Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1707 Chapter 1733 Irrational Decision-making

Chapter 1707 Chapter 1703 Irrational Decision-making

The emperor took off his armor and put on the blood-red holy cloth robe with Dinah's help.

He did not ride in an armored vehicle, but read a book in the caravan compartment by the dim light of a desk lamp. Even though He is no longer dazzling, mortals can still feel His presence and turn their heads to look in His direction. If He wanted, no one in this world could find Him, but He did it anyway. This is not to demonstrate the essence of strength in this era of the birth of civilization, but because it is a necessary behavior.

Mortals are not the only ones who can sense Him.

The armored vehicles of the Forbidden Army moved forward slowly in front of the convoy, and the only few hoverbikes were scattered several kilometers away around the caravan convoy. Constantine, the commander of the Praetorian Guard, did not participate in the inspection. He followed the emperor's caravan slowly forward as the last line of defense. Although no humans in this era can pose a threat to the Custodes, there are still dangers left in the world when the gods walked the earth - humans discovered that fire can drive away beasts and the embodiment of fear in the real plane, so they lit it fire. Waving torches to scare monsters in the night, just like what the Supreme Mage taught him and what he has been doing now - the emperor is more willing for the monsters who sense him to come here and come to this larger bonfire, or because of his Existence loses its courage, instead of seeking out those mortals who are unable to resist.

Constantine, the commander of the Praetorian Guards, was very dissatisfied.

It didn't do His security any good, but he accepted the Emperor's decision. He has no ability to blame or criticize the emperor. All he can do is accept that no matter how dangerous the decision is, he must follow his monarch into the battlefield, just as he accepted the dangerous decision of the emperor and regent regarding the Event Horizon.

This absurd decision cannot even be imagined by a patient with a physiological mental illness who refuses to take medication - he knows the emperor's plan for the human race. It was a thrilling gamble, and anyone with any sense could see the reasons why the plan had to be implemented, and the consequences if the plan failed - but there were not so many plans and plans for the Event Horizon, just one after another. Hasty decisions had to be made. There is no research, no plan, only vague prophecies that the emperor can see.

The emperor explained the reasons for his actions to the commander of the Praetorian Guard, but Constantine still found this explanation unconvincing. He believes that he must jump into the trap set behind the curtain of reality. This is the conclusion that he and Victor von Doom have repeatedly deduced.

He needs time.

This is something He cannot have in the twenty-first century. The Dark Order is just a precursor to the alien invasion that mankind will face. Ragnarok is the result of the real enemy showing its fangs, but both events will It consumes a lot of His time, and He needs time to perfect the plan. Victor von Doom needs to stay in his original time, maintain the Balkan Peninsula that relies on his extreme force to forcibly unify, and use a certain degree of gentleness to unite all the ruled people. A certain degree of gentleness means that blood and violence will not stop there. For some people who intend to obtain power, wealth and all other enjoyments that do not belong to them, Regent Victor von Doom is not a gentle person. people.

Captain Miller once asked the Emperor what he experienced after falling into the real-life wound of Neptune's exosphere.

He lied, and He went into hell with them. That nightmarish dimension will not let go of anything it swallows from the real plane, whether it is intelligent life or a planet.

Captain Miller would never know that after he fell into the veil with the Praetorian Guards, he joined the war that transcended the continuity of time and started before the birth of the universe and would not end after the heat death of the universe. He led the imperial guards to slaughter millions and tens of millions of monsters in dreams, destroying thousands of kingdoms composed of nightmares and terrors. The piles of corpses composed of deformed limbs and weird organs were taller than the tallest on earth. The mountains were still high, and blood-like flames surged from the mountains with piles of debris. He and the Imperial Guards emptied all their ammunition, grinding on the bones of monsters that had not yet been born and monsters that had been born but had long since died. Dull blade.

They promise, they deceive, they threaten, they induce.

They longed for a king to come and rule from behind the curtain.

The answer the emperor gave them was only killing, killing that would never come back to life.

He took away the most important things. That is what He realized many years ago in the dream state when he communicated with the consciousness of the entire human race and the entire earth. After that, they escaped from the eternal battlefield behind the curtain and came to the void hundreds of thousands of years ago. After sailing for a long time, they arrived on earth and joined the war against the coming of the gods. However, the pursuit from the dream also came to reality through the thin curtain.

