Since the beginning of winter, the snowfall in Scandinavia has never stopped. Countless meteorologists have tried to give their own opinions based on satellite cloud images to predict when the never-ending heavy snow will end. However, they have all failed. Scandinavia The chaotic cold air over the Via Peninsula appears to be refusing to be heated by sunlight and ocean currents before freezing over the ocean.

Under night, the grass in front of the wooden house was covered with frost and snow, and a bonfire surrounded by stones burned slowly, and the firelight danced on the snow like liquid metal. The old king sat in front of the fire, holding a golden cup. The hot black liquid in the cup was emitting thin white smoke. He slowly swallowed the almost burning liquid and exhaled air that was enough to be ignited. The young king approached the fire. The old king shook off his gray cloak and invited the young king to sit on the stone beside the fire. The old king took out the golden cup and poured a glass of wine to the young king.

"I received a letter of visit." The old king said, "Why are you so anxious?"

"In two hours, I need to take a shuttle to the space station. I can talk to you while I have time and board the plane here." The young king said with a relaxed expression that completely ignored the NATO air defense system. "About Omen of Neptune. You must have some ideas, after all, the winter of Finbul has arrived, and Ragnarok is just around the corner."

"It's just like what I had predicted. Fire, lightning, towers, death, no matter how much I resist, I still can't stop the prophecy. I used to think that I was better than humans, but the more I avoid the prophecy, the Twilight of the Gods will It's coming faster and faster." He said boredly. "Self-fulfilling prophecy, the same old story, isn't it? I'm always on guard against the gods in the shadows, who covet Asgard's flesh and blood. The more powerful Asgard becomes, the more powerful it becomes. , they became more powerful. I only made one mistake, and they attacked me."

"I have heard the prophecy of the birth of a new god since I was born. The ashes of countless dead civilizations extol the name of the new god." The young king stretched out his hand and approached the fire to warm his almost frozen body. He took off his black velvet cloak, drank the wine given by the owner of this place, and tried hard to keep his expression from becoming distorted. He was very sure that there was a certain proportion of aviation fuel in the dark liquid called wine. If he asked, the other party would proudly claim that it was the fuel on a certain starship. "The stars have moved to the right position, and the vicious dagger has penetrated the curtain and come to reality. That is a precursor to disaster."

The old king stared at him like a wounded wolf. "You don't have to tell me what I already know."

"The destruction of Asgard will cause countless pain, and the world of non-existence will enjoy this delicious meal and tear open the curtain to the present world." The young king replied calmly with his eyes. He stroked the gray-black hound at his feet that had feasted on venison. There was dull thunder across the clear snowy night sky, which sounded like aging lungs shaking and coughing with all their strength.

"The beings behind the curtain yearn for endless souls to fill their never-ending thirst, and they guide the arrival of Ragnarok. In the stories of Asgard and the wizards of the Vanir, the unborn Destroyer is called Ned Hogg, he is as old as all the Destroyers that have ever been born."

The old wolf understood from the eyes of the person in front of him that he had never let down his guard.

Asgard and Karma Taj share common interests, and any intelligent race in the galaxy that desires free will must be wary of extradimensional interference in the real world. The old king remembered Agamotto's original intention of establishing Kama Taj, and now that will has been passed down to the king in front of him. This will was quite dazzling, and the old king couldn't help but recall that when Agamotto made his original intention, he inherited a powerful royal family, planned to win over allies, launch wars, and fight for hegemony in the galaxy, completely forgetting that the truly dangerous enemy had already set his sights on the material universe.

Looking back now, Odin's premonitions and speculations are gradually becoming reality.

"Thor will not let things progress to this point, and Asgard will not be completely destroyed. He has not yet understood his essence. When he understands his essence, he will avenge Asgard. I have already Thor has paid the price, and this is a contract that cannot be broken." The old king looked stubborn. However, the guest on the other rock didn't care about him at all. The old king stared at him with a strange expression, "No one has ever dared to look at other things while I was talking. You are the first one."

"My empire is rising, and I still have a lot of work to do." The emperor quickly glanced at the mission briefing sent by Stephanie. He put away the data pad and said nonchalantly, "Now I know the purpose of the Asgardian royal family in creating Valhalla and Helm. I think Baur (Odin's father) must have also noticed this threat. Hai Ra probably thought that being able to easily control the undead and learn black magic was just her talent, right? If you really wanted her to become the king of Asgard, I'm afraid you wouldn't allow her to access the soul engine of the underworld of Helm."

