Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1709 Chapter 1750 The Demise of Civilization

Chapter 1709 Chapter 1705 The Demise of Civilization

The wheels of this era were thin tree stumps chopped with stone axes. In order to maintain a similar diameter, a lot of processing was required, which required a lot of processed tools and labor. You will be surprised when you see the wheels. This means that the "angels" are not only mysterious (because of the power armor and weapons), powerful (because of height and width), intelligent (religious stereotype), but also wealthy enough to splurge on stone axes to work on wheels. The Ubaids wanted to know how this was done, and no amount of religious worship could offset their desire for a better life, so they begged the high priest.

The high priest graciously expressed his approval in words and gestures unknown to them.

The elders of the Obeid farming tribe (actually only in their thirties) believe that this is some kind of ritual symbol, which is as sacred as the words they stamped on the clay tablets with reed sticks or the patterns drawn by their ancestors in the caves. strength. Before there were books in the true sense of the word in the Mesopotamia, these old men were the most knowledgeable people in every farming tribe - they knew when to sow and when to harvest, how to select seeds, dig irrigation canals and drainage canals, and how to Tame animals, build houses and even make wine. Urged on by these, which can be called the most precious treasure of the tribe, all the Ubeid young people enthusiastically invited the high priest to stay overnight.

When Captain Miller woke up the next day, he realized he had made a huge mistake.

Not because of the sawdust stuck in his head, nor because he was willing to teach these early civilization humans to make crafts that were beyond this era, but because he realized that he underestimated these early civilization humans too much. Although they do not have the rich knowledge that future humans will have in the era of information explosion, they are extremely proficient in certain social engineering methods. Captain Miller was surprised to find that last night he could not think of the possible consequences of teaching the Obeid people a technology that was more advanced than this era. This must be related to the barley beer that the Obeid women kept putting in front of him. Porridge has something to do with it. This was the first time in his nearly fifty years of life that he had received a bribe, and he was completely unaware of it. Faced with this situation, he could only walk up to the Forbidden Army dumbfounded and ask if this influence It will cause a butterfly effect.

Hammurabi, who had been monitoring Captain Miller all night, lowered his head and looked at the mortal indifferently.

Hammurabi already knew everything, and the Imperial Army was still thinking about whether Captain Miller would do something extraordinary. After all, he didn't have much respect for the emperor. Such a person would not take the rules seriously. . The Imperial Guard has the highest priority in general, and Hammurabi can decide the development of events while ensuring that the emperor's purpose is not affected - Captain Miller's talent and courage are indeed worthy of admiration, but training a qualified battleship All the commander of the space battle needs is time and resources, and Captain Miller is not that irreplaceable - that is to say, if Hammurabi thinks that Captain Miller has seriously interfered with the plan, then he can clean it up on the spot. A disobedient mortal, even the emperor will approve of his actions.

"You have not heeded my Lord's warning."

Hammurabi's tone was cold. After many days of getting along with each other, Captain Miller has learned that these three-meter-tall super soldiers do not possess many intense emotions that humans should possess. "No, it will not have an impact. Since archeology has not unearthed craftsmanship beyond what this era should have in Ubeid's era, it proves that the knowledge you are about to teach will not spread."

Captain Miller recognized the implications of the Custodes' words.

"You mean, they will... die?" He suddenly felt a little hard to accept.

This is a group of enthusiastic and honest people. Although their bribery methods are very clumsy, they are a group of people who live seriously. Even after spending just one night together, Captain Miller found that he had sincerely fallen in love with these humans. At least there would be no inexplicable racial unspoken rules here, and they would not hold different views because of their skin color. This became less and less common as he rose in social status, but he could still see the disdain behind the friendly masks of Pentagon and White House officials, as if he were some useful political tool rather than a human being.

"Is there anything we can do?" he couldn't help but ask.

"What continues human civilization is not blood, but civilization. The demise of civilization means the demise of the race."

