Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1708 Chapter 1744 Rules of Space Combat

Chapter 1708 Chapter 1704 Rules of Space Combat

Space jumping is the bloodiest battle, and it is also the most efficient combat plan against high-value targets.

The basic combat regulations followed by all the troops under the emperor who participated in gang jumping were the National Defense Staff organized by the regent Victor von Doom, using the Asgardians' hard-earned gang-hopping combat experience and several major forces on the planet. Based on the street fighting textbooks and cases of powerful military powers, as well as the experience summed up when capturing the Attilan Fortress in the Blue Zone of the Moon, it was systematically summarized after extremely complex exercise simulations and lengthy discussions.

Street fighting on Earth has always been known for its high casualty rate, and this is especially true for gang-hopping fights in space.

If you exclude the vacuum and weightless environment, as well as the basically impossible heavy and light armor support, conventional space gang warfare is basically the same as urban combat on the earth (referring to the fact that there are no genetically modified soldiers involved. In the army manual, genetically modified Warriors are lightly armored units). It's just that air fire support or artillery support in ordinary urban operations, including indirect fire support such as squad mortar fire support common on the earth, are all replaced by space battleships and space fighter planes.

The Retribution maintained a steady speed, cruising in the dark and quiet void like a huge whale, circling the Kree space station in a lighthouse maneuver, always keeping its side artillery aimed at the enemy. This sky carrier that was originally supposed to be used for the Insight Project has been modified several times, and even the keel has been replaced with stronger materials. From then on, it can no longer adapt to the atmospheric environment, and can only cruise in sub-orbital space.

No one would be foolish enough to ignore the Retribution's powerful firepower and troop projection capabilities.

She does not assume the main fire delivery role in this battle, but this does not mean that she cannot provide indirect fire support for the gang members. It's just that this powerful and effective fire support has now become very dangerous. Before the combat goal is achieved, the space jump force cannot control the bridge. If the space battleship is rashly required to damage the space station and enemy warships, it may cause a certain jump force to suddenly lose pressure or lose weight, and the sealing of the combat armor will be damaged. of the wounded will suffer secondary injuries. This results in fire support operations in gang-hopping operations requiring extremely high informatization levels for the entire army, otherwise interstellar missiles or plasma composite armor-piercing warheads are likely to hit the heads of the attacking troops.

The Sisterhood and this Space Marine force can request fire support from battleships.

The tactical command center on the bridge of the Retribution accurately plotted the model of the Kree space station, as well as the internal structure of the space station scanned by the early gang jumping troops. The combat command room had already calculated the shooting elements in advance. All complex coordination and dispatching work is completed by the staff department and computers. The army in the center of the battlefield only needs to take out the data board and issue instructions, which is no more difficult than selecting goods when shopping online. This system has been tested during the Balkan Peninsula Unification War and can greatly reduce the probability of fire support accidentally injuring friendly forces. Even so, the Sisterhood and the Space Marines still have to bear great risks, and every combat team may face the situation of having a gun pointed at their head when they open the cabin.

The melta bomb exploded within a thousandth of a second, and tiny flames and molten metal debris flew around in the cabin and passage like splashing water. Aura turned around and stuck to the side of the passage, pulled the trigger of the passage on the side of the gun muzzle to suppress the Kree defense forces, and covered the assault team entering the blasted cabin. Tita held her shield sideways and rushed in first, passing through the smoke-shrouded firing range of the Kree defense forces. The electronic eye of the helmet that turned on the heat detection quickly scanned the cabin.

The aiming icon penetrates the smoke, the advanced friend-or-foe identification system and sophisticated algorithm, combined with the sensing radar that automatically lowers the detection spectrum, the pulse sound wave inside the audio receiving array, the micro phased array inside the electronic eye, and the photoelectric detection system that accommodates all visible light, etc. The data provided by a series of complex battlefield identification systems delineated the terrain data while excluding the hot metal debris that was as red as stars on the ground, and plotted three human body outlines wrapped in heat, visible light spectrum and sound waves.

Tita swung her sword at the nearest silhouette. She heard the sound of cutting metal and flesh, and the decomposing force field burned flesh and blood, emitting an unpleasant burning smell. The blood splattered like soft silk on the power armor and helmet. Sometimes she could even feel the heat of the blood. Even though she knew this was impossible, retaining this imagination allowed her to remain in a happy mood after being attacked by laser weapons three times. The Commander's Honor Guard who crashed in through the exploded hatch was only less than 0.5 seconds behind Tita. Before entering the cabin, the combat system mounted on the power armor helmet shared with them the outline of the enemy that Tita saw.