The Emperor was very curious about the genetics of the Aesir, so he and Maya Hansen investigated Thor (blood samples collected by S.H.I.E.L.D.), Sif (blood samples collected by the Emperor), Hela (blood stains remaining on the armor), and The biological tissue of Lorelai (egg cells collected in the dungeon of the Immortal City), and with the help of the psychic experimental equipment that the Asgard agreed to export (part of which was sent to Mars for reverse engineering. "What are the Asgardians anti-reverse engineering?" No measures have been taken!" A Martian technical sage who had dismantled the foreign trade version of F-35 said in surprise) Genetic experiments were conducted on these samples - all experimental results proved that the most powerful witch Frigga in the Warner Protoss was not Without being completely good at black magic, the statistical theory of psychic gene inheritance can hardly explain Hela's talent - Maya Hansen prefers the influence of external psychic power on Hela, which is not reflected in Regarding the psychic genes possessed by the Aesir, the emperor's private experiment results also support this theory.

"Hela is very powerful, but every Aesir must sacrifice for the sake of the clan."

"This is not an accusation based on human nature but political means. Poor political means will only alienate potential allies. I am qualified to accuse, after all, this is a big trouble you left for me or Thor." The young emperor glared in disgust. he. He clenched his fists. If the royal family of the Asa Protoss hadn't agreed to export those scientific research equipment, weapons and equipment used for research, and a large number of psionic technology applications, he wouldn't have endured this nonsense here - however, he must strive for more benefits for the human race and ensure that The human race can have the ability to protect itself as soon as possible after Ragnarok - from Asgard's genetic engineering to psychic weapons, the emperor's ambition will require all the wealth of the world to fill it. "The planet sealing secrets, soul engines and other equipment in the Helm Underworld are directly connected to your life. Only Thor and I can deal with her after you die. I don't believe that Ms. Frigga has any nostalgia for this world."

"You can deal with Hela freely, but I think you will choose the most beneficial one. Hela is very powerful, and she can provide you with a lot of help, as long as you can do things that I can't do - such as subtle political means ——You don’t have to worry that Ragnarok will cause unimaginable storms in the outer dimension. The future you are worried about will not come immediately. I only need you to provide help to Thor." Odin puffed up his chest and declared as a king. After realizing the fact, "Valhalla and Helm's Underworld are not as perfect as I expected. After all, demiplanes cannot truly replace the outer dimensions. Even if Agamotto participates in these two projects, even so, it is enough for Asgar to The souls of Germans will not completely fall behind the curtain. The people of Askide will only be ruled by me even after death."

Ragnarok is not a single battle that destroyed Asgard, but a long series of suffering and death caused by a large number of wars known as the Fimbulwinter. All Asskid colonies will lose contact due to the destruction of Asgard. A large number of colonial governments in half of the galaxy will completely collapse due to the cessation of information and material exchanges. The colonized people will rebel against the rule again. In the process, the Death and pain are absorbed by the outer dimension, and the destroyers of countless civilizations will be born. Kama Taj's library records the real names of more than 10,000 extradimensional creatures. Many of these extradimensional creatures were born from Mystics have also dealt with many wars, murders, conspiracies, and all kinds of joys and sorrows born out of desire (a phenomenon that exists objectively and does not exist based on subjective will) among humans.

The soul engines of Valhalla and the underworld of Helm, as well as the beliefs that the Aesir have repeated for thousands of years and required all colonies to adhere to, have indeed reduced the number of Asgardian souls falling into the outer dimension, but those two soul engines have also Unable to absorb the souls of half the galaxy who died tragically due to the war, as well as the extreme pain exuded by those souls and the lives that are still alive. Although Odin seems confident, the god-king himself also knows that Asgard will no longer exist. Existence, Thor alone and the few Asgardians will never be able to restore Asgard's former glory. There are only the Asa clan and the nostalgic name Asgard in this world.

