Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1682 Secret Society

Stephanie was nervous, even though she was ready for this moment.

Gideon Malik had already driven to the Capitol to prepare for the work ahead. The first to benefit from the super soldier project and the military exoskeleton project is not the military, but the propaganda department. Now the whole United States knows that Captain America Steve Rogers has become a wanted criminal because he refused to sign the Sokovia Accords. Now the U.S. government is in urgent need of a new "Bond Boy", even if this "Bond Boy" cannot wield the shield. . Gideon Malik's plan is to combine the US government and the Advanced Threat Control Agency (ATCU) to launch a modified object that decides to obey orders, and at the same time serve as the Pentagon's special operations experimental base to study the special operations effectiveness of super soldiers.

The Malik family has identified a very good and very experienced intelligence officer as their commander. Gideon Malik also has a more important job, which is to embed the combat system given by Stephanie Malik into NATO's automated combat command system. This is what Congress wants to see because it can save a lot of money. Spending, more people have the opportunity to put the allocation into their own pockets. Some people may think that it is ridiculous that such private armed forces can be embedded in the US military's combat system, but in fact, the security forces of the U.S. Department of Energy responsible for transporting nuclear fuel are actually private armed forces. The private armed forces fighting the Iraq War were also private armed forces, Blackwater, a company under the command of the U.S. government. It is not surprising that semi-military organizations formed by biochemical companies and military prosthetic companies used for global security and response to advanced threats are embedded in the command system of the US military.

What's more, the Advanced Threat Control Agency has also cooperated with many biological research institutes (actually all acquired companies under Dr. Whitehall's name), launched many patents, and carried out many FDA clinically approved charity projects, such as the Newborn Care Hospital etc. More importantly, these companies also have technologies similar to life-extending surgery, and lives that cannot be bought with money are now within reach. For the sake of life, old chaebols such as Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Rockefeller are also willing to help, especially since the effectiveness of this therapy has been verified. And Gideon Malik knows very well that these plutocratic elites like to engage in mysterious ancient societies. After all, after gaining countless and meaningless power and money, eternal life, wisdom and going to heaven have become the favorites of these plutocrats. The Hydra establishment is the leader among this ancient religious community. At the same time, this is also the method by which the Hydra establishment continues to this day and expands its influence.

Long before the founding of the United States, the European Hydra establishment had been embedded in the framework of Freemasonry, using a branch of this frequent conspiracy theory as a disguise - this organization is called Leviathan - only the Leviathan organization Only social elites who have passed the internal test and have a certain social status can be guided to another level of the Hydra establishment. Through the "ancient portal", they can be exposed to the "ancient wisdom" to welcome human evolution and other methods among the chaebols. Expand influence. In addition, there is the Illuminati in Bavaria, an organization that copies the Freemasonry, and is also a parasitic target of the Hydra establishment. However, unlike some organizations that advocate witchcraft, the Hydra establishment does not pretend to be gods. They do have the "ancient portal" and "ancient wisdom", but the vast majority of people who enter the "ancient portal" have become food for the "ancient wisdom". This thing is really darkly humorous.

When Stephanie brought the files of the Hydra establishment to the emperor, this sense of humor often made him feel happy. After all, the "ancient wisdom" had been locked in a water tank by him, and there was no sense of mystery at all. However, the Hydra establishment still used this Leviathan to cause many things. There is a female agent named Dottie in the Immortal City. It is said that she has been transformed, stayed young forever and once fought against Peggy Carter. She did not leave London until Peggy Carter died and was then taken over by the Malick family. Captured and presented to the emperor.

When the main force of Hydra was still in England, the portal was activated through resonance. It is said that a professor of semiotics named Robert Langdon almost touched the hidden secret of Hydra more than ten years ago. The way to open the "ancient portal" and the location of the hidden portal. After that incident, the black portal boulder was taken into custody and guarded by SHIELD, which was still under the control of Hydra at the time, to avoid other unrelated matters. Personnel touches it.

To some extent, the Second World War can be considered to be caused by the Hydra establishment, even if it is only one of the more important causes among countless causes - American plutocratic groups such as Morgan, General Motors, Rockefeller, and Ford passed the "Tao" "The Weiss Plan", which provided loans to Germany through the Swiss Clearing Bank, and then let Germany repay the war reparations from the Treaty of Versailles through loans. In this way, American private capital controlled German assets to make profits - the Hydra establishment wanted to control the German telephone network. , Focke-Wulf aircraft, Opel cars, Deutsche Bank and other assets supported the Hydra Young Faction, ensuring that Germany could repay private capital loans when Germany was unable to repay the war reparations of the Treaty of Versailles, and the Hydra Young Faction The chosen chess piece was an Austrian art student who failed to pass the exam.