They fired at the outlines of two Kree human bodies slightly further away. The heated blood and internal organs, mapped by the thermal imaging electronic eyes, filled half the room like a huge blooming bouquet. Breakthrough, entry, cleanup, this combat cycle has been carried out forty-six times. Aura kept up the shooting rhythm, muttering about the ammunition management regulations that Tita had established not long ago that only applied to her. The fire support team's short bursts of fire fully suppressed the Kree defense forces on the other side of the passage. It wasn't until a thermobaric bomb flew into the cabin where the Kree defense troops were hiding that the suppression of fire slowly stopped, leaving the battlefield to precision marksmen armed with semi-automatic bolt sniper rifles.

Aura notified the logistics troops on the communication channel for supplies.

This is already the third time of replenishment. Each replenishment means that the originally formulated combat plan timetable has been delayed. Now they have not been able to capture the energy core according to the planned plan and cannot completely paralyze the energy supply of the space station, which may cause the enemy to In desperation, he ordered the space station to hit the asteroid belt. This is an absolutely unacceptable result. Almost every android is roaring deep in his heart, trying to rush directly into the Kree defense forces and let the alien alien's stinking blood and dirty internal organs cover the entire space station. Like the gang-hopping battle at the beginning, almost every android's chain sword has drunk the blood of the Kree.

But it's very difficult.

The Kree defense forces changed their combat style and no longer achieved combat goals through reckless fire suppression and surprise attacks because they found that their laser weapons could not effectively burn through human armor, and their powerful physical strength and reaction speed could not defeat those A girl wearing gorgeous black armor. After experiencing the initial panic, they immediately organized a defense, and even deliberately removed the defensive firepower points of certain cabins, forcing the human army to clear all cabins through harassing guerrilla operations - similar to urban combat on Earth, the attacker must Exclude all houses that may hide defenders' soldiers. Since too much indirect firepower cannot be used in space gang battles, this cleaning process will be more cumbersome. The staff in the tactical command room of the Punishment speculated that the Kree command The officer has realized that the purpose of the human jumping gang is not to sink but to capture the space station, and through experience, they have concluded that the jumping gang cannot carry too much ammunition.

The commander commanding the Kree defense forces proved to be extremely tactically savvy.

In gang-hopping operations, most human armies can only rely on direct firepower and blasting tools. In the combat cycle of breakthrough, entry, and cleanup, they consume a large amount of ammunition and suffer a lot of combat attrition. After seizing the hangar and server room, it is impossible to use electronic warfare to paralyze the carrier-based aircraft that has not yet taken off or steal the bridge information. It can only consume more ammunition and explosives to achieve tactical goals. Coupled with the relatively narrow cabins and passages, the gang-hopping operation entered a high-intensity battle from the beginning, and it was almost impossible to go more than five minutes without encountering a firefight. This process consumed more ammunition.

The Kree commanders seem to intend to rely on strategic depth, poor terrain information, and guerrilla attacks to weaken the offensive capabilities of the human army. They will not launch a counterattack until the human forces join forces to stretch the front line, lack logistical maintenance and ammunition supplies, and are unable to maintain more cabins. In order to cooperate with this tactic, there will also be Kree headhunters wearing sealed space suits and armed with two short knives and laser pistols ambushing in the cabin, posing a great threat to these mortal gang-hopping troops.

Information obtained from a quick autopsy on site showed that these Kree headhunters seemed to be creatures that had undergone some kind of targeted genetic enhancement. They had muscle mass and bone strength that far exceeded that of regular Kree people. In actual combat, they often used poor terrain information and extremely fast speed. Reaction speed to launch an attack. There are living samples of this kind of genetically modified Kree in the Eternal City underground in Rome. They were found in the stasis capsule inside the abandoned Kree spacecraft captured by the space station defense forces in Earth orbit. Maya Hansen, research director of the genetic laboratory, believes that the Kree headhunters may be the security team of the Kree Empire's militarized genetic modification project of the human race (also known as the Inhumans).

The Kree Headhunters used to fight against the Inhumans have extremely powerful individual combat capabilities and have also caused considerable losses to space jump gangs. It's obvious that this is a valuable military asset, otherwise there wouldn't be a Kree Headhunter stasis ship in Earth's orbit. But the Kree commanders miscalculated the space fleet's force projection capabilities, logistical supply capabilities, and combat capabilities of the human army. The Space Marines composed of mortals have no chance of winning against the Kree Headhunters. They can win through close cooperation, strict battlefield discipline and continuous support from reserve forces.

When the Sisters captured the fifth combat objective, follow-up gang jumping troops were still arriving in a steady stream, entering the Kree space station through the captured passage. The combat command room on the Punishment believes that such combat attrition is completely acceptable when the hangar, energy center, gas circulation room and orbital defense control center are captured.

Today, the Sisterhood is still several hundred meters away from the sixth combat goal (the energy center), and one of the most important combat goals has not yet been truly completed. This is a very short distance on earth, but in space gang-hopping operations, this means that there are countless cabins and firepower points within a few hundred meters, and the street fighting cycle will be extended for a long time. The sisterhood reaches the sixth place in combat. There is still a big gap between the goals.

