure whether he has really learned this spell, so he has to try it in the mirror dimension.

Then, a black tentacle made of shadows slowly rose from the ground in front of him.

Ask for a ticket! ! !

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