The Aesir have repeatedly emphasized that they are gods for thousands of years and have asked the Nine Realms and the colonies to offer their faith. Part of the reason is that Odin foresaw the existence behind the curtain and planned Ragnarok with the intention of devouring the souls of the Nine Realms, but there are more. Due to the consideration of the Asa Protoss' own strength. As long as the Asgardians still remember the Asirs, their power will revive. This is something the emperor will never allow. No one will remember the glory of the Asirs in the future. If Thor really wants to revive Asgard, then the Emperor will crush the embers of this revival. After all, this galaxy is too small to accommodate only one ruling race, and his strong ambition can be detected even by Odin. But the dying king could do nothing.

The Aesir (the royal family of Asgard) are different from Asgard. Just from their lifespans, we can tell that the Aesir and ordinary Asgardians are two different species. Odin, who is not an immortal, even has no earth. With the help of those immortal secrets and the like, they can easily survive for tens of thousands of years - the Agamotto school, that is, the Kama Taj school, has always regarded the Asgardians as a subspecies of human beings, influenced by a large number of extradimensional and genetic factors. Transformed mutants. The library also contains a large amount of anatomical and pathological data on Asgardians, as well as cases of large-scale genetic engineering of Asgardians by the Asgardians.

"As long as Thor does not block my way, I will not be an enemy of him." The emperor glanced at him, "You know what I want."

"Like your teacher, you never ask questions directly. All you want is to get assurance from me, that the soul engines of Valhalla and Helm underworld are still running normally, and that Ragnarok will not be in the soul. The world affects mankind -" The old king obviously realized something. He muttered words such as "greedy ghost" and "this is blackmail", and it took a long time to recover. It wasn't until the sound of birds flapping their wings sounded nearby that he grinned and said angrily, "——Lorelei, that banshee is stealing secrets for you. It's fair enough that no soldiers were sent to kill her."

"This is a deal and we have to try to be as fair as possible."

The young king shrugged. He loosened his grip on the weapon. There is no need for a war to break out here. Even if he is confident that he can defeat this old guy, the result of doing so will not be worth the loss. He has no time to deal with Ragnarok now. That operation requires the participation of all his troops, including genetic modification, in order to obtain the greatest benefits for mankind. He has planned this for many years. The biggest threat to his plan is right in front of him. The dying king.

"Compared to what I want, Gangnir's value is not that high."

"I told you, you are exactly like your teacher."

The old king turned his head and glanced at the snow illuminated by the fire not far away.

A raven that brought news was staring here with cold eyes and a serious attitude, and a beautiful Norwegian Snowy Owl was jumping around on the snow, shouting excitedly, and there was a pile of burned coal ash next to it. The owl seemed very happy at the appearance of its new black-feathered friend, who just looked at the noisy fellow with indifferent eyes.

In fact it appeared earlier than the emperor.

Odin noticed it very early. After all, this snow-white owl is so noisy that it can be heard as far as a kilometer away. It carried a roll of parchment from Oslo (Casilios). residence in Oslo) flew all the way here, dropped the parchment on the snow, and then the emperor walked out of the rising flames - the emperor came here through many twists and turns. The one-eyed old guy can guess the purpose of doing this with his toes. It must be to keep it secret and avoid revealing any direct traces that may predict relevant clues or space jump transmission. Odin scorned the Emperor's secrecy, calling it the reticence of wizards who completely forgot that he was a psyker as well. But when the emperor suggested that he could show his power here and drive away the endless snow, the old guy tried to fool him vaguely, and then confidently claimed that his retirement life should not be disturbed, not even by Heimdall.

The old king looked past the noisy snowy owls and towards the night where the firelight could not illuminate.

A vague figure wearing a dark yellow robe stood in the snow, like a deep ghost. The emperor followed Odin's gaze and nodded to the figure to express his gratitude. The Supreme Mage lost his body, but he did not completely integrate into the non-existent dimension, but gained immortality in another way. If the Supreme Mage is not here, it is hard to imagine that the Emperor who has just inherited the title can intimidate Odin - in fact, even the Supreme Mage is overly worried - Odin has no intention of taking action at all, and he plans to wait until the Emperor himself finds out secret.

"Frigga has prepared the funeral pyre. We will witness the ending in Asgard's funeral. I hope you can catch up with my funeral when you come back. Before the eternal game behind the curtain is temporarily suspended, humans and Asgard Gard still has time. This is not the end of Asgard or humanity, this is a war between chaos and order, destruction and rebirth."

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