Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1683 Becoming the Master of Destiny

A C-17 transport plane slowly landed at the St. Louis Air Force Base in Lambert, Missouri. General Hale, wearing a blue Air Force uniform, rushed down the ramp, leaving others behind and questioning the base officers face to face.

"What do you mean by signal? What happened!"

Recalling the conversation in Malik's manor, General Hale was so nervous that he almost trembled. Although she had her own little plan, the warning from the Malik family made her extremely scared. As an elite who had climbed to the position of major general, she knew very well that if her allies were to use each other rather than allies, she would I know this very well - if I break the contract, I won't have any power to resist. She is not a politician who relies on votes and political donations to gain power. She wants to be a ruler, but she also understands that her ambition needs to be matched by strength.

Behind her were several squads of airborne troops. This special operations force was a direct line of the army she had trained. In the middle of this squad was a petite girl in training uniform. She was observing curiously with her eyes wide open. Looking around, the almost platinum long hair flows down from the shoulders. Dr. Daniel Whitehall, or Dr. Werner Reinhardt's product of the eugenics program that continues from the Third Reich to the present day, General Hale's genetically engineered daughter Ruby.

According to the agreement between ancient families, Ruby will begin to assume the mission that a family should have. However, General Hale is not willing to let his daughter (even though he hates this daughter who is forced to give birth) become the mother body of the next eugenics project, or a victim to climb up through marriage with the good-for-nothing son of Baron Strucker.

She hopes to make Ruby a Stephanie Malick-like woman, manipulating politicians or Wall Street white-gloves to create her own interests. General Hale knew very well that the ancient family in the future would need stronger power. White gloves like his were outdated and he had to become a member of the ancient family. But before you climb to that position, you must not make any mistakes in your plans for the future.

This base has one of the most advanced Air Force aerospace laboratories in the United States. She used the resources here and the 0-84 items collected from SHIELD's secret base to create the device - it was a metal ball. One of the secret technologies that Peggy Carter and the Howling Commandos seized along with the 0-84 object called the Obelisk when they arrested Dr. Werner Reinhardt. Out of hatred for Dr. Daniel Whitehall, she dug out the alien sphere from SHIELD's collection and immediately began to study it. After that, she began to dream, and obtained detailed drawing information in her dream-when The moment the equipment was running, she couldn't believe it was true, because even the researchers in the laboratory didn't know what they were making. Their task seemed to be just to activate the metal sphere.

For some reason, she did not report the alien metal ball and equipment to the Pentagon. After all, no one would believe that she got the information from a dream, let alone that she accidentally used this equipment to contact a powerful person. of the alien alliance. Even if the White House finally learns about the function of this instrument, she must make herself the link between the US government and the "alliance".

"The laboratory has issued a warning, sir." The officers who came to greet him also looked worried, "They cannot control the situation."

As an officer that General Hale has always trained, he is very aware of the temper of his immediate boss, and it is not like he has never met Ruby. Everyone knew that General Hale was a single mother, and this identity made her very tough. Her subordinates did not ridicule General Hale at all when they mentioned Ruby. This situation is very strange in all similar types (referring to NATO armies). After all, low-level officers who have no background and only join the army to make money do not have much respect for their superiors.

"They installed lead lining on the ceiling, but it still couldn't prevent the equipment from emitting rays into outer space. No radiation has been detected yet, but I still ordered the radiation protection troops in the base to surround the laboratory." The officer took out a portable Geiger Counter, "If there's a nuclear leak here, we're going to have to clean it, sir."

"Received response?"

"Response?" The officer raised his head from the folder in confusion, "What response?"

"Nothing," General Hale muttered vaguely.

After repeatedly confirming that there were no other abnormalities in the base, General Hale finally breathed a sigh of relief. What the officer said next, such as inquiries from NASA and the Pentagon and other documents that needed to be processed by her, were all ignored by General Hale.

