Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1684 Chapter 1680 Alien Alliance

Chapter 1684 Chapter 1680 Alien Alliance

Ruby followed her mother's example and summoned the courage to put her hand on the device's handle.

Doing so requires concentration and courage, especially when the blue current penetrates the air and flashes past her. Ruby even feels her long hair becoming curled, and the smell of ozone in the air fills her nasal cavity. , even the sweaty skin under the tight clothes began to feel numb, and the platinum-blond hair stuck to his forehead and neck.

Anyone in this situation would worry about being hit by electricity, and Ruby was no exception.

She was too focused and fearful to listen to what General Hale said. Before she could understand what "don't be too polite" meant, General Hale pulled the handle—it was a switch—and the air began to vibrate, and more electricity crawled up the surface of the device. Ruby felt a suction pressing her hand firmly onto the handle, something rushing into her body along with the cable, then grabbing her and flying towards the sky. She sank into the silver-white clouds as if she had penetrated the sound barrier, and the roar hit her heels from above her head. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself plunged into darkness. Panic was like acid pouring into her nasal cavity and tear ducts. She stretched out her arms in fear and groped around, walking unsteadily and cautiously.

Before her eyes could adjust to the darkness, she heard a voice coming from not far away.

"Mom?" She turned her head in the direction of the sound, with some surprise.

"Stand where you are."

General Hale sounded reproachful, seeming dissatisfied with the fear Ruby was showing at the moment.

With the help of strange symbols emitting blue light on the wall, Ruby noticed that she and her mother were in a room that was not too big. The smell of ozone and burnt rubber disappeared, and there was no constant sting on the skin. Even the air became cooler and carried a not too unpleasant smell of chemicals.

She calmed down quickly and didn't ask loudly and panicked where she was like a normal teenager. After returning to her senses, she determined the situation of herself and her mother, and put her hand on the weapon-rather than waiting for the situation to develop, it is better to turn to her own weapon. This is the way of thinking taught to her at the Blue Crow Ridge training camp-Ruby discovered This place has very obvious man-made traces. What supported her judgment was not the strange symbols emitting blue light high on the wall, but the architectural interiors, which were stacked and cut like concrete layers, perfectly conformed to the definition of Euclidean geometry and were able to build this kind of building. Those who build must be intelligent creatures.

Although her performance at the beginning was a bit unbearable, Ruby's current reaction barely satisfied General Hale.

"Wipe your tears and stay polite." General Hale stood there calmly, with a certain disguised sense of superiority. She vowed to become the master of her own destiny, and now she's proud to show that path to her daughter - the first time she's managed to do something outside of HYDRA's control. She was born a Hydra, and she had no choice - whether she could become the master of her own destiny or not would depend on what happened next. General Hale will not show her nervousness. Even if she does not have a deadly weapon in her hand, she can still act like she is holding a gun or an executive order in her hand and can boss around the people in front of her.

"Stand by my side," said General Hale, "and say nothing and do nothing until I give you permission to speak."

Ruby obeyed obediently, even though she had been a bit of a rebel at Blue Crow Ridge.

"If you are here to urge us to fulfill our agreement, then I can only tell you that the time has not yet come." In the darkness ahead, a strange voice suddenly sounded, "Not long ago, we detected that your device was sending out a signal independently. Now we Actively lowered the power and shut down the device."

A beam of light that was not too strong fell on General Hale and Ruby. The girl looked at the light beam in front of her in horror, which was also not bright, and controlled her urge to shoot at the creature - it was a blue-skinned creature with human-like facial features, and light-colored spots like vitiligo appeared on its facial skin. On the top of the body, the area of ​​light-colored skin around the eyes was larger, as if it had smeared ashes on its face - the moment she saw this creature, Ruby felt threatened, except for the most direct threat of force and the rest that had not yet been seen before her. Her intuition told her of the danger hidden in the illuminated darkness. Under the taut skin of this blue-skinned humanoid creature whose face imitated a human smile, there was greed and viciousness that she could not imagine.

Ruby looked at her mother in horror.

She never thought her mother would be working with aliens and was a Kree in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top-secret information (to General Hale and the Pentagon, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Tahiti program hid alien corpses is no secret). This kind of alien is labeled as "extremely dangerous" and "aggressive", and its technological level and physical fitness far exceed that of ordinary humans. This is the alien alien that needs to be eliminated in the Emperor's "Unified Truth". No wonder Stephanie of the Malik family is so eager to know her mother's secret... Ruby feels that her brain is a little confused. She really doesn't understand why her mother would do this. Even the stupidest person can understand that the divided human race today has no power to resist under the threat of alien aliens.

"You brought another person, which violated our original agreement." The creature pretended to point at Ruby, with a dramatic tone filled with artificial anger, "What should we do, Hale? ?”