After being elected, art students explicitly refused to repay war reparations, but foreign investment that had been interrupted during the Weimar Republic miraculously recovered. Britain and France also refused to repay their debts to the United States, filling the pockets of American private capital, and Uncle Sam Various ideas - for example, Ford's book "International Jewry: The World's Most Urgent Problem" was translated into German and given to failed art students along with the economic blood and technology imported into Germany; "Times" evaluated the failed art students As the savior of Germany; mainstream American culture, including racial discrimination, ultra-nationalism and other mainstream cultures, have been carried forward in Germany - the initial appeasement policy was just the interest group represented by Chamberlain who wanted to continue doing business. This interest group is not afraid of war. As long as art students launch a war against the Soviet Union to combat communism, these interest groups can get more orders. Therefore, the prime minister will proudly wave a piece of toilet paper to the people. Make a commitment.

In the end, the outbreak of the Western Front war was only caused by the out-of-control ambitions of the art students who were supported during the process of economic colonization and practiced speeches in front of the mirror in the basement. After all, no one would be willing to survive as a puppet on a string.

Such facts are enough to destroy the faith of America's most powerful patriot, Steve Rogers.

Nick Fury believes that the Emperor's explanation to Steve Rogers about the war launched by the United States after World War II will not easily change the latter's mind. Little does he know that what the Emperor explained to Steve Rogers was the real culprit that caused World War II. , and these culprits are still alive and well and will trigger the next world war at any time for their own selfish desires. Everything Steve Rogers fought for was meaningless. Captain America was always a puppet, still manipulated by the same people who manipulated failed art students. He was just a tool against a tool out of control. The Emperor believed that Steve Rogers was mentally tough when he learned this fact and did not go crazy on the spot. Treason on the spot was the mildest method of protest.

"Think I can't make it back in time?"

"I'm sorry, my Lord." Stephanie lowered her head and blinked her dry eyes, "I handled this matter without authorization."

"No, you did a good job. I really couldn't make it back in time. What's standing here now is just an alchemy clone used to accommodate psychic projections. You and your father have fought for many benefits for me. You obey Following my highest orders, such loyalty deserves reward, not punishment. Obey will be rewarded."

This alchemy body stretched out its palms, just like those of ordinary people, to support Stephanie's shoulders. She felt the warmth from her palms seep into her body through her sweater. He was wearing the same clothes he had come in, and his expression was as relaxed as ever. The tall and majestic body made the black suit jacket with only one button buttoned tight. The marble sculpture-like facial features neatly cut through the sunlight, and the thick black hair was fixed by a bright golden laurel crown. This is the true appearance of the emperor. This is a charm that cannot be described in words. It is like the greatest work of art combined with gold, marble and obsidian.

Even though she had seen the emperor stay up at his desk for several days annotating documents, even pulling all department heads up for a meeting in the middle of the night, and then going to the prison in the Eternal City to provide psychological counseling to a prisoner, it still couldn't change one day. Only twenty-four hours of truth. But if the emperor can use alchemical bodies and perform different tasks in different identities at the same time, then for him one day is equivalent to the number of alchemical bodies multiplied by 24 hours. Now she finally understood why the emperor could maintain two different identities as a young entrepreneur and a political leader at the same time, but she still didn't know how one person could process so much information at the same time without going crazy.

"Solve that matter as soon as possible. I need the coordinates of the alien alien in the Kuiper Belt."

He sat on the single sofa specially prepared for him in the study, with a bored look on his face.

Stephanie thought she could understand the emperor's boredom.

He is a person operating on another level. Today, he is trapped in a complicated political environment and cannot fully devote his energy to truly effective work. While the human governments are still scheming, the Emperor has already set his sights on dealing with alien threats. The Emperor's secret treaty to Mars, the establishment of the Immortal City, the attack on the Moon Colony Star Fortress, etc. are all situations that the current human government is unwilling to face or even refuses to face. A large number of war machines that were supposed to conquer the human world were used on alien planets. On the alien body. In some ways, today's emperor is kinder and braver than most politicians in the world.

The strong impulse made her swear for the thousandth time that she would be loyal to this worthy monarch.