If the intelligence given by the Malik family is true, then it is the best news that there are not thousands of aliens armed with high-tech weapons coming to the base now. With the contacts she has accumulated, it is easy to get over this incident—— This base has an important mission, which is to analyze the secret technology collected by SHIELD. In the process, she gained a lot of money and political resources, because many laboratories and the military-industrial complex wanted to get data from this laboratory, and those corporate-backed politicians and military officers naturally became her temporary allies - only You need to use the excuse of analyzing secret technology. Everything that happens here can be explained, even the nuclear leakage. She can ensure that there will be no problems with the research project she leads, provided that thousands of aliens don't break in and kill everyone.

"Take me inside and my team will take over the security of the lab."

General Hale turned his head and hesitated. She knew she had to do this. She had to let Ruby come into contact with her secrets. She had to wake the girl up from her unrealistic fantasies and tell her that only her own power was the most reliable. This was her personal experience. She understood this when she faced Dr. Whitehall. If she had the blood of those ancient families, she could refuse Dr. Whitehall's request.

"You come in with me, Ruby."

The girl nodded and said nothing.

She was wearing a tight-fitting black combat uniform, with a large-caliber pistol inserted into the gun belt under her arm. A rather gorgeous folding hunting knife and a hand crossbow with a complex mechanical device were hung around her waist. Compared with the special operations team around her, her equipment seemed flashy, but she appeared quite confident. This confidence is not blind. As early as the training stage, she was able to engage in close combat with at least three adult men. After receiving the gift from the emperor, her reflexes and strength exceeded the level of ordinary humans. General Hale was completely unaware of the existence of so-called gifts. She just thought that pistols and hunting knives were gifts. Perhaps in some places there was a tradition of giving weapons to girls who were about to reach adulthood. The tyrant might have done this to win her over. Take a stand.

The dock area of ​​Hell's Kitchen has been completely emptied at this time. All the gangs that usually reside here have been cleared out a few days in advance. The containers used for smuggling, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and arms trafficking have also been transported to other locations. If it weren't for ensuring a smooth handover of goods, Stephanie Malik would never want to deal with the black gloves of Wilson Fisk. Of course she didn't know that her request caused more than fifty bodies to be carried out in Hell's Kitchen within a few days. Even if she knew, she didn't care - she didn't come forward in person, and didn't even tell the East Coast underworld overlord who he was working for. Just by sending the mayor’s secretary to relay the news, the New York police (including the gangsters from Hell’s Kitchen) began to take action. If you only relied on the New York police or New York SWAT, it would be impossible to completely clean up the gangs in the dock area, because Many of these gangsters are the black gloves of many high-ranking officials in New York State. Only a small-time gangster like Wilson Fisk can clear the docks area without escalating the situation and avoiding many unexpected obstacles.

"Is the location determined?"

She folded her hands on her chest and frowned as she watched several boxes of heavy, metal gray coffins over three meters long being transported into the Quinjet, almost filling the entire cabin. Stephanie Malick knows exactly what's in these metal coffins, which are the pinnacle of biochemical technology. Compared with Captain America's disobedient super soldiers, they are completely outdated. Even if these biological weapons are not as powerful as the Emperor's genetically modified warriors, she is confident in using these powerful biological weapons to challenge the Hulk.

"Lambert St. Louis Air Force Base, Missouri," the secretary replied. As a housekeeper who has served the Malik family for generations, this middle-aged woman was not surprised by the heavily armed troops in front of her. If the Malik family had not paid special attention to this operation, she would not have left Washington. After checking the fixation of the goods, she checked the condition of the goods and the readings on the metal coffin according to the instructions. "If these weapons are really as powerful as the instructions say, then this operation seems to be overkill." She had always had doubts about the Malik family's change of allegiance, and couldn't help but said in a sarcastic tone, " Gideon has convinced the Department of Defense to arrange an inspection of the base involving Brigadier General Talbot, who has a different view of General Hale."

"Talbot?" Stephanie Malick asked, "that S.H.I.E.L.D. hunter?"