"This is my daughter." General Hale responded coldly, "She is my heir."

"Since this is your daughter, she is qualified to participate in the 'Alliance' meeting." The creature took a few steps closer, and the dim light beam also approached. Ruby's muscles tensed, one hand tightly gripping the pistol grip. Only then did she realize that this creature seemed to speak fluent English, but the usage of some words was a bit strange and the speech was a bit old-fashioned, as if the last time they learned English was decades ago. "Please forgive me for not preparing a gift for this important occasion, and this is not a suitable place to hold a celebration." It bowed slightly to General Hale, "I think you are definitely not here to introduce your heir to me, right? This lady…is she aware of our agreement?”

"She has nothing to do with the agreement for the time being. I'm here because you want to give me an explanation." Under the curious gaze of the alien creature, General Hale used his eyes to signal Ruby to stay calm, and at the same time, he was preparing for his next test. Take courage. "It's not the Alliance, it's you, the Kree." General Hale stared closely at the creature that was much taller than himself. "Is there a Kree hunting spacecraft in the earth's orbit?"

Even the steps of the alien alien stopped for a moment.

"I'm curious about where you got the news." The Kree's cunning eyes glanced at General Hale and Ruby, as if they were speculating on something, "Do you mind telling me?"

"You should answer my question first."

"Of course, of course, we are allies." The Kree slowed down, "I can assure you that the hunter-killer spacecraft has been abandoned, and the headhunter on the spacecraft may have died. That hunter-killer ship The spacecraft has been missing for more than 2,000 standard hours in existing records, but the stealth measures are still operating, so we cannot find the location and salvage it."

General Hale waited for the alien to continue explaining.

"That hunter-killer ship was originally dispatched by the Kree Empire for a certain genetic engineering project. Now that the project has been abandoned, the hunter-killer ship has naturally lost its role... Now it seems that your equipment is very likely to be used at some point. Overlapping with the hunter-killer ship in orbit, the hunter-killer ship's auto-transponder induces the device to activate. Does this conclusion convince you, my friend? Can you now answer my questions?"

General Hale hesitated for a moment, then spoke under Ruby's horrified gaze.

"Since this is a coincidence, I'll answer one of your questions."

"Runway 03 is ready for landing."

"Corrected sea pressure 1023, runway 03 can land, Quinjet099."

Seeing the pilot in the cockpit pointing his finger, Stephanie stood up from the folding seat and put on the helmet that was originally placed on her lap. Under her leadership, all the soldiers in the cabin stood up and placed their inspected assault rifles on their chests. Stephanie Malik tried hard not to let the excitement overflow on her face. She knew that the emperor at Malik Manor could see what was going on here through the camera. Her heart was pounding. This was the first time she was commanding a black operation alone. She was worried about making mistakes in her command, but she was also looking forward to the sweet reward after the mission was perfectly completed.

She has no idea that a starship approaching Neptune, the three sanctuaries on Earth, and the psychic detectors launched by the Eternal City to the edge of the solar system are operating at full power. Almost everyone on Earth who has participated in Kama Taj The mystics of the celebration were surrounded by a giant seismograph-like machine composed of spider web-like cables and countless gears, and a huge bronze cauldron, and they sadly interpreted the long stack of vague parchment spit out by the machine. Divination predictions and soap bubble-like dream fragments constantly emerging from the bronze cauldron. The planetary defense system draws energy from the ley lines and operates at standard power. The Eye of Agamotto placed on the column in the center of the system flashes. With green light, it scanned the entire planet and its orbit for psychic signals, and there was also a frowning mystic on the starship that was gradually approaching Neptune.

The situation that Stephanie expected the emperor to watch through the mobile monitor did not exist at all.

He was more concerned about the readings on the data pad than what was going on here.

"Repeat me one last time. Alpha Team controls the tower, Beta Team controls the ammunition depot, Gamma Team controls the entrance and exit, and the others follow me into the laboratory." She held a thick portfolio with the Pentagon's coat of arms on it. At this time, the Quinjet had just landed smoothly, and the cargo bay door was slowly opening. The tactical eyepiece in Stephanie Malik's helmet showed the gradually accelerating heart rates of the contents of the four metal coffins. That's when the automatic cryosleep airdrop capsule is carrying out the wake-up procedure, injecting epinephrine and other drugs into the super soldiers. "Quinjet080 and Quinjet072 carried out airdrop operations at targets A, B, C, and D respectively, playing psychological warfare audio. We have legal procedures. Anyone who refuses to put down their weapons and tries to stop us will be killed directly. There is no need to consider political implications. Do you understand?"

"About that hunting ship..."