In the courtyard of the manor, the security personnel of the Malik family have taken off their suits and put on black combat uniforms. Whether it is bulletproof vests, bulletproof helmets, masks, firearms or armbands, there are no marks that can indicate their identity. The firearms they use, Accessories, ammunition, etc. also have no serial numbers. This is a private army of the Malik family specially prepared for black operations. Transporting small arms, including HK416, as well as portable anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missiles and other equipment into Washington is not the most difficult thing. How to hide such an armed force and provide many supports including logistics and training is the Malik family society The embodiment of relationships and confidentiality methods. Alexander Pierce's method is to make the S.H.I.E.L.D. action team his own private army, and Gideon Malik's method is to establish multiple private security companies to disperse the private armies around the world while providing security services for himself.

Stephanie glanced down from the second-floor window, then she turned around and apologetically got a wine bottle, ice bucket and glass for the emperor and left the study. Ten minutes later, when she reappeared, she was already wearing power armor, with a chain sword and plasma pistol attached to the magnetic belt around her waist. A few strands of hair were stuck to the white and rosy skin of her neck. She looked in high spirits and her forehead was covered with sweat. Since the last small-scale battle to wipe out the Skrull colony, she has not stopped combat training even during her busy official duties, looking forward to one day being able to set foot on the battlefield again.

"Agent Ruby sent a message. General Hale immediately took a special plane to a military base after hearing the news about aliens. She provided us with precise coordinates, and we also tracked the route of General Hale's special plane through the Pentagon's satellites. ." Stephanie clenched the hilt of the sword at her waist and held her head high. "The first phase of the experimental model has been boarded on the Quinjet. The soldiers of the Malik family and I will board another Quinjet. General Hale has the catalog of the first phase of the product, and her client happens to be able to accept the super soldiers. and the capabilities of military exoskeletons. After this incident, General Hale will definitely become very obedient." She saluted the emperor on the seat, "I will bring you what you want. , whatever that is.”

At first, the crew members who had experienced space walking training outside the Tianjian Space Station still felt fresh and curious, but the long journey continued to wear down their will. With the huge celestial bodies in their sights, and the thought of the distance between themselves and the earth, they felt fear. It's like stomach acid rising in the throat, burning the fragile spirit of mortals. They are like the colonists who sailed around the world in the Age of Discovery. They have no idea whether they will be able to see land tomorrow, nor where they will be tomorrow. Mortal soldiers can only train day after day, filling their minds with training and education, so that they can temporarily forget that they are living in a floating gravel in the universe.

Although Tita and the other artificial humans did not have this kind of fear, the almost unchanged space landscape outside the porthole was still annoying. Their biological psychology has not been as sophisticatedly modified as that of the Guards, so when she heard the "second priority tasks" from the Guards Commander, she was still a little angry, even though she knew that the Guards only He will convey the emperor's orders, and he is not angry because of the confidentiality level.

"What is a sub-priority task?" she asked, raising her head and clenching her fists. It seemed that as long as Constantine couldn't give her an answer that satisfied her, she would jump up and hit the commander of the guards with her armor-clad fist. face. A few minutes ago, the accompanying Karma Taj Mystic read the index of regular feedback and made it clear that the psychic fog covering the New Domain spacecraft on the ecliptic plane of Neptune is getting stronger and stronger, whether it is the psychic detector launched in advance or The Mystic Mage's induction ritual cannot penetrate the fog to see the situation of the New Domain - The Mystic Mage King from Kama Taj has taken on the main job. He has complained more than once that the food on the spacecraft is not fresh - from The technological sages of Mars believe that the hulls of this ship and other small frigates are not strong enough to force through the psychic fog. This paranormal phenomenon is very likely to damage and destroy all sensors on the outside of the hull, and may also cause damage to the hull or even destroy it.

"Information just sent from Earth." Constantine took out a military high-security data storage chip, "A set of coordinates, there may be an alien star fort there. We need to go there to take a look after completing the main mission."

"Another Attilan?" Dita took the device with a cold face and inserted it into the data port of the tactical command system.

"No, there may not be that many alien aliens there." The guard commander lowered his head and looked at the artificial man, "You are in a bad mood."

"Yes, you finally found out." Tita frowned. Suddenly, she found that the commander of the guards seemed to have some kind of anxiety. Such sentiments should not arise, especially among the Praetorian Guards. The Praetorian Guards had only duty and reason, all humanity erased. She could only think that this was the anxiety caused by the absence of the person responsible for his duties. After all, the duty of the Order of the Guards was to protect the safety of the emperor.

"There's another news."

Tita glanced at him.

"The monarch is coming soon. The affairs on earth have come to an end for the time being. The emperor will come to this ship and direct all our subsequent operations. I need the energy supply of the teleporter to be given priority."

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