"They were all minor characters, and he didn't find any of our people." The secretary rolled his eyes.

Long before Stephanie Malick was born, she had helped Gideon Malick handle many tasks. She even made the decision of several World Security Council members to drop tactical nuclear bombs on New York during the Battle of New York. Privately brokering the deal via conference calls and advocating for the Malik family's interests when pressed by the White House.

Although that incident resulted in a personal visit from the Emperor, the Malik family had already received many benefits before that, otherwise Gideon Malik would not have agreed to undertake this because the World Security Council used S.H.I.E.L.D. to expand external threats. , the consequences of the ambition to improve one's political status. Although she has no political status, she has never looked down upon General Talbot, a character promoted by the Pentagon and the White House for show.

"Gideon will send someone to send the documents to the base." The secretary said, "Using Brigadier General Talbot's name, at least the base tower will not hinder our landing. By the time he arrives at the base, we will have taken care of the matter. But I still I have to ask, Stephanie...even your mother here would ask this...have you really decided to give all your loyalty?"

A special operations team broke open the laboratory door and walked in surrounded by General Hale and Ruby.

The center of the laboratory is the equipment. Invisible rays are emitted from the tip of the tower-shaped equipment. The oncoming ozone smell and the scientific researchers wearing thick protective suits all told General Hale bad news, that is. They couldn't stop the machine. The malfunctioning equipment looked like a silver-white pyramid made of metal. The layers of thick cables were like black pythons clinging to the building. Blue and orange-red currents emerged from the metal surface from time to time. Burnt insulation rubber and other equipment.

"We've turned off the power!"

They watched in panic as the airborne rescue team rushed into the laboratory wearing gas masks, drove out all the scientific researchers, and then began to lay out some equipment with SHIELD badges that even they had not seen before. The head of the laboratory waved the Geiger counter like a bomb, as if he could order everyone with it. Then he mentioned a nerve-wracking name.

"But that thing still moves on its own, like a Rubik's Cube! We don't know if this will cause another alien invasion. We must destroy that thing!" The person in charge of the laboratory screamed loudly, "We don't know anything about this thing. What is the use!"

Many of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s information was obtained by the Pentagon, including the "Phase II" project led by Dr. Shavig before the Battle of New York, the Cosmic Cube experiment. That experiment was also a device that ran on its own and could not be stopped. It finally brought an alien prince and caused mankind to face an alien invasion for the first time. Although Dr. Shavig, an academic leader, did not suffer any punishment, he heard that Dr. Shavig went crazy and ran naked at Stonehenge. He did not want to end up like this.

If it weren't for the high salary and access control here, he and his research team would have fled long ago.

"Shut up, I make the decision here!" General Hale scolded the person in charge of the laboratory without hesitation. Although she was not sure, at least she acted very calmly and did not notice that she was standing behind the team looking at her mobile phone. Ruby,

"Airborne team! No one can come in until I tell you to enter."

The airborne rescue team signaled to General Hale that the armed forces in the base had followed her instructions and surrounded the laboratory and controlled all scientific researchers. She brought her direct army for this purpose. If it was just to prevent alien attacks, she could rely on the troops in the base. However, she couldn't let others know the secret of the device. She needed absolutely obedient troops. Today, these scientific researchers must not leave work early, or even leave this military base. After all, these guys don't have much sense of confidentiality. If they weren't afraid of military discipline and non-disclosure agreements, as well as the weirdness of the device, they would have posted the situation on social media.

"Now, everyone leave the lab. Except you, Ruby."

"What is this?" Ruby asked after the others left the laboratory. She touched the folding hunting knife at her waist with some uneasiness. She was convinced that this was what the women of the Malik family wanted. It could be seen from her mother's attitude that she did not want others to know the true purpose of this thing. "Only you know what this is, right?"

"A chance to become the master of your own destiny." General Hale took a deep breath and walked towards the device through the increasingly dense lightning under Ruby's surprised gaze. "Stay with me, Ruby. Remember, be polite, but don't be too polite."

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