This time, Hammurabi was more serious. This is his professional topic. As a huge topic to study the continuation of human civilization, it is just a preliminary study. He has written no less than fifty professional papers on this topic.

"Ottoman Turkey learned art and politics from the Persians and religion and science from the Arabs. The Palace of Wisdom has been destroyed, but knowledge and culture are still passed down. I will use an example that you can understand intuitively, and you accept in this regard There is a lack of education.”

Although he already knew that Hammurabi did not have any sarcastic thoughts, Captain Miller still couldn't help rolling his eyes. However, he did not wait for the expected cold, straightforward answer or some obscure words. Special noun. Hammurabi used a very close to life example.

"Blues music is a combination of traditional music brought to the American continent by African slaves and traditional music of white Americans; jazz is a combination of traditional African music and ragtime from central Missouri in the United States; rhythm and blues is jazz, white Protestant evangelical music A combination of music and blues. Rock music draws on blues, rhythm and blues, white country music, as well as jazz and European classical music.”

"Is this comfort? Why do you suddenly become human?"

"This is a fact about the continuation of civilization to short-sighted mortals." Hammurabi said calmly, "Except for island civilization, every civilization will integrate with other civilizations to a certain extent. Civilization will not end, human civilization is A collection of civilizations from all races, the music loved by young people on the streets of London in the 1980s also has genes from distant Africa. Captain Miller, ancient civilizations will always be passed down through songs and stories. I suggest you pick up Yesterday. Just hand over your data pad and start learning, everything you need is there.”

"Including making wheels?"

"Yes, including making wheels. You'd better seize the time to learn all the knowledge you need. You don't have enough time to complete all your plans now."

"I don't know what your master has planned." Captain Miller raised his head and waved the data pad on his hand, "Do you know?"

The Custodes didn't answer.

The soft morning sun, accompanied by the water vapor evaporating from the moist soil, slapped on the golden armor, and the crimson armor swayed in the warm breeze of 6,000 BC. Captain Miller turned around and squinted at the shimmering water on the distant horizon. Even from here he could hear the roaring waters of the Euphrates. Suddenly, he didn't want to say anything. It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he was actually standing on a land that had never been imagined by humans in the 21st century who claimed to be civilized. Eight thousand years later, The Euphrates River was not as turbulent as it is now, and everything he could see and everything he had yet to see that would happen in the future would be turned into a barren desert under the ravages of time.

The fire of civilization is burning dully on this land, and will soon burst out with the most blazing flames. After the flames are extinguished, only the ashes of civilization remain here. People in the future can only understand these people through the incomplete houses and temples, broken pottery and mottled murals. This was the first time he felt the terror of time. He could no longer imagine the emperor's promise to take him back to the twenty-first century. Even the words engraved on the stone slab would be worn away by wind, rain and gravel, and nothing could survive these eight thousand years.

"How long can I live? Don't lie to me, Custodes, your lying skills are too poor."

Even with his back to the Imperial Guard, Captain Miller still felt that Hammurabi's gaze had seen through him.

"You can see space again." The marble-carved face of the Imperial Guard Hammurabi was full of seriousness, "The reason why the monarch gave up on Dr. Will and chose to save you is not just because Dr. Will was contaminated. The monarch admires your Courage, human beings need your courage to leave the solar system. This universe is very dangerous, and many unspeakable horrors will make many people fear the stars. If humans lose their courage, the war launched by the monarch against the enemies of mankind will lose all meaning. "

"Is there really an alien invasion? I thought it was a conspiracy theory." Captain Miller raised his eyebrows in surprise, "The wormhole that the Chitauri passed through was opened on the earth. Almost all scholars believe that The Chitauri have no ability to invade again."

"When the monarch saved you, an interstellar war was going on. It was the first counterattack launched by the human race against alien aliens." Hammurabi said, "Alien invasions are not uncommon, Captain Miller, in the universe The Chitauri are not the only alien threats to humanity. The Monarch will extend your life, so stop trying to extinguish the fire of your own life. You can see for yourself what the Monarch says."