General Hale summarized the information she learned at Malik Manor in the simplest terms, while also explaining her relationship with Hydra. Ruby picked up on her mother's thoughts of betrayal - she realized that this wasn't the first time her mother had tried to break away from Hydra. When Alexander Pierce brazenly rebelled, her mother shot and killed the Hydra teacher who was arguing with her at the Blue Crow Ridge training base. However, Ruby believed that it only meant that they had greater power and had more power. More autonomy - The word betrayal completely disappeared from her mind after meeting the Emperor. Ruby could not imagine what kind of blow her mother would suffer after betraying Hydra. With a little thought, she could understand why her mother wanted to form an alliance with aliens. It was entirely because she had no choice.

If Hydra's identity is exposed, all the power it once had will be invalidated, because the United States government will not trust a Hydra, even one that betrays Hydra. If they betray Hydra, then the Malik family, the List family, the Strucker family, the bankers, the chiefs and other Hydra factions will not let their mother and daughter go. Only with the intervention of higher-level forces can they obtain the greatest benefits and protect themselves. However, this does not explain why her mother betrayed Hydra. Behind Hydra was the emperor (at least the Malik family was, and Ruby knew the status of Stephanie, the woman beside the emperor). Ruby did not know whether her mother had evaluated the foreign affairs. Which one is more powerful, the star or the emperor?

"I see."

The blue-skinned alien spoke in heavily accented English. He glanced meaningfully at Ruby, looking back and forth between General Hale and Ruby. "Hydra should be a remnant of that project. Maybe you have some questions about that project, but it is just one of the many stupid attempts carried out by the military department to fight against the enemy (General Hale nodded with deep understanding, She has seen many similar projects in the Pentagon), there is no need to worry too much. If you are willing..." The alien alien (Ruby thought this creature may be male) put on a sincere attitude, "... We can salvage that ship at the right time and give it to you as a gift. Hunter-killer ships have always been the technological crystallization retained by the military, and that will be very helpful to you and humanity."

"What's the right time?" Ruby interrupted, staring at her mother's warning eyes.

"You actually didn't tell her that you were your genetic heir?" The Kree smiled slyly, and then looked at Ruby, "Did you know that the earth is facing a crisis? The terrorist forces in the galaxy have targeted the earth. , only our 'Alliance' can protect the Earth, because we have the armed forces of the Kree Empire and other galactic empires."


"Tell her," General Hale said angrily.

"Thanos, a powerful galactic warlord. Not long ago, the capital planet of the Xandar Empire was destroyed, and all evidence points to Thanos' doing." The Kree said, "You may not know that the Xandar Empire is What. I can tell you that the Kree Empire and the Xandar Empire had many wars, until many years ago the Kree Empire signed a peace treaty with the Xandar Empire. The capital of such a multi-system civilization was destroyed by a powerful warlord Yes, now the warlord has set his sights on this planet and is marching towards here."

"This is true." General Hale added, "The emperor reminded the governments of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council that our telescopes also captured some special deep space images, but we are unable to make a judgment for the time being."

"Why did that warlord do this?" Ruby asked, "Is there anything special about Earth?"

"I don't know. Thanos destroys whoever he wants. He has always had his way. He cannot be bought or persuaded. No one knows what he wants to do. Now the 'Alliance' - representatives of multiple galactic empires - —The decision to stand up and protect your planet was a politically influential move that led to a union of multiple races and a trade agreement. Now, you are probably not curious as to why we want to defend your planet. ?”

Ruby looked at her mother and found that the latter was not proud of her status as the defender of the human race, the person who led the human race into the interstellar age, and the first person to reach an agreement with the alien alliance.

"This is not for personal gain," General Hale said.

"Of course, leading a race that has not yet colonized the stars to fight against the galactic warlords is a difficult task, even with the help of the Alliance. The narrow views of other humans will inevitably hinder this great cause, and the leader will inevitably receive a lot of criticism, which is why It requires a tough mind and noble moral character." The alien said in English that couldn't match the mouth shape, and General Hale finally raised his head at this moment, looking arrogant.

"We successfully located the location. The Sanctuary provided a lot of help." The Mystic Mage King raised his head from the pile of parchment and tarot cards, but Constantine, the commander of the imperial guard, turned a blind eye to the dark blue under his eyes and picked them up directly. He looked at the parchment with the coordinates written on it. "Without the second signal, we simply wouldn't be able to find the signal receiver with just that psychic ray." Master Wang touched his belly, "Are you listening to me?"

"I will give the data to the navigation department." The guard commander nodded after briefly browsing the parchment, "Your work is commendable, Master Wang."

"I know, I'm great. So..."

"You have earned extra rations for you, if you want to know." The guard commander turned around and left, leaving no time for Master Wang to thank him. He didn't know that Master Wang didn't appreciate the extra ration at all. Although the Eternal City tries its best to make space food delicious, adequate nutrition and convenient consumption are issues that should be considered for space food, and in order to avoid the trouble caused by the failure of the gravity field, the food also has no taste at all.

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