Now the emperor has no intention of making any more unnecessary time jumps.

He plans to collect enough resources in this era and reserve enough knowledge and weapons to meet the challenges thousands of years from now. Ragnarok is not just a war between the Asgardians, it is a counterattack from behind the curtain that interferes with reality. If the war initiated by him fails, then all his plans will be invalidated, and humans will never be able to step out of the solar system again. This means that he can only watch the slow and painful decline of human civilization in his eternal life. He will spend every second in despair. Even if he ends his own life, he will not be able to end this cycle of despair, just like Odin. Desperate defiance after questioning fate. This is a gamble of survival. Their goals are the same but their methods are in conflict. Neither He, Odin nor Agamotto has any room to compromise. This means that they may be enemies or friends, and no king will back down on the road ahead.

Their destination was the territory of the nomadic tribe.

That nomadic tribe was doomed. The environment and resources of the Mesopotamian Plain no longer allowed them to continue their nomadic life. They had not yet learned how to farm, and the knowledge and writing they accumulated were lost with each migration. While another farming tribe was trying to make cuneiform roller seals, the nomadic tribes had only a handful of clay mud bricks to use for writing. Perhaps the last person of this nomadic tribe will die in the counterattack of the plundering operation, or die of hunger and weakness. The women and children in the tribe will be absorbed and assimilated by the farming tribe.

He has no intention of interfering with the course of this age.

But the next plan requires a large amount of labor. In the current lack of sufficient automated machinery, he must have a sufficient labor force. He plans to transform this nomadic tribe into a usable resource, making every breath of the nomadic tribe available to Him. He plans to establish a stronghold to house the few resources he has left before the time jump. He needs a suitable environment and a lot of time to conduct follow-up research, verify every part of the plan and improve it. This is work that He did not have time to carry out before the time jump - no one can plan the work plan and contingency plan for the next thousand years in a few short years, even He cannot do it - the name of that stronghold is not It won't be called the Garden of Eden, that's just His sense of humor that has nowhere to go. He doesn't intend to give that stronghold a formal name, that means nothing.

The war will never stop, and neither will He.


"The intruders broke through the second corridor, we are evacuating!"

"Emergency maintenance of orbital defense firepower. I want to see 20% of the orbital artillery online!"

"It can't be done, Patriarch, our capacitor has been damaged. Now there is a gang in that area."

Tarien Cassius stood in the center of the bridge and kept giving orders. The holographic projection displays the images of all ships attacking the space station in front of all alliance members. Even if they are not professional engineering experts, they can still judge the general role of these ships, especially those ships that look very bloated and lack aesthetics. They are still releasing missiles to attack the increasingly dilapidated orbital defense platform of the space station.

The news coming back to the bridge from the front was getting worse and worse, and the Alliance members gathered around Talian Cassius were still unwilling to leave.

"How do they open the airtight door! They don't have the password!" Councilor Bonarion yelled, panicking.

Tarien Cassius knew that after he threatened to drink the final drink to everyone, all the alliance investors remained quiet to a certain extent although their expressions were frightened. They finally realized that they had nowhere to escape. They could only rely on the Cassius family. Even the contract promising additional investment was signed at this time, but no one would regret it. If Cassius fails, then the contract for additional investment will lose its meaning. Only if they are alive can the Cassius family reap this gift.

Talion Cassius didn't even bother to give this money-hungry, stupid creature the corner of his eye.

The relationship between the Xandar Empire and the Kree Empire is not harmonious, and even official trade is extremely sparse. A councilor with the government status of the Xandar Empire is willing to monopolize the civilian trade of two interstellar empires under extremely strict prohibitions. Either he is stupid enough or greedy enough. No matter what quality he is, the real manipulator can break through the trade prohibition list. Play around with the puppet.

Councilor Bonarion had a crazy expression on his face, and the fat wrapped in the tight, luxurious silk robe was constantly trembling, as if the Xandar snail it had eaten into his stomach was still alive. "This must be a scam. Our contacts on Earth did not disclose any information, and our escort team also lost contact. Planet C-53 cannot be so powerful, this must be a scam! No, no, maybe it's from the Dark Order. Servant army! Yes, that’s it!”