Tita wiped the breastplate with her fingers wrapped in steel-ceramic alloy, and the golden fleur-de-lis decoration was revealed again under the sticky black-blue blood. She shook her fingers impatiently, trying to shake off the Kree blood. After repeatedly confirming that centripetal force had no effect on the gelatinous Kree blood, she wiped her fingers with the shirt behind her and contacted the Punishment through the communication channel. "Order other teams to speed up the attack simultaneously. Which Space Marine is the closest to us?"

"Delta Team and Gamma Team. Delta Team lost 2 people in combat, and the combat goal is to capture the server of the orbital defense platform. Gamma Team lost 1 person in combat, and the combat goal is to capture the hangar of the orbital defense platform. Two teams All have completed their primary combat missions and went to carry out their secondary tactical objectives."

"Punishment, bomb target location D-6-30." Tita took the data pad from the escort and clicked on a certain light spot on the space station model on the screen. The target location is located in the passage behind the airtight door in front of the Sisters. There may be many Kree defense troops hidden in the cabin there. Tita guessed that those Kree want to continue the previous tactics and force the Sisters to consume ammunition and weapons through guerrilla warfare. Explosives - Although in the pre-war meeting, the Martian technical officer repeatedly reiterated that the consequences of bombing would be cumbersome maintenance processes and a lot of costs, Tita did not take it to heart. She knew that the emperor had to pay a lot of money for this, but what did it matter? Isn't the most important thing to offer the alien head as a sacrifice to the emperor?

"I don't have the patience to play this kind of little game with these Kree aliens. I would rather cut off the Kree's head than know the information in that head. Inform Delta Team and Gamma Team to pay attention to the loss of pressure and weight. After completing the second tactical objective, go to the fourth floor to support the Sisters.”

The Retribution adjusted its attitude deftly, and the ship's onboard computer was calculating the relative position of the ship and the bombing target. She is like a planet orbiting the space station at a constant speed, waiting for the time for the artillery to coincide with the bombing target point. This calculation is not difficult, it is as simple as calculating a total solar eclipse on the earth. The tactical holographic projector gave the answer almost as soon as Tita gave the order.

As a passenger on the Retribution, First Officer Stark watched this extremely quiet war through the porthole. Neither the missiles exploding on the space station's defense platform nor the carrier-based aircraft soaring in the void made any sound. She only You can hear the small noise of the ship's computer running and the low and tense conversations between officers of all ranks. It was all beyond her imagination, and although she was nominally one of the first humans to reach the edge of the solar system, she had never witnessed a space war.

"Your bombing request will be responded to in 12 minutes and 6 seconds."

"Fuck...where's the carrier-based aircraft?"

Aura pointed to the side of her helmet at this time, indicating that she could also hear Tita speaking.

The sorority's code of conduct requires that every member of the sorority must maintain good manners, otherwise they will be required to copy the code. This request would be ignored during combat, and Tita was certain that Aura was doing this in retaliation for the temporary ammunition management regulations she had enacted. She decided to ignore this childish revenge, feeling that Aura was just as naughty as the sacrificed Catherine.

"The battle report said that we have destroyed the servers of the hangar and orbital defense platform! Don't tell me that the information in the battle report is wrong!"

"The battle report is correct. We did paralyze the firepower of the orbital defense platform, but the artillery of the orbital defense platform can still lock on our carrier-based aircraft. The staff believes that the bridge may have a backup system. We are launching electronic jamming satellites and anti-radiation missiles To solve this problem. The relevant information has been compiled by Mars technical officers, and they are studying how to crack this alien technology."

Tita did not expect those Martian technologists to provide effective electronic warfare means now.

Alien technology has always been something to be wary of, and even Mars technical officers cannot research it as they wish. She knew that if she asked the Martian technical officers to come up with answers, then they would ask the emperor to unblock certain forbidden psychic technologies - the source of many forbidden psychic technologies came from the emperor's attack on the Sun Island when he was building the Eternal City. The capture of the Order of the Magi also included the vicious technology of stuffing certain psychic beings into artificial machines, powered by souls and flesh. The entire Witch Order's victims were installed in sarcophagi to power the Sage Order's building, and for five hundred years they kept extracting the pain of their souls as power - as the commander of this battle. Officer, she did not want to give those Martian technical officers an excuse to go against the emperor's will and access those forbidden technologies.

"Additional bombing order. Bomb target location D-6-32. I want a deep damage that leads directly to the energy center."

"You should know that this may cause the energy center to explode." The staff officer's tone showed obvious disapproval. "This requires a large amount of damage data of plasma warheads to space station materials as support. Our current data samples are not sufficient."

"I want laser bombing, the kind that is precise enough. Execute my orders. I'm tired of this game." Tita squeezed out an irritated tone from her throat, "No matter what the alien commander wants to do, I'm not interested. Got it. Bomb it, I can't wait to rip that alien's head off."

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