"Then what?"

"Then, I hope that we can become people with strong hearts and kind hearts." The emperor said, "I hope that there will be no more races that threaten humanity in this world, and that everyone can live in a peaceful, non-oppressive environment. But There is malice around us, and war ensues, but we must move forward, and we must pay the price to fight for this future." That voice surprised Captain Miller. He seemed to feel a star landing behind him, and even the literally solid air became hot. He felt himself begin to tremble, much like he had felt when he'd fallen into Neptune's atmosphere, dispelling the seemingly endless wave of malevolence that had become a reality.


The Emperor lowered his head and looked into Captain Miller's eyes. "I see our future, and someone has to make sacrifices for it. I admit my weakness, and I can't ignore everyone who sacrifices for this future. I will savor every second of their lives and love them. Love to everyone. It is up to you to decide whether to follow me on this thorny path, beyond which a long human life is but a tool to achieve my goal.”

Captain Miller saw a lot, he saw more than words could express in such an inefficient way.

But he couldn't tell. He couldn't express what he saw in language and words, because it was not a crisis that could be explained in a way that humans could understand. It was human beings, no, it was all people living in the material plane in the universe. Intelligent creatures on the other side, even the self-proclaimed "higher" and "advanced" civilizations in the galaxy, cannot fully express the threat of evil species from another dimension to another individual in any way in the material plane. That is not something that a rational creature can understand.

He began to feel fear, but not because of the horrific threat.

It was not a nightmare for him. All the previous conversations with the emperor had become the foreshadowing of this exchange, but his brain could not fully understand the crisis-his ignorance saved his sanity-he only knew that in that time he had There is no concept of time in the terrible plane we have fallen into. When that dimension engulfs reality, the entire earth and the entire human race will fall into non-linear time, the causal relationship between intelligent creatures' cognitive reality will no longer hold, and all human civilization will be destroyed.

The disaster cannot be prevented, and the destruction of humanity will be an immediate and destined outcome. There will be no survivors, no more Euphrates rivers watching the rise and fall of human civilization, not even the ashes of civilization left in this universe. He was afraid, but it was because of the Emperor. Visionary, pioneer, prophet. The emperor has seen too much, endured too much, and his knowledge is too advanced - in the original twenty-first century, disaster has already begun. He knew that there were more and more people with "superpowers" around the world. The so-called "superpowers" were actually the influence from another dimension on the real plane - but the emperor could not tell everyone the crisis they were about to face. Even knowing this concept carries the risk of being corrupted. Saying their names in reality will attract attention and lead to disaster. While others were still complacent about the inexplicable surreal phenomena and could not even see the reality clearly, the emperor had already seen the crisis hidden behind the phenomenon.

In the face of an unbearable crisis for the human race, survival is the only option.

If it is to survive, then the dictatorship of the philosopher king seems to be the most efficient way. All consultations and arguments are meaningless. There seems to be no need to consider the ideas of the people. The political game of mutual compromise is not necessary for the emperor's goals. All that is needed is decisive rational decision-making. Supreme power, long life, and endless wealth, these two things that other people longed for were just means to the emperor's goal. He didn't care at all about those things that mortals should care about.

Captain Miller screamed inwardly, unaware that he was shaking and uncontrollable tears were falling. He realized that human beings simply do not have such a strong heart to bear the painful reality. None of this should happen, and no one should bear it. He could not oppose the emperor's decision, and no one was qualified to ask human civilization to go to destruction calmly. Fortunately, he was still a long way from that disaster. That is a time that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

"We are in the countdown to destruction, Captain Miller." He said, "Eight thousand years, every second must be used. Many plans need to be verified and cannot be used directly to deal with the disaster in the future."

"Emperor?" The mortal captain turned around with difficulty and looked directly at the perfect human figure wrapped in golden armor. "Who are you...?"

There was no reply, and Hammurabi remained silent.

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