"T'ee." Talion Cassius made a disdainful sound. His tone towards Senator Ponarion was as calm as informing a pale corpse of the fact that he was dead, "Congressman Ponarion, please be quiet. At this time, I once again ask your escort to join the battle."

"No! The Xandar Guards must stay here to protect me." Councilor Bonarian looked around, his fat cheeks twitching violently. He saw the support in the eyes of other alliance members around him, and then he mustered up the courage to reiterate his decision to Tarien Cassius. "The escort must stay on the bridge! We have made additional investments and now we should let our own escort protect us!"

"We have signed a contract."

"Yes, we have made additional investment. But it does not include the escort team. The escort team is still a personal asset."

Senator Bonarion showed his businessman's cunning at the right time. He had sensed Talian Cassius's contempt, and now he was able to maximize the value of his chips and retaliate against that contemptuous look, which gave him great satisfaction because he thought he had seen through Tallian Cassius. Us's trick. This kind of stupidity and short-sightedness almost made Tarien Cassius unable to control his emotions. He didn't know why his investors would make such irrational decisions at this time. Even if they saw through his plan, they would not be able to control their emotions. Do not succumb to huge external pressure.

The number of the escort is not large compared to the defense force, but if the invaders' vanguard captures the bridge, the escort will be an extremely important backup force. Tarien Cassius very much hopes that this force can accept his command - only in this way can he gain more benefits for the family after ending this invasion. He knew that only he had the ability to lead all decisions of the alliance, rather than letting investors dictate. He had a good personal relationship with the guards commanders and could be sure that those people would not take the initiative to betray their masters.

"You don't mind if those humans kill everyone here?"

"I am already an old man, Talion, and we trust the ability of the defense force." Another investor said slowly, "If the defense force fails, then the escort will not be able to play its role. Then we will still Please give us the duel wine, it will be our glory."

"I will." Tarian gritted his teeth and glared at the investor, "I hope the guard will be able to play its role by then."

"We only encountered Kree soldiers," Tita said.

"Isn't that a good thing? It means we only have one kind of enemy to face."

Aura carried a large-caliber bolt machine gun and was responsible for blocking the passage ahead.

The Sisters had already encountered counterattacks from four teams of Kree defense forces at this place. The heavy fire team commanded by Ola forcibly opened a room next to the passage, killed the Kree people inside and used it as a firepower point, easily repelling it. Defending troops trying to get to the hangar. At this point, the space station can no longer send carrier-based aircraft to attack the Emperor's fleet. Mars' missile cruisers and retribution aircraft carriers can destroy the space station's defense platforms one after another, destroying all Kree technology anti-ship artillery. The sisterhood's gang-hopping team is waiting for the Space Marines and Engineers to come to this passage with sufficient ammunition to install more melta bombs and arrange a team to control the key passage that has been captured by them to avoid alien aliens. The space station defense force retakes this place and cuts off follow-up troop reinforcements.

She always felt something was wrong, until she moved her heels slightly and crushed the wet and sticky Kree bones under the steel boots, she felt better. These are all blue-skinned alien aliens who died under explosive bombs. Their armor is some kind of individual light armor. The result of being hit by explosive bombs is to explode into dark blue fragments mixed with bone residue and minced meat. Meat - this is a precious raw material for some so-called resurrection drugs from SHIELD. In the eyes of the Sisters, this is just disgusting alien flesh. There are many Kree corpses in the Immortal City beneath Rome, and there are even living ones, and the Sisterhood is very familiar with the anatomy of this creature.

The most important thing is to know that this creature will die after looking at its head.

"This space station belongs to the Alien Alliance, not just the Kree. You should read more of the pre-war research reports."

"I don't care, the aliens will die anyway." Aura shook her head, and the other androids in the same team chuckled. She always showed off the metal tiara mounted on her helmet, a gift from the Emperor, a mysterious device that enhanced her talents and abilities. "When will the ammunition be delivered? I feel like the ammunition box is already empty."

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